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Cha?. The King thanked his Lordship for the pains be XXXIII. hgj taken> and the regard he had shewn for his 1766. service; but added, that he never knew the treasury was intended for his Lordjhip -f\

From the conclusion of this answer it is dear, that eiiher the Marquis of Rockingham greatly mistook the Duke ot Grafton in the conferences he had vi iih his Grace ; or at his Grace was not sufsiciently candid and explicit in his conversation with the Marquis.

The Marquis of Rockingham waited on the Duke of Bedford (Thursday, July 23), and expressed his de re that no difference might arise

\ The moment the Marquis of Roclingham came out of the King's closet, Lord Holland was immediately introduced to his Majesty; with whom he continued some time.—In .Lord Bath's pamphlet {Seasonable Hints, edit. \"]6\, p. 37,) of which Mr. Burke lays, Thoughts on Tiijcontents, edit. 1770, p. 23), " there first appeared the idea of separating the •' Court from the administration,"—are the following lines :—

"Though the wings of prerogative have been dipt, the influence of the crown is greater than ever it was in any period of our history. For when we consider, in how many borougfii the government has the voters at its command; when we consider the extensive influence of the money corporations, subscription jobbers, and contractors; the endless dependence createa by the obligations conserred on the bulk of the gentlemens' samilies throughout the kingdom, who have relations preserred in our navy, and numerous standing army: when, I fay, we consider how wide, how binding a dependence on the Crown is created by the above particulars; and the great, the enormous weight and influence which the Crown derives from this extensive dependence upon its savours aud power; any lord in >waiting, any lord of the bed-chamber, any man, may be appointed minijler."

A doctrine to this effect, was the advice which Lord Holland gave his Majesty.


between them on account of what had passed, Chap.

but that they might continue in the some union

and friendship as before; which was accepted. 1766.

On Friday, July 24, Mr Coivway attempted to renew the negotiation with the Marquis of Rockingbam, separately j but the Marquis resused tp leave his friends.

All negotiations being now at an end, the leading persons in administration met to consider on what mould be their future conduct. They all agreed to remain in their places.



Mr. Townjtend resolves to le MinisterDies.Ijord Nortb appointed—Lord Chatham goes into Somerfc'sbireThe Bedford Interest join the MinistryDuke of Bedford's Apology to Mr. Gren'ville, and Mr. Grenvilles AnswerLord Chatham returns to HayesFrench purchase Corsica Difference between the Duke of Bedford and Lord ShelbumeLord Rochford resignsLord Shelburne resignsFine Diamond Ring presented to bis MajestyLord Rochford made Secretary of State, with the reasonsLord Chatham resignsLord fownfbend continued in Ireland.

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Cimp. IVJLR. TOWNSHEND observing that no notice XXXIV.

y^^-^ had been taken of him in the preceding nego1767. tiation for a change of ministers, resolved to Mr, resent this contempt with which he had been Town- treated. Administration had been for some time shend re- w|t]10ut a ieac]er, and was still considered to be

solves to

be mini- in that subordinaie capacity. Lord Chatham was fter* thought to be irrecoverable. This situation seemed to afford him an opportunity for the uncontrouled exercise of his talents. He determined to embrace it. Therefore he instantly joined the court, with the most sull and explicit declaration of sincerity. His alliance was favourably vourably received; and he cave a proof of his Chat.

power, by creating his lady an EnglilTi peeress, .J_ ^

with the remainder to his son. Had he lived 1767, , he would have been first lord of the treasury before the ensuing session oi parliament, and Mr. Torke was to have been his chancellor. His Dics. death, which happened early in the month of September, put both the court and the ministry into fresh difficulties Every effort had been made to form a new administration in vain. Every party had been solicited* individuals separately, and connections jointly, without success. But there was one part of the Royal Family that had not pu hcly appeared in any of these negotiations; this was the I'tine ess'of Wales.

Mr. TownfbencTs place of chancellor of the exchequer was offered to sevcal gentlemen, who resused to accept ot it. At Ie,ni?th it was thought of giving it to Lord Bnrrington, pro tempote. Lord Man field attempted to open a negotiation with the Duke of Bedford But his Grace resused to enter into any sep irate treaty. Lord North, who, during Mr CrttivUJ/s administration, had been intrusted with all the motions against Mr. Wilkes, wa' desired 10 suceed Mr. Tonvnjhend, but he declined it. The Princess of Wales went to the King. His Lordship was again entreated-r—he took time to consider of it—he consulted his father —After hesitating three T weeks, he yielded. The Princess's influence N„rth apprevailed, Mr. Thomas 7'cmjbtnd, now Lord Sid- pointed. ney, succeeded Lord North at the pay-ofsice, and


C«Af. Mr. Jenhnjon succeeded Mr. Townjhend at the 2^; treasury.

1767. In making this arrangement, no communication was had with Lord Chatham, by either the Lord court or the ministry. As soon as his health Chatham permitted, he retired into Somersetstiire. His

goes to'

Somerset- departure from the vicinity of the metropolis,

*"*• though he had not been consulted in any business

whatever, was considered by the ministry as a

kind of dereliction. However, he continued to

hold the privy seal.

The Duke of Graf ton, who some time ago wished to resign, on account of Lord Chatham's inssirmity*, now changed his opinion; but Lord Norihingtott and General Cowway still expressing their desire to resign, his Grace resolved to try the friends of the Duke of Bedford once more. If they had resused, he must have resigned, and a new administration must have been formed. Bedford But the persons to whom his Grace made his interest 0ffers COuld not withstand the temptation any

join the .

ministry, longer; they separated from their friends and allies, thereby 'preventing the appointment of an able and powersul administration, and bargained to support the present, which seemed to consist of the remnants and resuse of several parties. Lord Gower was made lord president, in the room of Lord Northington; Lord IVeymouth secretary of state, in the room of Mr. Conway;

* Lord Br'tjlol gave the same reason for resigning the lieutenancy of Ireland at the end of July, "That he had no hope of having the advice, direction, and assistance of Lord Chatham" Upon which Lord Townjhcnd was appointed.


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