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Alas! while we are wrapt in foggy mist Of our self-love, so passions do deceive, We think they hurt when most they do assist.

Sidney. Till Strephon's plaining voice him nearer drew, Where by his words his self-like case he knew.

Sidney. Ah! where was first that cruel cunning found, To frame of earth a vessel of the mind, Where it should be to self-destruction bound?

Sidney. Before the door sat self-consuming Care, Day and night keeping wary watch and ward.

Fairy Queen. My strange and self-abuse Is the initiate fear that wants hard use, Shaksp.

I have heard so much, And with Demetrius thought t' have spoke

thereof; But being over-full of self-affairs, My mind did lose it.

Sbakspeare, Nor know I aught By me that's said or done amiss this night, Unless self-charity be sometimes a vice, And to defend ourselves it be a sin, When violence assails us.

Sbakspeare. He walks, and that self-chain about his neck, Which he forswore.

It is in my power, in one self-born hour,
To plant and o'erwhelm custom. Sbakspeare,

His creasons will sit blushing in his face,
Not able to endure the sight of day,
But self-affrighted tremble at his sin.

The stars above us govern our conditions;
Else one self-mate and mate could not beget
Such different issues.

Sbakspeare. I'm made of that self-metal as my sister, And prize me at her worth.

Sbalspeare. In my school-days, when I had lost one shaft, I shot his fellow of the self-same flight

The self-same way, with inore advised watch, To find the other forth.

Sbakspeare. He

may do some good on her: A peevish self-will'd harlotry it is. Sbakspeare.

But lest myself be guilty of self-wrong, I'll stop mine ears against the mermaid's song.

Sbakspeare. He conjunct, and flate'ring his displeasure, Tript me behind: being down, insulted, rail'd, Got praises of the king, For him attempting who was self-subdu'd. Sbak.

The Everlasting fixt His canon 'gainst self-slaughter. Sbakspeare.

Know if his last purpose hold, Or wht iher since he is advis'd by aught To change the course. He 's full of alteration, And self-reproving.

Sbakspeare. More nor less to others paying, Than by se'f-offences weighing : Shame to him whose cruel striking Kills for faults of his own liking! Shakspeare.

Bellona's bridegroom, lapt in proof, Confronted him with self-caparisons, Point against point.

Sbakspeare. Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin As self-neglecting

Sbakspeare. Anger is like A full hot horse, who, being allow'd his way, Self-mettle tires him.

Shakspeare. His lords desire him to have borne His bruised helmet and his bended sword Before him though the city; he forbids it, Being free from vainness and self-glorious pride,

Sbakspears. You promis'd To lay aside self-harming heaviness, And entertain a cheerful disposition. Shakso.

In their anger they slew a man, and in their self-will they digged down a wall. Genesis.

The most ordinary cause of a single life is li

barty, especially in certain self-pleasing and humorous minds, which are so sensible of every restraint as to think their girdles and garters to be bonds and shackles.

Bacon. Hast thou set up nothing in competition with God; no pride, profit, self-love, or self-interest of thy own?

Dufpa. Up through the spacious palace passed she To where the king's proudly reposed head,

If any can be soft to tyranny,
And self-tormenting sin, had a soft bed.

Crasbaw. With a joyful willingness these self-loving reformers took possession of all vacant preferments, and with reluctance others parted with their beloved colleges and subsistence.

Walton, Repent the sin; but if the punishment Thou canst avoid, self-preservation bids. Milt.

Him fast sleeping soon he found,
In labyrinth of many a round self-rolld. Milt.

Oft times nothing profits more
Than self-esteem, grounded on just and right,
Well managid.

Self-knowing, and from thence
Magnanimous, to correspond with heav'n. Milt.

So virtue giv'n for lost,
Deprest and overthrown, as seem'd,
Like that self-begotten bird,

In th’ Arabian woods embost,
That no second knows nor third,

And lay ere while a holocaust, From out her ashy womb now teem'd. Milion. He sorrows now, repents,


prays contrite, My motions in him; longer than they move, His heart I know how variable and vain, Self-left.

