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action, for, by jingo! instead of answering your question, they go and ask you one. And that makes me so mad. Oh, they're a very dense race, those Yorkshire people.

In a word, the door opened outwards. I'd forgotten that peculiarity-never having had a room so constituted before-and never will again. The door went open with a crash, and I bounded back

"Why, to open the safe, you stupid,' said I. wards into Mrs Markby's arms. Smelling-salts 'Where is he?'

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and sal volatile, was there ever such an untoward affair!

Rum-tid-itimity-tum-de-de! The music struck up for the dances as I hopped back into my room. I hid my head among the bolsters and muffs, and almost cried; for I'm such a delicate-minded man. Yes, it hurt me a good deal more than it did Mrs Markby, for, would you believe it?-she told the pantomimic action-and when I shewed myself story down below to the whole company, with at the door of the drawing-room, I was received with shouts of inextinguishable laughter!

I think I called the Yorkshire people dense just now, didn't I? Well, I'll add another epithet coarse-dense and coarse. I told 'em so; but

they only laughed the more.

The guests were gone, the lights were out, into my brain, starting me up as if I'd been shot, slumber had just visited my eyes, when right came a noise, a sort of dull bursting noise. I wasn't really certain at first whether I had heard a noise or only dreamed of it. I sat up in bed and listened intently. Was it only my pulse thumping in my ears, or were those regular beats, the tramp of somebody's muffled feet? Then I heard an unmistakable sound-creak, creak, creak-a door being opened slowly and cautiously. All in a moment the idea flashed into my head-Twentytwo thousand pounds. You see, all this dancing and junketing, and laughing and chaffing, had completely driven out of my mind all thought of the large sum I had in my possession. I had left it in my greatcoat pocket, which was hanging up in the hall, down-stairs.

A nice mess I got into when I reached home; for you see it had been arranged that I was to go up-stairs and dress before anybody came; and that then our room was to be made ready for the ladies to take their bonnets off-for they were not all carriage-people. Well, you never saw such a thing! When I got home and crept up-stairs to dress-the people had all come, so the servant said-there were six muffs, and four bonnets, and five pork-pie hats, and half-a-dozen shawls on the bed; and one lady had left her everyday curls hanging over the looking-glass! Upon my word, I really didn't like to perform my toilet among all these feminine gear; and there was no lock to the door; and my dress-clothes were all smothered up amongst these muffs and things. But I got through pretty well, and had just got one of my legs into my trousers, when bang-atrop-dop-dop! such a rattle at the knocker, and I heard my wife scuttling away into the hall. They were the Markbys, our trump-rattling the doors and windows; and then I heard Puff! a gust of wind came through the house, cards, who kept their own carriage, and every- a door slam, and a footstep outside of some one thing grand. stealing cautiously away.

'So kind of you, dear!' said my wife, kissing Mrs Markby most affectionately; I could hear the reports where I stood.

Away down-stairs I went like a madman, my one thought to put my hand on that greatcoat. It was a brown greatcoat with long tails, and two 'So delighted! Really, how nicely, how beauti-pockets behind, and a little cash-pocket on the leftfully you arrange everything! I can't have things so nice, with all my servants and'

'Run up-stairs, dear, do!' said my wife; 'you know the room-my room, right-hand at the top of the stairs.'

I heard a flutter of female wings on the stairs. What was I to do? If I could have managed the

other leg, I wouldn't have minded, but I couldn't. I hadn't worn those dress-things for a good while, and I don't get any thinner as I grow older. No, for the life of me, I couldn't dispose of that other leg at such short notice. What could I do? I could only rush to the door, and set my back against it. Did I tell you this was our housewarming party? I think not. Did I tell you our landlord had altered the house for us, making our bedroom larger by adding a slip that had formed a separate room? I think not. And yet I ought to have told you all these circumstances, to enable you to understand the catastrophe that followed.

hand side in front, and this breast-pocket in which I had put the bag of money. This pocket wasn't, as is usual, on the left-hand side, but on the right. There was no other coat hanging on those rails, only my wife's waterproof. What a swoop I made to get hold of that coat! Great heavens! it was gone!

