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Retroversion of the Uterus, 11. 713.
Rhazes, 47.

Rheumatic and Gouty Disease of the
Kidneys, 11. 50.

Rheumatism, Metastasis to the Heart,

Rheumatic Fever, II. 156, Catarrhal
form, also Sticta-pulmonaria.
Rheumatism, Scarlatinal, 601.
Rheumatism, Inflammatory, II. 156,

Vol. I., 844, Acute, II. 156,
Chronic, II. 158, Causes, II.
158, Treatment, II. 158.
Rhododendron, II. 764.
Rhus-radicans, 711, Pleuritis, 827,
in Retention of Urine, II. 86,
in Rheumatism, II. 158.
Rhus-tox., in Ague, 506, Bilious Ty-
phoid, 530, Yellow Fever, 576,
Carbuncle, 670, Urticaria, 614,
Abscess, 658, Paralysis after
Brain Inflammation, 711, in
Bronchitis, 790, Pneumonia,
814, Pleuritis, 827, in Rheuma-
tism, II. 86, II. 158, in Scrofu-
lous Ophthalmia, II. 154, in
Gout, II. 167, in Cholera, 373,
in Hæmorrhoids, 397, Cramps,
II. 588, in Typhus, 543, 546,
Abdominalis, 550, Erysipelas,
676, Dysentery, 912, in Neu-
ralgia, II. 489, Chorea, IL. 564,
Apoplexy, IL 646, Palsy, п.
661, Crusta Lactea, II. 849, IL.
850, II. 885.

Rhus-rad., 11. 86, also in Gout of the

Rhus-vernix, II. 850, II. 885.
Richelieu, Case of, II. 391.

Rickets, 11. 831, II. 833, II. 472, caus-
ed by Irritation of Nerves, II. 472.
Rigidity, II. 629.
Rigor-mortis, II. 527.
Ring-worm, 11. 867.

Rome, Medicine at, 42, Climate of, II.

Ronchus, 430.

Roscola, 610, Syphilitic, 11. 322.
Rosy Drop, 389, II. 855.
Rot in Sheep, II. 824.
Rough Skin, 11. 289.
Rubeolo, 604.

Rubuli, (Yaws,) II 878.
Rosseau, II. 416.

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Salivation, 248, from Mercury, 248
Salt Rheum, (Lupus,) II., 289, Blue
Lick Water, II. 460.
Salt Water, Externally, II. 652.
Sambucus, in Laryngismus, 451,Ague,
507, in Bronchitis, 795.
Sand in the Eye, Feeling of, Granu-
lar Ophthalmia, IL 103.
Sanguification, 222.
Sanguiferous, Function, 457, the
Heart, 457, Circulation, 457.
Sanguinaria, in Dyspepsia, 229, in

Bronchitis, 791, in Croupa!
Diphtheria, 793, in Jaundice,
402, in Polypus, 429, in Phthi
sis, II. 247, Syphilitic Disease
II. 325, in Neuralgia, п 490.
Sanguineovs Plethora, II. 177.
Sanson, Case of, IL 669.
Santonine, (in Worms,) 388,

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Scarf Skin, II. 841.
Scarlet Rash, 600.

Scarlatinous Angina, 591, Diagnosis,
Diphtheria, 579.

Scarlatinal Nephritis, 600, 602,
Scarlatinal Rheumatism 601.
Scarlatina, 590, Dropsy After, 600.
Scarlet Fever, 590, Causes 593, Con-

tagion, 593, Simplex, 591, Angi-
nosa, 591, Maligna, 592, Treat-
ment, 693.

Schmier-Seife in Itch, II. 883.
Scilla, in Dropsy, II. 753.
Scirrhus, II. 284, of the Breast, II.

Scleroma, II. 901.

Sclerotica, Irregularity of, (Staphyloma)
II. 344.

Sclerotitis, See Ophthalmia, 11. 88., &c.
Scorbutus, II. 332, Pathology, II. 335.
Sciatica, Neuralgia, &c., II. 478.
Scilla, in Pleuritis, 827.

Scirrhus, 11. 280, of the Eye, See II.