Milton. Seneca approves this self-homicide. Hateroill.

Thyself from fiart'ring self-conceit defend, Nor what thou dost not know, to know pretend.

Man's that savage beast, whose mind,
From reason to self-love declin'd,
Delights to prey upon his kind. Denban.

Farewell, my tears;
And, my just anger, be no more confin'd
To vain complaints, or self-devouring silence.

Denban. They are yet more mad to think that men may rest by death, though they die in self-mur. der, the greatest sin.

Graunt. Are not these strange self-delusions, and yet attested by common experience ? South,

If the image of God is only sovereignty, cere tainly we have been hitherto much mistaken, and hereafter are to beware of making ourselves unlike God, by too much se!f-denial and humi. , lity:

Soutb. If a man would have a devout, humble, sinabhorring, self-denying, frame of spirit, he cannot take a more efficacious course to obtain it than by praying himselt into it.

South Let'a nian apply hiniself to the difficule work of self-examination, by a strict scrutiny into the whole estate of his soul.

Soutb. A fatal self-impasture, such as defeats the dosign, and destroys the force, of all religion. Soutb.

When he intends to bereave the world of an illustrious person, he may cast him upon a bold self-opinioned physician, worse than his distema per, who shall make a shift to cure him into his grave.

Soutb. Neglect of friends can never be proved raa tional, till we prove the person using it omnipon tent and self-sufficient, and such as can never need any mortal assistance.

Soulb, By all human laws, as well as divine, selfmurder has ever been agreed on as the greatest crime.

Tempie. A self-conceited fop will swallow any thing.




his s:ory.

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Trom Atreus though your ancient lineage Light, which of all bodies is nearest allied to

spirit, is also most diffusive and self-communicae Yet my self-conscious worth, your high renown,

Norris. Your virtue, through the neighb'ring nations Thus we see, in bodies, the more of kin they blown.

Dryden. are to spirit in subtilty and refinement, the more He has given you all the commendation which spreading are they and se:f-diffusive. Norris, his self-sufficiency could afford to any. Dryden. God, who is an absolute spiritual act, and who Below yon sphere

is such a pure light as in which there is no darkThere hangs the ball of earth and water mixt, ness, must necds be infinitely self-imparting and Self-center'd and unmov'd. Dryden. communicative.

Norris, All these receive their birth from other things, Every animal is conscious of some individuale But from himself the phænix only springs; self-moving, self-determining, principle. Self-bon, begutten by the parent flame

Pope and Arbutbnot In which he burn'd, another and the same. Dryd. Nick does not pretend to be a gentleman: he The buining fire, that shone so bright,

is a tradesman, a self-seeking wretch. Arbutbuot, Flew off all sudden with extinguish'd light,

By the blast of self-opinion movid, And left one altar dark, a little space,

We wish to charm, and seek to be belov'd. Prior. Which turn'd self-kindled, and renew'd the Living and understanding substances do clearly blaze.

Dryden. demonstrate to philosophical inquirers the neces Thou first, О king! release the rights of sway; sary self-existence, power, wisdom, and benefPow'r, self-restrain d, the people best obey. Drzd. cence, of their Maker.

Bentley Eighteen and nineteen are equal to thirty-se- If it can intrinsically stir itself, and either come ven, by the same self-evidence that one and owo mence or alter its course, it must have a princiare equal to three.

Locke. ple of sc!f-activity, which is life and sense. A contradiction of what has been said is a

Bentley mark of yet greater pride and self-conceitedness, This desire of existence is a natural affection when we take upon us to set another right in of the soul; 't is sztf-preservation in the highest

Locke. and truest meaning. I am as justly accountable for any action done The philosophers, and even the Epicureans, many years since, appropriated to me now by maintained the self-sufficiency of the Godhead, this selj-consciousness, as I am for what I did and seldow or never sacriticed at all. Bentley. the last moment.

