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en a feverer dread, or fill the mind with greater terrors than the fociety of smiling






of a wife must have coft a planter fifty
per cent more than his whole tobacco
crop, for a fingle year.


though all the women are Lais's. I have received many favors from men and I have no hesitation in saying that all those who have obliged me are rafcals. If there were a fingle exception the fyftem of my mafter would be deftroyed. It would be ranked with common fyftems which fuppofe men to be poffeffed of both virtues and vices. The vulgar fay the more men are en

It would feem that fome of the planters were under the neceffity of purchafing their wives on credit; and in order to prevent evafions of payment, which otherwife might likely have happened, efpecially if they found themfelves cheated in their bargains, the general affembly enact-lightened, the more fubmiffive they are to ed, that the price of a wife fhould have the precedence of all other debts, in recovery and payment, becaufe 'fays the affemthe moft defirable." In fact, though bona bly) of all kinds of merchandize, this was fide debts have not always been recoverable by law, in Virginia; yet, in this inftance of the most defirable kind of mer

chandize," the legislature, much to its hon-
our, folemnly ordained that, in cafe of the
purchase of a wife on credit, the purcha-
fer fhould pay the tobacco, even to the
laft ounce, that he had contracted to give
for her.

the laws: Laws are then good. Many nations have changed their governmentno one has been willing to return to anarchy. Anarchy is therefore the greatest of evils. The condition of fociety impofes an infinite multitude of duties. The continued existence therefore of fociety fuppofed more duties fulfilled than violated. Whenever men affociate together the general stock of good is greater than that of evil.

And I declare openly that fo far from having good laws, we have not even the definition of the word laws; further that it is impoffible that a man may be unjuft when he can be fo with impunity-that all men living in fociety kill each other without perceiving it. That thofe people are the moft polifhed who have invented the art of roafting men at a little fire and at-` terwards eating them, and I pronounce an anathama against those who differ from me opinion.

The memory of fuch a remarkable
piece of history as I have been relating,
ought, I think, to be perpetuated by fome
public monument. As wool is the staple
of Britain and the prime fource of its
wealth, it has been a custom, time out of
mind, for the firft Lord of the treasury to
fit upon a wool fack and with equal,
if not greater propriety, might the fpeak-in
er of the Virginia affembly be feated upon
a fack of tobacco; feing this odoriferous

merce, in the ancient dominion, but alfo
the bafis of population.


IRGINIA, fo named, in honour of Elizabeth the virgin queen of England, was the eldest fifter among the Britifh-American colonies: and the has never been fcrupulous in claiming, from her younger filters, the full amount of refpect and homage, that belongs to feniority.The firft effective fettlement of this "Ancient Dominion," as Virginia has been called, was in the year 1609; thirteen years before the fettlement of Plymouth in New-England. The emigrants came over to Virginia, not by pairs, as the creatures went into the Ark, but without wives and families; and were mere adventurers in queft of wealth, who determined, as foon as their fortunes fhould be made, to return to England. As this determination, carried into effect, might have been fatal to the colony, Sir Edwin Sandys, in order to attach the colonists to the foil, and to prevent their return, advifed the Proprietors in England to fendant has not only been the ftaple of comthem over a cargo of young women, and to exchange thefe neceffaries of life for tobacco. This prudent advice was followed and accordingly, in the year 1620, ninety girls were fent to the Virginia planters at one time. A freight of fixty more was fent the next year. A fpecies of commerce fo highly advantageous was not declined by the planters. The love of woman, in this inftance, compleatly triumphed over fordid avarice, infomuch that files of gallant Virginians were to be seen, carrying down to the fhip, with a hafty step, their bundles of tobacco, and, after making the exchange, conducting home their dear fpoufes. At first, the value of a wife was estimated at one hundred and twenty pounds of tobacco: but as the fale of this precious commodity was rapid, the price foon rofe to an hundred and fifty pounds. Indeed it reflects no fmall degree of honour upon the generosity and gallantry of the planters, that they fhould voluntarily give fuch prices for their wives; efpecially when it is confidered that King James of England, who was fo bitter an enemy to fmoking, that with his own royal hand he wrote a book againft it, had prohibited the Virginians from railing tobacco, beyond the annual quantity of one hundred pounds each.-Under thefe circumftances, the purchafe



Tranflated for the BALANCE, from the
French of a Pupil of ROSSEAU.



