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one time or another. I was willing to agitate that at the Yviy* proper season, the German war: my German war, they v_^J, called it. Every sessions I called out, has any body any f766. objections to the German war? Nobody would object to it, one gentleman only excepted, since removed to the upper House, by succession to an ancient barony, (meaning Lord Dejpeticer, formerly Sir Francis Da/lwooa'-,) he told me, " he did not like a German war." I honoured the man for it, and was sorry when he was turned out of his post.

A great deal has been said without doors, of the power, of the strength of America. It is a topic that ought to' be cautiously meddled with. In a good cause, on a sound bottom, the force of this country can crush America to atoms. I know the valour of your troops. I know the skill of your officers. There is not a company of fopt that has served in America, out of which you may not pick a man of sufficient knowledge and experience, so make a governor of a colony there. But on this ground, on the Stamp Act, when so many here will think it a crying injustice, I am one who wiil lift up my hands against it.

In such a cause your success would be hazardous. America, if she sell, would sall like the strongman. She would embrace the pillars of the state, and pull down the constitution along with her. Is this your boasted peace? Not to sheath the sword in its scabbard, but to fi.eath it in the bowels of your countrymen? Will you quarrel with yourselves; now the whole House of Bourbon is united against you? While France disturbs your sisheries in Newfoundland, embarrasses your slave trade to Africa, and with-holds from your subjects in Canada, their property stipulated by treaty ; while the ransom for Manillas is denied by Spain, and its gallant conqueror basely traduced into a mean plunderer, a gentleman, (Colonel Draper) whose noble and generous spirit would do honour to the proudest grandee of the country, 'she Americans have not acted in all things with prudence and temper. The Americans have been wronged. They have been driven to madness by injustice. Will you punish them for the madness you have occasioned? Rather let prudence and temper come sirst from this side: I will undertake for America. that she will follow the example. There are two lines in a ballad of Prior's, of a man's

Vol. I. Z behaviour


Chat, behaviour to his wife, so applicable to you and your coXXIX. lonies, that I cannot help repeating them: Be to her faults a little blind: Be to her virtues very kind. Upon the whole, I will beg leave to tell the House what is really my opinion. It is, that the Stamp Act be repealed absolutely, totally, and immediately. That the reason for the repeal be assigned, because it was founded on an erroneous principle. At the same time, let the sovereign authority of this country over the colonies be asserted in as strong terms as can be devised, and be made to extend to every point of legislation whatsoever. That we mav bind their trade, consine their manufactures, and exercise every power whatsoever, except that of taking their money out of their pockets without their consent!

In the course of this debate Mr. Burke made his sirst speech in parliament. Mr. Pitt complimented him upon it, in terms peculiarly flattering to a young man.

He compliments Mr. Burke.



Lord Bute resolves to change the Ministry again—'Disregards the Duke of BedfordTries to gain Lord TempleMeeting at Lord EglintounsAmuses Lord TempleLord Strangets assertionLord Rockinghams requestAffair of DunkirkNegotiation with Mr. PVilkesProposition for the Government of CanadaDijapproved by the Chancellor, who advises the King to fend for Mr. Pitt.

Jj E F O R E the meeting of parliament, the Chap. new ministry having shewn an inclination to re-v~ZTv verse the system pursued by their predecessors, 1766. Lord Bute, who had been the author of that sys- Lord tern, took a resolution to remove them. Hej?"tere" was no longer terrisied by the threats of impeach- change ment. The Duke of Bedford had connived sothe mimslong, his Grace could not now bring forward his menaced accufation upon any ground or pretence .Dlsre", of public principle. He had moreover been re- f^g 0f cently stigmatized by violent marks of popular Bedford, odium*. His Grace was not at this time in the judgment of the savourite, an object of either dread or respect.

* By the Spitalsield weavers, who"had assembled in great multitudes before his house. Several partizans of Lord Bute were seen amongst them.

Z 2 Lord

Chap. Lord Bute's attention at this period was directe^ t0 another nobleman. Since the reconcilia1766. lion between Lord Temple and his brother Mr. Tries to Grenville, there had commenced a coolness beTemplc!" twecn ms Lordship and Mr. Bitt, and between his Lordship and Mr. James Grenville. They imagined from several circumstances, that their brother had supplanted them in his Lordship's savour and confidence. To dissolve all great connections had been Lord Bute's savourite maxim from the moment of his accession to power. Nothing, therefore, could be more favourable to bis project than this samily division. He resolved to seize the opportunity which this circumstance seemed to offer. Accordingly, a few days after the meeting of parliament, when Mr. Pitt had given the decision for the repeal of the Stamp Act (by the preceding speech) which Mr. Grenville had. opposed, he solicited an interview with Lord Temple and Mr. Grenville, for the purpose of forming a new administration. His first application was to Lord Eglintoun, between whom and Lord Temple, there subsisted a very warm friendship. Lord Eglintoun opened his Meeting commisiion to Lord Temple at Lord Coventry's, Eglin- where they dined on the first Sunday after the toun's. meeting of parliament. The conversation began upon the afsairs of America, in which the three Lords agreed in opinion, that a repeal of the Stamp Act would be a surrender of the authority of the British legislature over the colonies. Lord Egliniaun finding that Lord Teniple . was of their


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opinion, said to his Lordship, " Let us talk no Chap. more upon that subject here, but let us go to XXX. your brother—Has your Lordship received no '""T^T message from him?" Lord Temple said he had not: and in a sew minutes after they went to Mr. Grenville's. This matter had been more explicitly opened to Mr. Grenville, by Mr. Cadogan, now Lord Cadogan, and Mr. Grenville had requested Lord Suffolk to acquaint the Duke of Bedford with it. Upon seeing his brother, he instantly told him, without being asked a question, that an opening had been made to him of an accommodation with Lord Bute, and that he wanted to consult his Lordship upon making the Duke of Bedford a party to the affair. Lord Temple replied, " that he might do as he pleased; but that he, himself, would have no concern in the matter."

Another channel to Lord Temple was then pursued. This was by Mr W. G. Hamilton, who was in the most considential intimacy with his Lordship, and who, from the time of the separation of Mr. James Grenville, was intended to be his Chancellor of the Exchequer, if ever he accepted of the treasury. But Mr. Hamilton knowing his Lordship's temper and resolution with respect to Lord Bute, did not warmly recommend the proposition.

Next day (Monday) Lord Eglintoun went to Mr. Grenville's, to desire him to meet Lord Bute flt his house; but Mr. Grenville was gone to the House of Commons; upon which Lord Eglin


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