Locke. Matter is not endued with slf-motion, nor Each intermediate idea agreeing on each side with a power to alter the course in which it is with those two, it is immediately placed between: put: it is merely passive, anu must ever conthe ideas of men and self-determination appear tinue in that stale it is settled in. Cheynza to be connected.

Locke. I took not arms, till urg'd by self-defence, This self-existent being hath the power of per

The eldest law of nature,

Rowe. fection, as well as of existence, in himself; for His labour and study would have shewn his he that is above, or existeth without, any cause, early mistakes, and cured him of self-Aattering that is, hath the power of existence in himself, delusions.

Watts cannot be without the power of any possible This is not to be done in a rash and self-sufexistence.

Grew. ficient manner; but with an humble dependance Body cannot be self-existent, because it is not on divine grace, while we walk among snares. sej-m.ovent; for inution is not of the essence of

Watts. body, because we may have a definitive concep- The religion of Jesus, with all its self-deniats, tion of body, abstracted from that of motion: virtues, and devotions, is very practicable. Wants. wherefore motion is something else besides body, I heard in Crete this island's name; something without which body may be conceiv- For 't was in Crete, my native soil, I came ed to exist.

Grew, Self-banish'd thence. Confidence, as opposed to modesty, and di- Achilles's courage is furious and untractable; stinguished from decent assurance, proceeds from that of Ajax is heavy and self-confiding.

Popa. self-opinion, occasioned by ignorance or fattery. I doom, to fix the gallant ship,

Collier. A mark of vengeance on the sabie deep; Bewilder’d, I my author cannot find,

To warn the thoughtless self-contiding train Till some first cause, some self-existent mind, No more unlicens'd thus to brave the main. Who form’d and rules all nature, is assign'd.

Popt. Blackmore. What is loose love? a transient gust, If a first body may to any place

A vapour fed from wild desire, Be not determind in the boundless space,

A wand'ring self-consuming fire.

Pope. 'T is plain it then may absent be from all,

In dubious thought the king awaits,
Who then will this a self-existence call? Blackm. And self-considering, as he stands, debates. Popu.
Shall nature, erring from her first command,

By mighty Jove's command,
Self-preservation, fall by her own hand? Graný. Unwilling have I trod this pleasing land;

Low nonsense is the talent of a cold phlegma- For who self.mov'd with weary wing would sweep tick temper: a writer of this complexion gropes Such length of ocean? his way softly amongst self-contradiction, and They who reach Parnassus' lofty crown grovels in absurdities.

Addison. Employ their pains to spurn some others down; This fatal hypocrisy and self-deceit is taken And, while self-love each jealous writer rules, notice of in these words, Who can understand Contending wits become the sport of fools. Pope. his errours? Cleanse thou me from secret faults. It may be thought that Ulysses here is too

Spectator. ostentacious, and that he dwells more than moThe guilt of perjury is so self-evident, that it desty allows upon his own accomplishments; but was always reckoned anongst the greatest crimes, self-praise is sometimes no fault. Broome. by those who were only governed by the light No wonder such a spirit, in such a situation, is of rtason.

Addison. provoked beyond the regards of religion or selfSelf-sufficiency proceeds from inexperience. conviction.

Swift. riddison.

SE'LFHEAL. n. so (brunella, Lat.) A Men had better own their ignorance, than advance doctrines which are self-contradictory.

plant, the same with sanicle. spectator. SE'LFISH. adj. [from self.) Attentive only


Pope. to one's own interest; void of regard I will buy with you, sell with you; but I will for others.

not eat with you.

Stakspears What could the most aspiring selfish man de

Consult not with a buyer of selling. Ecclus. sire more, were he to form the notion of a being SE'LLANDER. N. s. A dry scab in a horse's to whom he would recommend himself, than such hough or pastern.

Ainsworth. a knowledge as can discover the least appearance SE'LLER. n. s. [from sell.] The person of perfection, and such a goodness as will pro- that sells ; vender. portion a reward to ir?


