A HISTORY O F THE VALLEY OF VIRGINIA. By Samuel Kercheval. SECOND EDITION: REVISED AND EXTENDED BY THE AUTHOR. WOODSTOCK, VA. JOHN GATEWOOD. PRINTER. 1850. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1833, in the Clerk's. Office of the Western District of Virginia. LIKE Nestor of old, you have lived to see "two generations. pass away, and now remain the example of the third." You saw Dunmore's war with the Indians in 1774; you witnessed the war of the Revolution and the war of 1812, with the haughty Briton. In all these great struggles of our country, you have given the most conclusive evidence of unbending virtue and uncompromising patriotism. The author has had the gratification of knowing you for a full half centuryWhen a small boy he frequently saw you, though he was then too young to attract your notice, and it was not until he entered upon the active duties of life that he had the high satisfaction of a personal acquaintance. The author disclaims every thing like insincere flattery, and feels assured that your candor will readily pardon him for the freedom he uses in his dedication of his History of the Valley to you. To you, sir, is he indebted for much of the valuable information detailed in the following pages.--In you, sir, he has witnessed the calm, dignified statesman and philosopher, the uniform and consistent republican, the active and zealous officer, whether in the field or councils of the country. He has witnessed more: he has seen you in high pecuniary prosporty; he has seen you in later years struggling with adverse fortune; and in all, has discovered the calm, dignified resignation to misfortune, which always characterises the great and the good man. Yes. sir, you have spent at least fifty years of your valuable life in the service of your country; and when you go hence, that may enter into the joy of your Lord, is the fervent prayer of THE AUTHOR. you 276141 |