142, of the Uterus, II. 297,
Stomach, Case of Napoleon I.,

Vomiting, 270, in Cholera, 370,
in Varicocele, II. 345, in Gan-
grene, II. 345, Alcoholism, II.
458, On the Spinal Marrow, II.
524, in Palsy, II. 660, Menor-
rhagia, 11, 693, in Leucorrhoea, IL.
700, Ovarian Disease, 11. 706.
Seche, Blennorrhoea, II. 370.
Secondary Syphilis, 11. 308, II. 317.
Secretion, 11. 736.
Sedentary, 938.

Selection of Food, 285.

Self-Digestion of the Stomach, 868.
Selection of the Proper Remedy, 152,
Senega. Bronch., 793, the
Second Remedy, 156, 905.
Self-abuse, 11. 328.
Semeiology, 165.
Seminal Flux, 11. 561, 11. 714.
Semilunar Ganglion, 11. 573.
Semen, Loss of, II. 714.
Sempervivum, in Cancer, II. 289.
Senile, Atrophy of the Brain, 702.
Senile, Gangrene, II. 349, Treatment,
II. 350.

Senna, in Colic, 322.

Sensation, Diseases of, 11. 468.
Sense, Acuteness of, 11. 577.

Senses, Reasoning according to, II.
394, Illusions of, 11. 446.
Sensitiveness, II. 575, to Cold, IL. 723,
of Temper, 11. 575.

Sensile Antipathy, 11. 577.
Sensorial Function, 11. 572.
Sentimentalism, 11. 416.
Sensitive Temperament, IL
Sequelae of Scarlatina, 600.

Scrotum, Dropsy of, IL. 762, Herpes Sequelae of Variola, 632.

⚫ of, 11. 869.

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Scrofula, 11. 259, Causes, II. 259,
Treatment, II. 261.

Scrofulous Ophthalmia,


Treatment, II. 152, Disease of
the Mesenteric Glands, II. 262,
Joints, II. 176, II. 764.
Scurvy, 11. 332, Pathology, II. 335,
Treatment, II. 336.

Scutellaria in Hydrophobia, 11. 551.
Scybula, 379, in Syphilitic Orchitis,

II. 325.

Sea-sickness, 270.
Sea-scurvy, II, 332.

Sebaceous Glands, 11. 842.

Secale, in Exophthalmia, II. 146, in


Sepia, in Portal Venous Plethora, 412,
in Ague, 506, in Hæmorrhoids,
397, in Scrofula, II. 271, in
Neuralgia, its Sphere of Action, II.
502, in Gastralgia, 11. 514, in
Amenorrhoea, Il. 680, Menor-
rhagia, II. 694, Leucorrhoea, II.
699, Ovarian Disease, IT. 706,
in Chlorosis, II. 728, Acne, II.

Septic Diseases, 541, II. 183, in
Blood Poisons, n. 183.
Serous Apoplexy with Chores, II.,


Serous Diarrhea, See Diarrhoea, 345.
Serous Effusion, 642.

Serous Exhalent Vessels, Disease of,

II., 739.

Serous Cysts, II. 822.
Serpentaria, II. 681.
Serpents, Bites of, 666.
Servetus, 48.

Sexual Function, Diseases of, II. 674,
Female, II. 674, Male, II. 714.
Sexual Power Feeble, 717, Emissions,
II. 714.

Shaking Palsy, 11. 671.
Shaking of the Brain During Mo-
tion, II. 495.
Sheep, Disease of, II. 824.
Shingles, II. 867.

Shipwrecked Persons, -Mental Suf-
ferings, II. 448.

Shock, Effect of in Concussion, II. 522.
Short Sight, See Hypermetropia, II.


Shrieking, II. 430.
Shuddering, 474.

Sick-headache, 694, 11. 495.
Sickness of Stomach, 268.

Side, Neuralgic Pain, in Women, II.

Sight, Derangements of. See Amauro-
sis, II. 120, Cataract, II. 131,
Illusions of, II. 446.

Silent Mood, II. 431.
Silicea in Teeth, 238, in Pleuritis,
827, Infantile Fever, 525, in
Consumption, II. 224, in Scro-
fula, II. 273, in Syphilis, 11.316,
in Syphilitic Caries, II. 321, in
Rickets, II. 835.

Silly Demeanor, II. 464.
Silver, Oxide of, II. 613.
Simple Hæmorrhoids, 392.

