But wretched thou, whoe'er my rival art, That fondly boasts an empire o'er her heart; Thou that enjoy'st the fair inconstant prize, And vainly triumph'st with my victories; Unenvy'd now, o'er all her beauties rove, Enjoy thy ruin, and Neæra's love : Though wealth and honours grace thy nobler birth, To bribe her love, and fix a wandering faith; Though every grace and every virtue join, T' enrich thy mind, and make thy form divine : Yet blest, with endless charms, too foon you'll prove The treacheries of false Neæra's love.
Loft and abandon'd by th' ungrateful fair, Like me you 'll love, be injur'd, and despair. When left th' unhappy object of her fcorn, Then shall I fmile to fee the victor mourn, Laugh at thy fate, and triumph in my turn.
THE man that's uncorrupt, and free from guilt,
That the remorse of secret crimes ne'er felt : Whose breast was ne'er debauch'd with fin,
But finds all calm, and all at peace within : In his integrity secure,
He fears no danger, dreads no power: Useless are arms for his defence,
That keeps a faithful guard of innocence.
Secure the happy innocent may rove, The care of every power above;
Although unarm'd he wanders o'er
The treacherous Libya's fands, and faithless shore : Though o'er th' inhospitable brows Of favage Caucafus he goes;
Through: Africk's flames, through Scythia's snows,
Or where Hydaspes, fam'd for moniters, flows.
For as, within an unfrequented grove, I tun'd my willing lyre to love, With pleasing amorous thoughts betray'd,
Beyond my bounds insensibly I stray'd; A wolf that view'd me fled away, He fled from his defenceless prey? When I invok'd Maria's aid,
Although unarm'd, the trembling monster fled.
Not Daunia's teeming sands, nor barbarous shore, E'er fuch a dreadful native bore, Nor Africk's nurfing caves brought forth
So fierce a beast, of such amazing growth: Yet vain did all his fury prove
Against a breast that 's arm'd with love;
Though abfent, fair Maria's name
Subdues the fierce, and makes the favage tame.
Commit me now to that abandon'd place
Where chearful light withdraws its rays;
No beams on barren nature finile, Nor fruitful winds refresh th' intemperate foil;
But tempefts, with eternal frosts,
Still rage around the gloomy coaft:
Whilst angry Jove infefts the air,
And, black with clouds, deforms the fullen year.
Or place me now beneath the torrid zone, To live a borderer on the fun :
Send me to scorching sands, whose heat Guards the destructive foil from human feet : Yet there I'll fing Maria's name, And fport, uninjur'd, midst the flame : Maria's name! that will create, ev'n there, A milder climate, and more temperate air.
PATROCLUS'S Request to ACHILLES for his Arms.
Imitated from the Beginning of the Sixteenth ILIAD of HOMER.
DIVINE Achilles, with compaffion mov'd,
Thus to Patroclus spake, his best-belov'd.
Why like a tender girl dost thou complain ! That strives to reach the mother's breast in vain; Mourns by her fide, her knees embraces faft, Hangs on her robes, and interrupts her haste; Yet, when with fondness to her arms she 's rais'd, Still mourns and weeps, and will not be appeas'd! Thus my Patroclus in his grief appears, Thus like a froward girl profuse of tears.
From Phthia doft thou mournful tidings hear,
And to thy friend some fatal message bear ? Thy valiant father (if we fame believe) The good Menætius, he is yet alive : And Peleus, though in his declining days, Reigns o'er his Myrmidons in health and peace; Yet, as their latest obfequies we paid, Thou mourn'st them living, as already dead. Or thus with tears the Grecian host deplore, That with their navy perish on the shore; And with compaffion their misfortunes view, The just reward to guilt and falsehood due? Impartial heaven avenges thus my wrong, Nor fuffers crimes to go unpunish'd long. Reveal the cause so much afflicts thy mind, Nor thus conceal thy forrows from thy friend. When, gently raising up his drooping head, Thus, with a figh, the fad Patroclus faid. Godlike Achilles, Peleus' valiant fon! Of all our chiefs, the greatest in renown; Upbraid not thus th' afflicted with their woes, Nor triumph now the Greeks sustain such loss ! To pity let thy generous breast incline, And show thy mind is like thy birth divine. For all the valiant leaders of their hoft, Or wounded lie, or are in battle loft. Ulyffes great in arms, and Diomede, Languish with wounds, and in the navy bleed: This common fate great Agamemnon shares, And stern Eurypylus, renown'd in wars.
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Whilft powerful drugs th' experienc'd artists try, And to their wounds apt remedies apply : Easing th' afflicted heroes with their skill, Thy breast alone remains implacable!
What, will thy fury thus for ever last! Let present woes atone for injuries paft : How can thy foul retain such lafting hate! Thy virtues are as useless as they 're great. What injur'd friend from thee shall hope redress, That will not aid the Greeks in fuch distress ? Useless is all the valour that you boaft, Deform'd with rage, with fullen fury loft.
Could cruelty like thine from Peleus come, Or be the offspring of fair Thetis' womb! Thee raging seas, thee boisterous waves brought forth, And to obdurate rocks thou ow'st thy birth! Thy stubborn nature still retains their kind, Se hard thy heart, fo savage is thy mind. But, if thy boding breast admits of fear, Or dreads what facred oracles declare ! What awful Thetis in the courts above Receiv'd from the unerring mouth of Jove! If so----let me the threatening dangers face, And head the warlike squadrons in thy place: Whilft me thy valiant Myrmidons obey, We yet may turn the fortune of the day. Let me in thy distinguish'd arms appear, With all thy dreadful equipage of war; That when the Trojans our approaches view, Deceiv'd, they shall retreat, and think 'tis you.
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