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Conference between Lord Chatham and Lord

Edgecumbe. Its consequences. The Admiralty

offered to Lord Gower. Conduct of the Court.

Seco.nd conserence with the Duke of Bedford.

Breaks off. - - - -

Chap. XXXIII. Further arrangements. Lord

Chatham regrets the loss of Lord Temple. Seized

with the gout at Bath, and at Marlboroughi

Comes to Hampstead. Another change medi-

tated. General Con way wishes to resign. Lord

Northington wishes to resign. King's message to

Lard Chatham. Duke of Newcastle is very anxi-

ous to preserve the union of the opposition. Ap.

plication to Lord Rockingham. Declaration of

the Duke of Bedford. Declaration of the-

Duke of Newcastle. Conserence at New-

castle-house. Breaks off. Importance of the

Minister of the House of Commons. America

the true cause. Second conserence at Newcastle-

house. Anecdotes of Mr. Lownds's tickets, and

of the Judges tickets. Lord Rockingham waits

on the King. Lord Holland advises the King

Chap. XXXIV. Mr. Townshend resolves to

be Minister. Dies. Lord North appointed.

Lord Chatham goes into Somersetshire. The

Bedford interest join the Ministry. Duke of Bed-

ford's apology to Mr. Grenville, and Mr. Gren-

ville's answer. Lord Chatham returns to Hayes.

French purchase Corsica. Difference between the

Duke of Bedford and Lord Shelburne. Lord

Rochford resigns. Lord Shelburne resigns. Fine

diamond ring presented to his Majesty. Lord

Rochford made Secretary of State—with the

reasons. Lord Chatham resigns. Lord Towns-

hend continued in Ireland. - ,-.





Introduction.Mr. Pitt's Birth.Placed at Eton.— Sent to Oxford.Mr. (Varton's Compliment to Mr. Pitt.Latin Verses by Mr. Pitt.Goes abroad.Made a Cornet of Horse.Eletled as a Member of Parliament.His Friends.His first Speech in ParliamentHonoured by the Prince of Wales.His CommiJ/ion taken from him by Sir Robert Walpole.Verses to him by Mr.- Lyttelton.Patronized by LordCobham. His accomplishments. Complimented by lhomfon; by Hammond His Condutl in Parliament attacked by the Gazetteer; defended by the Craftsman.ihe Prince dismissed from St. James's.

HE lives of eminent men asford useful les- Chap. I.

sons of instruction, as well as great examples for imitation. No native of the British island stands higher in the judgment of the present age, for either the magnisicence ot his talents as a senator and statesman, or the virtue of his con

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Chi?. I. duct in both private and public lise, than the v-—r-^ late Earl Of Chatham. Nor will the character tion. "°f any man» however flattered it may have . been in description, or however superior he may have been in station, go down to posterity with purer honour. Other men's names are lemembered by the aid of biography: his will be revered by the glories of his actions, which illumined the political hemisphere, during the splendid æra in which the reins of government were in his hands. The archives of the various nations of the world, at that period of his lise, though written in difserent languages, will unite in raising a pyramid to his name, which Time cannot destroy.

The memoirs of such a man should be written by the sirst historian of the age. This work assumes an humbler rank in literature. It goes forth with no other claim to public notice, than that of being A Collection of Fugitive Papers and Anecdotes ; many of them known to several persons, now living, but all of them to very sew. In fine, the present publication is the effect of industry, not of ability.

Birth. The Earl of Chatham was born on the fifteenth of November, 1708, in the Parish of St. Placed at James's, Westminister. He received the sirst Eton. part of his education at Eton; where he was placed upon the Foundation. His co-temporaries, at this school, were George Lyttelion, asterSent to wards Lord l.yttleton, Henry Fox, afterwards Lord Oxford. Holland, Sir Clas. Hanbury Williams, Hen, Fielding,


author of Tom Jones, &c. At the age of eigh- Chap. I.
teen he was sent to Trinity College, Oxford.'
This last circumstance appears by the following

Extract from the Register in the Bursary in
Trinity College, sol. 258.