I had carefully barred and chained the front door before I went to bed-now it was unfastened. down, hopeless and bewildered. I ran out into the street, and looked up and It was a dark, damp night; the lamp at the corner threw a long sickly ray down the streaming pavement, but there wasn't a soul to be seen. Everything was still, and cold and dark.

The money was clean gone-yes, it was gone. I repeated these words mechanically to myself, as I crawled up-stairs. All the results of this loss from the bank, ruin of all my prospects, utter ran, pictured themselves clearly before me-dismissal in fact! What could I do? to what turn? The blow that had fallen upon me was so heavy and sudden, that it had benumbed my faculties. My

chief desire was, to crawl into bed, and fall asleep, hoping never to wake. But morning would come, surely enough-morning and its attendant miseries. Then the thought came to me: Should I go to bed and say nothing at all about it? No one knew of my having received that money, not a soul but Black, the man who had deposited it. I had given no receipt for it, no acknowledgment. Black had gone to America-a hundred things might happen -he might never return: at all events, here was respite, immediate relief. I could go to the bank next morning, hang up my hat as usual, everything would go on as before. If Black returned, my word was as good as his. The notes and cheques could never be traced home. But I don't think I retained this thought long. Do you ever consider how much resolution and force of will it takes to initiate a course of crime and deception? I'd neither the one nor the other: I should have broken down at once. I couldn't have met that fellow's eye and told him I had never had his money.

I woke my wife-she'd slept through all the trouble. Mary,' I said, 'we're ruined-there's been a robbery?'

'A robbery!' cried she, clasping her hands; 'and are the men gone?' 'Yes,' I said.

'Oh, thank Heaven,' she said, 'then we're safe! Never mind the rest, Jack, as long as our lives are safe. But there's my waterproof, Jack-oh! do run and see if they've taken that.'

Then I told her the story of the twenty-two thousand pounds. She wouldn't believe me at first; but when she heard the whole story, she was frightened enough. Yet she had wits about her more than I had.

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'Yes; I see it all,' said the superintendent; 'just as Joe saw it. He follows you up from here to yonder, and he sees you put your money into your coat-pocket, and then he follows you home, and when all's quiet, he cracks the crib. Oh, it's all in a nutshell; and that's how property goes. And then you come to the police.'

'But if you know it's Joe, why don't you send after him and catch him?'

'Oh, we know our own business, sir; you leave it all to us; we shall have Joe tight enough, if not for this job, anyhow for the next. We'll give him a bit of rope, like.'

I couldn't put any fire into the man, do what I could: he was civil, that is for a Yorkshireman ; impassive; he'd do what was right. I'd given the information; very well, all the rest was his business.

'You must run off to the town-hall, Jack,' she said, 'and set the police to work. They must tele- So I came home miserable, despairing. It was graph to all the stations, to London, and every-just daylight by this time, and as I opened the where! Oh, do go at once, Jack, this very moment. shutters, the debris of our feast was revealed: the Every second lost may be ruin to us.' lees of the lobster salad, the picked bones of the chickens, the melted residuum of the jellies; whilst about everything hung the faint smell of sour wine. I sat down amid all this wretched mess, and leaned my head on my arms in dull, miserable lethargy. Then I sprang up, and as I did so I caught sight of myself in the lookingglass. Good heavens! was this wretched, hangdog fellow myself? Did a few hours' misery When I'd told the superintendent the story-change a man like this? Why, I was a very felon 'Ah,' he said, 'I think I know who did that job.'

Away I went to the town-hall. This was a big, classic place, with an immense portico and a huge flight of steps; but you didn't go into the portico to get to the police office, but to the side, which wasn't classical at all, but of the rudimentary style of architecture, and you went along a number of echoing stone passages before you reached the superintendent's office.

'Oh,' said I, 'how thankful I am! Then you can put your hands upon him and get back the money. I want the money back, Mr Superintendent: never mind him. I wouldn't mind, indeed, rewarding him for his trouble, if I could only get the money back.'

'Sir!' said the superintendent severely, 'the police ain't sent into the world to get people's money back. Nothing of the sort; we aren't going to encourage composition of felony; and as for putting our hands on Flashy Joe, for he did the job, mark you-well, what do you think the liberty of the subject is for? Where's your evidence?'

