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Fig. 5.


1st. 'HYDRANGEA. Calyx 5 toothed, superior-your calyx is 5 toothed, (see the notches around the top of it, Fig. 5, a,) but it is not superior, that is, it does not stand upon the germ. You must go to the next genus.

2d. 'SaxifragA. Calyx 5 parted, half superior,'-but your calyx is not half superior, or partly above the germ. You must go to the next ge


3d. 'SAPONARIA. Calyx inferior, 1 leafed, tubular, 5 toothed,'-so far the description agrees with the Pink; next, calyx without scales.' In this particular, your flower, the calyx of which has scales, (Fig. 5. b,) does not correspond with the description; therefore you must look further.

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4th. DIANTHUS. Calyx inferior, cylindrical, 1 leafed, with 4 or 8 scales at the base; petals 5, (Fig. 4, a,) with claws (long and slender at the base ;)-capsule cylindrical, celled, dehiscent (gaping.') Fig. 5, at c, represents the ripe capsule of the pink opening at the top by the parting of its valves ;-at d, it appears cut crosswise, and showing that it has but one cell, and many seeds. Fig. 4, at c, represents the capsule, as seen in the germ, when the pink is in blossom. Your flower agreeing with every particular in the description of the lastmentioned genus, you may be certain that you have found the generic or family name of the Pink, which is DIANTHUS.

But there are several species in this genus; you wish to know to which the Pink belongs; and this process constitutes a fourth step in your analysis.

Turn to the Description of Species of Plants,* and look for Dian thus. Now compare the description of each species, with a Pink having the leaves and stem before you; 1st. 'Armeria, flowers aggregate,' (in a thick cluster ;) this does not agree; you must look further.

2d. 'Barbatus, flowers fascicled,' (crowded together,) but your flower grows singly on each stalk.

3d. Caryophyllus, flowers solitary, scales of the calyx sub-rhomboid, (somewhat diamond-shape ;) very short, petals crenate, (scolloped on the edge,) beardless,' (without any hair or down.)

The Pink answers to this description. It is also added that the 'leaves are linear,' which signifies long and of nearly equal width; 'subulate,' which signifies pointed at the end, like a shoemaker's awl; 'channelled,' which signifies furrowed.

You have now found the botanical name of your plant to be DiANTHUS Caryophyllus; and that it belongs to

Class 10th, DECANDRIA. Order 2d, DIGYNIA.

In this way it should be labelled for an herbarium or collection of dried plants.

You will remember, that in this process, four distinct steps have been taken; first, to find the class; second, the order; third, the genus, and fourth, the species.

You can now proceed with the analysis of any plant which belongs

*See Table of Contents.

Fourth step in the analysis of a plant.

to the first ten classes, in the same manner as you have done with the Pink; as all these classes depend upon the number of stamens.

Alysis of the Lily.

In analyzing the Lily, you can refer to Figures 1st, 2d, and 3d; -you will find this flower belonging to the 6th class, the name of which is HEXANDRIA; and to the 1st order, MONOGYNIA. (In the description of Genera, see Class 6th, Order 1st.) This order, containing many genera, is divided into several sections.

1st Section contains flowers,' with a calyx and corolla.'

The Lily has no calyx, therefore you will not find it in this section. 2d Section. 'Flowers issuing from a spatha.

The Lily has no spatha ‘ōr sheath at its base,' therefore it is not in this section.

3d Section. Flowers with a single, corolla-like perianth.'

The Lily has such a corolla-like envelope, therefore you may expect to find it described under this section. You can proceed, as in the Pink, to compare each genus with your flower, till you find one which corresponds with the Lily.

'HEMEROCALLIS. Corolla six parted. This shows that the corolla is all of one piece, with six divisions in the border. The Lily has six petals, therefore you need look no farther in this genus.

'LILIUM.' Now compare each particular in this description with your flower, (looking out the terms in the vocabulary,) and you will find an agreement in every respect.

In the description of a genus, nothing is usually said about any part of the plant, except the different organs of the flower; in the species, the distinctions are chiefly drawn from different circumstances of the leaves, stems, &c.

