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His dear wife, daughters, and grandchildren, to whom we extend our deep sympathy, may well be proud of this son of Missouri who has given of himself so unsparingly in the service of his country and who has contributed so much toward the advancement and preservation of our American way of life.

Remarks by Representative Halleck

Of Indiana

Mr. Speaker, volumes could-and probably will-be written on the remarkable accomplishments of CLARENCE CANNON, our beloved and venerable colleague whose long and most useful life has now come to an end.

I cannot hope to do justice with these few words to the deep admiration and genuine affection that I have felt for him during the many years of our friendship.

He combined a prodigious capacity for work with a highly gifted intellect, and made the most of both in the service of his country.

His contributions to parliamentary procedures will live as a monument to his memory as long as free institutions remain on this earth.

It can be rightly said that by his wisdom and his fairness he gave the office of the Parliamentarian in this body a truly nonpartisan, professional status.

Beyond that, CLARENCE CANNON's dedication to his responsibilities as chairman of the great Committee on Appropriations is well known to all of us. It will be legendary in years to come.

CLARENCE CANNON has been variously described, and I may say erroneously, as crusty, stubborn, shrewd, dictatorial, and even cantankerous.

I want to close with a personal observation on that score. Some years back, Mrs. Halleck drew Mr. CANNON as a dinner companion at a White House function.

It was their first meeting of any consequence and she admitted to me afterward that she faced the prospects with some slight misgivings.

But for her he proved to be one of the most gracious, witty, and completely charming conversationalists she had ever met.

This was the real CLARENCE CANNON-a man of many talents who could mask a thoroughly delightful personality behind a gruff exterior.

His passing marks the close of a highly distinguished career in the service of this body, but I would hope his bereaved family may take consolation in the fact that he left an enduring legacy of work and writings that have added immeasurably to the world's library of parliamentary law and true statesmanship here in the House of Representatives.

Remarks by Representative Boggs

Of Louisiana

Mr. Speaker, the distinguished minority leader, in his beautiful tribute a moment ago, mentioned a personal experience with our late departed colleague. I, too, wish to mention one.

It was my last experience with CLARENCE CANNON. It happened on the Friday before he died on early Tuesday morning.

Our congressional offices were close together in the New House Office Building. That Friday evening, at about 7:30 p.m., I walked down to get the elevator. Mr. CANNON'S office was directly across from the elevator. He came out, with his felt hat pulled rather low on his forehead, as he was inclined to wear it and he said to me, as he stepped into the elevator, "We are leaving early this evening."

Of course, this was typical of the man. As is true of all great men, he was a hard worker, a dedicated worker. He came to the office literally at the crack of dawn, and he left, as he said that day, the last day, "early" at 7:30 in the evening.

This was an uncommon man, as my colleagues have said. But there was one thing about him that all of us who have served here in the House enjoyed in complete and total compatibility. That was his love of the House as an institution. He knew this body. He inherited a knowledge of it from the late great Champ Clark. He served with great men for many, many years. He knew the significance of the House of Representatives-what it meant to the American ideal and to the American system. There was never a time when he did not try to impart that knowledge to his younger colleagues. I think that, Mr. Speaker, will be his greatest memorial. I, too, join in extending the deepest sympathy to his family.

Remarks by Representative Vinson

Of Georgia

Mr. Speaker, the Nation has lost a great legislator, an outstanding statesman, a dedicated public servant, and one of the most competent men it has ever been my privilege to know.

When I first came to the Congress in 1914, among the first men I met was CLARENCE CANNON. Even then, he demonstrated an amazing knowledge of parliamentary procedure, and I was very happy when he became Parliamentarian of the House in 1917. CLARENCE CANNON continued as Parliamentarian under both Republican and Democratic administrations.

I very early learned, as a new Member of the House, that I could always depend upon CLARENCE CANNON'S advice and wise counsel. And one of the early books that I read, which became my legislative Bible, was "Cannon's Procedure." I have used this book as my guide during my service in the House.

He was my friend from the day I first met him in 1914. I was very pleased, and the Nation was very fortunate, when he was elected to the House and became a Member in 1923. He had already made his mark in the House even before becoming a Member, and he immediately attained a position of prominence and respect.

On September 17, 1941, CLARENCE CANNON became chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, and except for the 80th and 83d Congresses, when he was ranking minority member, he has been chairman of that committee ever since.

He was a man of high integrity, a man of conviction, a man with determination and firmness, a man with sure knowledge, a man who cherished and protected the prerogatives of the House, and a man endowed with the qualities of greatness.

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