I hold it for certain that whilft the laws have faid; take care to do hurt to no one; give every one his due--they have neceflarily corrupted every heart, and whilst the fcriptures have commanded us to do all the good in our power, and to love our neighbour as ourselves they have opened a door to every crime.

I declare, that indefinite liberty is the unalienable right of man, although man alienate himself from it every where. And without ceafing I affert that the first who has faid, I promife, I engage, and all thofe who repeat these horrible terms are fo many violators of human nature. I affert moreover, that the weak fellow who dares fay I will do fuch an action, or I will ab. ftain from it, blafphemers against the digFTER thefe falutary inftruc-nity of human nature for if there is one tions I abandoned my fon to himfelf. I will not tell what he became; it may eafily be gueffed. Satisfied with having a philofophical pofterity, my mind was more than ever confirmed in the belief. I have taken the telescope of my mafter, and I proteft, that I have only observed in fociety the baseft rabble, and fervants a little more defpicable than their masters. I have feen all the vices triumph there except those which courage demands. I wifh nevertheless to be juft, and I think it ne- And I coincide with my mafler when ceffary to diftinguish thieves on the high-he affembles his people around him and way from the crowd of effeminate knaves. fays to them, fools that you are you have I declare that I have never been fuscessful given to your fovereigns the name of grea

fingle natural duty infinite liberty no longer exifts. If there is a contracted duty liberty is alienable with one fingle firoké. I thus extinguifh all fociety, all government, all laws whether natural or revealed, for if natural law has alfo its duties, civil law is only its interpreter. And I cry out, liberty, liberty, and if any one ftrips 'me of my goods or aims a ftroke at my life he will likewife cry out liberty, liberty.

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of well beloved-of juft, of good, of father of his country and of the people, the delight of the univerfe, and I come to declare that there has never been a king who has confulted public utility; that all rafcals have afcended the throne, or the throne has made them fuch. I liften to my mafter-I admire him, he pronounces and facts difappear.

But if abfolute liberty is effential to every man, it is particularly fo to the philofopher. He believes that he may fay every thing, and write any thing. But no body has a right to anfwer him, and if any dare he may treat them as fools, ideots, varlots and wretches; the proud defpotifm which prompted him to make a noife will become the appendage of his philofo. phy. He will ufe the threats of religion which he wishes to extinguish, and will hold men proftrate before the terror of his judgments.


Columbian Congress.

Turfday, December 28.

A message was received from the prefi. dent of the United States accompanied by flatements, drawings and eftimates relative to the building of a dry dock in the city of Washington. The meffage and documents were ordered to be printed, and referred to the commitee appointed on fo much of the prefident's mellage as relates to our navy yards and the building of docks.

Mr. Speaker laid before the houfe a letter which he had received from James M'Henry Efq. late fecretary at War, relative to fo much of the report of the Inveftigating committee as relates to his official conduct in the War department. Mr. M'Henry prays that reftitution may be made him by the houfe for the injury which that report is calculated to do to his reputation; fates that he has good reafon for believing the report to have been drawn up by a part only of the committee, a bare majority, and was never affented to by the other members of the committee; declares that many of the flatements are altogether partial and incorrect; and enters into a detailed refutation of all the charges and infinuations brought against him in that report..

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Mr. Stanley differed from his colleague.-He knew not by what means, unlefs by infpiration, the gentleman had difcovered that this was not a petition. He hoped the paper would be read, becaufe he had no other means of difcovering its contents.

Mr. Speaker was of opinion that the rules of the house required the reading.

Mr. T. Morris thought it the heighth of injuftice to refufe to read the paper. He faid it was a complaint from a late officer of the government whofe conduct and character had been impeached by a committee of that houfe whofe report had been made public. The paper under confideration purported to be a reply to that report and to contain a refutation of the charges there alledged. In the language there appeared to be nothing indecent, and he did not fee how the house could refufe to hear it.

