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breadth 120 ; but although it spreads opinion ; but (for me) I prefer over so large a space, it is not navi: “evening's best light" to the wild gable in any part except for canoes freshness of morning: and small craft. So too the interior of North America is filled with

A mild, calm, moonlight evening. fresh-water lakes; and there are in- The telopeia speciocissima, xanternal seas, lakes, and marshes in thorrhæa hastile, and many other Asia, as well as in Africa and Ame- Port Jackson plants, end exactly at rica.

Mount York, the last of the Blue Tuesday, Oct. 22.-Fine weather Mountain range; and there is a visiagain-clouds passing away. Pro- ble change in the botany and geology ceeded at 9 o'clock, a. m. and ar- from cisalpine to transalpine, rived at 6 p. m. at Cox's river (23 Good water, but little grass at this miles), a delightful botanical and encampment. But there is no grass picturesque encampment. Found on the whole road over the mounthe stream pretty full and rapid from tains. the late rains, as was also the Fish Thursday, Oct. 24. - Last night, river, which we passed over this day. the wind rose high, and roared aThere is a corporal's party of the mong the trees, till I thought some 48th regiment stationed here, as well of them would fall upon the tent. as at Spring Wood.

Morning cloudy and windy: afterWednesday, Oct. 23.-Clear night, noon calm and close. Set out in good with heavy dew, hoar-frosted in the time, and arrived at Spring Wood beautiful morning. Found a fifth considerably before sun-set (244 creeping grevillea here. Rode to a miles). Made two diversions from waterfall a mile up the river ; but the road; one to Pulpit Hill (by there is no height for the water to which the old road passed), a hill fall from, and the fresh was not so crowned by a rock more like an elbowgreat as the hollowed rocks seemed chair than a rostrum; and the other to indicate it sometimes is. It along the stream through the swamp was late before I proceeded, and called Jamison's valley, to a small we were obliged to unlade the cart cascade below the King's Table-land. in ascending Mount York, so that the The fall was not worth seeing,--a Bun set when we arrived at about falling off even from Cox's fall. The the 37th mile-tree from the Nepean water being small now, only slid (18} miles), and encamped at a place down a sloping rock; and even after called Marsden's valley, from the cir- rains, the step is so short, that little cumstance of that gentleman's hav- can be made of it. The scenery is ing lost some cattle here, as they were very barren, and the ground very being driven over the mountains : boggy. The most curious thing is

the red, shealing, cylindrical, honeyAnd lose a substance, to preserve a name. combed nature of the sandstone rock I found the grevillea acanthifolia in in the cliffs above and along the the swamp at Blackheath, and also stream. But I am since told that at the watering-place in this valley. I did not go far enough to see the Admired the view of Pitt's amphi- chasm or fissure in the rock, down theatre from this side of Blackheath which there is a slender water-fall of much more than before. The sun great height, and the whole of the was declining at the back of it, Table-land next to this chasm appears and the shade softened its mono- as if it had undergone a violent volcatonous harsh bosom (“stern rugged nic eruption; that the stones seem to nurse”) into misty blue or moun- have been once in a state of fusion, tain grey. There is a bold rocky are formed into masses, and have the hill for the foreground, and Cox's appearance of melted sand and ironriver was seen winding in the arena stone. I found the grevillea acanof the amphitheatre in several places. thifolia in this stream also. The This river has been traced into the King's Table-land should be called Nepean by the Warragambia. Alto- the Mountain Pass Ridge. It is the gether the effect of this day's jour- only passage that Messrs. Blaxland, ney of a clear afternoon was much Wentworth, and Lawson could have finer than I thought it, when I was effected. The Prince Regent's Glen outward bound on a sultry day. below it (if it be the glen that I saw ' Thomas Moore may be of a different is not very romantic. This day w



not clear; and though Pitt's amphi- victs. It is also said that a shorter theatre had the benefit of a mist, yet road has been projected from Richthe fine distant view from this eleva- mond; and, after all, if the sheep be tion of Windsor, Prospect Hill, and the brought to be washed and shorn at Colony, was lost in the hazy horizon. Cox's river, there will be oply a