The flowers of two plants may agree in the organs of fructification, while the leaves, stalks, and branches, are very unlike; in this case, the plants are considered as belonging to different species of the same genus.

Thus, the shape of the leaves, the manner in which they grow on the stem, its height, with the number of flowers growing upon it, the manner in which they grow, whether erect or nodding, these, and other circumstances, distinguish the different species. The colour, a quality of the flower usually the most striking, is, in botany, little regarded; while many other particulars, which might at first have been scarcely noticed, except by botanists, are considered as important.

In the 11th class, Icosandria, and the 12th class, Polyandria, we are to remark, not only the number of stamens which is always more than ten; but the manner in which they are inserted, or the part of the flower on which they are situated. If, in pulling off the corolla, the stamens remain upon the calyx, the plant belongs to the 11th class; but if the corolla and calyx may be both removed, and the stamens still remain on the receptacle, the plant is of the 12th class.

It is said that no poisonous plant has the stamens growing on the calyx; it is in the 11th class that we find many of our most delicious fruits, as the Apple, Pear, &c.

Analysis of the Rose.

The rose, on account of its beauty, is one of the most conspicuous flowers in the 11th class; it is considered as one of the most inter

Analysis of the Lily-parts of the plant referred to in describing the genus and the species New circumstances to be considered in the 11th and 12th classes-Analysis of the Rose.

esting of the vegetable race, and is often dignified with the title of "" queen of flowers."

You will perceive, on examining the Rose, that its numerous stamens are attached to the calyx. A more perfect idea of their situation may be obtained by removing the petals, and cutting the calyx longitudinally. Therefore, because it has more than ten stamens growing upon the calyx, it belongs to the 11th class, Icosandria. The pistils being more than ten, it is of the 13th order, Polygynia. It belongs to the genus Rosa.


The shape of the calyx is 'urnform;' the calyx is inferior,' or below the germ; it is five cleft,' or has five divisions around the border; it is fleshy,' or thick, 'contracted towards the top;' 'petals 5,' (this is always the case with a rose in its natural state, unassisted by cultivation;) 'seeds numerous, bristly, fixed to the sides of the calyx within.'

There is no seed vessel, or proper pericarp to the rose; but the calyx swells and becomes a dry, red berry, containing many seeds.

The genus Rosa contains many species, distinguished one from another, by the different shape of the germ, the smoothness or roughness of the stems, the presence or absence of thorns, the shape of the leaves, and the manner in which the flowers grow upon the stalks, whether solitary, crowded together in pairs, or scattered, and whether they are erect, or drooping.

The Moss rose, (Rosa muscosa,) is distinctly marked by the hairs, resembling moss, which cover the stems of the calyx; these hairs are a collection of glands containing a resinous and fragrant fluid.

The apple blossom appears like a little rose; its calyx becomes thick and pulpy, and at length constitutes that part which we usually call the fruit, though strictly speaking, the seed only, is the fruit. On examining an apple, you may notice, at the end opposite the stem, the five divisions of the calyx.

Analysis of the Poppy.

The Poppy affords a good illustration of the 12th class, Polyandria; here are numerous stamens, always more than ten, sometimes more than a hundred, growing upon the receptacle; the Poppy has but one pistil, and therefore belongs to the first order, Monogynia; the genus is PAPAVER. The Poppy has a 'calyx of two leaves or sepals,' but these fall off as soon as the blossom expands, and are therefore called 'caducous; the corolla (except when double) 'is four petalled; it has no style, but the stigma is set upon the germ, and is therefore said to be sessile.

The germ is large and somewhat oblong, the stigma is flat and radiated. The pericarp is one-celled, or without divisions, it opens at the top, by pores, when the seeds are ripe. The species of Papaver which is cultivated in gardens, is the somniferum, which name signifies to produce sleep. It is often called Opium Poppy.

