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surface is again converted into steam. As the quantity of steam evolved from the water in в increases, it drives before it the steam previously collected in the tube c, and forces it into the vessel B. Here it encounters the inner surface of this vessel, which is kept constantly cold by being surrounded with the cold water in which it is immersed; and the vapour, being thus immediately reduced below the temperature of 212°, is reconverted into water. At first it collects in a dew on the surface of the vessel D; but as this accumulates, it drops into the bottom of the vessel, and forms a more considerable quantity. As the quantity of water is observed to be gradually diminished in the vessel B, the quantity will be found to be gradually increased in the vessel D; and if the operation be suspended at any stage of the process, and the water in the two vessels weighed, it will be found that the weight of the water in D is exactly equal to the weight which the water in в has lost.


(55.) The demonstration is, therefore, perfect, that the gradual diminution of the boiling water in the vessel B is produced by the conversion of that water into steam by the heat. the process first described, when the top of the vessel B was supposed to be open, this steam made its escape into the air, where it was first dispersed, and subsequently cooled in separate particles, and was deposited in minute globules of moisture on the ground and on surrounding objects.

(56.) In reviewing this process, we are struck by the fact, that the continued application of heat to the vessel B is incapable of raising the temperature of the water contained in it above 212°. This presents an obvious analogy to the process of liquefaction, and leads to inquiries of a similar nature, which are attended with a like result. We must either infer, that the water, having arrived at 212°, received no more heat from the mercury; or that such heat, if received, is incapable of affecting the thermometer; or, finally, that the steam which passes off carries this heat with it. That the water receives heat from the mercury, will be proved by the fact, that, if the vessel B be removed from the mercury, other things remaining as before, the temperature of the mercury will rapidly rise, and, if the fire be continued, it will even boil; but so long as the

vessel B remains immersed, it prevents the mercury from increasing in temperature. It therefore receives that heat which would otherwise raise the temperature of the quicksilver.

If a thermometer be immersed in the steam which collects in the upper part of the vessel B, it will show the same temperature (of 212°) as the water from which it is raised. The heat, therefore, received from the mercury, is clearly not imparted in a sensible form to the steam, which has the same temperature in the form of steam as it had in the form of water. What has been already explained respecting liquefaction would lead us, by analogy, to suspect that the heat imparted by the mercury to the water has become latent in the steam, and is instrumental to the conversion of water into steam, in the same manner as heat has been shown to be instrumental to the conversion of ice into water. As the fact was in that case detected by mixing ice with water, so we shall, in the present instance, try it by a like test, viz. by mixing water with steam. Let about five ounces and a half of water, at the temperature of 32°, be placed in a vessel A (fig. 16.), and let another vessel B, in which water is kept constantly boiling at the temperature of 212°, communicate with A by a pipe c proceeding from the top, so that the steam may be conducted from B,

Fig. 16.


and escape from the mouth of the pipe at some depth below the surface of the water in A. As the steam issues from the pipe, it will be immediately reconverted into water by the cold water which it encounters; and, by continuing this process, the water in a will be gradually heated by the steam combined with it and received through the pipe c. If this process be continued until the water in A is raised to the temperature of 212°, it will boil. Let it then be weighed, and it will be found to weigh six ounces and a half: from whence we infer, that one ounce of water has been received from the vessel B in the form of steam, and has been reconverted into water by the inferior temperature of the water in a. Now, this ounce of water received in the form of steam into the vessel A had,

verted into the liquid form, and still retains the same temperature of 212°; but it has caused the five ounces and a half of water with which it has been mixed, to rise from the temperature of 32° to the temperature of 212°,—and this, without losing any temperature itself. It follows, therefore, that, in returning to the liquid state, it has parted with as much heat as is capable of raising five times and a half its own weight of water from 32° to 212°. This heat was combined with the steam, though not sensible to the thermometer; and was, therefore, latent. Had it been sensible in the water in B, it would have caused the water to have risen through a number of thermometric degrees, amounting to five times and a half the excess of 212° above 32°; that is, through five times and a half 180°; for it has caused five times and a half its own weight of water to receive an equal increase of temperature. But five times and a half 180° is 990°, or, to use round numbers (for minute accuracy is not here our object), 1000°. It follows, therefore, that an ounce of water, in passing from the liquid state at 212° to the state of steam at 212°, receives as much heat as would be sufficient to raise it through 1000 thermometric degrees, if that heat, instead of becoming latent, had been sensible.

