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Spoules: And who knows, my dear," continued fhe,,,what Olivia may be able to do. The girl hás a great deal to lay upon every bject, and to my knówledge is very well killed in cóntroversy."

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Why, my dear, what controversy cán she he read? cried I. ,,'It does not occúr tó me that I ever put fuch books into her hands: You certainly over rate her merit.“ „Indeed, Papá," replied Olivia, „fhe does not: 'I háve read a great deal of controversy. I have read the difputes between Thwáckum ánd 'Square ×); he controverfy between Robinson Crufoe and Friday the favage)," and 'I ám nów employed reading the controverfy ín Religious courtThip z). ,,Véry well, cried I, that's à good girl, I find you áre pérfectly qualified for making converts, and fò gò help your mother to make the gooseberry pye.“

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*) Zwei Perfonen, welche in Fielding's Roman Tom Jos nes vorkommen. Square war ein Philofoph, Thwackum ein Geiftlicher; beide streiten oft mit einander. Man fehe Tom Jones, Book III. chap. 3..

Hindeutung auf die religiöfen Unterhaltungen, welche in dem ursprünglichen Robinson Crusoe, der Held diefer Gefchichte mit dem Wilden, Friday, führt.

2) Ein Erbauungsbuch, das man in England häufig in den Händen des gemeinen Mannes antreffen foll; wortlich überfetzt bedeutet religious courtship: den geistlichen Brantftand.


An amour, zolich promifes little good fortune yet may be prodictive of much.

The next morning we were again vifited by Mr. Burchell, though I begán fór certain rèa, fons, to be difpleafed with the frequency of his return; bút I could nót refufe hím mỳ company ánd fire- fide. 'It is true his labour more thán requited his entertainment; for he wrought among us with vigour, ánd either in the mea, dow or at the hay- ríck put himfélf fòremost Befides, he had always fómething amuling to fày thát léffened our toìl, ánd wás át once fo out of the way, and yét fò fénfible, thát 'I loved, laughed át, ánd pítied hím. My only diflike aròle from án attachment hè difcovered to my daughter, hè would, ín à jéfting manner, call her his little mistress, ánd when he bought each of the girls à fét óf ríbbands, hérs was the fineft. I knew nót hów, but hè évery day feemed to become mòre àmiable, his wit to improve, and his fimplicity to affime the Superior àirs of wisdom.


Our family dined in the field, and we fate, or rather reclined, round a temperate repaft, our cloth fpread upon the hay, while Mr. Burchell gave chèarfulness to the feast. To heighten óur fatisfaction two bláckbirds ánfwered each other from 6ppofite hedges, the familiar redbreast came and pécked the crumbs fróm óur hánds, ánd évery found seemed but the écho of tranquillity. I never fit thus," fays Sophia, ,,but I think of the two lovers, fò fweetly

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defcribed by M'r. Gày a), who were ftrúck dead in each other's arms. There is fomething fo pathetic in the defcríption, thát 'I have read án húndred times with new rápture."-In my opinion," cried my fón, the finest rokes ín thát defcríption áre much below those the 'Acis ánd Galatea óf Ovid b). The Roman poet understands the ùfe of contrast etter, and upón that figure ártfully mánaged, ftrength in the pathétic depends." ,,'It remarkable,“ cried Mr. Burchell,,thát both he poets you mention háve èqually contributed introduce à falfe taste into their respective untries, by loading all their lìnes with épi

a) Gay, ein berühmter Englischer Dichter, geboren 1688 zu oder bei Barnstaple in Devonshire, gestorben 1732. Za feinen vorzüglichern dichterifchen Arbeiten gehören feine Fabeln und die Beggar's Opera. Ausserdema hat man von ihm noch verfchiedene poetische Epifteln, einige Eklagen, Elegien, Gefänge und Balladen. Die Begebenheit, auf welche Goldfinith. in unferer Stelle anfpielt, fteht in einem, Stanton Harcourt den gten August 1718 datirtem Briefe Gay's an einen gewiffen (Herr D. Beresford hat denfelben im ersten Theile feiner Elegant Extracts in Profe S. 192. abdrucken laffen.) Die beiden Liebenden, welche das unglückliche Schicksal hatten, vom Blitze erfchlagen zu werden, hiefsen John Hewet und Sarah Drew. Man fand fie in der Stellung, wie ersterer feine Geliebte umarmt hielt. Sie wurden auf dem Kirchhofe zu Stanton Harcourt begraben.

Mr. F

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b) Publius Ovidius Nafo, geboren zu Sulmo im Jahre 7 nach Erbauung Roms, geftorben im Jahr 770 (oder im 17ten Jahre nach Chrifti Geburt) au Tomi, einem Orte in Möfien, wohin er verwiesen worden war. Die Erzählung Acis und Galatea steht im 13ten Buche feiner Metamorphofen, Vers 740 bis 897; eine vortrefflicke Ueberfetzung derfelben findet man in den Verwandlungen nach Publius Ovidius Nafo von F. H. Voss, weiter Theil, S. 317 u. ff.

thets. Mén of little gènius found them most èafily imitated in their defects, and English poetry, like that in the latter empire of Rome is nothing át préfent bút à combination & luxuriant images, without plót ór connéxion à ftring of épithets that improve the found th without carrying on the fénfe. But perhaps Mádam, while I thus reprehénd others, you'l think it just that I should give them an oppor tunity to retaliate, and indeed I have made this remárk only to háve an opportunity d introducing to the company à ballad, which whatever be its other defects, ís 'I think a leaft free from those 'I háve méntioned."

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Turn, gentle hermit of the dale,
And guide my lonely way,

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,,To where yón tàper cheers thé vàle „With hospitable rày.

,,Fór hère, forlórn ánd lóft 'I tread,
With fainting ftép ánd flow;
Where wilds immeafurably fpread,
,,Seem lengthening ás I gò.

,,Forbear, my fón," the hermit cries,
,,To tempt the dangerous gloom;,
,,Fór yonder faithlefs phantom files
,,To lùre thee to thy doom.

c) Man vergleiche das, was in der vorangefchickten Biographie Goldfinith's über diefe fchone Ballade gefage avorden ist.

„Here to the houfelefs child óf want, ,,Mỳ door is open ftill;

"And tho' my portion is but fcánt, "I give it with good will.

„Then turn to night, and frèely share ,,Whate'er ny céll beftòws;

My rufhy couch, and frugal fàre,
Mỳ bléffing ánd repòle.

No flocks that range the valley free,
,,To flaughter 'I condemn:

»Taught by thát power thát pities me. ,,'I learn to píty them.

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Bút from the mountain's gráffy fide, "A guiltless feast 'I bring;

A fcrip with herbs and fruits supply'd, "And water from the spring.

Then, pilgrim, turn, thỳ cares foreg); ,,'All earth- born càres áre wrong;

Mán wants but little hère below,
,,Nór wants that little lóng."

Sóft as the dew from heav'n defcénds,
His gentle áccents féll;

The modeft ftrànger lowly bends,
'And follows to the cell,

Fár ín à wilderness obfcùre
The lònely mánfion lày,

'A refuge to the neighbouring poor
'And strangers léd astrày.

No ftores beneath its húmble thatch
Requir'd à máfter's care;

The wicket opening with à látch,
Receiv'd the harmless pair.

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