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Tarchon's alone was lost, and stranded stood, bound together, at a gaze, looking srange ofte Stuck on a bank, and beaten by the fiood. upon another, not knowing who was faithful. Dryden.

Bacon. I have seen of both those kinds from the sea, STRANGE. interj. An expression of wonbut so few that they can only be such as have der. strayed from their main residence, and been ac

Strange! what extremes should thus preserve cidentally intercepted and stranded by great

the snow storms.


High on the Alps, or in deep caves below. Some from the stranded vessel force their way,

Waller. Fearful of fate, they meet it in the sea ;

Strange! that fatherly authority should be Some, who escape the fury of the wave,

the only original of government, and yet all Sicken on earth, and sink into a grave. Prior. mankind not know it.

Locke. STRANGE. adj. [estrange, Fr. extra. To STRANGE. v. n. (from the adjective. ] neus, Latin.)

To wonder ; to be astonished. 1. Foreign ; of another country.

Were all the assertions of Aristotle such as I do not contemn the knowledge of strange

theclogy pronounceth impieties, which we strange and divers tongues.


not at from ope of whom a father saith, Nec The natural subjects of the state should bear

Deum coluit, nec curavit.

Glanville, a sufficient proportion to the strange subjects STRA'NGELY. adv. [from strange.] that they govern.

Bacon. 1. With some relation to foreigners. 2. Not domestick.

As by strange fortune
As the man loves least at home to be,

I came to us, I do in justice charge thee
That hath a sluttish house, haunted with sprites;

That chou commend it strangely to some place,
So she, impatient her own faults to see,

Where chance may nurse or end it. Sbakspeare. Turns from herself, and in strange things de- 2. Wonderfully; in a way to cause wonlights.

Davies. der, but commonly with a degree of 3. Wonderful; causing wonder.

dislike. It is evident, and it is one of the strangest se

My former speeches have but hit your crets in sounds, that the whole sound is not in

thoughts, the whole air only; but is also in every small

Which can interpret farther: only, I say, part of the air.


Things have been strangely borne. Shakspeare. Sated at length, ere long I might perceive

How strangely active are the arts of peace,

Whose restless motions less than wars do cease: Strange alteration in me.

Thus the strange cure to our spilt blood ap-

Peace is not freed from labour, but from noise ; plied,

And war more force, but not more pains, em

ploys. Sympathy to the distant wound does guide.

Dryden. Cowley

We should carry along with us some of those It is strange they should be so silent in this

virtuous qualities, which we were strangely carematter, when there were so many occasions to

less if we did not bring from home with us. speak of it, if our Saviour had plainly appointed

Spratt. such an infallible judge of controversies.

In a time of affliction, the remembrance of our Tillotson.

good deeds will strangely cheer and support our Strange to relate! from young lülus' head


Calamy. A lambent flame arose, which gently spread

It would strangely delight you to see with what Around his brows, and on his temples fed.

spirit he converses, with what tenderness he reDryden.

proves, with what affection he exhorts, and with what vigour he preaches.

Law. 4. Odd; irregular; not according to the

How strangely crowds misplace things and common way.

Desire my man's abode, where I did leave Madness in one is liberty in all.

Harte. him: He's strange and peevish. Shakspeare.

STRA'NGENESS. n. s. [from strange.] A strange proud return you may think I 1. Foreignness; the state of belonging to make you, madam, when I tell you it is not another country. from every body I would be thus obliged.

If I will obey the gospel, no distance of place,

Suckling. no strangeness of country, can make any man a 5. Unknown; new.

stranger to me.

Spratt. Long custom had inured them to the former 2. Uncommunicativeness ; distance of bekind alone, by which the latter was new and haviour. strange in their ears.


Ungird thy strangeness, and tell me what I Here is the hand and seal of the duke: you shall vent to my lady.

Shakspeare. know the character, I doubt not; and the signet

Will you not observe is not strange to you.

Sbakspeare. The strangeness of his alter'd countenance ? Joseph saw bis brethren, but made himself

Sbakspeare. strange unto them.


3. Remoteness from common manners or Here passion first I felt, Commotion strange!


notions ; uncouthness.

