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Carbunculated Face, 11., 855..

Carcinoma, 11., 282.

Cauterization in Syphilis, 11., 311, in
Spermatorrhea, I., 716.

Carcinoma of the Rectum, 921, of Cayenne in Hoarseness, 435. Capsic

the Bladder, II., 803.

Carcinus, II., 280.

Cardialgica, 266.

Cardialgia, Heartburn, 266, Neural-
gic, I., 510.

Carditis, 838, Diagnosis, 838, Causes,
839,846,Lower Jaw,247,Teeth,
230, 232, After Small-pox, 633,
from Syphilis, II., 321, from
Phosphorus, II., 363.
Carminatives, in Flatulence, 267.
Carotid Artery, Effect of Tying, II.,


Cartilages, Ulceration of, 665, 11.,175.
Castoreum, in Cardialgia, II., 514.
Castor-oil, in Diarrhoea, 349.

Cutalysis, 541, 11, 183.

Catamenia, Deranged, II., 674.

Cataract, 11., 131, I., 198.
Catarrhal Ophthalmia, 11., 89.

Catarrh, Cold in the Head and Chest,
423, Diagnosis, Treatment,425,
Epidemic Influenza, 832, Suf-
focative, 785, Sycotic, II., 328,
of the Stomach, 865, Compli-
cated with Ague, 515.

Catalepsy, 11., 627, Case, 262.

Catheter, 11., 84, Eustachian Tube,430.
Catochus, . 627.

Cattle, Disease of, II., 184.
Caucasian Race, 11., 389.
Califlower Vegetations, 11., 803.
Caulophyllin in Hysteria, 11., 592.
Causes of Disease, general, 182, Ef-

fects of Heat, 183, of Cold,
184, 464, 466, Impurity of
Air, 185, Hereditary Tendency,
186, Influence of Climate and
Modes of Living, 188, 258, Hot
Climates, 193, Cold, do., 194,
199, Vicissitudes, 184, Inflam-
mation, Perverted Nutrition,
196, Influence of Dress, 197,
Power to Resist Disease, 199.
Causes of Fever, 461, Typhoid, 557,

Typhus, 539. Intermittent, 477,
468, Yellow Fever, 570, of In-
flammation, 649 (remote).
Caustics in Cancer, 11., 285.
Causticum, in Hoarseness, 435, in Neu-

ralgia, 11., 489, Chorea, 11., 564,

Cedron in Ague, 505, in Bronchitis
795, in Neuralgia, IL, 491,
Convulsions, U., 585, Hydro-
phobia, II, 549, Epilepsy, IL
612, Somnambulism, II., 633.
Cell-formation, 641, 647, 11., 280,281.
Cell-formation, Diseased, 647, 1, 181,
281, Malignant, 589,in Phthisis

II., 223.
Cell-formation of Nervous Structure,
II., 469.

Cellular Inflammation, 658.
Cellular Inflation, 842, Dropsy, п,


Cellules, Hypertrophy of, 11., 823.
Celsus, 43.

Cenotica, 11., 674.

Centripetal Epilepsy, 11., 601.
Cephalea-spasmodica, II., 495.
Cephalalgia, 11., 499, 11., 506, Patho-
logy, II., 506.
Cephalitis, 695.
Cephalocysts, 11., 822.
Cephaloma, 11., 283.

Cerebellum, Functions of, I., 474
Ganglia at the Base of the

Brain, 11., 475, Effusion into
II., 640.

Cerebral Anaemia, 713, Cerebral Hem-

ispheres in Insanity, II., 406.
Cerebral Typhus, 547.

Cerebritis, 695.

Cerebro Spinal Meningitis, 527,
Symptoms, 527, Causes, 528,
Pathology, 528, Treatment,
528, Brandy, 528.

Cerveau, Ramollissement du, 713.
Cervix Uteri, Ulceration of, ш., 701,
II., 707.