Mr. Randolph faid that the rule ot the house mentioned by the Speaker, in his opinion, conftituted the only argument which could be urged in favour of hearing fuch a paper read.-From what we have heard, faid he, it appears to be in the higheft degree indecent and infulting, and fuch as could never proceed from the pen of any man who deferves or has ever deferved to hold an office in the government. He faid it required no infpiration to difcover what was the nature and purport of the communication and as to decency, he congratulated himfelf that in this particular, as well as in moft others, his ideas were

totally different from thofe of gentlemen

who could ufe or vindicate fuch lan-

Mr. T. Morris remarked with fome
warmth; that he believed his ideas of de-
cency were as correct as thofe of the gen-
tleman laft up. He again adverted to the
ferious charges brought against Mr. M'Hen-
ry by the committee of inveftigation, and
the extreme injuftice of denying him an
opportunity of vindicating himself in a
manner as public as his accufation.

Mr. Allifon faid he wished to remark, in reply to his colleague (Mr. Stanly) that he had never feen the letter under con fideration and knew nothing of the contents but from what he had heard read.

Mr. Bacon profeffed himself very much at a lofs as to the propriety of reading or of refufing to read fuch a communication as that appeared to be. It feemed, he said, to be not merely a complaint, but a high charge against one of the committees of that houfe. It accufed a part of that committee of acting without the knowledge and confent of the reft. He had heard the fame charge brought forward before, and by one of the officers of the government; he had heard of it more than a hundred miles from this place.-On the whole he was rather of the opinion that the reading ought to be concluded, and then that the houfe ought to take fome order expreffive of their opinion of fuch a communication.

Mr. Speaker remarked that no member had been made acquainted with the contents of the paper; that he always made a practife of never breaking the feals of intended for the house but in the prefence a communication which appeared to be

of the house.

Mr. Grifwold enquired whether the decifion from the chair, as to the neceffity of reading the paper was not imperative.

Mr. Speaker anfwered that it must be imperative unlefs an appeal should be made from that decifion.

The deputy clerk proceeded to read. After reading about an hour,

Mr. Davis rofe and faid he confidered himfelf entitled to a right which he muft claim. He then read a rule of the house which declares that when the reading of a paper is called for by any member it fhall be read unlefs the houfe decide otherwife.

He faid he was very much fatigued by the reading of that paper and

muft call for fuch a decifion of the houfe as the rule contemplates.

Mr. Speaker said he had givan his opinion that the communication must be read, and that he grounded this opinion upon another rule of the house, which he then read from the chair.

Mr. Mitchell faid he was generally dif pofed to liften to the reading of public papers and documents; but he did not know how far the reprefentatives of the people ought to fit and hear argumentative difcuffions which appeared much more fuitable for a pamphlet.-Mr. Mitchell was proceeding at confiderable length, when,

Mr. Grifwold rofe and called him to order. He faid he was forry to be under the neceflity of fuggesting that the gentle-, man from New-York was not in order; but he underflood that the queftion as to the reading of the paper had been decided by the Speaker, and that there could be no more debate upon it. Nothing was now left but to acquiefce or to appeal from that decifion.

Mr. Davis faid he mnft then appeal to the house from that decision.

Mr. Dana called for the yeas and nays upon the appeal.

The queftion was then put, "Is the decifion of the chair in order?" and the yeas and nays being taken it was decided in the affirmative-Yeas 62, Nays 16.

The reading was then concluded, which having occupied feveral hours, the house adjourned without taking any order upon the communication."

Be it our weekly task,

To note the passing tidings of the times.

Hudson, January 18, 1803.



"The greater the Truth, the greater the Libel."

Last week on Monday, at a court of feffions in this county, a democratic grand jury found two indictments againйt H. Cofwell, the junior editor of this paper, for publishing libels against Thomas Jefferfon. Application was made to the court for a poftponement of the trial; which, notwithstanding the ftrenuous oppofition of the Attorney General, was obtained. The Attorney General contended that the defendant could not be permitted to juftify by giving the truth in evidence; and therefore could be no better prepared for his trial at a future day than he was then.

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fupport of faid fchool. This benevolent inftitution will doubtlefs meet with the countenance and fupport of all good citizens; while it reflects the highest honor on the Epifcopal Society, particularly thofe members of it who have been moft

active on the occafion.