Singing, II. 454.

Sinking Chill, 510.

Single Remedy, Reasons for Giving,

157, 161.

Sinuous Ulcer, II. 181.
Singultus. See II. 515.
Size of the Brain, II. 409.

Skew-sight, See II. 139.

Skepticism in Medicine, 66.
Skin, II. 733, II. 735, II. 841.
Skin, Acute Diseases of, Fibrile, 587,
Chronic, do., Latent, II. 186,
Syphilitic Disease of, II. 308,
Disease caused by Compression
of the Nerves, H. 870, its Sym-

pathy with the Liver, 399,346
Prima Via, I. 573, n. 186
Skunk's Cabbage, 11. 588.
Skullcap in Hydrophobia, II. 551.
Sleep, Symptoms of, 11, 650, Respir
tion in, 454.

Sleep-walking, 11. 633.
Sleep, Effects of on the Brain, I. 408
Sleeplessness, 712, I. 410, IL 576
Sleep, Want of, г. 410, Effects of

Sloughing of the
the Cornea. See
Cornea, II. 113.
Small Doses, Objections to, Answered.
137, Action of in Disease, 120,

Small-pox, 627, History, 627, II. 326,
Variola, 627, Treatment, 631.
Smoking of Arsenic, 444.
Smut on Wheat, I. 843.
Snoring, 430.

Soda Bi-Sulph, in Dyspepsia, 306,
Compounds of, in Urine, II.

Softening of the Brain, 713, II. 659,
of Tissues, 117, of Bones, IL
831, Syphilitic, II. 321, Kid-
neys, II. 775, Stomach, 867,
Treatment, 868.

Solanum Nigrum, in Gangrena, II.

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Spectacies in Hypermetropia, II. | Squamous Diseases, see Pityriasis, &c.,


In Squinting, II. 141.
Speech, Defects of, 435, Stammering,

II. 561.

Spermatozoa, I. 715.
Spermatorrnæa, II. 561, II. 714.
Spigelia in Ophthalmia, 11. 97,

Scrofulous, do., II. 155, in
Worms, 387, Infantile Fever,
526, in Neuralgia, II. 490, in
Hemicrania, II. 504, Convul-
sions, 390.

Spina Bifida, 11. 765.
Spina Ventosa, 11. 284.

Spinal Cord, Proper, 11. 477, Func-
tions of, II. 698.

Spinal Irritation, 11. 589, 11. 723.
Spine, Injury of, (Concussion of the
Brain,) 687, 689.

Spinal Cord, Nerves of, Origin, II.
476, Sycotic Affections of, II.
567, Irritation of, II. 813, II.


Spine, Curvature of, 11. 525, II. 836,
Congestion of, п. 524, Dropsy
of, II., 765, Concussion of,
(Treatment of Concussion of the
Brain) 689, 11. 522, Treatment,
II. 523.
Spinal Marrow, Inflammation of, II.,
523, II. 669, Cerebro-spinal
Meningitis, 527, Action of Bell.
Ergot, Strychnine, n. 524, Re-
flex Power of, II. 525, Vaso-
motor Nerves of, II. 525.
Spiritualism, II. 631, п. 632.
Spleen, Diseases of, 938.
Spleen, in Cattle, I., 184.
Spleen, Turgescence of, 516.
Splenitis, 937, 512, 516.
Spleno-phlebitis, 938.
Splenitis, from Ague, 512.
Spongia, in Croup, 777.
Songia, in Goitre, II. 276.
Spontaneoas Development of Animal-
culæ, 11. 826, n. 825.
Sporadic Cases, 211.

Sporadic Cholera, 351, 352.

Spots before the Eyes. Amaurosis, II.


Spotted Fever, 527.
Sprains, 662.

Spurzheim, Case of, 555.

VOL 11-60

II. 846.

Squaw Root, Macrotin, 509, II. 686.
Squill, 11. 753, in Dropsy, also in Dia-


Squinting, II. 139, IL. 559.
Staggers, 11, 570.