To things of sale a seller's praise belongs. Passions, though selfish, if their means be fair, List under reason, and deserve our care ;


The name of the agent, of the seller, notary, Those that imparted court a nobler aim, Exalt their kind, and take some virtue's name.

and witnesses, are in both instruments. Addison. Pope.

SE'LVAGE. n. s. [Of this word I know SE'LFISHNESS. n. s. [from selfish.] Atten- not the etymology. Skinner thinks selo

tion to his own interest, without any vage is said as salvage, from its saving regard to others; self-love.

the cloth.] The edge of cloth where This sublimer love, being, by an intimate con- it is closed by complicating the threads. junction with its object, thoroughly retined from Make loops of blue upon the edge of the one all base dross of selfisbness and interest, nobly curtain from the salvage in the coupling. Exoduse begets a perfect submission of our wills to the SELVES. The plural of self. will of God.

Boyle. Consciousness being interrupted, and we los SE'LFISHLY. adv. [from selfish.] With ing sight of our past selves, doubts are raised regard only to his own interest; with-,

whether we are the same.

Locle. out love of others.

SEÄMBLABLE. adj. (semblable, French.] He can your merit selfishly approve,

Like; resembling. And shew the sense of it without the love. Popea

Then be abhorr'd SE'L FSAME.adj. [self and same.] Exactly All feasts, societies, and throngs of men! the same.

His semblable, yea himself, Timon disdains. I have no great cause to look for other than

Shakspeare, the self-same proportion and lot, which your

With semblable reason we might expect a remanner hath been hitherto to lay on them that gularity in the winds.

Brown, concur not in opinion with you. Hooker. SEMBLABLY. adv. [from semblable.} Flight pursu'd one way the self-same hour.

With resemblance.

I have been base,

A gallant knight he was, his name was Blunt; Base ev'n to him from whom I did receive

Semblably furnish'd like the king himself. All that a son could to a parent give :

Sbakspearl. Behold me punish'd in the self-same kind; SE’MBLANCE, n. s. [semblance, French ; Th' ungrateful does a more ungrateful find. from semblant.)

Dryden. 1. Likeness; resemblance ; similitude; reSE'LION. n. s. [selio, low Latin.) A ridge

presentation. of land.

Ainsworth. Solicit Henry with her wondrous praise: SELL. pronoun. (for self.] Sell is retained Bethink thee on her virtues, that surmount

in Scotland for self, and sells in the plu- Her natural graces, that extinguish art: ral for selves.

Repeat their semblance often. Shakspeare.

She's but the sign and semblance of her honour: They turn round like grindle-stones,

Behold how like a maid she blushes here!
Which they dig out fro’the dells,
For their bairns bread, wives, and sells.

O, what authority and shew of truth
Ben Jonson.

Can cunning sin cover itself withal! Sbakspeare.

He with high words, that bore SELL. n. s. [selle, French; sella, Latin.]

Semblance of worth, not substance, gently rais'd A saddle. Obsolete.

Their fainting courage, and dispell d their fears. Turning to that place, in which

Miltor. He left his lofty steed with golden sells,

This last effort brought forth the opinion, that And goodly gorgeous barbes, him found not

these bodies are not what they seem to be ; that there.

Fuiry Queen. they are no shells, but mere sportings of active TO SELL. v. a. [ryllan, Saxon ; sela, nature, and only semblances or imitations of Islandick.]


Woodward. 1. To give for a price ; to vend : the word

It is not his meaning that we put on the outcorrelative to buy.

ward face and semblance of virtue, only to conThe Midianites sold him into Egypt, unto Po

ceal and disguise our vice.

Regers. tiphar.

Genesis. 2. Appearance ; show ; figure. Let us sell him to the Ishmaelites. Genesis.

Be you the soldier; This sense is likewise mistress of an art, For manly semblance, and skill in war. Spers.

