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Pneumonia, Latent, 805.

Pneumonia, 805, Diagnosis, 804,

Treatment, 808.

Pneumo typhus, 584.

Treatment, 584.

Potencies, High in Croup, 781, in

Scrofula, II., 261.

Potentization, 149.

Power to Resist Disease, 199.
Prairie Itch, 11, 884.

Pneumonia-typhoides, 582, Causes, Predispositions to Disease, 649, to

583, Treatment, 584.

Pneumo-thorax, 815.

Pneumo-hydrothorax, 815, Diagnosis,

815, Vocal Phenomena, 817,
Symptoms, 818.

Pneumonitis, 803.

Pneumorrhagia, 802, Post Scarlatinal
Dropsy, 601.

Podagra, Gout, II. 162. Treatment,
II. 166. Other Remedies: Colch.
Digit., Verat.-vir., Acon., Gels.,
Also, Avoid Bread, Milk, Butter,

Podophyllin in Hepatic Disease, 931,
in Diarrhoea, 347, Gall-stones,

Poets on Insanity, 11. 405.
Poisons, 83, Mineral, 859, II, 183, on
the Brain, II. 410, Adipic, 287,
Poisons thrown off by the Kid-
neys, II. 69, Alcohol, 862,
872, Opium,714, II. 651,Chlor.-
potash, 11.760, Stramon. II. 611,
Prussic-acid, II. 647, Titanium,
II. 184, Strichnine, II. 538,
Arsenic, 547, Merc., II. 202,
Camphor, II. 607, Tobacco,
II. 203, Bell., 593, II., 454,

Slow, 863.

Poisoned Wounds, 666, 667, 668.
Polypus, 426, of the Ears, 731, of

the Nose, 426, Treatment, 426,
of the Uterus, Teucrium, 427.
Polysarchia, Obesity, II. 836.
Pons Varoli, II. 476, II. 639.
Pork, Objections to, II. 232, II. 260.
Porphyra, (Scurvy,) II. 332.
Porrigo, II. 858.

Porrigo Decalvans, II. 859, II. 862.
Posology, 149.

Porson, Case of, II. 391.
Potash-Bichrom, 764, 766, Hydrio-
date, 767, in Ptyalism, 249.
Potash, Permanganate of, Disinfectant,
II. 259; also a Remedy in Dia-

Potatoes, Antiscorbutic, II., 236, Bran-
dy from, 11., 459.

Insanity, II. 414.

Premature Burial, 11. 629.

Present Position of Regular Medi-
cine, 126.

Pregnancy, State of, Acon., II. 688.
Preparation of Medicines, 163.
Presbytique Amblyopia, 11. 139, IL


Prescott, W. H., Case of, 95.
Presentiment of Death, 11. 438.
Pressure on the Chest, 442.
Primary and Secondary Action of
Drugs, 112. n. 100.

Prisons in Treating the Insane, 11.


Proctalgia, 885.

Tenesmus, 895.

Proctica, 390.

Profuse Perspiration, 586.
Progress of Homœopathy, 57, 59.
Progressive Paralysis, II. 459, II.

Prolapsus Uteri, 11. 709, 11. 713. Ani,
398, Causes, 398. Treatment,

Propylamine, II. 161.
Prone Respiration, 11. 650.
Prosopalgia. See Toothache, 230,
II. 328.

Prostatic Fluid, n. 715, Disease of
from Gonorrhoea, II. 373, in
Calculous Disease, II. 806.
Prostate, Diseases of, II. 83.
Protein, 11. 337.

Protuberant Eye, n. 146.
Proving of Drugs, 164.
Proximate Principles, Classification,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Ptyalism, 248, Chronic, 248, Mercury, Purity of Food, 285, 312.

[blocks in formation]

Puerpural Convulsions, 11. 769.
Puerpural Inflammation, 891.
Puerpural Fever, 891, II. 688.
Pulmonary Consumption, Diagnosis,
836, II. 205.

Pulmonary Edema, 602, 796.
Pulmonary Apoplexy, 802, 834.
Pulsatilla in Asthma, 444, in Ague,

[ocr errors]