A fhort time fince, James T. Callender, one of the editors of "The Recorder," (published at Richmond, Vir.) received a brutal and fevere beating from George Hay, Efq. on account of a libel which he had publifhed against that gentleman. Complaint was made by Callender, and Hay was bound to appear at the next court to be held in Richmond, and in the mean time to keep the peace. The next day, Callender and Henry Pace, his partner, To Readers & Correspondents. were brought before four juftices of Henrico county to anfwer the complaint of George Hay, (viz.)-that the defendants. had publifhed libels against the faid Hay in the Recorder.-Hay propofed to bind them to their good behaviour, themselves in the fum of 500 dolls. with two fecurities of 250 each. The rule obtained-and Pace found fecurity, but Callender refufed, and was committed to jail.

After the Attorney General had been defeated in his attempt to bring the matter to immediate trial, he moved that the defendant fhould be required not only to find fecurity for his future appearance, but alfo for his good behaviour. This motion was oppofed in an able and eloquent manner by the defendant's counfel, and over-ruled by an almost unanimous vote of the court, which confifted of a majority of the Attorney General's own political fect. This decifion, while it reflects the highest honor on the court, ferves to fhew Mr. Spencer that party prejudice has not yet ufurped the feat of juftice.

A circumftantial and impartial account of this tranfaction fhall be laid before our readers next week.

Thofe gentlemen who have generously ftepped forward as advocates and friends of the junior editor, on this occafion, are defired to accept of his fincere acknowledgments.

The court of Henrico county afterwards. discharged Callender from confinement and Pace from bail," the binding of them over being in their opinion, an illegal act."What will our honorable Attorney General fay to this?

Mr. Prentils, Editor of the Baltimore Anti-Democrat, has been arrested at the fuit of Gen. Smith, for a fuppofed libel : damages laid at 8,000 dollars.

It is now ftated that the late diftreffing fire at Portsmouth, was accidental.

John Dodd, Efq. is appointed Post-
Mafter at Hartford, Conn. in the place of
E. Williams, jun. Esq. turned out.

Yesterday (fays the Gazette of the United States of the 23d ult.) Stephen R. Bradley, prefident of the fenate pro têm. gave a dinner to a felect number of the fenators, the heads of department, &c. Thomas Paine was a gueft, and was waited Logan, fenator from Pennsylvania. Mr. on to the hotel where they dined, by Dr. Paine, a few days fince, dined by invita tion with the prefident in company with the British minifter.

A friend and correspondent informs us, that the "Profession of Philosophic Faith," which we are now publishing as a recent translation from the French of Rosseau, was published in an English dress some years ago, and that it was supposed to have been written by Voltaire, who, tho' a Philo sopher, was nevertheless, a bitter enemy of Ros. seau. We return our thanks to the gentleman who has given us this information. We believe, however, that it is a translation from the original French which appears in our paper, and not a transcript from any former translation.

The Allegory signed "X." which we acknowledg ed some weeks since, on examination is found to be too incorrect for publication. If the author will review the fourth line, he may, perhaps, concur with us in this opinion.

A continuation of "Satyricus," is expected.

If any irregularrity occurred last week in the transmission of our papers to mail subscribers, it must be ascribed to the junior editor's detention

at court.

A note in the North Carolina Minerva, induces us to state that the Balance is forwarded regularly, as well to printers as subscribers.

Orr advertising customers are desired to hand in their favors, as early as 12 o'clock on Saturday, otherwise they cannot be inserted.


To City Subscribers, Two Dollars and fifty cents, payable in quarterly advances.

To Country Subscribers, who receive their papers at the office, Two Dollars, payable as above. To those who receive them by the mail, Two Dollars, exclusive of postage, payable in advance. A handsome title-page, with an Index or Table of Contents, will be given with the last number of each volume.

Advertisements inserted in a conspicuous and handsome manner, in the Advertiser which accompanies, and circulates as extensively as the Balance.

On Sunday laft, a Charity School was opened in this city, at which forty-one pupils attended. This fchool has been intituted by the members of the Epifcopal Society, for the benefit of the poor children, and the Vellry has employed Mr. Roger Kennedy as teacher. A Charity Sermon will be preached by the Rev. Bethel Judd, Rector of the Epifcopal Bethel Judd, Rector of the Epifcopal be sent, stitched or in bundles, to any post-office in Church in this city, once in three months, when a contribution will be made for the

Complete files of the first volume, which have been reserved in good order for binding, are for sale -Price of the volume, bound, Two Dollars and fifty cents-unbound, Two Dollars. The whole may

the state, for 52 cents postage; or to any post-office in the anion for 78 cents.