I was obliged to confess I hadn't any; whereat the superintendent looked at me contemptuously. 'Now, let's see into this matter,' said he, after he'd made some notes on a bit of paper. How came they to know you'd got the money in your


in appearance; and so I should be thought to be. Who would believe this story of a robbery? Why, the police didn't believe in it, else they'd have taken a different tone. No; I should be looked upon as a thief by all the world.

Then my wife came down-stairs, and, with a few touches, restored a little order and sanity, both to outward matters and my mind. She brought me some coffee and an egg and some bread and butter, and after I had eaten and drunk, I didn't feel quite so bad.

'Jack,' she said, 'you must go to London at once, and see the directors. Have the first word, and tell them all about it-all the particulars. It was only a little bit of carelessness, after all, and perhaps they 'll look over it.'

'Yes; that's all very well,' I said. 'But how am I to get there? I've got no money. This wretched party has cleared us right out.' 'Borrow some of Cousins.'

'He asked me to lend him a sovereign last night, and I couldn't.'

Now, you'll say: 'Here's a man without resource. Why didn't he pawn his watch?' To tell you the truth, that's what I had done the week before, and the money was all gone. 'Then, under these circumstances,' you'll add, 'it was immoral to give a party. But, you'll bear in mind, the invitations had been out for a fortnight, and then we were in funds.

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Well, Jack,' said my wife, you must get the man-the P. B.-to give you some more money on the watch. Sell it him right out. It must be worth at least ten pounds, for it cost thirty, and you've only had five upon it. Sell the ticket.'

have been a rich-though perhaps a miserable and insecure man, and I should have been utterly and deservedly ruined.


ONE of the most remarkable features of the revolution in Japan is the desire exhibited by this once exclusive people for works describing the manners this kind of information, if not created by the and customs of European nations. Their thirst for government, has been cordially encouraged by them. Five hundred students, at a cost to the nation of at least one hundred thousand pounds a Yes; but where was the ticket? Why, in the year, are sent to America and Europe, to study the little cash-pocket of my brown greatcoat. Still, I languages and institutions of the (to them) barhad heard, that if you'd lost a ticket, you could make barians. The peculiar features of our mode of the man give you another; and Brooks, the pawn-government, religion, and arts will be minutely broker, was a respectable fellow, who, perhaps, investigated by the members of the important would help me out of my difficulty. I went to him embassy now in this country, and if their workanyhow, on my way to the station. I felt like a ing is considered satisfactory, will be reproduced ticket-of-leave man as I went into his shop, but I in their own. In the meantime, reform proceeds put a good face upon it. rapidly in Japan. A railway has been made from Yokohama to Shinagawa, and was opened in June last; gas will shortly be laid at Yokohama; a suspension-bridge is in course of erection at Yedo; and last, not least, the Mikado is said to be considering the establishment of a new religion.

'Brooks,' I said, 'that watch-you ticket-it's stolen.'

know the

Brooks gave a most portentous wink. He was a slow-speeched man, with a red face, and a tremendous corporation.

'Nay,' he says, my lad; thou'rt wrong there.' What do you mean?' I said, colouring up furiously. Every one suspected me, it seemed. 'Whoi, it might ha' been stolen once, but it aren't now; 'ave got it here. This is how it were. A cadging sort o' chap comes in, and he says: "Master, what 'll you give me for this here ticket?" Now, you know the hact don't allow us to give nought in that kind of way, but I says to the chap: "Let's have a look at it ;" and then I saw it was yours, and I said to the man: "My lad, you aren't come honest by this."

And you gave him into custody, he's in prison? Old Brooks, what a capital fellow you are!'

Nay,' he said; I knowed better nor that. Do you think I'd hexpose a customer? I know you gents don't care about these little matters getting abroad; and so I slaps my fist on the counter, and I says: "Hook it !" just like that. And away he went like a lamp-lighter.'

I sank down on the counter, overpowered with


And what's more,' went on Brooks, he never took up the money I'd lent him for the coat.' 'What coat?' I cried.