500, in Infantile Remittent,
527, Toothache, 235, Depraved,
Appetite, 267, Measles, 607,
Urticaria, 614, in Scarlatina,
596, Abscess, 658, Bronchitis,
791, Hepatitis, 930, in Oph-
thalmia II. 97, Insanity, II.
434, in Rheumatism, n. 160,
in Teething, 228, Hemicrania,
II. 504, Toothache, 235, in
Flatulency, 267, In Vomiting,
270, Constipation, 331, 333,
in Cholera Morbus, 354,
Hoarseness, 455, Ephialtes,
454, Synocha, 532, Measles,
C07, Urticaria, 614, Sleepless-
ness, 712, Tonsilitis, 748, Gas-
tritis, 856, in Dysentery, 908,
Gonorrhoea, II. 379, Orchitis,
II. 384, in Cardialgia, 11. 512,
in Tetanus, II. 539, in Irri-
tability, 11. 575, Loss of Sleep,
II. 576, Vertigo, II. 578, Hys-
teria, II, 591, Amenorrhea, II.
680, Dysmenorrhoea, II. 685,
Menorrhagia, II. 692, Leucor-
rhœa, II. 700, Ovarian Diseases,
II. 717, in Chlorosis, its Sphere
of Action, II. 726, in Dropsy,
п. 758, Also in Gout Flying
from Place to Place.

Pulsations in the Aorta, II. 557.
Pulse in Dyspepsia, 274.

Purulent Urine, п. 317.
Purple Face, 530.

Purpura Hæmorrhagica, IL 199,

I. 801.

Purpura Senilis, 11. 200, Treatment,
II. 200. I. 801.

Purpura Urticans, г. 200.
Purpura Scorbutica, I. 338, Treat
ment, IL 339.

Purpurine in Urine, II. 807.
Purulent Diarrhea, See Colitis, 917.

Ophthalmia, II. 101, Secretion

of the Antrum, 242, Treatment,

Pus, Different kinds of, IL 182, Ab-
sorption of II. 735.

Pus and Mucus Distinguished, 11.


Pusillanimous, 847.

Pustular Exanthem. p. 627.
Pustules on the Face, 11. 854.
Pustule, Malignant, 668.
Putrid Sore Throat, 592.
Putrid Blood Diseases, 542.
Pyloric Valve, Diseases of, See Dys-
pepsia, 271, &c., in Gastralgia,
II. 516, Hardness of, 863.
Pyrectica, Fevers, 458.
Pyrosis, 267.
Pythagorus, II, 398.


Qualmishness, Nausea, 268.
Quantity of Food, in Dyspepsia,


Quarantine Laws and Yellow Fever,


Quarrelsome, II., 431.

Quartan Ague, See Intermittent
Fever, 467, 472.
Quick Consumption, 11. 256, 11, 727.
Quinine, 486, Symptoms, 486, 487,

488, its Action on the Nerve
tissue, 488, on the Circulation,
489, Defibrination, 489, In-
jurious Effects, 514, 490, Pro-
phylactic Power, 491, Size of


the Dose, 51, Congestion of
the Spleen, 516, in Palsy, II.

Quinsy, 746, Nervous, 253.
Quintessences, 215.


Rabies Canina, 11, 543, Treatment,
II., 546.

Races of Men, Relative Superiority of,
II. 388.

Rachialgia, (Neuralgia, &c.,) II. 478.
Rachitis, 11. 831, II. 833, II. 472.
Radetsky, Marshal, 11. 298.
Radiating Power of Woolen, 197.
Rage, 11., 431.

Ramollissement of the Brain, 713.
Treatment, 717.

See 249, 250.

Raphania, 11., 345, Gangrenosa, II.


Rash on the Face, 11. 854.
Rattling Respiration, 430.
Rattle Snake, Bite of, 666, Poison in

Yellow Fever, 580.
Raucitas, 434.

Reaction of the Organism against Me-

dicinal Action, 82.

Real and Feigned Insanity, 11. 403.
Reason, 11. 394, Perverted, 11. 394.
Reasoning Faculties, II. 394, from
False Premises, II. 397.
Recession of Eruptions, 597.
Rectum, Structure of, 390.
Rectum, Stricture of, 398.

Rectum, Symptoms of, Ani-prolapsus,
398, Hæmorrhoids, 390, Torpor
of, (Constipation,) 323.

Red Gum, 11. 856, Red Snow, II.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

tile, 524.

Renal Calculi, II. 774.

Renal Capsules, Disease of, 11. 72.
Renal Cachexia, 11. 21, Reparation of
Injuries, 643.

Renal Veins, Pressure on II. 768.
Repelled Diseases, Danger of, 11. 189,

186, II. 193, Tinea Capitis, II. 664.
Repetition of Doses, 154, n. 261.
Reproduction of Bones, 11. 365.
Reproductive Function, 11. 674.
Respiration, Artificial, II. 620.
Repetition of Duses, 154.
Respiration, Suspended causes Death,
II. 619.

Respiration, 187, 418, Importance of,
II. 606.

