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722, in Diphtheria, 764,
Tonsilitis, 748, Bronchitis,
789, Sun stroke, 692, in
in Hepatitis, 930, in Bright's
Disease, II., 29, 59, in Ne-
phritis, II., 68, Cystitis, II.,
76, Gastritis, II., 856, in
in Ophthalmia, II., 93, II.,
149,its sphere of action,651,
650, Scrofulous, II., 154,
in Teething, 228, Tooth-
ache, 235, Dysentery, 906,
Affections of the Mouth,251,
in Obstruction of the
Bowels, 336, in Cholera,
373, Jaundice, 410, Folli-
cular Enteritis, 888, in Cory-
za, 425, Hoarseness, 434,
Ephialtes, 454, Spotted Fe-
ver, 529, Synocha, 532,
Scarlatina,595, Measles,606,
Miliary Fever, 616, Small-
pox, 631, Peritonitis, 892,

Actea Racemosa, in Rheumatism, II.,

Action of Remedies, 110.
Acute Diseases, 211.

Acute Rheumatism, 864, II., 156.
Adeps in Typhus, 544, in Itch, II., 882,

in Scarlatina, 599.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Agnus Castus, in Ischuria, II., 86.
Agrypnia (sleeplessness), 712.
Ague, 472, varieties of, 475. general
course of, 473, critical days,
476, causes, 477, prognosis,
480, treatment, 485, complica-
tions, 515, Spleen, affections of,
515, Catarrh, 515.

Albino-skin, II., 901.
Albuminous Nephritis, II., 21, IL,


Albuminuria, II., 23, II., 820
Alcohol, as a Remedy and Nutri-
ent, 301, 708, 861.

in Delirium Tremens, II., 453.
Alcoholism, 862, 863, II. 444, a
cause of Gastritis, 861.
872, its effects on the
Liver, 923 to 925, in
Phthisis, II., 253, moral
and physical effects of,
II., 443.

Alcoholismus Chronicus, II., 457,
treatment, II., 460.

Alexandrian School, 41.
Alienation, Mental, II., 389.
Alimentary Canal, diseases of, 172,
213, 226, inflammatory, 852.
Alkalis in Gout, II., 166.

Alkaline Urine, II., 788, II., 789, II.,
797, Foot-bath, 665.

Allopathic Medicine, present position
of, 65, 96, 100.

Allopathic Admissions, 118, 321, II,
314, IL, 660.

Allopathy, 86, objections to, 91, IL,
186, in chronic diseases,
II., 186, in Cholera, 362,
370, 375, in Typhus, 538.

Almonds, Bitter, II., 647.
Aloes in Hæmorrhoids, 398.
Alterant Action of Mercury, 403.
Alternation of Remedies, 156.
Alumina in Strabismus, II., 559,
Leucorrhoea, II., 700, in
Choroiditis,, II., 119, morbid
Saliva, 249.

Alum in Hæmorrhage, II., 196, in
Colic, 322.

Alusta, I., 446.
Alvine Worms, 380.
Amaurosis, II., 120.

Amblyopia, II., 139.

Amenorrhæa, II., 674, IL, 612.

Ammonia in Aphonia, 434, in Croup, | Animalculæ, development of, II., 824.

779, in the urine,II., 816,II.,818.

Ammonia-carb. in pneumo-typhus,

585, in Skin diseases, II., 886,
in Variola, 633, Scarlatina, 600,
in Bright's Disease, II., 30, II.,
52, 60, in gangrene, II., 358.
Ammonia, Sesqui-carb., II., 166, in
Gangrene, II., 358, in Uræmia,

Ammonia Causticum in Diphtheria,
779, in Bronchitis, 795, in
coagulation of the blood, II.,
178, in Delirium Tremens, II.,
453, II., 456, in Palsy, II., 660.
Ammonia-mur. in obesity, II., 838, in
eruptions, II., 886.

