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SEC. 27. The faculty shall make an annual report by the first Wednesday of December of each year, to the State Board of Agriculture, sigued by the president and secretary, containing such information and recommendations as the welfare of the institution, in their opinion, demands. Any members of the faculty may make a minority report if they disagree with the conclusions of the majority, which the faculty shall communicate to the board. No communication at any other time, from members of the faculty, shall be entertained by the board, unless they have been submitted to a meeting of the faculty, and sanctioned by a majority.

SEC. 28. The president shall be the chief executive officers of the State Agricultural College, and it shall be his duty to see that the rules and regulations of the State Board of Agriculture, and the rules and regulations of the faculty be observed and executed.

SEC. 29. The subordinate officers and employè, not members of the faculty, shall be under the direction of the president, and in the recess of the board, removable at his discretion, and he may supply vacancies that may be thus or otherwise created; his action in these respects shall be submitted to the approval of the State Board of Agriculture at their next meeting.

SEC. 30. The president may or may not perform the duties of a professor, as the State Board of Agriculture shall determine. If he performs the duties of a professor, or in case the duties of president are exercised by a president pro tem., a superintendent of the farm may be appointed, who shall have the general superintendence of the business pertaining to the farm, the land, and other property of the institution, and who shall be a member of the faculty.

SEC. 31. The president and secretary, together with the superintendent of the farm, if there be one, and in case there is not one, then one of the professors to be elected by the faculty, shall constitute a committee to fix the rate of wages allowed to students, and rate of board. In assessing the board, it shall be so estimated that no profit shall be saved to the institution, and as near as possible at the actual cost. The rates of wages allowed, and rate of charge for the board, shall, if practicable, be submitted to the State Board of Agriculture before they take effect. SEC. 32. For current expenditures at the State Agricultural College, specific sums shall be set aside, in the hands of their treasurer, by the State Board of Agriculture, which shall be subject to the warrants of the president of the college, countersigned by the secretary. All moneys due to the institution or received in its behalf, shall be collected and received by the secretary, and deposited by him with the treasurer of the State Board of Agriculture. The secretary shall, with his annual report, render a full and complete account of all moneys received and all warrants drawn on the treasurer, as secretary of the college, and shall file and preserve all vouchers, receipts, correspondence, or other papers relating thereto.

SEC. 33. The superintendents of the farm, horticultural, and other departments, the curators of the museums, and each of the professors, shall make a written and detailed report of the workings of their several departments annually to the president of the college, which said reports shall be kept on file in the office of the secretary of the State Board of Agriculture. Agricultural operations on the farm shall be carried on experimentally. Careful experiment shall be made annually in the field crops, in keeping, feeding, and fattening stock, and in the preparation and application of barn-yard and commercial manures, and a detailed account of them shall be published in the annual report of the board. The college shall serve also as an experimental station, making trial from time to time of new varieties of fruits, grains and vegetables. The reports shall contain an account of the management of all the several fields, pastures, orchards, and gardens of the college, as designated by permanent names or numbers, and shall give an account of the preparation and enriching of the land, the planting, cultivation, havesting, and yield of the crops and disposition of the same; the management of the stock, with a careful comparison of the cost of keeping, growth, and profit of the several breeds kept on the farm; also an account of the students' labor, specifying the amount used in each of the several departments of the college, with other details, in such a way that the reports, as issued from year to year, shall contain a continuous history of the college, farm, and garden: Provided, that the State Board of Agriculture shall deem the same practicable or advisable.

SEC. 34. All the swamp lands granted to the State of Michigan by act of congress, approved September twenty-eight, one thousand eight hundred and fifty, situate in the townships of Lansing and Meridan, in the county of Ingham, and Dewitt and Bath, in the county of Clinton, of which no sale has been made, or for which no certificates of sale have been issued by the commissioner of the land office, are hereby granted and vested in the State Board of Agriculture and placed in the possession of

the State Agricultural College for the exclusive use and benefit of the institution, subject only to the provisions relating to drainage and reclamation of the act of congress donating the same to the State.