A very nice brown coat he put up with me. About fit you, I should think. See, here it is.' It was my identical brown greatcoat, wrapped up in a bundle, and tied round with my own hand kerchief. I made a dart at it, opened it, plunged my hand into the breast-pocket-there was the roll of money, there were the twenty-two thousand pounds.

How did I go to the bank that morning, on legs or wings? And how did I get home, as soon as I had put the money safe away? Mary knew by my face it was all right; and didn't we have a dance of joy all round the house!

My burglar had only been a sort of sneak, after all, who got in at an open window, and bolted with the spoils of the hall; but if he had taken the pains to look into the pockets of the coat, he'd

We propose, in the present paper, considering some recent Japanese works, translations of portions of which are entombed' in a blue-book published about two years ago. Perhaps an apology is needed for noticing a work issued at such a date; but the interesting character of its contents, and the little notice taken of it at the time, must be our excuse. We look upon Japan as one of the countries of the future. The people are chivalrous and brave, and though they are not so keen in commercial questions as the Chinese, possess admirable qualities. The fact that their great feudal princes, the Daimios, gave up the whole of their hereditary dignities and possessions to the Mikado, shews this, and is an example of self-abnegation for the good of country unparalleled in history. The wonderful powers of imitation possessed by the Japanese is shewn by the fact, that they constructed a steamboat with capital engines from the description in a Dutch book; while the beautiful articles recently exhibited in the Duke of Edinburgh's collection at the South Kensington Museum, manifest the marvellous delicacy of their lacker

and other decorative work.

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The heavenly

The first document of importance for our pur pose in the blue-book above referred to is a translation by Mr A. B. Mitford of a government treatise on Politics and Religion published to the people. This is a passage from it: We have said that the institutions of the country of the gods excel those of other countries. ancestors of the emperor of old created this country, and established the duties of men in their mutual relations. Since that time, the line of emperors has never been changed. Generati has succeeded generation in the rule of this country, and the imperial heart has ever been penetrated by a tender love for the people. la their turn, the people have reverenced and serve! generation after generation of emperors. In foren countries, the lines of princes have been frequently changed; the people owe their sovereign a debs

of gratitude which extends over two or three generations; the relations of sovereign and subjeet last for a hundred or two hundred years; the prince of yesterday is the foe of to-day, the minister of yesterday is the rebel of to-morrow. In our country we have no such folly. Since the creation of the world, we have remained unmoved; since the creation of the world, the imperial line has been unchanged, and the relations of sovereign and subject have been undisturbed; hence it is that the spirit of gratitude has intensified, and grown deeper and deeper. The especial point in which the institutions of our country excel those of the rest of the world, is the creed which has been established by the heavenly ancestors of the emperor, and which comprises the mutual duties between lord and servant. Even in foreign countries where lords and servants have over and over again changed places, these mutual duties are handed down as a matter of weighty importance. How much the more does it behove us to pay a debt of deep and inexhaustible gratitude which extends over ages.'

This long duration of the Japanese form of government makes it all the more wonderful that the nation should have entered with such spirit into the scheme of reform. We must remember, as a writer in Blackwood (September) reminded us, that this is a country whose written history stretches in an uninterrupted tale over 2532 years, whose sovereigns have formed one unbroken dynasty since 660 B.C., whose first ruler of the still reigning family was contemporary with Nebuchadnezzar and Tullus Hostilius, whose present emperor is the 122d of his race, and whose principles of action have remained virtually unchanged for five-and-twenty centuries.'

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'Remember with reverence,' says the government treatise, 'that there was once an emperor who in the cold winter night stripped off his clothes that he might know by his own feelings the sufferings of the poor.' Mr Mitford says this refers to an anecdote of the Emperor Ichijo (tenth century A.D.), as related in the Kokushi Riyaku, or abridged History of Japan. One cold night, the emperor, his heart full of pity and mercy, stripped off his clothes. The Empress Jôtô, astonished at this, asked the reason. The emperor answered and said: "The season is now cold; I think of the poor who are naked. How can I bear that I alone should be covered and warm?" The Emperor Ichijo was distinguished for his knowledge and love of letters, and excelled in poetry and music.' Five copies of this treatise were distributed to every kori, or parochial subdivision of every province in the country. With what astonishment many of the people must have read the following remarkable passage, issued with the authority of the unchanging descendant of celestial persons: Now the spirit of the present differs from the spirit of the past. The countries of the world have joined themselves in a relation of peace and friendship. Steamers are sent round the world heedless of stormy waves or of foul winds. The communication between lands distant ten thousand miles from one another is as that between neighbours; country competes with country in producing rifles, and guns, and machinery; and each revolves plans for its own advantage and profit. Each vies with the other in devising schemes to obtain the mastery; each exerts itself to keep up the strength