"Chain of Being," 11., 474.
Chains in Treating the Insane, II.,

Chamomilla, in Asthma, 426, 446,

Toothache, 235, in Miliary Fe-
ver, 616, Sleeplessness, 711, in
Liver Disease, 930, in Teething,
228, Flatulency, 267, in Vom-
iting, 270, in Colic, 320, 323,
in Diarrhoea, 347, in Cholera
Morbus, 354, in 'Hoarseness,
435, Asthma, 446, Infantile

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Chenopodium Anthelmin., 387.
Chest, Diseases of, (Respiration Dis-

eased,) 420, 423, Congestion of
in Children, 803, Tabular View
of Disease of, 834, Inflamma-
tion of Organs within the, 784,
Defective Conformation of, II.

Chicken-pox, 624.

Chick-weed in Hydrophobia, n. 550.
Chilblain, 659, Frost-bites, Treatment,

Childhood, Diseases of, 202, 199.
Chills, Sinking, 510.

Chill and Fever, Ague, 472.
Chilliness, 11. 683.

China, in Neuralgia, IL 489, in Cal-
culus, II. 802.

China, in Hercrania, 11. 505.

Cardialgia, 11. 513, Menorrhagia,
II. 694, Loss of Sleep, II. 576,
Epilepsy, 11. 608, in Dropsy, II.

China, in Ague, 486, Ophthalmia, II.

155, Quinine, 488, 487, Spotted
Fever, 529, in Chlorosis, II 724,
in Phthisis, II. 252, II. 255, in
Flatulency, 267, in Dysentery,
912, Colitis, 918, in Pleuritis, 827,
Irritability, II. 575, in Amaurosis,
II. 128, Amenorrhoea, II. 680,
Leucorrhoea, II. 700.
VOL. II.-58.

Chlorate of Pote sh, in Scurvy, 11.

333, in Pyalism, п. 338, in
Gonorrhoea, II. 381, in Gau-
grenopis, II, 356, in Dropsy,
II. 760, Poisoning by, 11. 760.
Chlorides in Urine, 11. 21.
Chloride of Lime in Itch, 11. 883.
Cholesterine, 407.

Chololithus, 407, Diagnosis, 407, Pa-
thology, 408, Cases, 408, 409,
Treatment, 408.

Chordee, II. 382.
Choroiditis, II. 118.

Chorea, 11. 561, Treatment, II. 562,
Religious, II. 567.

Chorea with Serous Apoplexy, 11. 569.
Chronic Diseases, Psoric Origin of,
II. 185, II. 192, Metastasis of
II. 186, IL 192, Sycotic, II.

Chronic Diaarhæa, (see Colitis,) 351,
Ophthalmia, II. 99, Pleuritis,


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Hahnemann's Treatment. 363, Cod-liver Oil, 11. In Consumption

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toms produced by it, 487.
Quinine. Its action, 498.

jurious Effects, 490.

Cinnabar, in Gonorrhoea, II. 379.
in Skin Diseases, II. 849.

Circocele, 801. II. 344.
Circulation of the Blood, 48. 457.
Cirrhosis, 925. Cities, Miasms of, 558.
Citric acid, in Scurvy, II. 336.
Civilization, Perverted, II. 226. II. 683.
Clairvoyance, II. 630.

Classification of Diseases, 211.

of Fevers, 467. Of Skin

Diseases, II. 845.

of Nutritive Substances, 210.

Clap, 300.
Clematis, in Ophthalmia, II. 96.
in Scrofula, I., 271.

in Iritis, I., 117.

in Cancer, 11, 297.

in Syphilis, II., 320.
Orchitis 11, 384.

in Irritable Testis, II., 385.
Skin Disease, II, 847.

Clergyman's Sore Throat, 749.
Climacteric Decay, 217. The Brain,

Climate, Choice of, 11., 235.

Effects of Cold, 190.

Increase of Animal Food re-
quired, 191.

[blocks in formation]

II. 240.
in Scrofula, II. 272.
in Syphilis, II. 320.
in Palsy, II. 660.

Caliac Neuralgia, IL. 509.
Cæliaca, 213.

