Have not been wholly sung nor said. Down to the graves of the dead, Thus the Seer, Sees forms appear and disappear, In the perpetual round of strange, Mysterious change From birth to death, from death to birth, From earth to heaven, from heaven to earth; Till glimpses more sublime Of things, unseen before, Unto his wondering eyes reveal The Universe, as an immeasurable wheel Turning for evermore In the rapid and rushing river of Time. THE BRIDGE. I STOOD on the bridge at midnight, And the moon rose o'er the city, I saw her bright reflection And far in the hazy distance Among the long, black rafters The wavering shadows lay, And the current that came from the ocean Seemed to lift and bear them away; As, sweeping and eddying through them, And, streaming into the moonlight, The seaweed floated wide. And like those waters rushing How often, O, how often, In the days that had gone by, I had stood on that bridge at midnight, How often, O, how often, I had wished that the ebbing tide Would bear me away on its bosom O'er the ocean wild and wide! For my heart was hot and restless, Seemed greater than I could bear. But now it has fallen from me, Yet whenever I cross the river On its bridge with wooden piers, Like the odor of brine from the ocean Comes the thought of other years. And I think how many thousands I see the long procession Still passing to and fro, The young heart hot and restless, And forever and forever, As long as the river flows, The moon and its broken reflection SEAWEED. WHEN descends on the Atlantic Storm-wind of the equinox, Laden with seaweed from the rocks: From Bermuda's reefs; from edges In some far-off, bright Azore; Surges of San Salvador; From the tumbling surf, that buries The Orkneyan skerries, Answering the hoarse Hebrides; And from wrecks of ships, and drifting Spars, uplifting On the desolate, rainy seas; Ever drifting, drifting, drifting Of sandy beaches, All have found repose again. So when storms of wild emotion Strike the ocean Of the poet's soul, ere long From each cave and rocky fastness, Floats some fragment of a song: From the far-off isles enchanted, In the tropic clime of Youth; From the strong Will, and the Endeavor That forever Wrestles with the tides of Fate; Tempest-shattered, Floating waste and desolate; Ever drifting, drifting, drifting THE DAY IS DONE. THE day is done, and the darkness I see the lights of the village |