Men worthier than himself 6. Remote.

Here tend the savage strangeness he puts on; She makes it strange, but she would be test

And undergo, in an observing kind, pleas'd

His humorous predominance. To be so anger'd with another letter. Slakip.


4. Mutual dislike. 7. Uncommonly good or bad.

In this peace there was an article that no This made David to admire the law of God

Englishman should enter into Scotland, and no at that strange rate, and to advance the know

Scorishman into England, without letters conledge of it above all o her knowledge. Tillotson.

mendatory: this might seem a means to con 8. Unacquainted.

Linue a strangeress between the nations ; huc is They were now, like sand without lime, ill was done to lock in the borderuis.

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5. Wonderfulness; power of raising won.

His face is black and full of blood; der.

His eye-balls farther out than when he liv'd, If a man, for curiosity or strangeness sake,

Staring fuli ghastly, like a strangled man.

Shakspeare. would make a puppet pronounce a word, let

Shall I not then be stifled in the vault, him consider the motion of the instruments of

To whose foul inouch no healthsome air breathes voice, and the like sounds made in inanimate

in, bodies.


And there be strangled ere my Romeo comes? This raised greater tumults and boilings in

Soudspear. the hearts of men, than the strangeness and

Dost thou not know that thou hast stranged seeming unreasonableness of all the former ar

thine husbands?

Tart. ticles.


The lion did tear in pieces enough for his STRA'NGER. n. s. [estranger, Fr.]

whelps, and strangled for his lionesses, ind filled 1. A foreigner; one of another country. his holes with prey.

Nikemiab. I am a most poor woman and a stranger,

So heinous a crime was the sin of adultery, Born out of your dominions; having here that our Saxon ancestors compelled the adulteress No judge indiff'rent.

Sbakspeare. to stran le herseif ; and he who debauched her Your daughter bath made a gross revolt; was to be hanged over her grave. Aglige. Tying her duty, beauty, wit, and fortunes,

2. To suppress; to hinder from birth or To an extravagant and wheeling stranger


appearance, Of here and every where. ·

By th' clock, 't is day; There is no place in Europe so much fre

And yet dark night stringles the travelling lamp: quented by strangers, whether they are such as

Is 't night's predominance, or the day's snaine? come out of curiosity, or such who are obliged

Sbaispeare. to attend the court of Rome.

Addison. After a year's interregnum from the death of STRA'NGLER. n. s. [from strangle.j'One Romulus, the senate of their own authority

who strangles. chose a successor, and a stranger, merely upon

The band ihat seems to tie their friendship tothe fame of his virtues.

Swift. gether, will be the very strangler of their anity. 2. One unknown.

Sbakspeare. Strangers and foes do sunder, and not kiss.

STRA'NGLES. n. s. [from strangle.) Swel.

You did void your rheum upon my beard,

lings in a horse's throat.

STRANGULA'TION. n. s. [from strangle.] And foot me as you spurn a stranger cur Over your threshold.


The act of strangling; suffocation; the We ought to acknowledge, that no nations are state of being strangled. wholly aliens and strangers the one to the other. A spunge is mischievous, not in itself, for its

Bacon. powder is harmless; but because, being received His perusal of the writings of his friends and into the stomach, it swelleth, and, occasioning its strangers.

Fell. continual distension, induceth a strangulation. They came, and near him plac'd the stranger

Brorum. guest.


The reduction of the jaws is dificult; and, if Thus the majestick mother of mankind, they be not timely reduced, there happen paraTo her own charms most amiably blind,

lysis and strangulation.

Wiseman. On the green margin innocently stood,

STRA'NGURY. n. s. [speSympic; strangurie, And gaz'd indulgent on the crystal food : Survey'd the stranger in the painted wave,

Fr.) A difficulty of urine attended with And smiling, prais'd the beauties which she gave. pain.

Young. STRAP. n. s. [stroppe, Dutch; stroppa, 3. A guest ; one not a domestick.

Italian.] A narrow long slip of cioth or He will vouchsafe

leather. This day to be our guest : bring forth and pour

These clothes are good enough to drink in, Abundance, fit to honour and receive

and so be these boots too; an' they Our heavenly stranger.


them hang themselves in their own straps. 4. One unacquainted.