Their semblance kind, and mild their gestures Which to soft people sweet perfumes doth sell.


were, All the inns and public-houses are obliged to Peace in their hands, and friendship in their furnish themselves with corn, which is sold out


Fairfax. at a much dearer rate than 't is bought up. Addis.

All that fair and good in thy divine You have made an order that ale should be Semblance, and in thy beauty's heav'nly ray, sold for three halfpence a quart. Swift.

United I beheld.

Milton. 2. To betray for money: as, he sold his SE’MBLANT.adj. (semblant, Fr.) Like ; countiy

resembling; having the appearance of You would have sold your king to slaughter,

any thing. Little used. His princes and his peers to servitude. Sbaksp.

Thy picture, like thy fame, TO SELL, V. n. To have commerce or Entire may last; that, as their eyes survey traffick with one.

The semblant shade, yet men unborn may say,

for you

likest are,



Thus great, thus gracious, look'd Britannia's drawn from the circumference to the queen;

centre of a circle. Her brow thus smooth, her look was thus se- Their difference is as little considerable as a


semidiameter of the earth in two measures of the SEMBLANT.n.s. Show ; figure ; resem- highest heaven, the one taken from the surface blance ; representation. Not in use. of the earth, the other from its centre: the disHer purpose was not such as she did feign, proportion is just nothing.

More. Ne yet her person such as it was seen;

The force of this instrument consists in the But under simple shew, and semblant plain, disproportion of distance betwixt the semidiame Lurks false Duessa, secretly unseen. Fairy Queen. ter of the cylinder and the semidiameter of the Full lively is the semblant, tho' the substance rundle with the spokes.

Wilkins. dead.

Spenser; SEMIDIAPHANE'ITY. n. so (semi and diaSE'M BLATIVE. adj. [from semblant.]

pbaneits.) Half transparency; imperSuitable ; accommodate ; fit ; resem

fect transparency. bling. Diana's lip

The transparency or semidiapbaneity of the suIs not more smooth and ruby; thy small pipe

perficial corpuscles of bigger bodies may have an

| interest in the production of their colours. Boyle. Is as the maiden's organ, shrill and sound; And all is semblative a woman's part. Sbaksp. SEMIDIA'PHANous, adj. (semi and diaTo SE'MBLE. V. n. (sembler, Fr.] To re- phanous. ] Half transparent; imperfectly

present; to make a likeness. Little transparent. used.

Another plate, finely variegated with a semiLet Europe, sav'd, the column high erect,

diapbanous grey or sky, yellow and brown. Than Trajan's higher, or than Antonine's,

Woodward. Where sembling art may carve the fair effect. SE'MIDOUBLE. n. s. (semi and double.] And full achievement of thy great designs. Prior. In the Romish breviary, such offices and SE'MI. n. s. [Latin.] A word which, used feasts as are celebrated with less solem

in composition, signifies half; as, semi- nity than the double ones, but yet with circle, half a circle.

more than the single ones. Bailey. SEMIA'NNULAR. adj. [semi and annulus, SEMIFLO'SCULOUS. adj. (semi and floscute a ring. ] Half round.

lus, Lat.] Having a semifloret. Bailey. Another boar tusk, somewhat slenderer, and SE'MIFLORET. n. S. (semi and foret.] of a semiannular figure.


Among florists, an half floret, which is SEMIEREF. n. s. (semibreve, Fr.]

tubulous at the beginning like a foret, Semibref is a note in musick relating to time, and is the last in augmentation. It is commonly

and afterwards expanded in the form of called the master-note, or measure-note, or time

a tongue.

Bailey. note, as being of a certain determinate measure SEMIFLU'ID. adj. (semi and Auid.] Im. or length of time by itself; and all the other perfectly fluid. notes of augmentation and diminution are ad- Phlegm, or petuite, is a sort of semifluid; it justed to its value.