SEC. The State Board of Agriculture shall have authority to sell and dispose of any portions of the swamp lands mentioned in the preceding section of this act, and use the same, or the proceeds thereof, for the purpose of draining, fencing, or in any manner improving such other portions of said lands, as it may be deemed advisable to bring under a high state of cultivation for the promotion of the objects of the State Agricultural College. The terms and conditions of the sale of the portions of the above described lands thus disposed of, shall be prescribed by the State Board of Agriculture, and deeds of the same, executed and acknowledged, in their official capacity, by the president and secretary of the State Board of Agriculture, shall be good and valid in law.

SEC. 36. David Carpenter, of Lenawee county; Justus Gage, of Cass county; Philo Parsons, of Wayne county; Hezekiah G. Wells, of Kalamazoo county; Silas A. Yerkes, of Kent county, and Charles Rich, of Lapeer county, are hereby constituted and appointed the first State Board of Agriculture. At their first meeting, which the governor of the State is hereby authorized and directed to call at as early a day as practicable, they shall determine by lot their several periods of service, two of whom shall serve for two years, two of whom shall serve for four years, and two of whom shall serve for six years respectively, from the third Wednesday of January last past, when they are superseded by appointments, in accordance with the provisions of section one of this act, or until their successors are chosen.

SEC. 37. Act number one hundred and thirty, session laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-five, being an act for the establishment of a State Agricultural School, and all other acts or parts of acts in conflict with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed.

An Act to authorize the Quartermaster General to deposit arms and accoutrements at the Agricultural College.

SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That the Quartermaster General be authorized, with the advice and consent of the Military Board, to deposit with the State Board of Agriculture, at the Agricultural College, arms and accoutrements for the use of said College.

Ordered to take immediate effect.


PREAMBLE,-We, the students of the Michigan State Agricultural College, in order to form a more perfect organization, for maintaining our paper, managing the Students' Government, and facilitating the transaction of any other business that may properly come before us do adopt the following constitution:

ARTICLE I. NAME-This body shall be known as the Students' Organization. ARTICLE II. OFFICERS.-The officers of this organization shall consist of a President, Vice President, and Secretary and Treasurer, and a legal board of six members.

ARTICLE III. DUTIES.-SEC. 1. The duties of the officers of this organization shall be the same as the duties of officers of similar organizations.

SEC. 2. The President, Secretary, and legal board of this organization, shall perform the duties required of them by the Students' Goverument.

ARTICLE IV, TERM OF OFFICE.-The officers shall hold their office one College year, and shall be elected on the Friday preceding the last Friday of each school


ARTICLE V. MEMBERSHIP.-Every student of the College, in honorable standing, shall be a member of the Students' Organization.

ARTICLE VI. TAX.-A tax may at any time be levied on the members of the organization by a two-thirds vote of the members.

ARTICLE VII. NOTICE.-Notice of each meeting shall be posted at least six hours before each meeting.

ARTICLE VIII.-For all points not herein named, Cushing's Manual shall be authority.

ARTICLE IX.-A quorum shall consist of a majority of the Students' Organization. ARTICLE X. AMENDMENTS.-This constitution may be amended at any meeting by two-thirds vote of the members present.


The officers elected in August, 1884, are-
President.-J. W. Matthews.

Vice President.-J. J. Jakways.

Secretary and Treasurer.-H. L. Chapin.

Lega Board.--Messrs. C. B. Collngwood, W. T. Welch, E. S. Antisdale, L. A. Ross, T. A. Stanley, J. W. Dawson.

The secretary of the organization is allowed to charge for such time spent in the service as shall be approved by the President of the College, at eight cents an hour.


In 1875 the Faculty authorized the students to form a Students' Government. Professor Geo. T. Fairchild drew up the plan which was almost unanimously adopted by the students. In August, 1882, the plan was somewhat simplified, and partially united to the Students' Organization, whose constitution has on that account been inserted in this volume.

The College recognizes the Students' Government as a part of the government of the College.

The rules of the Students' Government when approved by the Faculty and announced to the students shall form a part of the laws for the government of the College.