Spring Wood, which I was too hundred miles of land-carriage, which late in my outward journey to see, the wool will well repay. It is ferrently appeared to-day a fine forest of tall to be hoped that the present local trees, with some little grass between, Government will feel the real value after the barren, dwarf-treed, under of this new country, and the public wooded, shrubberies, to which I had importance of improving every acbeen accustomed on the mountains. cess to it. If this matter were put The spring runs at the foot of a pic- into the hands of the surveyor geturesque rocky dingle, about half a neral, and two or three commissionmile off. The telopeia was now in ers, of whom Mr. Lawson should, of even finer bloom than on my outward course, be one, the expense to the journey; and I should not have crown of the labour required from omitted to mention the many large convicts might be greatly lightened, ant-hills of small ants, which occur and individual subscription or toll on the mountains. They are built would be cheerfully contributed to of fine clay, and like hay-cocks are so good and great a public work. It five or six feet high. If you damage is quite clear, from his shutting it one on your way out, you will find up, that Governor Macquarie nerer the industrious society will have re- saw this country in its proper light. paired it by your return. They are From the natural science and poperfectly different from the iron-stone litical economy of the present local gravel formicatories of large ants of Government, better things are exthe country on the other side of the pected. If free emigration is to be Nepean.

encouraged hither, at Bathurst the Friday, Oct. 25.-The rain came settler may immediately live upon in the night with wind. Took my the fat of the land, and, in time, exfinal departure this morning, and port his fine wool._But, then, upon reached home soon after noon, having its importation in England, it must travelled 300 miles in less than three be exempted from the duty on foreigu weeks.

wool. T'he policy of this exemption

is, at least, as old as Bacon, who, in It now only remains for me to ex his Essay upon Colonization, says: press my thorough satisfaction that “Let there be freedom from custom this fine transalpine country will be till the plantation be of strength; the making of the colony of New and not only freedom from custom, South Wales. If it had not been but freedom to carry their commodiscovered, grazing, from which a- dities where they may make the best lone the state can derive an export, of them.” If Great Britain wishes must have come to a stop. Here is her colonies to consume her manuan opening for the English emigrant factures, she must not drive them, by for centuries; and, I have not a heavy duties on the export of their doubt, that in spite of the want of raw material, to manufacture for navigable rivers, New Holland will themselves. If convicts are still to be a second America. True, the be transported hither, the only chance mountain-road is very difficult, but of their reformation consists in scat. the road to Bathurst to the south- tering them widely over the country, ward, by way of the cow-pastures, is and giving them pastoral habits. much longer, and in many parts (I Convict transportation is but a bad am told) as bad. Mr. Cox's original system of colonization; and Goroad across the mountain-ridge has vernor Macquarie, by his preference been already greatly improved in of the convict to the free, made it many places, hy Mr. Lawson; and a worse for the plantation, and totally man who has been long the overseer inoperative as the penalty of felony, of the road-gang at Cox's pass, and or the penitentiary of vice. " It is whose name ought to be mentioned a shameful and unblessed thing (says (George Palmer), offers to avoid that Bacon) to take the scum of people pass, and save 10 miles, with the and wicked condemned men to be twelvemonth's labour of forty con- the people with whom you plant;

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and, not only so, but it spoileth the to many abuses. If Government will
plantation ; for they will ever live encourage a better system of coloni-
like rogues, and not fall to work, but zation, New Holland will soon be a
be lazy and do mischief, and spend happy and thriving province: if they
victuals and be quickly weary, and cannot afford us any assistance, let
then certify over to their country to them only not impede, and New
the discredit of the plantation.” The Holland will, in time, be a thriving
evils and expense of the transporta- and happy province; for, with such
tion system would certainly be less- a climate and soil, and so many
ened by placing the convicts more Englishmen as it contains already,
in the service of farming and grazing happy and thriving it will be, sooner
settlers, out of the reach of the or later. Eventually, no doubt, from
temptations and evil communication its distance from the parent coun-
of great towns, the establishment of try, and its extent in itself, it will be
which was too much the policy of an independent state ; and the same
the late Governor. The solitary life mountains, which now obstruct the
of a shepherd, or a stockman, would passage of the colonists, will always
gradually soften the heart of the be an impenetrable barrier to a fo-
most hardened convict; but, instead reign foe, should such an one ever
of this, Governor Macquarie's system cast an envious eye upon the colony
was to keep them congregated in of New South Wales. Of a parent
barracks, and employed, at a ration foe, after the warning of America, I
of a pound and a half of meat, and will not suffer myself