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The Wreath.




SEE how the feather'd race from tree to tree, Sport through the air, or sweetly chaunt their lays,

While I, a victim to perplexity,

Assert the pleasures of far happier days.

Amid those chequered hours of doubt and fear,
Hope sometimes throws a partial gleam around;
But ah! too transient, and too fairt to cheer,
It dies away, and only probes the wound.

So, oft the moon, as darkness veils the sky,

Darts through the gloom a momentary ray;

But soon again her beams their light deny,

And fall beyond those clouds which bar their


Perplex'd and sad, I court each passing hour,
And vainly hope the aid of some assisting power.
Kingston, Ulster County.



THE frozen streets in moorshine glitter,
The midnight hour has long been past,
Ah me! the wind blows keen and bitter,
I sink beneath the piercing blast,
In ev'ry vein seems life to languish,

Their weight my limbs no more can bear,
But no one sooths the Orphan's anguish

And no one hears the Orphan's pray'r

Hark! hark! for sure some foot-step's near me
Advancing, press the drifted snow,

I die for food; oh! stranger, hear me,
I die for food; some alms bestow :
You see no guilty wretch implore you,

No wanton kneels in feign'd despair,
A famished Orphan kneels before you,
Oh grant the famished orphan's pray'r

Perhaps you think my lips dis embling,
Of virtuous sorrows feign a tale,
Then mark my frame with anguish trembling,
My hollow eyes and features pale,
E'en should my story prove ideal,

Too well these wasted limbs declare,
My wants at least are not unreal,

Then stranger grant the Orphan's pray'r

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the motives upon which he did it; "I have been," said he, "for many years Profeffor of this pretended fcience; I had ranfacked the libraries and my own brain to discover the foundations of it; but the more I fought to perfuade and convince my pupils, the lefs confidence I begin to have myfelf in what I was teaching them, fo that at length I gave up my profeffion, & returned to medicine, which had been the firft object of my ftudies. I have nevertheless continued from that time to examine every thing that appeared upon this fubject, which, as I have told you, I could never explain or teach fo as to produce conviction but at length I have given up the point,most thoroughly affured that, without an exprefs divine fanction attached to the laws of morality and without pofitive laws, accompanied with determinate and urgent motives, men will never be convinced that they ought to fubmit to any fuch code, nor agree among themfelves concerning it. From that time, I have never read any work upon morality but the Bible, but I return to that always with fresh delight."


PHILIP the Second, walking one day alone in the cloisters of the convent of the Efcurial, an honeft tradefman, feeing the door open went in.-Tranfported with admiration at the fine paintings with which that houfe is adorned, he addreffed himself to the king, whom he took for one of the convent, and defired him to fhew the paintings, and explain the fubjects of them. Philip, with all the humility and condefcenfion of a lay brother, conducted him through the apartments, and gave him all the fatisfaction he could defire. At parting, the stranger took him by the hand and

From De Luc's Letters on the Religious Education fqueezing it affectionately, faid "I am

of Children.

(faid the pretended fervant) is Philip the fecond: and if you will call upon me at Madrid, I will give you a glafs of as good!"

much obliged to you friend, I live at St. Martins, and my name is Michael Bombis. SPEAKING of the fuperior efficacy of If you should chance to come my way, and call upon me, you will find a glass of good pofitive laws comparative with the mere precepts of any fyftem of moral philofo-wine at your fervice."-" And my name, phy, Mr. De Luc tells us, "Some time ago I was converfing upon this fubject with a very celebrated man (the late Sir John Pringle) who had been Profeslor of moral Philofophy in the univerfity of Edinburgh; he was then advanced in years, and had lived much in the world. At that time, I was ftill rather a friend to the teaching of rational morality, thinking it was useful to bring men acquainted with their duty in every poffible way. I had just read a new work of this nature, entitled" Of an Univerfal Moral, or Man's Duties founded upon Nature ;" and as he had not read it, I offered to lend it him. I cannot exprefs to you the tone in which he refufed this offer, but you will have fome idea of it, when you come to know

A WAG, obferving a fellow fteal a fish, at Billingfgate, and put it under his jacket, which was too fhort to conceal the theft, whifpered the purloiner, in future, either to wear a longer jacket, or fleal a fhorter [Port Folio.] fifh.