Coffea, Nervousness, &c., II. 574.
in Ague, 507. Teething, 228
in Apoplexy, II. 645.
in Toothache, 228.

in Diarrhoea, 350. Pertussis, 440
in Sleeplessness, 712.
in Irritability, II. 575.
in Alcoholism, II. 460.
in Opium Poisoning, II. 652
in Neuralgia, II. 487. II. 494
in Hemicrania, II. 505.

Cohash, II. 592. II. 686.
Colchicum, in Rheumatism, IL. 159

in Gout, I. 167, IL 172
in Dyspeptic Gout, ш. 171
in Colic, 320, Gastritis, 856
in Dropsy, II. 775.

Cold Dash, in Apparent Death from
Lightning, u., 655.

Cold as a Cause of Disease, 184, 464.

Recovery from Extreme, 660.
Effects of Intense, 190, 466.
Effects on Different Persons, 196
in Ophthalmia, 11., 92.
Susceptibility to, II., 633. 11., 7
Cold Water Bandage in Croup, 78
Cold Water in Typhus, 543. Br

Disease, 704. Alcoholism, .
460 in Chlorosis, II, 724.

Cold Plague, 582.

Colic, Bilious, 311. 314. Malarious,
315. Flatulent, 313. Treat-
ment, 317. Painter's, 316. In
Children, 322. Various Forms
of, 322.

[blocks in formation]


Colon, Obstruction of, 336, Malignant
Ulceration of, 920, State of, in
Dysentery, 899.

Color of Clothing, 198.

Coma, from Uræmic Poisoning, II., 763.
Coma, 11., 634. II., 642. 11., 650.
Coma Aramic, 11., 650.

Compression, in Disease of Joints, II.,
176, in Aneurism, 11., 343.
Concussion of the Spine, 11., 522.
Concussion of the Brain, 687, Treat-
ment, 689.

Condylomata, II., 326.

Congestion in general, 180, 638.
Congestion, 464. 465, Preceding In-
flammation, 638, of the Sto-
mach, 414, of the Spinal Cord,
II., 524.

Congestion of the Chest in Children,
803, Brain, 694.

Congestive Fever, 522.

Congestive Intermittent, 510.
Concretion, Salivary, 250, Intestinal,

Confidence in one's self, Want of, 842,

Conium, in Ischuria, 11., 86, in Cata-

ract, 11, 133, in Iritis, 11., 116,
in Scrofula, II., 270, in Neural-

gia, II., 489, in Palsy, II., 662.
Conjunctiva, Granulations on, II., 104.
Conjunctivitis, II., 89. II, 95.


tagious do., 103 Chronic, II., 99.
Constantinople, Medicine in, 14.
Constrictive Dysphagia, 252.
Consanguinous Marriages, IL, 663.
Consanguinity, 11., 663.
Constipated Colic, 314, 323.
Constipation, 323, Causes, 324, Pa-

thology, 326, Treatment, 327,
Bryonia, 329, Nux-vom., 330,
Adjuvantia, 328, Enemata,
329, complicated with He-
patic Disease, Graphites, 332,
Lycopodium, 333, Intestinal
Obstruction, Headache from,
II., 508.
Constipation in Children, 333.
Constitution, Feeble, 186. Inherited,
II., 187.

Consumption,11.205, Diagnosis, 11.205,
Causes, II., 225, Treatment, II., 235.
Contagion, 186. 539. 542. 558, 588.

do. of Typhoid, 557, Yellow

Fever, 571, Contagious Fevers,
557. 558. 589.

Continued Fever, 530, Typhus, 536,
Typhoid, 557.

Contrast between the Old and New
Schools, 145.
Contusions, 662.

Convergent Strabismus, 11., 139.
Convex Glasses in Hypermetropia, II.,

Convolvulus, in Dropsy, II., 758.
Convulsions, in Small-pox, 633.

From Religious Excitement,
11., 567.

Convulsive Affections in Sleep, 454.
From Brain Affection, II., 580.
From Carb.-ammonia, 11., 768.
Convulsions, II, 580, Treatment, II.,

Convulsions of Children, II., 582, Pe-
riodical, II., 585, Puerperal, II.,

Convulsive Affections, after Injury,
II., 584, After Small-pox, 633,
Epileptiform, II., 586.
Convulsive Diseases, Theory of, II.,
526, Caused by Debility, 11., 526,
By Hæmorrhage, 11., 527.

