| Edward Bysshe - 1710 - 624 страници
...gone, Like tran/ltory Dreams giv'n o'er, Whofe Images are kept in Store, By Memory alone. Whatever is to come, is not ; How can it then be mine ? The prefent Moment's all my Lot, And that as faft as it is got, Phillu, is wholly thine. Then talk not of Inconftancy,... | |
| 1783 - 366 страници
...Like tranfitory dreams giv'n o'er, Whofe images are kept in ftore, By memory alone. Whatever Whatever is to come, is not ; How can it then be mine ? The prefent moment's all my lot, And that, as faft as it is got, Phillis, is wholly thine. Then talk not of inconftancy,... | |
| English poets - 1790 - 248 страници
...helplefs proves, When I plead paffion to her, That much fhe fears (but more fhe loves} Her vaflal fhould undo her. LOVE AND LIFE. A SONG. I. ALL my paft life...moment 's all my lot } And that, as faft as it is got, Phillis, is only thine. HI. Them HI. Then talk not of inconftaney, Falfe hearts, and broken vows ;... | |
| 1793 - 806 страници
...gone : Like tranûtory dreams given o'er, Whofe image» are kept in flore By memory alone. ii. Tht time that is to come is not ; How can it then be mine .' The prcfcnt moment's all my lot ; And that, as fail л» it is got, PhiUu, is only thine. Hi. Tren talk... | |
| Lyre - 1806 - 208 страници
...hours are gone: Like transitory dreams given o'er, Whose images are kept in store By memory alone. The time that is to come, is not; How can it then be mine ? The present moment's all my lot; And that, as fast as it is got, PHILLIS ! is only thine. Then talk not... | |
| Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - 654 страници
...hours are gone : Like transitory dreams given o'er, Whose images are kept in store By memory alone. not rectify his first opinion by consorting Waller's book. Cl present moment 's all my lot ; And that, as fast as it is got, Phillis, is only thine. Then talk not... | |
| William Hazlitt - 1824 - 1062 страници
...hours are goue : Like transitory dreams given o'er, Whose images are kept in store By memory alone. our wonder and astonishment Hast built thyself a live-long mon present moment's all my lot ; And that, as fast as it is got, Phillis, is only thine. Then talk not... | |
| Samuel Carter Hall - 1836 - 390 страници
...hours are gone: Like transitory dreams given o'er, Whose images are kept in store By memory alone. The time that is to come is not ; How can it then be mine ? The present moment's all my lot ; And that, as fast as it is got, Phillis, is only thine. Then talk not... | |
| Samuel Carter Hall - 1836 - 336 страници
...hours are gone: Like transitory dreams given o'er, Whose images are kept in store By memory alone. The time that is to come is not ; How can it then be mine ? The present moment's all my lot ; And that, as fast as it is got, Phillis, is only thine. Then talk not... | |
| William Jerdan - 1852 - 396 страници
...hours are gone : Like transitory dreams given o'er, Whose images are kept in store By memory alone : The time that is to come is not ; How can it then be mine ? The present moment's all my lot. E»RL OF ROCHESTER. THE " Literary Gazette," from its origin to the last... | |
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