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little volume, five Discourses on the Atonement, by well known English and Scottish divines; viz, the Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol, Thomas Chalmers, D. D., LL. D., William Archer Butler, M. A., Robert Hall, M. A., and John Maclaurin.

LEE'S ESCHATOLOGY.*-Messrs. J. E. Tilton & Co. have recently issued a volume on eschatology, of more than ordinary interest and importance. It is the result of much research and independent thinking, and deserves the consideration of all students of the Scriptures. The author has been embarrassed by the difficulties that attend the received interpretations of the New Testament in respect to the coming of Christ, the last judgment, and the Resurrection; and has sought for years to find those that are better. The conclusions at which he arrives are presented in the following summary:

"If the preceding exegesis be correct, then it is true that 'The Coming of the Son of Man' is not to be confounded with 'The Coming of the Lord.' The former refers to his coming as a man' to introduce and take upon himself the administration of the kingdom of God'-the Christian Dispensation. When that work was entirely accomplished, he was no longer the Son of Man.' Henceforth he was the Son of God in power.'

"The phrase "The Coming of the Lord,' as used by the Apostles, refers to a period in the history of Christians, and of each Christian in particular, when A CLUSTER OF MOMENTOUS FACTS shall simultaneously occur. The feeble faith and earthly estimates of the Christians of our day fix upon death, considered as the termination of the animal life, and of the present social and earthly relations, as the great fact. The clear-visioned faith and spirituality of the Apostles and inspired writers saw chiefly, and almost only, in this cluster, the Parousia-the fact that then there would come over them such a change in the mode of their being, as to render them like the glorified Jesus, like saints, like angels: so that henceforth Jesus and saints and angels would be to them 'present' in the same sense that men in this life are, when together, present to each other. To them, the death of the body was only as the throwing down of the scaffolding, that the building might appear, and be in fact ready for occupancy.

"We have further come to the conclusion, that the Judgment is contemporaneous with the Coming of the Lord-that the word Judgment, as used in the Scriptures, is nearly equivalent to the modern word government in all its functions: and that judgment was given to the Messiah when the government was placed upon his shoulders. So that he has judged men-given them not only law but award, ever since he was constituted the Son of God in power,' or, in his own words (Mat. xvi, 27) 'rewarded every man according to his works.'

* Eschatology; or, the Scripture Doctrine of the Coming of the Lord; The Judgment, and the Resurrection. By SAMUEL LEE. Boston: J. E. Tilton & Co. 1859. 12mo. pp. 267.

"And we have found that the Resurrection-the development and commencing exercise of the spiritual body, is one of these facts. The 'change' by which the mortal gives place to immortality, is 'in a moment.'

"And finally, the Anastasis, by which is meant a Future Life, dates in all its completeness from this epoch.

"We have found in the Bible no 'Intermediate State'-that state which is neither probationary, punitive, nor remunerative, and has therefore no place in the moral administration of God.

"We have not found the Bible teaching an 'End of the World.' An end of the present air (dispensation) it does indeed teach; but no end of the kópos (world.") pp. 250, 251, 252.

The argument in support of these positions is presented under the following heads: The Coming of the Son of Man; The Co.ning of the Lord; The Judgment; The Resurrection; Prophecy Restored. In treating of these topics, the texts appropriate to each are distinctly considered and thoroughly discussed. We cannot enter into an extended criticism of the interpretations given by the author. This would involve a critical review, instead of notice, of the volume. The distinction made between the coming of the Son of Man, and the coming of the Lord, is new to us; and if it can be sustained, involves important inferences. We are struck with the ingenuity and force of the exposition given of the passages which relate to the destruction of Jerusalem and the winding up of the Jewish dispensation. We are not, however, convinced that the declarations of the writers of the New Testament can in any way be reconciled with the rejection of the received opinions concerning the day of judgment and the resurrection of the body. We trust the volume will receive the attention which it deserves, and that it will open the way for the more thorough discussion of the subjects of which it treats. The earnest student will find the volume very instructive and full of the seeds of thought.

THE IMMORTALITY OF THE SOUL.*-Messrs. Carlton & Porter have done the public a service in issuing an elaborate treatise on the Immortality of the Soul, &c., by Rev. R. W. Landis. This work has been prepared as a reply to the modern theory, promulgated with so much confidence by Dobney, and reiterated so earnestly by Prof. C. F. Hudson, in the work entitled Debt and Grace. This theory is taught with great zeal by its now numerous adherents, and the influence of it may be traced in many congregations and churches. Those who believe

* The Immortality of the Soul, and the final condition of the wicked, carefully considered. By ROBERT W. LANDIS. New York: Carlton & Porter. 12mo.

pp. 568.

that the soul is naturally mortal, and that eternal life, in the sense of continued existence, is the gift promised in the gospel to believers in Christ, are now very numerous, and it is time that the attention of ministers was distinctly called to the peculiar features of this new theory and the arguments on which it rests.

Mr. Landis has read much on the subject and has made himself familiar with all the ancient and modern learning that respects the doctrines in dispute. Indeed we think his learning rather embarrasses than assists his argument, for ordinary minds who do not care so much to know what others have taught, as what the scriptures teach. For clergymen, however, the results of his reading are of special value, as they constitute a digest of opinions and references, which will be eminently convenient in preparing those arguments, which in the pulpit and in conversation they will be forced to construct and present against the plausible but superficial heresy that is creeping about so insidiously. We do not agree with all the expositions of the book, but we believe it will be eminently useful.

