To Mr. Henry Lawes, who had then newly fet a Song of mine, in the Year 1635 Page 108 To Sir William D'Avenant, upon his Two Firft Books of Gondibert, written in France 109 To his worthy Friend, Mr. Wafe, the Tranflator of Gratius 110 To his worthy Friend Master Evelyn, upon his Tranflation of Lucretius 112 113 To his worthy Friend Sir Thomas Higgins, upon his In Anfwer of Sir John Suckling's Verses 116 117 To a Friend, of the different Succefs of their Loves 120 An Apology for having loved before 121 To Zelinda 122 To my Lady Morton, on New-year's-day, at the Louvre in Paris To a fair Lady, playing with a Snake 123 125 The Night-Piece, or a Picture drawn in the Dark 126 Part of the Fourth Book of Virgil's Æneis tranflated 128 On the Picture of a Fair Youth, taken after he was dead 133 On a Brede of divers Colours, woven by four Ladies ibid. A Panegyric to my Lord Protector, &c. 134 Of a War with Spain, and Fight at Sea 141 Upon Upon the Death of the Lord Protector Page 145 To the King, upon his Majesty's happy Return 146 On St. James's Park, as lately improved by his Majefty 150 Of the Invasion and Defeat of the Turks, in the Year To the Queen, upon her Majefty's Birth-day, after her happy Recovery from a dangerous Sickness 158 Sung by Mrs. Knight to her Majefty, on her Birthday 159 160 161 Of her Majefty, on New-year's-day, 1683 Of a Tree cut in Paper 162 163 To a Lady, from whom he received the foregoing Copy, which for many years had been loft Of the Lady Mary, Princefs of Orange To the Prince of Orange, 1677 Of English Verse ibid. 165 166 ibid. 168 171 Upon the Earl of Rofcommon's Translation of Horace, De Arte Poeticâ: and of the Use of Poetry 172 Ad Comitem Monumetenfem de Bentivoglio fuo 174 To Mr. Killigrew, upon his altering his Play " Pan "dora" Page 175 On the Duke of Monmouth's Expedition into Scotland, in the Summer Solstice 176 To a Friend of the Author, a Perfon of Honour, who lately writ a religious Book, intituled, "Historical Applications, and occafional Meditations upon "several Subjects” 178 To a Perfon of Honour, upon his incomparable, incomprehenfible Poem, intituled, "The British "Princes" 179 To Mr. Creech, on his Translation of Lucretius 180 The Triple Combat 182 Of an Elegy made by Mrs. Wharton on the Earl of Rochester To Chloris 183 184 Upon our late Lofs of the Duke of Cambridge ibid. Inftructions to a Painter, for the Drawing of the Pofture, and Progrefs, of his Majefty's Forces at Sea, under the Command of his Highnefs-Royal: Together with the Battle, and Victory, obtained over the Dutch, June 3, 1665 To the King 185 196 A Prefage of the Ruin of the Turkish Empire; prefented to his Majefty King James II. on his Birthday To the Duchefs, when he prefented this Book to her Royal Highness 197 199 Verses written in the Tafso of her Royal Highness 200 On Mrs. Higgons 201 On the Paraphrafe on the Lord's Prayer, written by Mrs. Wharton 229 234 An Epigram on a painted Lady with ill Teeth ibid. ibid. Written on a Card that her Majefty tore at Ombre 235 To Mr. Granville (Lord Lanfdown) on his Verfes to King James II. Long and fhort Life Tranflated out of Spanish Tranflated out of French ibid. 236 ibid. ibid. Some Verfes of an imperfect Copy, defigned for a Friend, on his Tranflation of Ovid's Fafti 237 On the Statue of King Charles the Firft, at CharingCrofs, in the Year 1674 ibid. 238 Epitaph Epitaph on Sir George Speke Epitaph on Colonel Charles Cavendish. Page 239 240 241 Epitaph on the Lady Sedley Epitaph to be written under the Latin Infcription upon the Tomb of the only Son of the Lord Andover Epitaph unfinished Epitaph on Henry Dunch, Efq; Mr. Waller's Epitaph 243 244 #245 245 THE END OF WALLER'S POEMS. |