of its armies; each and every one strives to invent warlike contrivances. But in spite of all this, there is a great principle existing over all the world which prevents civilised countries from being lightly and lawlessly attacked. This principle is called international law. How much the more, then, would our divine country, the institutions of which excel those of all other countries, be turning her back upon the sacred precepts established by the heavenly ancestors of the emperor, should she be guilty of violent and lawless acts. Such a thing would be the greatest shame and disgrace to the country of the gods. Hence it is that the emperor has extended a faithful alliance to those foreigners who come here lawfully and rightly, and they are allowed free and uninterrupted access to this country. Following this example set by the emperor, his subjects, when they receive no insult from the foreigner, should observe the same principle, and refrain from blows and fighting. If by any chance we should be put to shame before the foreigner, it is hard to say what consequences may ensue.' To this we may fittingly append two out of seventeen subjects of inquiry respecting foreign relations issued by the Japanese Foreign Office.


From ancient times till the present day, the question of opening or closing the country has been a frequent theme of debate. Are the barbarians birds or beasts, with whom we ought not to associate? Or seeing that our country is not really rich and strong, should we take of their surplus to supply our deficiencies, and then sweep them away? Or shall we change our teaching altogether to the Western fashion, opening schools for the acquisition of Western accomplishments, and mastering the arts of gunnery and of shipbuilding, and when we have done this, drive them utterly from the country? Or shall we cut the barbarians down? All sorts of schemes of this nature have been debated down to the present day. If Japan is to be opened, shall we keep up our foreign relations as they at present exist, or shall we place them upon a new and different footing?'

"The object of the treaties between Japan and the other countries was to promote friendship and commerce between our people and foreigners. For the last few years, foreign countries have vied with one another in sending their fleets and soldiers to reside in Japan for the protection of their people; should any trouble arise, they will send out their troops in a moment to protect the different places at which they reside. At the present moment there are some three thousand British troops here. The next in numbers to these are the French. The American and other countries have only their fleets. As yet, our illustrious and divine country has not been brought into contempt before the foreigner; the present danger is lest we should call upon ourselves that contempt.'

We regret to hear that the parliament established some time ago has been abandoned. It had not legislative power, but the debates were extremely interesting, judging from the specimens given in the blue-book. These indicated the change taking place in the thoughts of the people respecting their foreign relations. From the report of a debate on partnerships with foreigners, we take the following opinions, though by no means singular in themselves, of three members:

Ghimotsu Gonnai.-'I am in favour of partnerships in trade, but I think that stringent rules should first be drawn up, in order to insure the punishment of fraudulent persons.'

Hamuro Raisuke.-This is a matter of pressing importance. We ought at once to establish Japanese firms in foreign countries, and open a flourishing commerce. This is the foundation of a wealthy country.'

Shiga Rissaburô.-'I believe that a measure permitting our merchants to go abroad and enter into mixed partnerships with foreigners, would be a means of restoring the broken fortunes of our country.'

It appears from recent reports that suicide is going out of fashion in Japan. A debate in the parliament about three years ago, October 8, 1869, shewed that the members were not prepared to introduce any change in the law then, for three members only in a house of two hundred and nine could be found to vote for the abolition of suicide. When a member of the two-sworded class, or Samurai, commits a crime, a message is sent that he is permitted to kill himself by disembowelling, which custom is called the harakiri or seppuku. It seems that the practice was considered so honourable that many men committed it without waiting the imperial permission, and this was considered highly improper. The clerk of the house had very sensibly put the question before the delegates in this manner: 'It should be remarked that most two-sworded men who commit seppuku are men of parts, and with a strong sense of shame. It is needless to say that if such men repented, and, urged by an indignant sense of their errors, employed their talents industriously, they would do their country good service; but, in my opinion, death for a fault or two of doubtful character, at the same time blocks up the way of self-examination to the individual, and is at variance with the imperial plans for the national prosperity. I think advantage ought to be taken of the present reform of the government to prohibit this practice.' The members thought differently, and recorded their votes as we have said. Let us transcribe one or two speeches.