The analysis of even one or two flowers, cannot fail of suggesting thoughts of the beauty of a system which so curiously identifies the different plants, described by botanists, and points to each individual of the vegetable family the place it must occupy. Even one hour spent by a person in following a plant from class to order, and from order to genus, until its name and specific character were ascertained, would be of great value, should this be all of botany he was ever to learn.

Why is it in the 11th class?-why the 13th order?-Generic characters of the Rose Circumstances which distinguish the different species of the genus Rosa-Apple blossom and fruit-Analysis of the Poppy-The analysis of one or two flowers useful.

In the commencement of a new science, however, it is not to be expected that every idea, or principle of arrangement, will seem perfectly clear, as such may often relate to other principles not yet explained. In architecture, we know it would be impossible to form a clear idea of the use or beauty of a particular part of an edifice, until it was considered in its relation to the whole. The beginner in any branch of scientific knowledge, is not like one travelling a straight road, where every step is so much ground actually gained; but the views which he takes are like the faint sketches of a painter, which gradually brighten, and grow more definite as he advances.

An idea was formerly entertained, that students must learn perfectly, every thing as they proceed; but this appears to be founded upon a wrong view both of the nature of the mind, and of the sciences. The memory may be so disciplined as to retain a multitude of words, but words are only valuable as instruments of conveying knowledge to the mind; and if, after a careful attention to a subject, something in your lessons may appear obscure, you must not be discouraged; the confusion may arise from want of clearness in an author's style, or the subject may be connected with something which is to follow; therefore, you should patiently proceed, with the hope and expectation that difficulties will gradually disappear.

We shall not at present give any more examples of analyzing plants. With even the little practice you have now had, you can analyze flowers of any of the first thirteen classes; but it is necessary for you to know before proceeding farther, that the two circumstances of the number and insertion of the stamens, are not all that are considered in the arrangement of the classes;-this was not sooner observed, that your minds might not be confused with too many new ideas.

You are now prepared to comprehend the general features of the Linnæan system, and to study the whole of the classes and orders in a connected view. Before proceeding to this, it seems necessary that you should have some knowledge of Greek and Latin numerals. In our next lecture we shall commence by this necessary preparation, and shall then explain the characters of the classes and orders, and illustrate the same by drawings. Sensible objects are of great assistance to the mind, by enabling it to form definite ideas of the meaning of words. In abstract studies we cannot have such aid; and in order to comprehend instructions given upon them, it is necessary that the definitions of words should be well understood. Many persons are satisfied with a general notion of the meaning of abstract terms; thus, they speak of 'a sensation of pity,' when they mean an emotion. A more critical knowledge of the meaning of words, would enable them to perceive, that sensation is a term appropriated to that state of the mind which immediately follows the presence of an external object; it depends on the connexion between the body and the mind. The mind, separated from all the organs of sense, could have no sensations; but it could have emotions, for they are feelings which the mind has, independently of the senses.

The great advantage of pursuing studies which relate to material objects, is, as we have before remarked, in being able to illustrate principles, and define terms by a reference to those objects themselves, or to delineations of them.

Remarks respecting the commencement of a new science-Words of use only as instruments Assistance which the mind derives from sensible objects-Example of using terms indefinitely.



WE shall now present you with a list of Latin and Greek numerals; these it is necessary to commit to memory, in order that you may understand the names given to the classes and orders. It is not in Botany alone that a knowledge of these numerals will be useful to you; many words in our common language are compounded with them; as, uniform, from unus, one, and forma, form;-octagon, from octo, eight, and gonia, an angle, hexagon, pentagon, &c.

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In the first place, all plants are arranged in two grand divisions, Phenogamous, when the stamens and pistils are visible, and Cryptogamous, when the stamens and pistils are too small to be visible, by the naked eye. The former division includes 20 classes, the latter only the 21st.

The classes are founded upon distinctions observed in the STAMENS. All known plants are divided into twenty-one classes.

The first twelve classes are named by prefixing Greek numerals to ANDRIA, which signifies stamen.

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Words compounded with Latin and Greek numerals-Latin numerals-Greek na merals-Two grand divisions of plants-Classes, on what founded?-how many?— first twelve, how named?

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