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his Apostles went, and Abode after his Crucifixion; together with feveral other Things belonging to the fame Bufinefs; Was it not that they were fully fatisfied of the Truth of the Soldiers Relation, concerning his Refurrection: But they having determin'd to ftifle this Evidence, could do no more than pretend to disregard the Matter; and only cry it down in general as an Imposture, without venturing to fift: the Particulars of it, as being well aware, that 'twas impoffible to difprove them.

Thus it appears how extreamly weak and trifling that Report was, which the Chief Prielts and Elders invented; namely, that the Difciples of CHRIST did come by Night, and steal him away, while the Guard flept. Indeed there was hardly any Occafion for fpending any Time in confuting it, it being fo ridiculous and inconfiftent, as to confute it felf: For fuppofing that the Body of CHRIST was stolen away, while the Guard flept, how could the Guard tell who ftole it away? But to say no more of that; whofoever duly weighs what hath been deliver'd upon this Argument, will find it to be the most reafonable Thing in the World, to believe that the Apostles were. honeft and faithful in relating the Refur


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rection of CHRIST; and the most unrea. fonable Thing in the World to believe the contrary. Especially, if he confiders in the laft Place, that they lay down their Lives, in confirmation of what they related, and by fo doing, feal'd their Teftimony with their Blood. For can it with any Senfe be imagin'd, that Men who a little before their Mafter's Death, had fhow'd themselves fo much afraid of Luffering, that none of them had Courage enough to adhere firmly to him, at his Apprehenfion; can it, I fay, with any Senfe be imagined that these Men fhould be fo much in Love with fuffering after his Death, as to die in Confirmation of their Reports, concerning his rifing from the Dead, if fo be they had not full Proof that he arose from the Dead? The Man' must be very foolishly credulous, that can entertain fuch a Thought as this.

And thus I have done with the thirdand laft Thing propos'd, which was to fhew, that those who related the Refur rection of CHRIST, were Perfons of unquestionable Fidelity. I might indeed prove it by feveral other Arguments: Such is the amazing Defcent of the Holy Ghost upon them, after CHRIST'S ALconfon: The aftonishing Miracles which

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they every where wrought, to convince Men of the Truth of their Doctrine: And the wonderful Progrefs is prefently made, notwithstanding its Oppofition to the Religions already in the World, to the Humours and Prujudices of Men, who endeavoured to furprefs it, and the Prepoffeffions, and all the fecular Interefts of those who would receive it. Thefe I lay might be brought in upon this Head, with great clearness and strength of Reafon; but that I think, those already alledg'd will upon a fuitable Reflection, be found fo very Cogent, as to fuperfede the Neceflity of doing it.

Well then, fince 'tis paft Difpute, that the Refurrection of CHRIST is clearly related in the Scriptures: Since 'tis evident, that those who related this were Perfons of unquestionable Knowledge, or were throughly informed of, and perfectly knew the matter of Fact which they related: And fince 'tis more-over evident, that they were honeft and faithful in the Relation of it; the Truth of my Text is therefore fully made out, to wit, that God hath raised up JESUS from the Dead, whereof the Apostles were fufficient · Witnesses.

I fhall now briefly confider what good


Ufe may be made of this Doctrine, and

fo conclude.

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- And Firt, it appeareth from hence, that the Debt which the whole Race of Mankind had contracted by Sin, is fully discharged; or that CHRIST by his Death; made a full, perfect, and fufficient Sacri fice, Oblation, and Satisfaction for the Sins of all the World. The Sin of Adam derived a Guilt upon all his Pofterity; which Guilt was an Obligation to endure a Punishment proportionable to that Of fence. But CHRIST freely undertook to cancel this Obligation himself by offering to fuffer in our ftead; and this he fulfilled by cloathing himself with Humanity, and dying upon the Cross: For God fending bis own Son in the Likeness of finful Flef for Sin, condemned Sin in the Flefh CHRIST therefore being our Bonds-man, and fuffering Death upon our Account; God by loofing the Bands of Death, and releasing him from the Prison of the Grave, did thereby openly abfolve and acquit him from the Obligation with which he had bound himself, and manifeftly declare, that his Sufferings were a full Satisfaction to Divine Justice and that not only for original Guilt, but allo for actual Sing For as the Apoftle fays,


Romans v. 16, The Judgment was by one, that is, one Sin to Condemnation; but the Free-gift is of many Offences to Fuflification. idades dout added a

Secondly The Refurrection of CHRIST doth likewife manifeft the Truth and Dis vinity, of his Religion, and prove him to be that Prophet which was to come into the World. When CHRIST drove out of the Temple thofe that fold Oxen, and Sheep. and Doves, and the Changers of Money, and the like, the Jews asked bim, laying, What Signs fhewest thou unto us, feeing that thou dof thefe Things? And be aufwering, faid unto them, Deftroy this Temple, and in three Days I will raife it up; this he spake concerning the Temple of his Body. Now if we look into Deuteronomy xviii. 22, and Jeremiab xxviii. 9. we fhall find, that the Teft which God preferib'd, whereby to discover a true Prophet from a falfe one, was the Accom plishment of Predictions: Being therefore, CHRIST foretold his rifing from the Dead within three Days; and being he did raise himself from the Dead in that Space of Time, after he was put to Death for calling himself the Son of God; it plainly follows from hence that he really was fo and if he really was so, then the Reli

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