Kaji Matazayemon.-'It may seem at first sight an immoral act to die without awaiting the judge's sentence, but this does not proceed from a contempt for authority. The commission of the seppuku is owing to a natural sense of shame being deeply rooted in the heart. It is a national custom founded on what is due to the national sense of justice, and to Japan as a nation. It may be proper to prohibit the seppuku in cases where no legal sentence has been pronounced, but if the law constituting it a punishment for two-sworded men be not maintained, the distinction between them and the common people will be obliterated.' Karube Itsinja. A speedy death by seppuku, resulting from remorse for crime, is a means of avoiding the pain of disgrace; how can it be said to be a contempt of the criminal law? how, on the other hand, can it be styled an expiation of guilt? By death, the criminal barely restores himself to his position as a human being. If he lives, he is a scoundrel; but if he dies, he, for the first time, manifests a sense of shame. To prohibit the seppuku would be to choose the public path of honour, and throw open the private path of scoundrelism,'

Sakada Hakusa.-'The seppuku has its origin in the sacred vital energy of this divine country, and is the shrine of the Japanese national spirit (Yamato-spirit). Unquestionably, it should not be prohibited. Its practice should be extended, and by this means a sense of shame fostered, and the seppuku should be made famous throughout the world, as an example of devotion to principle. It ought to be introduced into our criminal code as the form of capital punishment for those above the rank of Samurai.'

But the ancient religion of Japan is that called Kami-no-mitsi-the doctrine of the Kamis, or gods. It is now generally called Sintoo, which is a Chinese translation of the Japanese term. Amaterasu-kani, the goddess of the sun, occupies the highest place in Japanese veneration, and the Mikado is believed to be descended from her.

We begin our notice of the Japanese pamphlet, Fuku Ko Ron (or, Return to the Ancient Régime), by quoting its concluding paragraph. On the night of the 1st of the 8th month, at an inn in Kioto Shushu, a retired Samurai indited this rambling work. At the time, the autumn rains were not yet over, and the light of his lamp was burning dim, and his spirits-for he was a solitary traveller-were disturbed. He fears that in its pages are many errors and imperfections, which he entreats the indulgent reader to overlook.' The object of the work is to shew that 'the restoration of power to the Mikado was the natural conse quence of a general demand for reformation consequent on the inefficient condition into which the administration of the Shogun had fallen.' It is as well to remember that the office of Shogun, or Tycoon-as Europeans generally call him—has been abolished, and the Mikado reigns alone.

'It is popularly argued,' says the writer of the pamphlet, that the empire cannot be governed by the emperor for any length of time. This language, held only by men who, unable to read the signs of the times, imagine that the spirit of every age is the same, betrays an utter absence of obser vation and thought. I shall briefly set forth the historical aspect of the question. In the first place, then, passing over the age of the gods, from the commencement of the human epoch till the present day, about two thousand five hundred years have elapsed. For about six hundred and eighty years of that period, the government has been carried on by the military class. During the rest of the time, that is to say, for nearly two thousand years, the Mikado, without the intervention of the military class, has had the entire conduct of the administration. Yet, in the face of this fact, we are told, forsooth, that the Mikado cannot govern the empire! In support of this assertion, the events of (the era of) Genko (1331 to 1336 A.D.) are adduced. At that period, the government having reverted to the hands of the Mikado, was, after a very short interval (about three years), again wrested from him by Ashikaga (one of the Shôguns). But, in truth, this argument is a most unfortunate one; for on that occa sion the return to the old system originated in the will of the Mikado himself, and was in no degre brought about by the opinion of his subjects Hence, when his majesty faltered for a moment in his resolution, the government was at once sumed by the military class; whereas the prese return to the ancient rule is, both in its origin and

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