Stannum, in Phthisis, II. 245, Epi-
lepsy, 11. 612, in Leucorrhoea,
IJ. 699.
Stammering, 435.
Staphyloma, 11. 134.
Staphysagria, in Ague, 506, in Tooth-
ache, 235, Typhus, 553, De-
pressing Passions, II. 428, Anger,
&c., II. 431, in Herpes, H.
Starvation, 258.

Starting of the Limbs, II. 561.
Steatoma, II. 823.

Sterility, II. 682, II. 715.
Sternalgia, II. 552, Chronic do., II.

[blocks in formation]

Stimulants in Diphtheria, 773, in
Gangrene, II. 351.
Stomacace, 737.

Stomach, Derangements of, 256, Sym-
pathetic Affections of, 307, Self-
Digestion of, 668, Congestion
of, 413, Fermentation in, 282,
303, Treatment, 289, Morbid
Sensibility of, 282, &c., Acidity
of, 256, Overloading of, 281,
857, Cancer of, 863, Inflamma-
tion of the Lining Membrane
of, 853, from Indigestible Sub-
stances, 857, Acute, 852, from
Melted Lead, 858, from Boiling
Water, 856,Acids, 857, Chronic,
860, Hydrocephaloid Disease,
in Children, 310, Ulcer of,
866, Softening of, 867, Neu-
ralgia of, II. 514 Gout of the,


Remedies, Colch., Bry., Puls., |
Nux-vom., Coloc., Bell., Rhus-
tox, Arn., Guiac. Hypertro-
phy of the Coats of, 873, Gas-
tralgia, II, 514, Heat in, feeling
of, 861, 862.
Stomach, Deranged by Organic Dis-
ease of the Uterus, 308, from
Kidney Disease, II. 670, from
Disease of the Brain, 308, from
Injury, II. 529, Oppression of,
II. 514, Pain or Aching in, II.
514, II. 519, Deranged, with
desire for suicide, 275, in Ner-
vous Females, 309.
Stomach Pump in Poisoning, II.


Stomatitis Materna, 740, Treatment,
741, Pathology, Diphtheria,

752, Ulcero-Membranous, do.,
739, Mercurial, 739.

Stone in the Bladder, 11. 770, Causes,
II. 778, Formation of, II. 792.
Stone-bruise, 664.
Stoppage of the Nose, Catarrh, 423.
Strabismus, II. 560, Convergent, II.

Stramonium in Amaurosis, II. 129,

Synocha, 532, Sleeplessness,
712, in Brain Disease, II. 407,
Delirium Tremens, 11. 454, in
Tetanus, II. 541, Strabismus,
560, Chorea, II. 563, Convul-
sions, II. 584, Epilepsy, 607,
610, Poisoning, 11. 611, Palsy,
II. 662.

Strangulation, 415, Congestion of
Stomach from Asphyxia, 11.616.
Straining Effects of, 662.

Strangury, 11. 77, 78.

Stretching, 474.

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Suicidal Monomania, II. 439.
Sulphate of Copper in Ophthalmia
96, 98, 99.

Sulphur in Ague, 503, in Epilepsy, IL

607, Toothache, 234, Ptyalism,
251, Measles, 608, Small-por
632, Urticaria, 613, Bronchitis,
798, Pheumonia, 814, Pleuritis,
827, Aggravation by, II. 194,
in Hepatitis, 930, Ophthalmi
II. 94, Corneitis, IL. 114, Ver
tigo, 11. 579, in Cataract, II,
133, in Scrofulous Ophthalmis,
II. 153, in Scrofulous Diseases,
II. 261, in Toothache, 235,
Hysteria, II. 591, in Affections
of the Mouth, 251, Constipa
tion, 331, 333, Diarrhoea, 347,
in Cholera, 366, in Hæmor
rhoids, 397, in Coryza, 425,
in Hoarseness, 435, in Ephialtes,
454, Infantile Remit. 525, in
Yellow Fever, 579, Stomatitis,
742, in Dysentery, 913, in Con-
sumption, II. 242, in Syphilis,
II. 316, in Caries, 11. 321, Or
chitis, II. 384, Ulcers, 11. 387,
in Amenorrhoea, II. 680, in
Leucorrhoea, 11, 699, in Chloro
sis, II. 724, in Dropsy, IL 759,
Milk-scall, II. 849, in Itch, L
882, Depressing Passions,
428, Insanity, 11. 438, Delirium

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