Sbakspeare. My child is yet a stranger in the world;

I found but one husband, a livelv cobler, that She hath not seen the change of fourteen years. kicked and spurred all the while his wife was

Sbakspeare. carrying him on; and had scarce passed a day I was no stranger to the original : I had also without giving her the discipline of the strap. studied Virgil's design, and his disposition of it.

Spectater. Dryden. To STRAP. V. a. [from strap.] To beat 3. One not admitted to any communica

with a strap tion or fellowship.

ST!APPA'DO, n. Chastisement by I unspeak my detraction; here abjure

blows. The taints and blames upon myself,

Were I at the strappado, or all the racks in For strangers to my nature, Sbakspeare.

the world, I would not tell you on compulsion. Melons on beds of ice are taught to bear,

Sbakspears. And strangers to the sun yet ripen here.


STRAPPING, adj. Vast ; large; bulky. TO STRA'NGER. v. a. (from the noun.]

Used of large men or women in con

To estrange: to alienate.
Will you, with those infirmities she owes,

STRÅTA. n. s. (The plural of stratum, Dower å with our curse, and stranger'd with our Lat.] Beds; layers. A philosophical oath,

term. Take her or leave her?

Sbak: peores The terrestrial matter is disposed into strata, To-STRA'NGLE. v. a. (strangulo, Lat.] or layers, placed one upon another; in like man1. To choak; to suffocate; to kill by in- ner as any earthy sediment, seuling down from

a fluid, will naturally be.

Woodwari. tercepting the breath.


uot, let

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With how much wisdom are the strata laid, STRA'WBUILT. adj. (straw and built.] Of different weight and of a different kiod,

Made up of straw.
Of sundry forms for sundry ends design'd!

They on the smoothed plank,

The suburb of their strawbuilt citadel, STRA'T AGEM. n. S. [Sirnynpeace; struta- New rubb'd with balm, expatiate. Milton. geme, Fr.]

STRA'WCOLOURED. adj. (straw and co1. An artifice in war; a trick by which lour.) Of a light yellow. an enemy is deceived.

I will discharge it in your strawcolour'd beard. John Talbot, I did send for thee,

Sbakspeare. To tutor thee in stratagems of war. Sbakspeare. STRA'WWORM. n. s. (straw and worm ; Ev'ry minute now

phryganion, Latin.] A worm bred in Should be the father of some stratagem.


Shakspeare. 2. An artifice ; a trick by which some ad- STRA’WY. adj. [from straw.] Made of

straw ; consisting of straw. vantage is obtained. Rouse up your courage, call up all your coun

There the strarvy Greeks, ripe for his edge,

Fall down before him like the mower's swath. sels, And think on all those stratagems which nature


In a field of corn, blown upon by the wind, Keeps ready to encounter sudden dangers.


there will appear waves of a colour differing from Those oft are stratagems which errours seem;

that of the rest; the wind, by depressing some of

the ears, and not others, makes the one reflect Nor is it Homer nods, but we who dream. Pope.

more from the lateral and strawy parts than the To STRA'TIFY. v.a. (stratifier, Fr. from

Boyle. stratum, Latin.) To range in beds or

TO STRAY. v. n. (stroe, Danish, to scat. layers. A chymical term. STRATUM. n. s. (Lat.) A bed ; a layer.

ter ; stravviare, Italian, to wander.]

1. To wander ; to rove. A term of philosophy. Another was found in a perpendicular fissure

My eye, descending from the hill, surveys

Where Thames among the wanton valley strays. of a stratum of stone in Langron iron-mine,

Denbart. Cumberland.

Woodward. Drill'd through the sandy stratum, ev'ry way

Lo, the glad gales o'er all her beauties stray,

Breathe on her lips, and in her bosom play. The waters with the sandy stratum rise. Tbomson.

Pope. STRAW. r. s. [rareop, Saxon ; stroo,

2. To rove out of the way; to range beDutch.]

yond the proper limits. 1. The stalk on which corn grows, and

What grace hath thee now hither brought this from which it is thrashed.