"Ego Gulielmus Pitt, filius Roberti « pITT, armigeri de Old Sarum, natus Londini "in Parochia Sancti Jacobi ; annorum circiter "18 admiflus sum commensalis primi ordinis "sub tutamine Magistri Stockwell Jan. die 10, "1726*."

In the Oxford Verses upon the Death of George the First, which were published the year after he went to College, we find the sollowing, by Mr. Pitt.

Angliacæ vos O præscntia numina gcnti»
Libertas, atque Alma Themis! Neptune Britanni
Tu Pater Oceani! (si jam pacata Georgi
Imperio tua perlabi licet æquora) vestro
(Triste ministerium !) pia solvite munera Regi.
At teneri planctus absint, mollesque querilse
Herois tumulo: quas mors deflenda requirit,
Gesta vetant lacrymas, justæque superbia laudis.

* In reserence to this having been a member of Trinity College, are the following lines in Mr. Warton's Address to him, upon the death of George the Second.

—— Nor thou refuse

This humble present of no partial Muse
From that calm Bower f, which nurs'd thy thoughtsul Youtk
In the pure precepts of Athenian truth:
Where first the form of British liberty
Beam'd in sull radiance on thy musing eye;
That form, whose mien sublime, with equal awe,
In the same shade unblemish'd Somers saw.

f Trinity College, Oxford, in which also Lotd Somert was educated.

B * Instarc

Chat. I. Instare horribiles longe latequc tumultus;

1 Hie super Hispanos violcnta tumescere campog
Belli diluvies, illic ad flumina Rheni
Ardentes suribundusequos immittere Mavors.
Heu quam in se miseri cladem stragesque cierent!
Quot fortes caderent anima:! quot gurgite torquens
Sanguineo fluvius morientia corpora in altum
Volveret Oceanum! ni Te succurrere sœclo
Te solum, visum superis, Auguste, labenti.
Tu miserans hominum pacem super astra volantem,
Imperio retines, terrasque revisere cogis.

Dextera quid potuit, primis ubi servor in armis.
Impulit ulcisci patriam, populosque gementes,
Turcarum dicant acies, versisque cohortes
Turbatæ fignis; dicat perterrita Buda,
Invitaque Tuos prætollat laude triumphos,
Fulmina cum attonitum contra torquenda tyrannum
Vidit, et intrerr.uit. Rerum at jam lenior ordo
Anisic, gladiumque manus confueta rotare
(Majus opus!) gratæ prætendit signa quietis.

Quare agite, O Populi, tantarum yi mutlcre laudura
Sternite humum foliis. Sed vas ante omnia Musac
Cxsarem ad astra sereti6; amavit vos quoque Cæsat
Vestraque cum placida laurus concrevit Oliva.

Felix, qui potuit mundi cohibere tumultus!
Fortunatus et illi, ægri solamen amoris
Qui subit Angliaci6, tanti audit nominis hæres.
Auspice Te, cives agitans discordia, ludo
Heu satiata nimis surias amnemque severum
Cocyti repetat, propriosque perhorreat angues.
At secura quies, metuens et gratia culpæ
Te circumvolitent. Themis hinc Cælestis, et illinc
Sustentet folium dementia. Tu quoque magnam
Partem habeas opere in tanto, Carolina labore
Imperii recreans sessum: nam Maximus Hie
Te colit, atque animi Sensum Tibi credit opertum
Curarum consorti, et multo pignore junctæ

Inclyta Progenies! Tibi quam dilecta Tonanti
Latona invideat,' quam vel Berecynthia Mater
Centum enixa Deos; si qua Hæc sint Dona Britannis
Propria, sintque Precor, referant et Utrumque Parentem.

GUL. PITT, e Coll. Trin.

Socio Commens.


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