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THE Annual Session of the American Institute of Instruction will be held in NEW HAVEN, CONN., Aug. 15, 16 and 17.


The next meeting of the Association will be held in HARRISBURG, PENN., Aug. 8, 9 and 10.


WM. A. MOWRY, Esq., is the editor of the main body of this journal for July.
MR. HOWARD has resigned the Principalship of the Grammar School in Pawtucket.

1. F. CADY, Esq., Principal of the Warren High School, has purchased a lot of land in Barrington, in a fine locality, and it is not a secret to us that he intends to build a residence upon it at some future day. The rest of his plans in conection with the matter we'll not communicate without special permission. Success to you, excellent friend, in your farming enterprise. We'll be with you by and by.

MISS HATTIE GARDNER, of Warren, first Assistant in the Warren High School, resigned her position at the close of the last term. The testimonials which she bore away with her in the form of presents from her pupils were a sufficient evidence of her popularity and success as a teacher. We regret to lose so excellent a teacher as Miss Gardner from our ranks.

MR. SAMUEL THURBER, who has been for the past two years the successful teacher of the Classical Department of the Providence High School, has resigned his situation. We regret to lose so able and faithful an instructor from the ranks of our profession. He has our best wishes for his success in the new field of scientific labor to which he has been called. He goes to Idaho as director of a mining company, for which position his energy and scientific research eminently qualify him.

F. B. SNOW, Esq., the very efficient Principal of the Bridgham School, and one of the resident editors of THE SCHOOLMASTER, has resigned his labors in connection with this journal on account of poor health. He laid aside for awhile the labors of the school-room, and is not yet able to resume them altogether. We regret to lose so popular a worker from our editorial corps. Take a long vacation, friend Snow, among the mountains or by the sea, and if fine air and pleasant recreation have health and strength for any, we most heartily hope that you will be among the first to find them.


Ar a meeting of the Editors of the R. I. SCHOOLMASTER, held at the rooms of Messrs. Mowry and Goff, the resignation of Mr. F. B. Snow, as one of the Resident Editors was accepted, and Mr. J. M. Ross, of the Lonsdale High School, and Mr. T. W. Bicknell, of the Arnold Street Grammar School, Providence, were elected as associates with Mr. DeMunn. Mr. A. J. Manchester, of the Prospect Street Grammar School, Providence, still retains an active, silent partnership in the editorial corps of THE SCHOOLMASTER. The financial department is under the charge of N. W. DeMunn, the literary and editorial departments are under the charge of J. M. Ross and T. W. Bicknell, and A. J. Manchester provides for the department of school examinations.

A short time since a would-be teacher applied for a school, who, upon examination, could not repeat the multiplication table, and who defined a transitive verb as one who does something, and an intransitive verb as one who does nothing.

THE May number of the Mass. Teacher, besides other interesting matter, contains an excellent article by Lowell Mason, Esq., on Music as a School Study.

We have received the May numbers of the American Educational Monthly and the Iowa Instructor and School Journal.

H. W. ELLSWORTH, Copy Book Publisher, New York, has removed from 817 and 819 to 809 Broadway.

HERE AND THERE.-The words creek, (meaning a small river,) dipper, (meaning a ladle,) a pail, and pitcher, are all Americanisms. In England they say "a bucket of water," not "a pail of water"; instead of "a pitcher of water," they make use of "jug of water," or "decanter of water." Throughout Europe, except among the lowest classes, water is brought on the table in decanters. They are regarded as not so liable to admit dust as "jugs or pitchers," and as possessing the advantages of enabling a person to see whether the water in them is clean. Though not altogether appropos, let us here state that an Englishman never says, "What time is it?” but always employs the query, "What o'clock is it?"

A VIEW AT THE FOUNDATIONS; or, First Causes of Character, as Operative Before Birth, from Hereditary and Spiritual Sources. Being a Treatise on the Original Structure of the Human Soul as determined by Pre-natal Conditions in the Parentage and Ancestry, and how far we can Direct and Control them. By Woodbury M. Fernald. Published by J. B. Lippincott & Co.

We have been delighted with the perusal of the above volume. If the truths which are here brought out so clearly to the view of the reader were better understood, much of the misery of this world would be avoided. We commend the perusal to parents.

WE are sure that many of our subscribers will thank us for inserting the following general explanation of the "Clock Question," which we take from Eaton's Higher Arithmetic. We have not seen in any other work an attempt even at an explanation. Those who have not examined Eaton's Arithmetic will find many things which will repay them well for the perusal. It is a complete treatise on the subject of numbers, and for conciseness and thoroughness of explanation is not surpassed.-[EDS.