Warren-Street, Hudson.

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Driginal Efflaps.


Hither the products of your closet-labors bring,
Enrich our columns, and instruct mankind.




No. III.

WHEN Solon was asked wheth

muft read fuch publications with astonishment, and it is devoutly hoped, in behalf of humanity and for the honour of the nation, that they may not be reiterated.

acting capital punishments against duelling,
however equitable they might be in an ab-
ftracted view, would prove inoperative
and futile; because the contravening o-
pinion, especially of the higher claffes,
The common plea for duelling it is not
would fo far paralize fuch laws, as to pre-impoffible to remove, either by bringing
vent their being impartially and generally perfonal affronts, between gentlemen, un-
executed; and it, in fome inftances, the
der the cognizance of the courts of jus-
penalty of death fhould be inflicted, com-
tice, or by establishing special tribunals of
paffion for the criminal, rather than horror
honour, which fhall award the contend-
against the crime, would be excited in the
ing parties. But any effectual attempts of
public mind. Other means, more practi- this kind are, however, rather to be hop-
cable, and confequently, more certainly
ed, than expected, unlefs at fome distant
efficacious, fhould be used for the fup- peri. By properly educating the rifing
pretion of duelling.
generation, the public opinion and tafte
may gradually become lo far corrected and
purified, that the next age will reject the
abfurdity of affixing the name of honour
to a moft flagrant violation of the laws of
humanity and of heaven. Let all maxims
and leffons of a vicious nature, and efpe-

If the parties concerned in duels were made to incur a legal incapacity of holding any office of honor or profit in the nation; and alfo the penalty of disfranchisement, for a given time, or for life, accord

crimes; such wholsome measures, vigo-cially thofe which tend to encourage
ling, be expunged from our school-books.
Let children be carefully taught the pure

ed into complete effect, might, in a great
degree, prevent thefe bloody affrays.and benevolent precepts of the christian re-
The fear of difgrace would, in many
minds, operate more powerfully than the

er he had given the Athenians the best pof-
fible code of laws, he replied, that the laws
he had given them were as good as they
could bear. In free ftates, any law how-
ever juft, that should oppofe the current
of public opinion, would become null
and void; or would fail of being prompting to the various aggravations of their
ly and generally executed. Therefore in
enacting laws, the question of practicabili-roufly and impartially pursued and carri-
ty,as well as of equity, is to be confidered.
These sentiments, the truth whereof is
fully evinced by experience, are particu-
larly applicable to the crime of duelling.
That this crime prompted by revenge and
committed with malice aforethought, al-
ways partakes of the nature of mental mur-
der; and that it fometimes amounts to
the overt ad of the moft aggravated mur-
der, none can reafonably deny. It is alfo
a very general belief among civilized and
especially among chriftian people, that ev-
ery murderer, in the overt act, forfeits his
life and ought to be cut off by the sword
of the civil power. But, under prefent
But, under prefent
circumstances, it would be impracticable,
in this country, to punifh murders, com-
mitted in duels, with death. Laws, en-

ligion; together with its folemn doctrines, refpecting the accountability and endless exiftence of every human creature. This would be "laying the axe at the root of the tree."

fear of death. Nor would it fail to have
a confiderable tendency to check the ar-
dent fpirit for duelling, fhould the editors
of news-papers generally refufe to publifh The principal fource of duelling is the
the details of fuch barbarous combats.-prevalence of a contempt for the chriftian
There is not another country in chriften. fyftem of faith and morality. It is the
dom-probably not in the world-where modern atheistical philosophy, challenging
the feconds in a duel, have the prefump-independence and disclaiming all ideas of
tion, immediately after the contest, to
publifh with the fignature of their names, a
detailed relation of its commencement,
progrefs and catastrophe, together with
encomiums on the gallant behaviour of
their refpective principals. Europeans

accountability, that emboldens men to precipitate themselves before the awful tribunal of their Maker, while bloated with the vengeful paffions and stained with the blood of murder.


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