Or doen ihy feeble feet unveeting bither stray. I can counterfeit the deep tragedian,

Spenser. Tremble and start at wagging of a straw,

No: where can I stray, | Intending deep suspicion. Shakspeare. Save back to England ?-all the world's my Plate sin with gold,


Sbakspeare. And the strong lance of justice hurtless breaks ;

She doth stray about
Arm it in rags, a pigmy's straw doth pierce it. By holy crosses, where she kneeling prays


For happy wedlock hours. Sbakspeare. Apples in hay and straw ripened apparently; Wand'rest thou within this lucid orb, but the apple in the straw more. Bacon.

And stray'd from those fair fields of light above, My new straw hat, that's urimly lin'd with Amidst this new creation want'st a guide green,

To reconduct thy steps ?

Dryden. Let Peggy wear.


3. To err; to deviate from the right. More light he treads, more tall he seems to We have erred and strayed. Common Prayer.

rise, And struts a straw breadth nearer to the skies. To STRAY. v.a. To mislead. Obsolete.

Hath not else his eye

Stray'd his affection in unlawful love! Sbaksp. 2. Any thing proverbially worthless. Thy arms, thy liberty, beside

STRAY. n. s. (from the verb.] All that is on th' outside of thy hide,

I. Any creature wandering beyond its Are mine by military law,

limits; any thing lost by wandering. Of which I will not bare one straw. Hudibras.

She hath herself not only well defended, 'Tis not a straw matter whether the main

But taken and impounded as a stray cause be right or wrong.

The king of Scots.

Sbakspeare. STRA'W BERRY. X. S. [ fragaria, Lat.) a

Should I take you for a stray, plant. Miller. You must be kept a year and day.

Hudibras. Content with food which nature freely bred, When he bas traced his talk through all its On wildings and on strawberries they fed. wild rambles, let him bring home his stray; not

Dryden. like the lost sheep, with joy, but with tears of Strawberries, by their fragrant smell, seem to penitence. Government of the Tongue. be cordial : the seeds obtained by shaking the Seeing him wander about, I took him up for a ripe fruit in winter, are an excellent remedy against the stone. The juice of strawberries and He cries out, neighbour, hast thou seen a stray lemons in spring-water, is an excellent drink in Of bullocks and of heifers pass this way? bilious fevers. Arbutlinot,

Addison. STRA'W BERRY Tree. n. so Carbutus, Lat.]

2. Act of wandering. It is ever green, the leaves roundish and

I would not from your love make such a stray, serrated on ihe edges : the fruit is of a To match you where I hate. Sbakspeare. feshy subs:ance, and very like a straw. STREAK. n. s. (rrrice, Saxon ; streke, berry.

Miller. Dutch ; stricia, Italian.] A line of



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colour different from that of the ground. You, Drances, never want a dream of words Sometimes written strake.


The stream of beneficence hath, by several The west yet glimmers with some streets of

rivulets which have since fallen into it, wonderday; Now spurs the lated traveller apace,

fully enlarged its current. Atterburg. To gain the timely inn. Sbakspeare. 3. Any thing forcible and contirurd. What mean those colour'd streaks in heav'n,

Hád their cables of iron chains had any great Distended, as the brow of God appeas'd? Milt.

length, they had been unportable ; and, being The night comes on, we eager to pursue

short, the ships must have sunk at an anchor in Till the last streaks of dying day withdrew, any stream of weather.

Raleigh. And doubtful moonlight did our rage deceive.

It is looked upon as insolence for a man to Dryden. adhere to his own opinion, against the current

Locke. Ten wildings have I gather'd for my dear ;

stream of antiquity. How ruddy, like your lips, their streaks appear! 4. Course ; current.


The very stream of his life, and the business While the fantastick tulip strives to break he hath helmed, must give him a better proIn two-fold beauty, and a parted streak. Prior. clamation.

Sbakspeare. TO STREAK. v. a. (from the noun.] To STREAM. v. n. (streyma, Islandick.] 1. To stripe ; to variegate in hues; to 1. To flow ; to run in a continuous curdapple.

rent. All the yeanlings which were streak’d and God bad the ground be dry, pied

All but between those banks where rivers now Should fall as Jacob's hire.