Harris.' being so far solid that one part draws along seHe takes my hand, and as a still which stays veral other parts adhering to it, which doth not A semibref, 'twixt each drop, he niggardly, happen in a perfect fluid ; and yet no part will

As loth to enrich me, so tells many a lye. Donne. draw the whole mass, as happens in a perfect SEMICI'RCLE. N. s. [senricirculus, Latin ; solid.

Arbuthnot. semi and circle.) A half round; part of SEMILU'NAR. adj. [semilunaire, Fr, a circle divided by the diameter. SEMILU'NARY.) semi and luna, Lat.] Black brows

Resembling in form a half moon. Become some women best, so they be in a semi

The eyes are guarded with a semilunar ridge. circle,

Grew. Or a half-moon, made with a pen. Sbakspeare. SEMIME'T AL. n. s.(semi and metal.] Half

Has he given the lye In circle, or oblique, or semicircle,

metal; imperfect metal. Or direct parallel?


Semimetals are metallick fossils, heavy, opaque, The chains that held my left leg gave me the

of a bright glittering surface, not malleable under liberty of walking backwards and forwards in a

the hammer; as quicksilver, antimony, cobalt, semicircle.


the arsenicks, bismuth, zink, with its ore calaSEMICI'RCLED. , adj. (semi and circu.

mine: to these may be added the semimetallick SEMICI'RCULAR,

Hill. lar.] Half round.

recrements, tutty and pampholyx.

SE'MINAL. adj. (seminal, Fr. seminis, The firm fixure of thy foot would give an excellent motion to thy gait, in a semicircled fare

Latin.) thingale.


1. Belonging to seed. The rainbow is caused by the rays of the sun 2. Contained in the seed ; radical. falling upon a rorid and opposite cloud, whereof Had our senses never presented us with those some reflected, others refracted, beget the semi- obvious seminal principles of apparent generasircular variety we call the rainbow. Brown. tions, we should never have suspected that a

The seas are inclosed between the two semi- plant or animal would have proceeded from such circular moles that surround it. Addison.

unlikely materials.

Glanville. SEMICO'LON. n. s. (semi and xudov.} Half Though we cannot prolong the period of a a colon ; a point made thus [;) to note

commonwealth beyond the decree of heaven, or

the date of its nature, any more than human life a greater pause than that of a comma.

beyond the strength of the seminal virtue, yet SEMIDIAMETER. n. s. (semi and diameter.] Half the line which, drawn

we may manage a sickly constitution, and preserve a strong one.

Swift. through the centre of a circle, divides SEMINA’LSTY. n. s. [from semen, Lat.) it into two equal parts; a straight line 1. The nature of seed.


As though there were a seminality in urine, or A kind of amethystine fint, not composed of that, like the seed, it carried with it the idea of crystals or grains; but one entire massy stone, every part, they conceive we behold therein the semiperspicuous, and of a pale blue, almost of the anatomy of every particle. Brown. colour of some cows horns.

Grew. 3. The power of being produced.

SE'MIPROOF. n. s. (semi and proof:) The In the seeds of wheat chere lieth obscurely the proof of a single evidence. Bailey: seminality of darnel.

Brown. SEMIQUA'DRATE. I n. s. [In astronumy.] SE'MINARY, n. S. (seminaire, Fr. semina- SEMIQUA'RTILE. ) An aspect of the rium, from semino, Lat.)

planets when distant from each other 1. The ground where any thing is sown to

forty-five degrees, or one sign and a half. be afterward transplanted ; seedplot.

Bailey. Some, at the first transplanting trees out of SEMIQUA'VER, n. s. [In musick.] A note their seminaries, cut them off about an inch from the ground, and plant them like quickset.

containing half the quantity of a quaver.

Mortimer. 2. The place or original stock whence any SEMIQUI'NTILE. n. s. [In astronomy] thing is brought.

An aspect of the planets when at the This stratum is expanded, serving for a com- distance of thirty-six degrees from one mon integument, and being the seminary or another.