Respiratory Organs, Diseases of, 418,
Dyspnoea, 440, Nervous Rela-
tions of, 418, Affecting the
Lungs, 436, Cough, 436, In-
flammatory, 784.
Respiration, Importance of, II. 650,

Suspended, Ephiates from, 454,
Inflammatory Affections, 784.
Respiratory Function, Diseases of,
418, Sympathies of the Lungs,
Heart and Stomach, 418, Gene-
ral Observations on, 419, Treat-
ment of, 419, Diagnosis of, 420,
Abdominal Respiration, 420,
Thoracic Breathing, 420, Aus-
cultation, 420, Percussion, 421.
Respiration in Consumption, II. 239.
Retention of Urine, II. 80, Treat-
ment, II. 82, 84, from Paralysis,
II. 81, Spasmodic do., II. 81,
of the Menses, II. 764.
Retching, (Emetics, 268.)
Reticulating Cataract, (See II. 131.
Retina, Affections of, (Amaurosis,) II.

Rest, in Injuries, II. 523.
Restraints in Treating the Insane,
II. 425, II. 426.
Resuscitation of Drowned Persons,

II., 619, Marshall Hall's Method,
II. 619, Possibility of, 11. 622.
Rete-mucosum, 11. 841.
Reticular Cancer, II. 284.


Retroversion of the Uterus, 11. 713.
Rhazes, 47.

Rheumatic and Gouty Disease of the

Kidneys, 11. 50.
Rheumatism, Metastasis to the Heart,


Rheumatic Fever, II. 156, Catarrhal
form, also Sticta-pulmonaria.
Rheumatism, Scarlatinal, 601.
Rheumatism, Inflammatory, II. 156,

Vol. I, 844, Acute, 11. 156,
Chronic, II. 158, Causes, II.
158, Treatment, II. 158.
Rhododendron, 11. 764.
Rhus-radicans, 711, Pleuritis, 827,
in Retention of Urine, II. 86,
in Rheumatism, II. 158.
Rhus-tox., in Ague, 506, Bilious Ty-

phoid, 530, Yellow Fever, 576,
Carbuncle, 670, Urticaria, 614,
Abscess, 658, Paralysis after
Brain Inflammation, 711, in
Bronchitis, 790, Pneumonia,
814, Pleuritis, 827, in Rheuma-
tism, II. 86, II. 158, in Scrofu-
lous Ophthalmia, II. 154, in
Gout, II. 167, in Cholera, 373,
in Hæmorrhoids, 397, Cramps,
II. 588, in Typhus, 543, 546,
Abdominalis, 550, Erysipelas,
676, Dysentery, 912, in Neu-
ralgia, II. 489, Chorea, I. 564,
Apoplexy, 1. 646, Palsy, II.
661, Crusta Lactea, II. 849, II.
850, 11. 885.

Rhus-rad., 11. 86, also in Gout of the

Rhus-vernix, II. 850, II. 885.
Richelieu, Case of, II. 391.

Rickets, II. 831, II. 833, II. 472, caus-
ed by Irritation of Nerves, II. 472.
Rigidity, II. 629.
Rigor-mortis, 11. 527.
Ring-worm, 11. 867.

Rome, Medicine at, 42, Climate of, II.

Ronchus, 430.

Roseola, 610, Syphilitic, 11. 322.
Rosy Drop, 389, II. 855.
Rot in Sheep, II. 824.
Rough Skin, 11. 289.
Rubeolo, 604.
Rubuli, (Yaws.) II 878.
Rosseau, II. 416.

Rubus-Casius, in Diarrhoea, 350.
Rupia, II. 845.

Rupture of the Membrana Tympani,


Rush of Blood to the Head, Conges
tion, 464, Fullness of Blood to
the Head, 691.

Rust on Wheat, II. 843.
Ruta Graveolans in Sprains,664, in
Amaurosis, II. 128, in Par-
alysis, II. 661.


Sabadilla in Ague, 502, in Neural-
gia Coeliaca, II. 510.

Sabina, 11. 166, Amenorrhoea, II. 680,
Dysmenorrhoea, II. 686, Menor-
rhagia, II. 693, Ovarian Dis-
ease, II. 706.

Saccharine Urine, 11. 808.
Sac-Saturni, 11. 666.

Sadness, 11. 442, from Heart Disease,

St. John's Wort, in Injuries, 11. 523.
St. Martin, Case of, 215, 862.
Saint Vitus' Dance, 11. 561.
St. Anthony's Fire, 672.
Sal.-ammoniac in Obesity, 11. 838.
Saliva, 214, Secretion of, II. 736.
Salivary Glands, 248.

Saliva, Salt Taste of, 249, Affections
of, 248, 249.

Salivary Fistula, 250, Concretions,


Salivation, 248, from Mercury, 248.
Salt Rheum, (Lupus,) 11., 289, Blue
Lick Water, 11. 460.
Salt Water, Externally, 11. 652.
Sambucus, in Laryngismus, 451,Ague,
507, in Bronchitis, 795.
Sand in the Eye, Feeling of, Granu-
lar Ophthalmia, II. 103.