The Faculty retain the right to take cognizance in their discretion of any case of misdoing brought to their notice.

The elections, trials, and marks accruing from trials are regularly to be reported by the President of the College to the Faculty.

The following is the constitution:


Adopted by the students, August, 1882, in place of the Constitution and Rules given in College Rules, 1878:

I. OBJECT. The prime object shall be the maintenance of good order within the dormitories, and the general comfort of students in pursuit of study.

II. DOMAIN. The halls used as dormitories shall be divided into several districts, as follows:

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III. OFFICERS.-The President, Secretary, and Legal Board of the Students' Organization shall act as President, Secretary, and Legal Board for the Students' Government.

Each district shall elect by ballot, on the second Saturday of each term, one Captain and one Lieutenant.

All of the above officers shall be installed by the approval of the President of the College, No student under censure shall be eligible to office.

In case any District fail to elect officers at the appointed time, or within three days thereafter, said officers shall be appointed by the President of the College, and the President and Secretary of the Students' Government.

IV. DUTIES.—The President of the Students' Government shall arrange for all trials, shall act as judge at all trials, and in case of the absence of the Secretary, shall perform the duties of that officer.

The Secretary shall act as the clerk of the court, shall report the result of all trials to the Faculty, shall report the results of all elections, or appointments of officers to the Faculty at its next regular meeting; shall see that all students are duly notified of the time and place for the election of officers; shall inform all officers of their

election, selection, or appointment; as soon as they are qualified shall notify jurymen of their appointment, and in the absence of the President shall perform the duties of that officer,

Each Captain or his Lieutenant shall make it his first duty to prevent all disturbance within his district.

It shall be the duty of each and all of these officers to secure a gentlemanly deportment from all students everywhere about the grounds, and especially toward visitors.

All cases of willful disregard of rules of good order he shall report immediately to the President of the Students' Government.

All the Captains and Lieutenants shall meet each week for consultation with the President of the College as to the general good order, and a written report of this meeting shall be made each week to the Faculty of the College.

Any member of the Legal Board shall act as counsel for the prosecution at the request of the Captain, who reports the person to be tried, or for the defense, if requested to do so by the person to be put on trial.

V. RULES OF TRIAL.—(1.) Any person accused shall be tried before a jury to consist of six persons, who shall be drawn as follows: The names of all the students of the College, excepting those of the officers indicated above, shall be kept by the President of the Students' Government in a box, and said President shall draw out, in the presence of the accused, of the two counsels in the case, and the Secretary, at some previously designated time and place, the names of six persons.

In case the name of the person to be tried, or that of any student absent from the College is drawn, others shall be drawn till the requisite number is secured.

The Secretary shall at once notify the jurymen of their appointment, and of the place and time when the trial shall be held.

(2.) Testimony. Testimony of any competent witness may be taken, and the accused may be personally examined. Any member of the jury may give testimony and shall not thereby be debarred from voting on the case.

(3.) Verdict. Verdict and penalty shall be decided by a majority vote of all the jurymen, in close session, the President of the Students' Government having the casting vote.

VI. PENALTIES.-The penalties shall consist of a definite number of marks of demerit upon the records of the Secretary.

An accumulation of five such marks shall bring a private warning from the President of the College; ten marks shall bring a second warning, with a notification of the fact to the friends; fifteen marks shall be attended with a request for his withdrawal from College.

VII. RECORDS.-The records of all trials shall be kept by the Secretary, and each week submitted to the Faculty for approval.

VIII. APPEAL AND PARDON.-The Faculty shall reserve the right to hear appeals or to rectify all cases when necessary; also, to pardon and expunge demerit marks after proof of subsequent good conduct.

IX. RULES.-Rules of good order shall be established by a majority of the captains and lieutenants, under the sanction of the Faculty.

X. In case any district fails to preserve order, the President may reorganize it by change of students' rooms.

XI. AMENDMENTS.—Any change in the above constitution shall be only by a vote of two-thirds of the students present at College.