Bailer. promptuary that furnisheth forth matter for the SEMISE'XTILE. n. s. [In astronomy.) A formation and increment of animal and vegetable

semisixth ; an aspect of the planets bodies.

Woodward. 3. Seminal state.

when they are distant from each other The hand of God, who first created the earth, one twelfth part of a circle, or thirty hath wisely contrived them in their proper semi- degrees.

Bailey. daries, and where they best maintain the inten- SEMISPHERICAL. adj. (semi and spherition of their species.


cal.] Belonging to half a sphere. 4. Principle ; causality.

Bailey. Nothing subministrates apter matter to be

SEMISPHERO'IDAL. adj. (semi and spheconverted into pestilent seminaries, sooner than steams of nasty folks and beggars. Harvey.

roidal.] Formed like a half spheroid. s. Breeding-place; place of education, SEMITE'RTIAN. n. s. [semi and tertian.]

from which scholars are transplanted An ague compounded of a tertian and a into life.


Bailey. It was the seat of the greatest monarchy, and

The natural product of such a cold moist year the seminary of the greatest men of the world,

are tertians, semitertians, and some quartans. whilst it was heathen. Bacon.

Arbutbnot. The inus of court must be the worst instituted SeʼMITONE. n. S. (semiton, Fr.) In museni inaries in any christian country. Locke. sick, one of the degrees of concinuous SEMINATION. n. s. [from semino, Lat.) intervals of concords.

Bailey. The act of sowing.

SEMIVO'WEL, n. s. (semi and vowel.) A .

consonant which makes an imperfect Lat.]

sound, or does not demand a total ocseed.

clusion of the mouth. We are made to believe, that in the fourteenth When Homer would represent any agreeable year males are seminifical and pubescent; but he object, he makes use of the smoothest vowels that shall inquire into the generality, will rather and most flowing semivowels.

Broorae. adhere uinto Aristotle.

Brown. SEMPERVIVE. n. s. (semper and vivus, SEMINIFICA’TION.n.s. Propagation from

Lat. that is, always alive.] A plant. the seed or 'seminal parts.


The greater sempervive will put out branches SEMIOPA'Cous. adj. (semi and opacus, two or three years; but they wrap the root in Lat.) Half dark.

an oil-cloth once in half a year. Bacor. Semiopacous bodies are such as, looked upon in SEMPITE'RNAL. adj. [sempiternel, Fr. an ordmary light, and not held betwixt it and the eye, are not wont to be discriminated from the sempiternus, from semper and æternus, rest of the opacous bodies.


Latin.] SEMIO'RDINATE, n. s. [In conick sec- 1. Eternal in futurity; having beginning, tions.] A line drawn at right angles to,

but no end. and bissected by, the axis, and reaching

'Those, though they suppose the world not to from one side of the section to another;

be eternal, à parte ante, are not contented to

suppose it to be sempiternal, or eternal à porte the half of which is properly the semi

post; but will carry up the creation of the world ordinate, but is now called the ordinate.

to an immense antiquity.

Hale. Harris. 2. In poetry it is used simply for eternal. SEMIPE'D AL. adj. [semi and pedis, Lat.) Should we the long-depending scale ascend Containing half a foot.

Of sons and fathers, will it never end?

If 't will, then must we through the order run SEMIPELLU'CID. adj. (semi and pelluci

To some one man whose being ne'er begun; dus, Latin.] Half clear; imperfectly

If that one man was sempiternal, why. transparent.

Did he, since independent, ever die? Blackmore. A light grey semipellucid flint, of much the SEMPITE'RNITY. n. š. (sempiternitas, same complexion with the common Indian agat.

Lat.) Future duration without end. Woodward.

The future eternity or sempiternity of the SEMIPERSPI'Clous. adj. (semi and per

world being admitted, though the eternity è parte spicuus, Latin.] Half transparent ; im. ante be denied, there will be a future infinity for perfectly clcar.

the emanation of the divine goodness. Hak.

SENINI'RICK. - } adiaEsemen and facio,

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