PAGE 141. And the Emperor but a Macho. Macho, in Spanish, signifies a mule. Golondrina is the feminine form of Golondrino, a swallow, and also a cant name for a deserter. PAGE 155. OLIVER BASSELIN. Oliver Basselin, the "Père joyeux du Vaudeville,” flourished in the fifteenth century, and gave to his convivial songs the name of his native valleys, in which he sang them, Vaux-de-Vire. This name was afterwards corrupted into the modern Vaudeville. PAGE 160. VICTOR GALBRAITH. This poem is founded on fact. Victor Galbraith was a bugler in a company of volunteer cavalry; and was shot in Mexico for some breach of discipline. It is a common superstition among soldiers, that no balls will kill them unless their names are written on them. The old proverb says, "Every bullet has its billet." PAGE 166. I remember the sea-fight far away. This was the engagement between the Enterprise and Boxer, off the harbor of Portland, in which both captains were slain. They were buried side by side, in the cem etery on Mountjoy. PAGE 182. SANTA FILOMENA. "At Pisa the church of San Francisco contains a chapel dedicated lately to Santa Filomena; over the altar is a picture, by Sabatelli, representing the Saint as a beautiful, nymph-like figure, floating down from heaven, attended by two angels bearing the lily, palm, and javelin, and beneath, in the foreground, the sick and maimed, who are healed by her intercession." - MRS. JAMESON, Sacred and Legendary Art, II. 298. THE END. of price. Any books in this list will be sent free of postage, on receipt BOSTON, 135 WASHINGTON STREET, A LIST OF BOOKS PUBLISHED BY TICKNOR AND FIELDS. Sir Walter Scott. ILLUSTRATED HOUSEHOLD EDITION OF THE WAVERLEY NOVELS. In portable size, 16mo. form. Price 75 cents a volume. The paper is of fine quality; the stereotype plates are not old ones repaired, the type having been cast expressly for this edition. The Novels are illustrated with capital steel plates engraved in the best manner, after drawings and paintings by the most eminent artists, among whom are Birket Foster, Darley, Billings, Landseer, Harvey, and Faed. This Edition contains all the latest notes and corrections of the author, a Glossary and Index; and some curious additions, especially in "Guy Mannering" and the "Bride of Lammermoor;" being the fullest edition of the Novels ever published. The notes are at the foot of the page, a great convenience to the reader. Any of the following Novels sold separate. WAVERLEY, 2 vols. GUY MANNERING, 2 vols. THE ANTIQUARY, 2 vols. ROB Ror, 2 vols. OLD MORTALITY, 2 vols. BLACK DWARF, LEGEND OF MONTROSE, }2 vols. HEART OF MID LOTHIAN, 2 vols. BRIDE OF LAMMERMOOR, 2 vols. IVANHOE, 2 vols. THE MONASTERY, 2 vols. KENILWORTH, 2 vols. THE PIRATE, 2 vols. MY AUNT MARGARET'S MIRROR, 2 vols. THE TAPESTRIED CHAMBER, THE LAIRD'S JOCK. WOODSTOCK, 2 vols. THE FAIR MAID OF PERTH, 2 vols. ANNE OF GEIERSTEIN, 2 vols. COUNT ROBERT OF PARIS, 2 vols. } THE FORTUNES OF NIGEL, 2 vols. QUENTIN DURWARD, 2 vols. INDEX AND GLOSSARY. 2 vols. 2 A List of Books Published Thomas De Quincey. CONFESSIONS OF AN ENGLISH OPIUM-EATER, AND SUS PIRIA DE PROFUNDIS. With Portrait. 75 cents. BIOGRAPHICAL ESSAYS. 75 cents. MISCELLANEOUS ESSAYS. 75 cents. THE CÆSARS. 75 cents. LITERARY REMINISCENCES. 2 vols. $1.50. NARRATIVE AND MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS. 2 vols. $1.50. ESSAYS ON THE POETS, &c. 1 vol. 16mo. 75 cents. HISTORICAL AND CRITICAL ESSAYS. 2 vols. $1.50. AUTOBIOGRAPHIC SKETCHES. 1 vol. 75 cents. ESSAYS ON PHILOSOPHICAL WRITERS, &c. 2 vols. 16mo. $1.50. LETTERS TO A YOUNG MAN, and other Papers. 1 vol. 75 cents. THEOLOGICAL ESSAYS AND OTHER PAPERS. 2 vols. $1.50. THE NOTE BOOK. 1 vol. 75 cents. MEMORIALS AND OTHER PAPERS. 2 vols. 16mo. $1.50. Alfred Tennyson. POETICAL WORKS. With Portrait. 2 vols. Cloth. $2.00. POCKET EDITION OF POEMS COMPLETE. 75 cents.. THE PRINCESS. Cloth. 50 cents. IN MEMORIAM. Cloth. 75 cents. MAUD, AND OTHER POEMS. Cloth. 50 cents. Charles Reade. PEG WOFFINGTON. A NOVEL. 75 cents. PROPRIA QUE MARIBUS and THE BOX TUNNEL. 25 cts. |