Stream, and perpetual draw their humid train. A mule admirably streaked and dappled with

Milton, white and black.


On all sides round
To-morrow, ere fresh morning streak the east, Streams the black blood, and smokes


the With first approach of light we must be ris'n,


Popes And at our pleasant labour, to reform

2. To emit a current ; to pour out water Yon flow'ry harbours.

Milton. in a stream ; to be overflown. Now let us leave this carth, and lift our eye Then grateful Greece with streaming eyes To the large convex of yon' azure sky;

would raise Behold it like an ample curtain spread,

Historick marbles to record his praise. Pope. Now streak'd and glowing with the morning red, 3. To issue forth with continuance, not Anon at noon in Haming yellow bright, And chusing sable for the peaceful night. Prior.

by fits.

Now to impartial love, that god most high, 2. To stretch. Obsolete.

Do my sighs stream, She lurks in midst of all her den, and streaks

Sbakspeare From out a ghastly whirlpool all her necks;

From opening skies may streaming glories

shine, Where, glotting round her rock, to fish she falls.

And saints embrace thee.

Pope. Chapman. To STREAM. v. a. To mark with colours STRE'AKY. adj. [from streak.] Striped ; variegated by hues.

or embroidery in long tracks.

The herald's mantle is streamed with gold. When the hoary head is hid in snow,

Bacon The life is in the leaf, and still between The fits of falling snows appears the streaky

STREAMER. n. s. [from stream.) An engreen.


sign; a fag; a pennon; any thing flowSTREAM. n.s. (roneam, Saxon; straum,

ing loosely from a stock. Islandick; stroom, Dutch.)

His brave fleet

With silken streamers the young Phæbus fanI. A running water; the course of run


Sbakspears. ning water; current.

The rosy morn began to rise, As plays the sun upon the glassy stream, And way'd ber saffron streamerthrough the skies. Twinkling another counterfeited beam. Sbaksp.

Dryden. He brought streams out of the rock, and caused

Brave Rupere from afar appears, waters to run down like rivers. Psalms.

Whose waving streamers the glad general knows Cocytus nam'd, of lamentation loud

Dryden. Heard in the rueful sorcam; fierce Phlegethon, The man of sense his meat devours, Whose waves of torrent fire infiame with rage ; But only smells the peel and Rowers : Far off from these, a slow and silent stream, And he must be an idle dreamer, Lethe, the river of oblivion, rolls

Who leaves the pie, and gnaws the streamer: Her wat’ry labyrinth. Milton.

Prior. O could I low like thee, and make thy Stre'Amy. adj. [from stream.] My great example, as thou art my theme! 1. Abounding in running water. Tho deep yet clear, tho' gentle yet not dull,

Arcadia, Strong without rage, without o'erflowing full.

However streamy now, adust and dry,

Denbam. Denied the goddess water: where deep Melas Thus from one common source our streams And rocky Cratis flow, the chariot smoak'd divide;


Obscure with rising dust. Ours is the Trojan, yours th' Arcadian side. 2. Flowing with a current.


Before him Haming, his enormous shield Divided interests, while thou think'st to sway, Like the broad sun illumin'd all the tield; Draw like two brooks thy middle stream away. His nodding helm emits a streamy ray. Pope.

Pryden. STREET. n. s. (rtrær, Saxon ; straz, 2, Any thing issuing from a head, and moving forward with continuity of parts.

German ; strada, Spanish and Italian ; The broadhi of the Lord is like a stream of

streede, Danish; straet, Dutch; stratum, brimstone.




1. A Way, properly a paved way between He enjoyed the greatest strength of good

sense, and the most exquisite taste of politeness. two rows of houses.

Addison He led us through fair streets ; and all the

We, like friendly colours, found our hearts way we went there were gathered people on both sides, standing in a row.



And each from each contract new strength and
The streets are no larger than alleys. Sandys.
When night


Popes Darkens the streets, then war der forth the sons

7. Spirit ; animation. Of Belial, down with insolence and wine;

Methinks I feel new strength within me rise, Witness the streets of Sodom.


Wings growing, and dominion given. Milton.