Ammoniac in Choroiditis, II., 119.
Anacardium in Sycosis, II., 329.
Anæmia, II., 180, 190, Treatment,

II.,190, II., 245, City Cachexia,
713, II, 191, Lymphatic, II.,
191, Chlorotic, II., 727, Leu-
cothyæmia, 942, Mercurial
Cachexia, 404, II., 202, from
Tobacco, II., 203, from Hæmor-
rhage, II., 690, Cerebral II.,
191, Delirium Tremens, II.,449.
Anamic Coma, II., 654.
Anæsthetics, local, 238.
Anagella Arvensis, in Hydrophobia,
II., 550.

Anal Worms, 381.
Anasarca, II., 744.

Anatomy, ancient study of, 42, Kid-
neys, II., 9.

Anetus, Ague, 473, stages, 474, va-
rieties, 475, causes, 482, 570,
treatment, 485.

Aneurism, II., 340, treatment, II.,342,
dissecting, II., 660, Tumor
from, II., 840.

Anger, II., 430.

Angina Pectoris, II., 552, treatment,
II., 556, Tonsillaris, 746, Paro-
titis, 742, Maligna, 592.

Anhelation, 440, Dyspnoea, 440.
Ani, Prolapsus, 398.
Animals, Parasites on, II., 847.
Animal Heat, 188.

Animal Magnetism in Scrofula, II.,


Animal Food, 189, 191.

Anima, of Stahl, 44.

Anise in Colic, 322.

Anorexia, see Dyspepsia, 271.
Anteversion of the Uterus, IL, 713.
Anthelmintics, 386.

Antim.-Crudum, 504, Tartarizatum,

767, in Pneumonia, 808 to 811.
Antim.-Crudum in Diphtheria, 770,
in Vomiting, 270, Vertigo, II.,

Antrum Maxillare, Abscess of, 241,
Fungous Tumor of, 243.
Anthrax, 669, causes, 670, treatment,

Antidotes, 149, 159, Hahnemann on,
160, 161.

Antipathy, II., 577.
Anthelmintics, 386.

Anthracia, Pestis, 637, II., 184.
Anticipation of Disease, 492.
Antiphlogistic Treatment, II., 106,
II., 161.

Aconite, 651.

Antipsorics, in Diphtheria, 771, see
Psora, II., 185, Dyscrasias, II.,
163, in Insanity, II, 438, Car-
dialgia, II., 513.

Antipsorics in Diptheria, 771.
Antiscorbutics, II., 336.

Antrum Maxillare, Diseases of, 241,

Abscess of 241, Purulent Se-
cretion of, 242, Fungous Tu-
mor of, 243. Treatment, 244.
Anus, Symptoms of, Prolapsus, 398.
Anxiety, II., 428.

Aorta, Ossification of, IJ., 558, Inflam-
mation of, 847, Aneurism of, II.,
660, Pulsations of, II., 557.
Aortitis, 847.
Aperients, 295.

Aphonia, 433, from Defect of Organs
of Speech, 433, Disease, 434,
Caustic Vapors, 434.
Apis-mel. in Bronchitis, 794, Ague,
495, in Dropsy, II., 749, 756,
Otorrhoea, 732, Scarlatina, 598,
Insect Bites, 669, in Bright's
Disease of the Kidney, II., 61,
31, Nephritis, II., 69, Croup,
782, in Prairie Itch, II., 884,
Bronchitis,794, Dysentery, 911,
in Syphilis, II., 321, Ovarian
Disease, II., 707, in Albumi.
nuria, II., 820.

Apnatica, Ephialtes, 454.
Apnea, II., 614.
Apocynum-Cannabinum in Bright's
Disease, II., 32, II., 61, in
Dropsy, II., 757.
Apoplexia ex Inanitione, II., 654.
Apoplexy, II, 633, Serous, II., 634,
II., 638, II, 641, with Chorea,
II., 569, Pathology, II., 638,
Treatment, II., 643, Pulmon-
ary, II., 802.
Apostema, Abscess, 652.
Apparent Death, II., 626, from a Fall,
691, Suffocation, &c., II., 625,
from Lightning, II., 655.
Appendages of the Eye, II., 144.
Appetite, Want of, 271, Depraved,
264, Canine, 256.

Aphtha, 737, Infantile, 738, Crypto-
gamic Plants in, 739.

Aqua Calcis, 867.

Arabian Elephantia, I., 330.
Arabian Physicians, 47.