to contemplate
the same quantity of flour, per diem, the possibility; and, I am sincere
upon showy public buildings. Of and sanguine in my hopes, that the
wretches, possessed of no better enlightened eye of that parent will
means of reformation than these, it see the public policy of encouraging
could not be expected that indus- free emigration to the fine country
trious colonists should ever be made. beyond the Blue Mountains of New
When their period of transportation South Wales.
expired, or was remitted by favour, It may give weight to the above
they would therefore take their grant observations, to add that the writer
of land and allowances for settling, of this Journal has himself no in-
and sell them the next hour for spi- tention of occupying or settling in
rits. It is true, that this was abuse; that country, and is possessed of no
but it was an abuse inseparable from more sheep than a pastoral poet.
such bad policy; and, perhaps, the Non hic colonus domicilium habeo ;
best criterion for estimating policy is sed, topiarii in morem, hinc inde florem
to say that that is good which is open vellico, ut canis Nilum lambens.
to few, and that bad which is exposed

B. F.

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COCKNEY LATIN. MR. EDITOR,—My much esteemed amused with the way of reading friend and correspondent, Archibald Latin, as it is in use at our public Saunders, of the good town of Edin- grammar schools,-at St. Paul's, and burgh, writer, when he last did us Merchant Taylors'. I took him to the honour of a visit to our poor an annual recital day at the latter, Metropolis, was pleased to make and I thought he would have burst himself soberly merry at the expense his sides at hearing a tall upper boy of certain modes of pronunciation, gravely opening the Æneid, with which he contended to be peculiar to HARMA WIRUMQUE CANOus Londoners. It is no secret, I fear, and another distorting Horace, with his to our fellow-countrymen of the northern part of this island, that in

PUERIS all the streets, lanes, courts, alleys,

WIRGINIBUSQUE &c. to the east of Temple Bar, we instead of AARMA, and VAARGEENIexchange reciprocally the V and the bus, according to the correcter proW, and insert or omit the H-in a nunciation of the models of just manner directly at violence with that speaking at Edinburgh and Glasgow. of our politer provincial brethren. I was in some pain, I confess, to have My friend Archy was particularly our young scholars (in one of who

I claim an interest, being both his cousin-german and guardian) thus caught tripping by so great a master of universal knowledge, as I have always esteemed my friend Archy to be; and, in this difficulty, I applied to my old master, Dr. Parr, whom, as born in a middle county, I thought most likely to be exempt from prejudices, inseparable perhaps from a native of either of the two great, yet distant, Metropolises of this country. He was pleased to say, that with regard to the change of V in VIRGINIBUS to W, there was at least an equal chance for the Merchant Taylors' boy being in the right, for the Romans having no character by which to express the latter, and it being next to impossible but they must have had the sound, it was almost demonstrable that their letter V served for either at pleasure; and, certainly, for the sake of euphony, WIRGINIBUS did to his ear seem more fluent, mellifluous and feminine (and therefore more Horatian) than the other version of it, which had something in it repulsively harsh and Boreal. But for the aspirate before ARMA, he was clearly of opinion that it was no more than a recovery of the true old Roman pronunciation, when Rome was mistress of the world. To convince me of this, he pointed out an Epigram in Catullus, made by the poet, upon his friend Q. Arrius, when that Patrician went as Præfect into Syria; in which, under covert of rallying his friend, by a very happy irony he exposes the misconstruction which those barbarous provincialists would make of their Governor's Latin, when he came among them. To suppose that he meant to insinuate that these Caledonians of the East spoke purer Latin than a Roman nobleman, would be a preposterous perversion, and quite destroy the delicacy of the concealed compliment. It is as follows.

CHOMMODA dicebat, si quando cOMMODA vellet

Dicere; et HINSIDIAS Arrius, INSIDIAS. Credo sic mater, sic liber avunculus ejus,

Sic maternus avus dixerat, atque avia. Et tum mirificè sperabat se essc locutum, Cum quantum poterat dixerat HINSI


Hoc misso in Suriam, requierant omnibus


Audibant eadem hæc leniter ei leviter. Nec sibi postilla metuebant talia verba ;

Cum subitò affertur nuntius horribilis: IONIOs fluctus, postquàm illuc Arrius isset, Jam non IONIOS esse, sed HIONIOS.

