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music; but the best of them" said he, behind our English ballad-singer."

66 were a hundred miles

Makemoney always thought the Theatre not only a rational, but a place of information, united with amusement; and that a good play improved society in their feelings towards each other. It was delightful to see and hear the animated applause which came from all parts of the house when the character of a villain met with punishment for his crimes.

He was also a stickler for what might now be termed the old school of acting, and considered the late John Kemble classical to the echo: Mrs. Siddons, the greatest creature of them all; and entertained an opinion, that a century might occur before such another actress appeared on the boards of any theatre. Little Kean, too, a none-such-all fire and intellect; quite in earnest with every character he represented; and thought it was a great loss to the drama that he had made his exit from the stage so prematurely in life! The comedy of Elliston he pronounced delightful-nay more, perfection!


"Talk of making love," observed Peter, in extasy, was not an actress on the stage, during his day, ever engaged with him in comedy, so earnest were his professions of attachment to her, that I have heard it asserted, she actually fancied him her lover in reality!

"But, alas!" said he, "they have had their day and gone! I may be wrong-but no matter-yet I have often regretted that a sort of immortality could not be spread over actors of such splendid talents, which might enable us 'old ones' to communicate their beauties for the amusement, if not for the instruction of the rising generation."

Peter was a kind master, and frank and free to all those persons about him. He was a great enemy to all pretenders; and he never assumed a knowledge that did not belong to his character. The only thing that Makemoney ever boasted of, was, that he considered himself one of the luckiest fellows in existence. He had had nothing else but good luck throughout his life-every thing was prosperous that he undertook-and he did not consider himself unlucky because he had remained a bachelor; and when asked the reason he had never changed his situation, he laughingly replied, that his time had been always too much occupied for him to devote any of it to love; yet, nevertheless, he professed great admiration for the sex,-" but," said he, "I am now too old to make a fool of myself and I have made up my mind that I will not become the laughing-stock of my friends, by entering into any indiscreet, or foolish marriage."


The advantages attached to property; or, win gold and wear it! MAKEMONEY's spontaneous notions of a Pilgrimage on the BANKS OF THE THAMES-" Home, sweet Home," against any other Air in the history of music; contrasted with Switzerland, Italy, the Rhine, &c. The Pilgrims -MAKEMONEY, FRANK FLOURISH, and JAMES SPRIGHTLY (otherwise Young Neverfret!") in search of the NATIONAL.


Three Pilgrims, blithe and jolly,
Sworn foes to melancholy,

Went out strange things to see!

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PETER'S liberal advice to his Nephew, full of pith, and nothing else but orthodox. An outline of Young Neverfret," scarcely out of his leading strings; and a Sketch of FLOURISH; quite a character! MAKEMONEY's admonition to his brother Pilgrims, previous to their starting— a stitch in time saves nine'-FLOURISH's opinion against duelling-a safe card-prevention better than cure-A few words in praise of Greenwich Hospital, truly NA


Peter MakeMONEY was a jolly Momus-looking sort of fellow, about five feet four inches in height-a kind of low comedy sort of person—a facetious, smiling countenance, and decently dressed old man-who might have played a fatherly part, without reprehension, as to look, in one of Beaumont and Fletcher's comedies -yet not one of the flinty-hearted sort of personages generally found in those dramas, but more applicable to the fine feelings of an "Old Dornton," in the Road to Ruin.

His apparel was of the very first quality, as to goodness-the best cloth always selected; and no grumbling as to the price of the suit of clothes-a first-rate workman employed to make them, and who well knew the outline of the human figure; but, nevertheless, it had been said, that, let Makemoney be dressed after any style of fashion, new or old, he never lost sight of the man in trade. All the united taste of the tailors in London could not have changed his appearance: there was a certain sort of rotundity about his person which defied the term "gentility ;" although it had never been disputed that it did not come under the denomination of "respectable." But he never quarrelled with his looks:

O, that this too, too solid flesh would melt,
Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew.

DRESS was not at all Makemoney's hobby; and, for the accommodation of himself, he would not have had a looking-glass throughout his dwelling, so little did he value the decorative powers to set off a man: yet he was not an enemy to dress, and decided cleanliness and an air of respectability were the leading features seen in his establishment. True, there was nothing of the Adonis character about him; but he was a weighty man in his person as well as his purse, and more inclined to grow fat since he had retired from business: he, therefore, felt determined, for the few years Providence might lengthen his existence, to be comfortable and happy, and to spend his time, either in or out of doors, in the most pleasant manner that he or any of his friends could suggest. He also felt emphatically the adage, “That the right end of life is to live and be jolly!" "To be sure it is," said Peter," and when you have plenty of money in your pocket, good health, and a disposition to be happy in yourself, there cannot be much reason to call yourself to account how you have spent your time!"

Makemoney started to be pleased-his mind was made up for pleasure-and to walk or ride, were questions of no importance for his consideration. Time was of no object to him—a week, a month, or a quarter of a year-so that the period was occupied happily, and the journey answered the intended purpose: neither did he make any tiresome preparations for his travels.

An umbrella was his principal attendant, and a box of firstrate cigars his most pleasant companion, to fill up those hours dedicated to recreation and comfort. Like the inimitable STERNE, his luggage was extremely light-cleanliness was his objectbut dress-studied dress-that is to say, an attention to fashionable apparel, was quite out of his calculation: two or three shirts put into his carpet-bag, accompanied by a Guide to the River, and a small note-book, to “ book," as he termed it, any little touches of eccentric characters that might cross his path during his pilgrimage on the BANKS of the THAMES, which might refresh his memory when he returned home, were all he took with him; any thing more, he said, would be superfluous.