Arachnoid, Effusion into, II., 640.
Arachnitis. See 698, II., 409, Con-
vexity of the Brain, II., 409, its
Base, II., 409.

Aranea-Diadema, 11., 633.
Archæus of Van Helmont, 44.
Aretaus, 44.

Argentum-nitr., in Yellow Fever,

579, in Diphtheria, 772, Croup,
781, in Toothache, 236, Stone-
bruise, 665, in Opthalmia, II.,
96, 98, in Sycosis, II., 329, in
Chorea, II., 566, Inflammation
of the Os Uteri, 11., 712.

Aristotle, 40.
Armies, Health of, 483.
Arnica, in Ague, 498, Injuries, 489,
Sprains, 662, Hæmoptysis, 800,
Pleuritis, 827, Carditis, 843,
Nephritis, II., 69, in Retention
of Urine, II., 86, in Opthalmia,
II., 97, in Hoarseness, 435,
Stone-bruise, 665, in Tetanus,
II., 540, Loss of Sleep, II., 576,
Vertigo, II., 578, Apoplexy, I.,
646, Palsy, II., 661, Menor-
rhagia, I., 694, Leucorrhoea, II.,
Arsenicum in Asthma, 444, in Ague,
492, Congestive Intermittent,
515, Infantile Remittent, 526,

Toothache, 236, Typhoid Fe-
ver, 547, Yellow Fever, 576,
Scarlatina, 597, 605, Variola
632, Abscess, 656, Erysipelas,
671, Diphtheria, 768, Cœliac
Neuralgia, II., 510, Iodide of
768, in Bronchitis, 795.
Arsenical Inhalations, 795.
Arsenicum in Bright's Disease, IL, 33,
II., 61, in Epilepsy, I.,611,Drop-
sy, II., 752, in Diabetes, ш., 815,
Porrigo, 11, 863, in Nephritis,
II., 70, Hæmaturiæ, in Ischuria,
II., 86, Ophthalmia, II., 93, in
Scrofulous Opthalmia, II. 152,
in Toothache, 236, in Vomit-
ing, 270, in Colic, 320, Angina
Pectoris, II, 557, Diarrhoea,
346, Cholera Morbus, 353, in
Cholera Asiatic, 370, in Coryza,
425, Chronic Cough, 438, Spot-
ted Fever, 529, Synocha, 532,
Carbuncle, 670, Gangrene, IL,
357, Gastritis, 854, Ulcer of the
Stomach, 867, Dysentery, 908,
Enteritis, 882, Colitis, 918,
Scrofula, II., 272, in Cancer, IL,
286, in Ulcers, IL, 386, Alco-
holism, II., 458, in Neuralgia,
П., 488, in Hemicrania, I., 503,
in Gastralgia, II., 517, in Lep-
rosy, II., 878.

Arteries, Diseases of, 848, H., 165,
Aneurism, IL, 340, Ligature
of, II., 342, Atheroma of, I.,

Arthritic Dyspepsia, I., 168.
Arthritis, I., 102.

Arthrocace, II, 261, ш., 174.
Arthropathie, Inflammation of Joints,

II., 174.

Arthropathia. II., 156, II., 174.
Arthrosia, White Swelling, II., 174.
Articular Affections, IL, 156.
Arum-triphyllum, 598.

Asafoetida in Disease of the Bones,
II., 321.

Asarum in Abscess, 676.

Asarum Europæum in Delirium
Tremens, II., 455.
Ascarides, 381.
Asclepiades, 42.
Ascites, II, 745.
Asiatic Cholera, 354.

[blocks in formation]

Atmosphere, Choice of for Consump-
tives, II., 238.

Atrophy, 177, II., 836. From Wean-
ing, 310.

Atrophy of the Spleen, 938.

Chronic Atrophy, 884, 890.
II., 262, 267.

of the Brain, 701. Senile
do., 702.

of the Mammæ. Iodine.

Atropine in Ophthalmia, II., 93.
in Iritis., 117.

Attenuation of Remedies, 142. II.,
261. 142, 146.
Attenuations, 150.

Attenuations employed by Hahne-
mann, 161.

Attenuations, Effects produced by
Different, 154.

Attenuations, Advantages of, 167, 121.
Attenuated Medicines, Reasons for
Using, 121.