It is plain that not only this Nobleman himself, but his mother, aunts, uncles, great aunts, &c. on both sides, had been used all their lives to pronounce-not INSIDIAS, as it is erroneously spoken in all Academies west of Temple-bar-but in the true dialect of Imperial Rome-the Romano-Cockneian of that day-HINSIDIAS. Furthermore we learn, that in the right spirit of a Roman Præfect, he was anxious for planting the genuine Latin, as spoken by men of highest birth at Rome, in those distant colonies and free cities. Not content with importing among them the initial aspirate, he seems to have insisted upon it, by marking all words (beginning to the eye with a vowel) with that rough prefix of sound, in the most emphatic manner possible-quantum potuit-that is to say, with all his might and main he said HINSIDIAS. The ignorant alarm taken by those barbarians at this elegant innovation is ridiculous enough. They were afraid of losing their IONIAN sea-their old mumpsimus— and having a HIONIAN one imposed upon them instead-as if an aspirate more or less could change the value of their commercial waters-or as if the Primrose Hill of modern Mid Lothian could lose any thing in height or abruptness by calling it, by what I am convinced is its proper name in purest English-Harthur's Seat.

Referring these considerations to the Masters of Pronunciation at Edinburgh and in London, and wishing a conference to be held at York or Newark, by commissioners, to be appointed by either disputants, to settle the purity of our common language, and fix the pronunciation in particular upon a uniform basis,


P. S. The difference in COMMODA and CHOмMODA, the Doctor ingenuously confessed he was unable to clear up; or, to say whether the CH in the former was expressed exactly as in our CHEESE and CHOLMONDELY. It doubtless refers to some nicety in the ancient RomanoCockneian dialect, to the solution of which the research of modern learning is altogether incompetent.

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LIETA e chiusa contrada ! ov'io m'involo
Al vulgo, e meco vivo, e meco albergo,
Chi mi t'invidia or che, i Gemelli a tergo
Lasciando, scalda Febo il nostro polo ?

Rade volte in te sento ira, nè duolo,
Nè gli occhi al ciel sì spesso e le voglie ergo,
Nè tante carte altrove aduno e vergo,
Per levarmi talor, s'io posso, a volo.

Quanto sia dolce un solitario stato,
Tu m'insegnasti, e quanto aver la mente
Di cure scarca e di sospetti sgombra.

O cara selva, O fiumicello amato !
Cangiar potess'io 'l mare, e il lito ardente,

Con le vostre fredd'acque e la verd'ombra !
Dear calm retreat! where from the world I steal,
Where to myself I live, and dwell alone,
Why seek thee not, when Phæbus, fiercer grown,
Has left the Twins behind his burning wheel ?

With thee I rarely grief or anger feel,
No where my thoughts to heav'n so oft have flown,
No where my pen such industry has shown,
When to the Muse I chance to make appeal.

How truly sweet a state is solitude,
And how from cares to have my bosom free,
And live at ease, was taught me in thy school!

Dear rivulet, and thou delightful wood !
Oh that these parching sands, this glaring sea,
Were changed for your green shades and waters cool!

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GUY FAUX. A very ingenious and subtle wri- fessor, for all that. He who can prevail ter, whom there is good reason for upon himself to devote his life for a cause, suspecting to be an Ex-Jesuit, not un- however, we may condemn his opinions or known at Douay some five-and-twen- abhor his actions, vouches at least for the ty years since (he will not obtrude honesty of his principles and the disinteresthimself at M—th again in a hurry), of the worst practices, but he is capable of

edness of his motives. He may be guilty about a twelvemonth back, set him- the greatest. He is no longer a slave, butself to prove the character of the free. The contempt of death is the beginPowder Plot conspirators to have been ning of virtue. The hero of the Gunpow. that of heroic self-devotedness and der-Plot was, if you will, a fool, a madtrue Christian martyrdom. Under man, an assassin ; call him what names the mask of Protestant candour, he you please : still he was neither knave nor actually gained admission for his coward. He did not propose to blow up treatise into a London weekly paper, the Parliament and come off, scot-free, not particularly distinguished for its himself; he showed that he valued his own zeal towards either religion. But, life no more than theirs in such a cause admitting Catholic principles, his ar

where the integrity of the Catholic faith guments are shrewd and incontro- souls was at stake. He did not call it a

and the salvation of perhaps millions of vertible.

murder, but a sacrifice which he was about Guy Faux was a fanatic, but he was no to achieve: he was armed with the Holy hypocrite. He ranks among good haters. Spirit and with fire: he was the Church's He was cruel, bloody-minded, reckless of chosen servant and her blessed martyr. He all considerations but those of an infuriated comforted himself as “the best of cutand bigoted faith ; but he was a true son of throats.” How many wretches are there the Catholic Church, a martyr and a con- that would have undertaken to do what he

Nov. 1823.

He says


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