"At what time between 12 and 1 o'clock will the hour and minute hands of a watch make equal acute angles with the line extending from the centre-staff to 12? Answer, 55 5-13 m. past 12.





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ANALYSIS.-At half-past 12 the minute-hand is at 6 and the hour-hand is at h', half-way from 12 to 1. Now, if the hour hand would stand still at h while the minute-hand moved forward to i, half-way from 11 to 12, 27 minutes from the point 6, the hands would have the required positions; but, while the minute-hand is advancing, the hour-hand goes from h! to h; ... the minute-hand must stop at i as much short of it as his in advance of h'; i. e. the hour and minute hands together move over the space represented by 27 minutes on the dial; but the hour and minute hands together move over 13 spaces while the minute-hand alone moves over 12 spaces; hence the proportion: 13: 12: 27m.: 25 5-13m., the number of minutes beyond half-past 12 when the hands will have the required positions.

At what time between 5 and 6 o'clock do the hour and minute hands make equal acute angles with the line from 12 to 6?

At what time between 2 and 3 o'clock do the hour and minute hands point in opposite directions?

At a certain time between 8 and 9 o'clock the minute-hand was between 9 and 10. Within an hour afterwards the hour and minute hands had changed places. What was the first-mentioned time?


Family Medicine



No. 205 Westminster St., Corner of Union Street,


At this establishment can be found a complete assortment of Family Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, &c.

Field's Casterine Hair Tonic, Field's Orange Flower and Orris Tooth Paste, Field's Magic Cure for Toothache, Field's Camphorated Glycerine Ice, Dyer's Healing Embrocation, and other valuable preparations. Also, Field's SODA, with his unrivalled Cream Syrups and the celebrated KISSINGEN WATER.

Readers of THE SCHOOLMASTER, and the public generally, are respectfully invited to call.

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In July, 1861, a Board of Commissioners, consisting of two Earls, a Lord, an Honorable, a Sir, and two Misters with long names, was appointed to inquire "into the nature and application of the Endowments, Funds, and Revenues belonging to or received by the abovenamed Colleges and Schools, and into the administration and management of the said Colleges, &c., and into the system and course of studies respectively pursued therein, as well as into the methods, subjects, and extent of the instruction given to the students," and the fullest authority was given to make such examination of persons and records as might seem necessary. These "Public Schools" consist of places of instruction for the wealthier classes-the Colleges of Eton and Winchester, and the Schools of Westminster, the Charterhouse, St. Paul's, Merchant Taylors', Harrow, Rugby, and Shrewsbury. The investigation was also extended to the more recently founded Colleges of Marlborough, Cheltenham, and Wellington, and to the City of London and King's College Schools, with their improved systems of instruction, and advantage was taken of a favorable opportunity which presented itself, to inquire into the Higher Schools of Prussia.

In the course of the investigation, which has not wanted in thoroughness and diligence, series of questions were proposed to the several Governing Bodies and to the Head Masters of the schools, exam

inations were made of persons who were, as well as of others who had previously been officially connected with them, and also of many who had been educated at them. The Professors and Tutors of the Universities, and the Council of Military Education, (in respect of the Military Schools of Woolwich, &c.,) were inquired of, in order to learn the results of the instruction given and the standing of the graduates.

These schools many of them originated as far back as the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. They were all established in the time from the reign of Richard II. to that of James I. They have large endowments by which they are supported, varying from £1,000 to £22,750. They exhibit great diversities of government and constitution. They were educating, in 1861, 2,696 boys, between the ages of eight and nineteen years, the average age being not far from fifteen.

"The course of study of all these schools appears to have been originally confined to the classical languages and to have remained substantially unaltered from a very early to a very late period, governed in a great measure by established custom and habit.”

"The two classical languages, with a little ancient history and geography, held, until a short time ago, absolute and exclusive possession of the whole course of study. It now includes, at every school, arithmetic and mathematics as well as classics; at every school, except Eton, either French or German also-at Rugby and the Charter-house, both French and German, though at Rugby the natural sciences may be substituted. At Merchant Taylors' it includes Hebrew and drawing. Lectures on natural science are given at Winchester, and occasionally at Eton to those who wish to attend. There is also a lecturer on chemistry at the Charter-house, and periodical voluntary examinations in natural science at Harrow. Drawing may be learned as an extra at all the schools, and generally some instruction in music may be gained in the same way."

"To insure, if possible, something like careful preparation of lessons, different expedients have been resorted to. But it is generally true that when a boy has reached an age at which he may fairly be deemed capable of reasonable steadiness and self-control, little stress can be laid on direct supervision as a means of making him learn his lessons; this can be done, if at all, by giving him full employment for his time, by insisting upon an accurate knowledge of his work and upon fair progress, by bringing the sense of duty, the desire of honor,

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