One night, during the enjoyment of his pipe, Makemoney observed to his nephew, that he had made up his mind to have a little jaunt" some persons," said he, "might be inclined to call it a Tour-but, at all events, it could not come under the denomination of travels-FOREIGN PARTS being entirely out of the question: however, one point I have settled, and that is, my boy Jem, you shall be my companion.

"But I do not intend to sally forth, like the renowned Don Quixotte, to attack windmills; neither should I wish you, in your capacity as my squire, to display all the singularity and whim of a Sancho Panza-because neither of us, possessing the fun and wit of a CERVANTES, should circumstances come in our way worthy of recital, we could not communicate them with the fire,

spirit, and talents of that justly celebrated author. Therefore, we do not set forth to make a book. But you now know my outline, and you will act accordingly. Wolves and tygers we shall not meet with in the shape of beasts, whatever we may do in the characters of men; neither shall we have any thing like Mount Vesuvius to frighten us, or to retard our pursuit. No, no -our tour will be quite a safe and pleasant thing! We always shall be in sight of land, although we shall not complain of the want of water: for instance, if the wind blows too strong or cold for us on one day, or the rain comes down in torrents on the next, we can return home on the same night, if our inclinations prompt us so to do; and having said so much, I will now name the place -OLD FATHER THAMES."

"Delightful!" replied his nephew. "How often have I listened with the most inexpressible pleasure to hear your old friend, Mr. Folio (the compiler), deliver himself in nearly the following words, in praise of his own country:- Switzerland,' said he, 'I am ready to admit, may be quoted for its romantic hills, again and again; ITALY, for its beautiful, serene sky, repeatedly with delight; the RHINE, also, for its splendid scenery, with all the enthusiasm connected with poetic feelings; and NAPLES for its carnivals, gondolas, music, &c., while pleasure holds her seat in the memory. In truth, there are few, if any countries, but what possess some eminent situations, regarding prospects and interesting circumstances, to recommend them to the notice of the traveller; nay, more, positively to extort from him the highest panegyric on their extent and grandeur: but, in turn, may it not be urged, that we have in our own country subjects of the most fascinating description to call our attention, and also worthy of our enquiry; for instance, the BANKS of the THAMES—equal, in point of excellence and greatness, to any known spot in the world, leaving its rich prospects and variegated scenery entirely out of the question. True-if the BANKS of the THAMES do not possess fabulous LEGENDS, to give them a peculiar sort of interest with the lovers of romance; nevertheless, their emphatic situation and decided character, in the eyes of Europe, add an importance to them that no other possess in the scale of nations at the present moment-whether viewed in point of naval architecture, extensive and unrivalled commerce, ships from all countries, also crowded with steam and pleasure-boats-the whole forming such a magnificent picture, which stamps the English nation the pride and envy of the world without competition." Aye, my friend Folio was a great enthusiast in favour of his country, I must allow," replied Makemoney," but, nevertheless, I will second every word that he has asserted to be the truth-the BANKS OF THE THAMES are unequalled! and only think of the beauties he has described with so much effect attached to their situation; besides the advantages of their being so contiguous to London. Yes, yes,-be it remembered when you


lose sight of Dover; or climbing the hills in foreign parts; besides, being in a country, perhaps, where you do not know a single sentence to make yourself intelligible-laughed at for your ignorance and reduced to the misery of standing an hour or two dripping wet-being frozen as cold as a statue and not able to comfort yourself with a change of clothes-or a good fire-side to forget your troubles.

"Then, my dear boy, when home, dear native home, is within our grasp almost, as you may say, to keep St. Paul's in your eye as a land-mark-and that fine, substantial structure,—yet a fig for its architecture, or its regularity of design-whether it belongs to the Doric, Ionic, Gothic, Corinthian, or Composite, it matters not to me, (without any offence I hope to Sir John Soane,) but when, I repeat, I can behold my hobby-and a prime hobby it is the Bank of England-I apprehend no danger from my jaunt, or tour. Such being the case, my dear Jem, we can start at an hour's notice, unincumbered with any thing like the formality of luggage our minds free and spirits good-and our pockets full, to enjoy the various scenes which present themselves to our observation, when we commence our Pilgrimage.'

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It may, perhaps, be necessary to introduce to the notice of the reader, before we proceed any further, Mr. James Sprightly, but amongst his companions designated as young "Neverfret!" or rather, if things, or men, could always be called by their proper names-Spend money would have been the most correct title, for the beloved nephew of the old Alderman.

JEM, (for such his uncle familiarly called him,) was about twenty-three years of age, and in look, what the fair sex might have termed rather handsome; to be well dressed at all times, was a peculiar feature with his notions of taste; studiously polite, under the idea that civility is always amiable, and costs nothing. Gentlemanly in his behavour, which not only renders a man pleasing and acceptable to all his friends and acquaintances, but a good passport to society in general; he was likewise viewed as a young man of spirit, which conveys that nothing mean, low, or contemptible ought to be connected with the composition of such a being; but polished with those delightful requisites-feeling, generosity, and honour. All these qualifications, we must aver, he possessed in a greater or less degree.

Sprightly was a great favourite with his uncle; nay, propriety would not quarrel with the appellation in calling PETER MAKEMONEY his father. JEM was the only son of an affectionate sister, a widow, who had been left in rather narrow circumstances, and previous to her death, her brother Peter had made a solemn promise to her, that he should not want for the care of a father in his progress to manhood; and he kept his promise with the strictest sense of honour: nay, more, the uncle had evinced that degree of attention towards him-shewed so much real interest and anxiety for his future welfare-that very few fathers could

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