(57.) In order to derive all the knowledge from these experiments which they are capable of imparting, it will be necessary to examine very carefully how water comports itself under a variety of different circumstances.

If water be boiled in an open vessel, with a thermometer immersed, on different days, it will be observed that the fixed temperature which it assumes in boiling will be subject to a variation within certain small limits. Thus, at one time, it will be found to boil at the temperature of 210°; while, at others, the thermometer immersed in it will rise to 213°; and, on different occasions, it will fix itself at different points within these limits. It will also be found, if the same experiment be performed at the same time in distant places, that the boiling points will be subject to a like variation. Now, it is natural to inquire what cause produces this variation ; and we shall be led to the discovery of the cause, by examining what other physical effects undergo a simultaneous change.

If we observe the height of the barometer at the time of making each experiment, we shall find a very remarkable correspondence between it and the boiling temperature. Invariably, whenever the barometer stands at the same height, the boiling temperature will be the same. Thus, if the barometer stands at 30 inches, the boiling temperature will be 212°. If the barometer fall to 29 inches, the thermometer stands at a small fraction above 211°. If the barometer rise to 30 inches, the boiling temperature rises to nearly 213°. The variation in the boiling temperature is, then, accompanied by a variation in the pressure of the atmosphere indicated by the barometer; and it is constantly found that the boiling point will remain unchanged, so long as the atmospheric pressure remains unchanged, and that every increase in the one causes a corresponding increase in the other.

(58.) From these facts it must be inferred, that the pressure excited on the surface of the water has a tendency to resist its ebullition, and to make it necessary, before it can boil, that it should receive a higher temperature; and, on the contrary, that every diminution of pressure on the surface of the water will give an increased facility to the process of ebullition, or will cause that process to take place at a lower temperature. As these facts are of the utmost importance in the theory of heat, it may be useful to verify them by direct experiment.

If the variable pressure excited on the surface of the water by the atmosphere be the cause of the change in the boiling temperature, it must happen, that any change of pressure produced by artificial means on the surface of the water must likewise change the boiling point, according to the same law. Thus, if a pressure considerably greater than the atmospheric pressure be excited on a liquid, the boiling point may be expected to rise considerably above 212°; and, on the other hand, if the surface of the water be relieved from the pressure of the atmosphere, and be submitted to a considerably diminished pressure, the water would boil below 212°.

Let B (fig. 17.) be a strong spherical vessel of brass, supported on a stand s, under which is placed a large spirit lamp L, or other means of heating it. In the top of this


Fig. 17.

thermometer T, the bulb of which enters the hollow brass sphere, and a stop-cock c, which may be closed or opened at pleasure, to confine the steam, or allow it to escape. In the third aperture at the top, is screwed a long barometer tube, open at both ends. The lower end of this tube extends nearly to the bottom of the spherical vessel B. In the bottom of this vessel is placed a quantity of mercury, the surface of which rises to some height above the lower end of the tube A. Over the mercury is poured a quantity of water, so as to half fill the vessel B. Matters being thus arranged, the screws are made tight, so as to confine the water, and the lamp is allowed to act on the vessel; the temperature of the water is raised, and steam is produced, which, being confined within the vessel, exerts its pressure on the surface of the water, and resists its ebullition. The pressure of the steam acting on the surface of the water is communicated to the surface of the mercury, and it forces a portion of the mercury into the tube A, which presently rises above the point where the tube is screwed into the top of the vessel B. As the action of the lamp continues, the thermometer T exhibits a gradually increasing temperature; while the column of mercury in a shows the force with which the steam presses on the surface of the water in B,- this column being balanced by the pressure of the steam. Thus, the temperature and pressure of the steam at the same moment may always be observed by inspecting the thermometer T and the tube A. When the column in the tube A has risen to the height of 30 inches above the level of the mercury in the vessel B, then the pressure of the steam will be equivalent to double the pressure of the atmosphere, because, the tube A being open at the top, the atmosphere presses on the


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