Adam and first matron Eve The Italians, say the ancients, always considered the situation of a building, whether it

Had ended now their orisons, and found were high or low, in an open square, or in a nar

Strength added from above, new hope to spring
Out of despair.

Milton. rov street, and more or less deviated from their rule of art.

Addison. 8. Vigour of writing; nervous diction; When you tattle with some crony servant in force, opposed to softness, in writing the same strect, leave your own street-door open. or painting.

Swift. Leave such to tune their own dull rhymes, 2. Proverbially, a publick place.

and know That there be no leading into captivity, and What 's roundly smooth, or languishingly slow; no complaining in our streets.

Psalms. And praise the easy vijour of a line, Our publick ways would be so crowded, that Where Denham's strength and Waller's sweetwe should want street-room. Spectator.

ness join.

Pope. Let us reflect upon what we daily see practised Caracci's strength, Coreggio's softer line, in the world; and can we believe, if an arostle Paulo's free stroke, and Titian's warmth divine. of Christ appeared in our streets, he would re

Pope. tract his caution, and command us to be conformed to the world?


9. Potency of liquors. STRE’ETWALKER. N. s. (street and walk.)

10. Fortification ; fortress.

The rashness of talking should not only be A common prostitute, that offers herself

retarded by the guard of our heart, but fenced to sale in the open street.

in by certain strengths placed in the mouth. STRENGTH. n. s. [riren78, Saxon.]

Ben Yousor. i. Force; vigour; power of the body:

He thought But strength from truth divided, and from just, This inaccessible high strength to have seiz'd. Ilaudable, nought merits but dispraise. Milton.

Milton. 'Thou must ouclive

Betray'd in all his strengths, the wood beset; Thy youth, thy strength, thy beauty, which will Ali instruments, all arts of ruin met. Denban. change

II. Support; maintenance of power. To wither'd, weak, and grey.

Milton. What thev boded would be a mischief to us, Th’insulting Troja: came,

you are providing, shall be one of our principal And menac'd us with force, our feet with flame: strengtbs.

Spratt. Was is the strength of this tongue-valiant lord, 12. Legal force ; validity ; security. In that black hour, that said you from the 13. Confidence imparted. sword ?

Dryden. Certain services were due from the soldier 2. Power of endurance ; firmness; dura- to his captain, and from the captain to the bility ; toughness; hardness,

prince; and upon the strength of such tenures, Not founded on the brittle strength of bones. in after times, the descendents of these people

Milton, and their kings did subsist and make their wars. Firm Dorick pillars found the solid base,

Davenant. The fair Corinthian crown the higher space,

The allies, after a successful summer, are too And all below is strength, and all above is grace. apt, upon the strength of it, to neglect their pre

Dryden. parations for the ensuing campaign. Addison, 3. Vigour of any kind ; power of any 14. Armanient ; force; power. kind.

What is his strength by land? Sbakspeare. Strength there must be either of love or war,

Nor was there any other strength designed to even such contrary ways leading to the same attend about his highness than one regiment. unity. Holyday.

Clarendon, God, in all things wise and just,

15. Persuasive prevalence; argumentative Hinder'd not Satan to attempt the mind

force. with strength entire and free-will arm’d.


This presupposed, it may then stand very well This act

with strength and soundness of reason, thus to Shall crush the strength of Satan. Milton.

Hooker. 4. Power of resistance; sureness ; fastness.

TO STRENGTH. v.a. To strengthen. Not Our castle's strength

Csed. Will laugh a siege to scorn. Shakspeare. Edward's happy order'd reign most fertile

breeds s. Support ; security; that which sup

Plenty of mighty spirits, to strength his state. ports.

Daniel. Bereave me not thy aid, Thy counsel in this uttermost distress,

TO STRENGTHEN. v. a. (from strength.] My only strength and stay.


To make strong 6. Power of mind; force of any mental l

2. To confirm ; to establish. faculty.

Authority is by nothing so much strengthened Aristotle's large views, acuteness and pene.

and confirmed as by custom; for no man easily tration of thought, and strength of judgment, few

distrusts the things which he and all men have Looke. been always bred up to.


Of man,


have equalled.

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