Attenuations, Choice of, 142.

Aura Epileptica, II., 596.
Auditory Nerve, Palsy of, II., 663.
Auris (Imposthume,) 725.
Aurum in Caries, 247.

in Liver Disease, 934.

in Syphilitic Disease of Bones,
II., 321.

in Phosphor Necrosis, II., 365,
in Ozona, II., 366.

Orchitis, II., 384.

in Suicidal Monomania, II.,

in Spermatorrhoea II., 717.
Aurum-mur. in Iritis, II., 116.

in Scrofula, II., 272.

in Syphilis, II., 316.
in Ozona, II., 365.

Monomania, II., 443

In Dropsy, II., 758.

Auscultation, 420. In Phthisis, II.,213.
Austerity of conduct, II., 396.
Autumnal Fevers, 472, 468.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Ptyalism, 251. Typhus Cerebralis,


Belladonna, in Yellow Fever, 575.

in Measles, 607. In Scarlatina,


Poisoning by, 593.

in Small-pox, 631.

658. Antidotes, 595, 514.

in Inflammation of the Brain,

704, 710, 722.

in Delirium Tremens, II., 453.
Alcoholism, II., 460. Neural.

gia, II., 485. Its Sphere of
Action, II., 500.

in Headache, II., 500, IL, 507.
in Cardialgia, II., 513. Hy.

drophobia, I., 546.

Strabismus, II., 559.
Benzoic-acid, Sycosis, IL, 329.

in Pneumonia 808. Peri- Beriberia, п., 571.

tonitis, 992.

in Hepatitis, 930. Ischuria,
II., 86.

in Ophthalmia, II., 93. In
Iritis, II., 117.

in Fungus Hæmatodes of
the Eye, II., 144.

in Amaurosis, II., 127.

in Scrofulous Ophthalmia, II.,

in Rheumatism, II., 160.
in Gout, II., 173.

in Teething, 228.

Toothache, 234.

in Ileus, Obstruction of the
Bowels, 341.

Pathogenetic Effects, 342.
Belladonna, Pertussis, 593.

Spotted Fever, 529. Synocha,

Chorea, II., 563. Measles, 607.

Small-pox, 631.

Vertigo, II., 578. Erysipelas,

679. Tetanus, II., 539.
Epilepsy, II., 606. Sun-stroke,
692. Parotitis, 744.
Apoplexy II., 643. Tonsilitis,
748. In Follicular Enteri-
tis, 888.

Palsy, II., 660. In Peritonitis,


[blocks in formation]

Bex (Cough)., 436.

Bezoar Stone, 379.

Bibron's Antidote, 666.

Bi-chromate of Potash. Diphtheria,
763, 766. In Strychnine Poisoning,
II., 539.

Bi-chromate of Potash in Croup, 779.
Bile, 220.

Bilious Cholera,

[blocks in formation]

Morbus, 352.

Bilious Fever, 516.

530. Phos-acid, 530. Bry., Rhus, 530.
Bilious Colic, 314.

Bilious Complaints, 311.

Bilious Catarrhal Fever, 865.

Bilious Derangements of the Sto-
mach, 270, 311, ш., 507.
Bilious Diarrhea, 346.

Pneumonia, 805, 810.
Bi-sulphate of Soda, 306.
Bites of Insects, 668.

of Serpents, 666.


Rattle Snake.
666, Collodion, Brom., Apis,
Bibron's Antidote, 666, 668.

Black Death, 635. Description and
History, 635. Causes 636.
Black Jaundice, 411.

Black Skin, 411.

Black Vomit, 567.

Bladder, Affections of Inflammation,

II., 75, II., 76.

Bladder, Treatment, п., 76.

Dysuria, II., 75. Canth., IL, 77.

Catarrh of, (Cystitis), IL, 76.

Irritable, II., 78, п., 382. Hæ-

morrhage from, IL, 69. In

Syphilis, I., 325.

Paralysis of, IL, 84, IL, 81.
Polypi of,

Neck of Diseased, II., 806.
Prolapsus of,

Spasm of, 11., 77.

Suppuration of II., 807. Blas

tema Morbid, 646, 647.

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