Cookery, Effects of, 209.
Cool Air and Water in Gonorrhoea, II.,

Copaiva, Balsam, in Bright's Disease,
II., 35, in Nephritis, 11., 68, in
Gonorrhoea, II, 379.

Copostatris, Constipation, 323.
Copper-acetate, of, in Purpura, II,
200, Cases, II., 201, in Phthi-
sis, II., 251.

Corn, II, 887, Festered, 11., 888,
Nervo-vascular, 11., 888, Fibrous,
II., 890, Laminated, II, 890,
Hard, 11, 883, Ammonia-muriati
cum, II., 883, Vascular do., II. 889.
Cornea, Ulcer of, II., 113.

Opacity of, II., 113.

Corneitis, II., 113.
Cornea, Conical, II., 114.
Corpora Striata, 11., 475, 11., 639.
Corpuscles of the Blood, II, 182.
Corpulency, I., 837.

Correllation of Forces, 473.
Corrosive Poison, 857.

Coryza, 423, Diagnosis, 423, Patho-

logy, 424, Prognosis, 424,

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Counter Irritants, in Diphtheria, 773.

Coup de Soleil, 692.

Cowardly Disposition.
Disease, 838, 840.

Cow-pox, 617.

Cramp, 11., 588.

See Heart

Vaccination, 617.

Crayon of Sulph.-copper in Ophthal-
mia, II, 96, 98.

Creatine, II., 19, 11., 790, Creatinine,
II., 19.

Creosote, in Toothache, 236, in Hæ-

morrhage, (Kreosote) in Phthi-
sis, II., 252, Gangrene, 11.,

Cretinism, 11., 278, II., 889.
Critical Days, 476.
Crocus in Menorrhagia, IL, 694.
Crotalus-horridus, in Yellow Fever,

580, inoculation, 580, Bite of, 666.
Croup, 774, Croupal Diphtheria, 793.
Croton-tigl., Diphtheria, 771.

Summer Complaint, 890.

Crowded Apartments, 484.

See Typhus, 540, 541.

Crowing Disease, 448, Causes, 449,
Pathology, 450, Treatment,

Crusta Lactea, II., 849.

Cryptogamic Theory of Yellow Fever,
570, of Thrush, 739, Ague, 482.
Crystalization of Calculi, 11, 788.
Cubebs, in Gonorrhoea, II., 380.
(ullen, 52.

Curative Power of Drugs, 12.
Cures, Nature of Homeopathic, 134,


Accidental, 74.

Curvature of Bones, Syphilitic, II.,


Cuprum, 320.

Aceto-nitrate of, 772.

Sulphate of Copper in Ophthalmia,
96, 98, 99, in Phthisis, II., 251,

Colic, 320, in Diarrhoea, 349,
in Cholera, 368, Scarlatina,
598, in Gangrenopsis, IL, 359,
in Diabetes, IL, 815, Chores,
II., 566, Epilepsy, II, 609, in
Dropsy, п., 759.

Cuprum, in Gastrodynia, IL, 519, in
Impotence, II, 717, Convul
sions, II., 587, Hysteria, IL
592, Apoplexy, IL, 648.
Cuprum-aceticum in Heart Disease,
845, in Porrigo, IL, 861.
in Hydrophobia, II., 550.

Curare, orWoorara in Tetanus, II. 586.
Curvature of the Spine, 11., 525.
Cutaneous Blush. Erysipelas 673.
Vermination, II., 886.

Cutaneous Diseases, 587.
Febrile, 587.

Chronic, II., 841.

Cutis, II., 841.
Cyclamen, Diplopia, II., 329, 11., 505,
in Hemicrania, II., 505, Stra-
bismus, II., 560, Vertigo, 580,
Dysmenorrhea, II., 686, Me-
norrhagia, II., 693.

Cynanche Laryngea, 750, 749.
Maligna, 592.

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