TREATISE ON THEISM.*-Messrs. J. P. Lippincott & Co. send us a handsome volume by the accomplished and estimable Professor Wharton, on Theism and the modern skeptical Theories. The design of the author is well stated in the Preface.

"My object, in the preparation of the following work, has been to present the theistic argument, and the replies to the prominent modern skeptical theories, in such a shape as the best to impress the American mind of the present day. I have sought to reach this object in three ways:-First, by selecting from the vast material before me such main topics as seem most likely to affect those whom I address; second, by relying almost exclusively on this country as the basis for induction and illustration; and, third, by reducing the argument to such an analysis as will best subserve the purposes of students."

This object is most felicitously executed in the volume. The author has shown fine powers of philosophical exposition in stating so clearly and simply the leading atheistic and skeptical theories of modern times. The dryness incident to the subject-matter is relieved by interesting narratives and well-chosen illustrations. The work will be attractive in the parlor, and useful in the study and the class-room. Students of Philosophy and Theology will find it a very convenient manual, which will aid and abridge their researches.

* Treatise on Theism, and on the Modern Skeptical Theories. By FRANCIS WHARTON, &C., &c., Professor in Kenyon College, Ohio. Philadelphia: J. P. Lippincott & Co. 1859. 12mo. pp. 395.

FAIRBAIRN'S HERMENEUTICAL MANUAL.*-From Messrs. Smith, English & Co. we have received a copy of this Hermeneutical Manual, which seems in most respects to be well adapted to the end for which it was written. It consists of three parts. Part First discusses facts and principles bearing on the language and interpretation of New Testament Scripture. Part Second presents dissertations on particular subjects connected with the exegesis of New Testament Scripture. Part Third treats of the use made of Old Testament Scripture in the writings of the New Testament.

Under Part I are discussed The original language of the New Testament-The characteristics of New Testament Greek-Collateral sources for determining the sense and explaining the peculiarities of New Testament Scripture-General Rules and Principles to be followed in the interpretation of particular Words and Passages-False and True Accommodation-The Analogy of Faith-A more exact definition of the relation of the Old to the New Dispensation-The tropical parts of the New Testament-The parables of Christ-Parallelism, as bearing on the structure and interpretation of the New Testament.

Part II gives Dissertations on The two Genealogies of Christ-The designations and doctrine of Angels-The Names of Christ in New Testament Scripture-Use of certain terms, as Antichrist, &c.-Terms relating to Baptism-Import and use of Hades-Import and use of dian-Import of terms describing moral renovation and its resultsOn the use of παρασκευή and πάσχα, in St. John's Gospel.

Part III treats of The Quotations from the Old Testament in the New-The manner of their citation-The same Quotations considered in respect to the mode of application. The Appendix discusses the historical circumstances that led to the birth of Christ in Bethlehem.

It will be seen from this conspectus of the subjects treated, that this volume is more than its title promises-inasmuch as besides serving as an introduction to exegetical studies, it contains special discussions of sundry important topics relating to the interpretation of the New Testament. An Hermeneutical Manual is greatly needed by the Theological student at the beginning of his studies, to open before him in a general view the new field on which he enters, and to clearly display the

*Hermeneutical Manual: or, Introduction to the Exegetical study of the Scriptures of the New Testament. By PATRICK FAIRBAIRN, D. D., Principal and Professor of Divinity in the Free Church College, Glasgow, &c., &c. Philadel phia: Smith, English & Co. 1859. 8vo. pp. 526. 51


questions which are to be discussed. There is no one book of the kind which is at once sufficiently comprehensive and brief. We do not think all the topics treated in this volume appropriate to its object, and we dare say we should not accept some of the opinions defended, but it seems to us, as a whole, to be a useful and much-needed treatise, especially adapted to the English student and reader.

THE ANNOTATED PARAGRAPH BIBLE.*-This excellent publication of the (London) Religious Tract Society has met with a very favorable reception in England, and will, without doubt, have an extensive circulation in this country, now that it is made accessible to the public by the enterprising publishers, under the direction of the Spingler Institute. The leading feature of the work is indicated by its title, Paragraph Bible. The text is divided, not into chapters and verses, but into paragraphs, longer or shorter, as the sense requires. It is surprising that the old division into chapter and verse has been borne with so long. It is easy to predict that the new fashion will prevail. The exhibition of the Parallelism to the eye is a very great improvement. It adds a new interest to the poetic portions of the Bible. The proem and conclusion of Job are set in contrast to the rest of the book, as they should be. The Book of Proverbs arranged in this way is beautiful. The shorter annotations are select, judicious, pertinent, embracing for the most part only what all candid critics would be obliged to admit. The sifting or culling out of the marginal references has given a freshness and increasing value to those which are retained. The prefaces appear to be newly written; the headings are judicious; and the maps, tables, and essays, scattered through the work, are a valuable addition. Among the maps is an excellent Physical map of Palestine and the adjacent countries.

THE CHRISTIAN GRACES.t-A book admirably fitted to be placed in the hands of any who have recently entered upon a Christian life. Its aim is to furnish a full and clear exposition of the directions of the

* The Annotated Paragraph Bible, containing the Old and New Testament, according to the authorized Version, arranged in Paragraphs and Parallelisms; with explanatory notes, &c. The Old Testament. London: the Religious Tract Society. New York: Published for the Spingler Institute, by Sheldon & Co. 1859.

The Christian Graces. A series of Lectures on 2 Peter i, 5-12. By JOSEPH P. THOMPSON, Pastor of the Broadway Tabernacle Church. New York: Sheldon & Co. 12mo. 1859. pp. 280. Price 75 cts. For sale by F. T. Jarman.

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