ON THE EAST END. EDMUNDUS WALLER CUI HOC MARMOR SACRUM EST, COLESHILL NASCENDI LOCUM HABUIT; CANTABRIGIAM STUDENDI; PATREM ROBERTUM ET EX HAMPDENA STIRPE MATREM: COEPIT VIVERE III° MARTII, A. D. MDCV. PRIMA UXOR ANNA EDWARDI BANKS FILIA UNICA HÆRES. EX PRIMA BIS PATER FACTUS; EX SECUNDA ON THE NORTH SIDE. HOC MARMORE EDMUNDO WALLER MARIÆQUE EX SECUNDIS NUPTIIS CONJUGI, PIENTISSIMIS PARENTIBUS, PIISSIME PARENTAVIT EDMUNDUS FILIUS HONORES BENE-MERENTIBUS EXTREMOS DEDIT QUOS IPSE FUGIT. EL. W. I. F. H. G. EX TESTAMENTO H. M. P. IN JUL. MDCC. R 4 CON CONTENTS. Preface to the first Edition of Mr. Waller's Poems, after the Restoration; printed in the Year The Apology of Sleep, for not approaching the Lady Of Of her Chamber To Phyllis Page 40 41 To my Lord of Northumberland, upon the Death of his Lady 42 To my Lord Admiral, of his late Sicknefs and Re covery Song. "Stay, Phoebus, stay!" On my Lady Dorothy Sidney's Picture At Pens-Hurft To my Lord of Leicester Of the Lady who can fleep when the pleases Song. "Say, lovely Dream! &c." To Mrs. Braughton, Servant to Sacharifla To my young Lady Lucy Sidney To Amoret The Battle of the Summer-Iflands, in three Cantos 68 For drinking of Healths Song. "Chloris, farewel! &c." Of my Lady Isabella playing on the Lute To a Lady finging a Song of his compofing Of the Marriage of the Dwarfs Love's Farewell From a Child On a Girdle Page 81 82 83 84 ibid. 85 86 ibid. 87 ibid. 90 91 92, ibid. 93 94 95 96 ibid. 97 ibid. 99 To the mutable Fair Song. "'Tis not your Beauty can engage" The Fall Of Sylvia The Bud Song. "Behold the brand of Beauty toft!" To a Lady, from whom he received a Silver Pen Song. "While I listen to thy Voice" Of loving at first Sight The Self-banish'd Song. "Go, lovely Rofe!" Thyrfis, Galatea On the Head of a Stag To a Lady in Retirement 100 102 The Mifer's Speech; in a Masque Upon Ben Jonson On Mr. John Fletcher's Plays. 103 104 ibid. 106 To Mr. George Sandys, on his Tranflation of fome Parts of the Bible 107 Το |