Quite a new element of comfort came into the College, both of content to the students and relief to officers, in the club boarding system. The students are divided into five clubs, each having its own dining hall, and separate rooms for cooks. A new constitution has been adopted as follows:


ARTICLE I.--The association shall be known as the Club Boarding Association. ARTICLE II.-SEC. 1. The members of this association shall consist of all persons holding Boarding Club Certificates.

SEC. 2. Only members of the association shall be entitled to the benefits of the equalization of board.

SEC. 3. After the adoption of this constitution a membership fee of one dollar

shall entitle any person to a boarding club certificate. These certificates are not transferable.

SEC. 4. All certificates issued before the adoption of this constitution shall be redeemed for an amount equal to one dollar less than their face value.

ARTICLE III-SEC. 1. The officers of this association shall be the president and secretary of the Students' Organization; a Board of Equilization consisting of three members, elected at the regular election, and the Secretary of the College, who shall act as the general treasurer of the association.

SEC. 1. The duty of the treasurer shall be to hold in trust all money of the association, as deposited by the stewards, and pay out the same on the demand of the respective stewards.

ARTICLE IV-The students shall be divided into clubs. The membership of a club shall not be less than twenty nor more than forty.

ARTICLE V.-No club shall be allowed to have a majority of its members belong to the same class cr sociely.

ARTICLE VI. The membership of the clubs shall be kept as nearly equal as possible. ARTICLE VII.-No club shall receive as a member any person who has failed to. comply with the requirements of any other club.

ARTICLE VIII.-New students and those expecting to enter College shall be temporarily assigned, equally to all the clubs, by the President of the College.

ARTICLE IX.-SEC. 1. The Board of Equalization shall regulate the membership. of the clubs in accordance with Articles IV, V. and VI.

SEC. 2. If any member refuses to comply with the request of the board he shall be charged the full price of board in the club to which he has been assigned.

ARTICLE X.-With the consent of the Board of Equalization students may change to any club providing such change does not conflict with Articles IV, V, VI, and VII. ARTICLE XI.-SEC. 1. The clubs shall be designated by letters.

SEC. 2. Each club shall elect a steward whose term of office shall be one College term.

SEC. 3. The election of steward shall be by ballot, and held four weeks preceding the end of the term. The election of steward must be approved by the President of the College.

SEC. 4. The duties of the steward shall be to issue membership certificates; collect all moneys, give receipts and keep the accounts of the clubs, in full; make all purchases; approve and pay all bills; engage the services of a competent cook, see that the meals are properly served; estimate and assess the price of board per term. He shall not allow the stock of the club to deteriorate in value. The entire management of the club shall be in his hands, and he shall do that which in his judgment is for the best interest of the club.

SEC. 5. If any member refuse to comply with the request of the Board of Equalization, the steward, in whose club he remains, must explain Article VII and Section 2 of Article IX to the member. If he refuses to comply with these articles the steward cannot entertain him as a member of the club.

SEC. 6. No senior shall hold the office of steward during the summer term.
SEC 7. For his services the steward shall have his board free.

SEC. 8. By a vote of two-thirds of all the members of any club the steward may be impeached.

ARTICLE XII.-SEC. 1. The association, two weeks before the end of each term, shall elect an auditing committee consisting of three members. Vacancies may be filled at any time by the association.

SEC. 2. Their duty shall be to examine the books of all the stewards not less than once each week. They shall accept no accounts unless accompanied by proper bills. They shall, the first of each month and two weeks before the close of each term, make a written report to the association.

SEC. 3. They shall be paid at the rate of twelve and one-half (12) cents per hour for time actually employed. This amount to be assessed equally among the several clubs.

ARTICLE XIII.-SEC. 1. Each member of the association shall be required to deposit twenty dollars ($20) at the beginning of each term with the steward of his club.

SEC. 2. The steward of any club is forbidden to allow members to remain in his club unless they keep deposited with him the price of one week's board in advance. SEC. 3. Section two of this article may be suspended, in individual cases, by a twothirds vote of the club concerned.

ARTICLE XIV.-SEC. 1. All clubs shall be in running order the day preceding the opening of each term, except at the opening of the spring term, when there shall be at least three clubs in running order.

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