Sanguification, 222.
Sanguiferous, Function, 457, the
Heart, 457, Circulation, 457.
Sanguinaria, in Dyspepsia, 229, in

Bronchitis, 791, in Croupal
Diphtheria, 793, in Jaundice,
402, in Polypus, 429, in Phthi-
sis, II. 247, Syphilitic Disease
11. 325, in Neuralgia, I 490.
Sanguineors Plethora, II. 177.
Sanson, Case of, II. 669.
Santonine, (in Worms,) 388,

[blocks in formation]

Sarf Skin, II. 841.
Scarlet Rash, 600.

Scarlatinous Angina, 591, Diagnosis,
Diphtheria, 579.

Scarlatinal Nephritis, 600, 602,
Scarlatinal Rheumatism 601.
Scarlatina, 590, Dropsy After, 600.
Scarlet Fever, 590, Causes 593, Con-

tagion, 593, Simplex, 591, Angi-
nosa, 591, Maligna, 592, Treat-
ment, 693.

Schmier-Seife in Itch, II. 883.
Scilla, in Dropsy, 11. 753.

Scirrhus, 11. 284, of the Breast, II.

Scleroma, II. 901.

Vomiting, 270, in Cholera, 370,
in Varicocele, II. 345, in Gan-
grene, II. 345, Alcoholism, II.
458, On the Spinal Marrow, II.
524, in Palsy, II. 660, Menor-
rhagia, 11, 693, in Leucorrhoea, II.
700, Ovarian Disease, II. 706.
Seche, Blennorrhoea, II. 370.
Secondary Syphilis, 11. 308, 11. 317.
Secretion, 11. 736.
Sedentary, 938.

Selection of Food, 285.
Self-Digestion of the Stomach, 868.
Selection of the Proper Remedy, 152,
Senega. Brouch., 793, the
Second Remedy, 156, 905.
Self-abuse, 11. 328.
Semeiology, 165.

Seminal Flux, ii. 561, 11. 714.
Semilunar Ganglion, 11. 573.
Semen, Loss of, IL. 714.
Sempervivum, in Cancer, II. 289.
Senile, Atrophy of the Brain, 702.
Senile, Gangrene, II. 349, Treatment,
II. 350.

Senna, in Colic, 322.

Sensation, Diseases of, 11. 468.

Sclerotica, Irregularity of, (Staphyloma) Sense, Acuteness of, 11. 577.

II. 344.

Sclerotitis, See Ophthalmia, II. 88., &c.
Scorbutus, II. 332, Pathology, II. 335.
Sciatica, Neuralgia, &c., II. 478.
Scilla, in Pleuritis, 827.

Scirrhus, II. 280, of the Eye, See 11.

142, of the Uterus, II. 297,
Stomach, Case of Napoleon I.,

Scrotum, Dropsy of, II. 762, Herpes
of, II. 869.
Scrofula, IL 259, Causes, II. 259,
Treatment, II. 261.

Scrofulous Ophthalmia,


Treatment, II. 152, Disease of
the Mesenteric Glands, II. 262,
Joints, II. 176, II. 764.
Scurvy, 11. 332, Pathology, II. 335,
Treatment, II. 336.

Scutellaria in Hydrophobia, IL 551.
Scybala, 379, in Syphilitic Orchitis,

II. 325.

Sea-sickness, 270.
Sea-scurvy, II., 332.

Sebaceous Glands, II. 842.

Secale, in Exophthalmia, II. 146, in

Senses, Reasoning according to, II.

394, Illusions of, 11. 446.
Sensitiveness, II. 575, to Cold, 11. 723,
of Temper, 11. 575.

Sensile Antipathy, 11. 577..
Sensorial Function, 11. 572.
Sentimentalism, 11. 416.

Sensitive Temperament, II. 575.
Sequelae of Scarlatina, 600.
Sequelae of Variola, 632.
Sepia, in Portal Venous Plethora, 412,
in Ague, 506, in Hæmorrhoids,
397, in Scrofula, II. 271, in
Neuralgia, its Sphere of Action, II.
502, in Gastralgia, II. 514, in
Amenorrhoea, 11. 680, Menor-
rhagia, 11. 694, Leucorrhoea, II.
699, Ovarian Disease, 11. 706,
in Chlorosis, II. 728, Acne, II.

Septic Diseases, 541, II. 183, in
Blood Poisons, II. 183.
Serovs Apoplexy with Chores, II.,


Serous Diarrhea, See Diarrhoea, 345.
Serous Effusion, 642.

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