Графични страници
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Abbott, Jacob, 95.
Abbott, John S. C., 95.
Alcott, Amos Bronson, 91.
Alcott, Louisa M., 256.
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 253.
Allston, Washington, 93, 110.
American literature, 3; development in
present century, 4; favorable condi-
tions, 5; periods, 6.

Articles of Confederation, 65.

Bancroft, George, 16, 94.

Barlow, Joel, 59, 70.

Bay Psalm Book, 18.
Berkeley, Bishop, 35.
Berkeley, Sir William, 14.
Blair, Rev. James, 14.
Blair, William, 31
Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth, 255.
Bradford, William, 9.

Bradstreet, Anne, 10.

Brainerd, David, 31.

Brook Farm, 107, 171.
Brown, Charles Brockden, 59, 68.
Browne, Charles F., 256.
Browning, Mrs., quoted, 160.
Bryant, William Cullen, sketch of, 134;
upright character, 134; moral element
in literature, 134; ancestry, 135;
childish precocity, 135; poetic bent,
136; legal studies, 136; as a lawyer,
137; love of nature, 137; "Thanatop-
sis," 138; "To a Waterfowl," 139;
marriage, 140; domestic life, 140; "A
Forest Hymn," 140; "Death of the
Flowers," 141; "Journey of Life,"
141; Evening Post, 142; prose writ-

ings, 142; advice to a young man,
142; peculiarities, 143; travels, 143;
addresses, 143; as a poet, 144;
Poet," 144; on poetic style, 145; his
poems abroad, 145; relations with Ir-
ving, 145; critique of his poetry, 146;
translations, 147; country residences,
148; religious views, 148; death, 149;
estimate of, 149.

Burnett, Frances Hodgson, 255.
Burroughs, John, 256.
Byles, Mather, 31.
Byrd, William, 31.

Cable, George W., 255.
Carleton, Will, 257.
Cary, Alice, 257.
Cary, Phoebe, 257.

Censorship of Press, 34.
Channing, William Ellery, 91.
Child, Lydia Maria, 93.
Children's Age, 268.

Civil War, effect of, 260.

Clarke, James Freeman, 168, 254.
Clemens, Samuel L., 256.

Colonies, tendency to union, 36, 38.
Colonists, American, 35.

Colonization, English, French, and
Spanish, 11, 38.

Constitution adopted, 66; ratified, 67.
Continental Congress, 63.
Convention of Albany, 39.
Cooke, John Esten, 256.
Cooke, Rose Terry, 254.

Cooper, James Fenimore, sketch of, 122;
a national writer, 122; early years,
122; defective education, 123; enters

the navy, 123; marriage, 124;
caution," 124; "The Spy," 125; “The
Pioneers," 125; "The Pirate," 126;
"Last of the Mohicans," 126; in New
York, 127; goes abroad, 127; literary
work there, 128; controversies, 128;
return to America, 129; libel suits,
129; "History of U. S. Navy," 130;
Leatherstocking Series, 130; his opin-
ion of, 131; estimate of, 131; critique
of his writings, 132.
Cotton, John, 9.

Crawford, F. Marion, 254.
Curtis, George William, 245.

Dana, Richard Henry, 94.
Deland, Margaret, 255.
De Quincey, quoted, 168.
Dial, The, 106, 171.
Dodge, Mary A., 257.

Drake, Joseph Rodman, 91.
Dwight, Timothy, 59, 68.

Edinburgh Review, quoted, 102.
Education, in First Colonial Period, 16;
in Second, 34; in First National Pe-
riod, 98; at present, 262.
Edwards, Jonathan, sketch of, 51; char-
acter, 51; ancestry, 51; precocity, 52;
student in Yale, 52; religious interest,
53; preacher in New York, 53; tutor
in Yale, 53; his resolutions, 53; in
Northampton, 54; studious habits, 54;
as a preacher, 54; "Some Thoughts
Concerning the Present Revival of
Religion in New England," 55; re-
signs, 55; at Stockbridge, 56; "Free-
dom of the Will," 56; call to Princeton,
56; "History of Redemption," 57; es-
timate of, 58.
Eggleston, Edward, 256.
Eliot, John, 9.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, sketch of, 164;

a great thinker, 164; a seer, 165;
idealists and mystics, 165; sturdy
sense, 166; ancestry, 166; as teacher,
166; as preacher, 167; goes abroad,


157; as lecturer, 168; at Concord,
169; "Concord Hymn," 169; “Na-
ture," 170; Transcendental Club, 170;
transcendentalism, 170; The Dial,
171; Brook Farm, 171; Essays,"
172; philosophy of, 173; studious life,
173; "Threnody," 174; second series
of "Essays," 174; address at Cam-
bridge, 174; Representative Men,"
175; "Poems," 175; critique of, 175;
student of nature, 177; literary meth-
ods, 179; last years, 179.


England and France in America, 37.
Evans, Augusta J., 257.

Everett, Alexander H., 92.

Everett, Edward, 92.

"Federalist, The," 66.

Federalists and Anti-Federalists, 66.

Field, Eugene, 256.

Fields, James T., 94.

First Colonial Period, 11.

First National Period, 97.
Fiske, John, 254.

Franklin, Benjamin, sketch of, 41; popu-
larity, 41; fondness for reading, 41;
style formed on Spectator, 42; learns
printing, 42; in Philadelphia, 43; in
England, 43; with Keimer, 43; lite-
rary club, 44; self-control, 44; modesty
of statement, 44: business methods,
45; founds a newspaper, 45; "Poor
Richard's Almanac," 46; public spir-
ited citizen, 46; linguistic studies, 47;
delegate to Albany Convention, 47;
in Braddock's campaign, 48; electrical
experiments, 48; representative abroad,
49; governor of Pennsylvania, 49;
last years, 50.
Freneau, Philip, 59, 68.

Garrison, William Lloyd, 103.
Gilder, Richard Watson, 253.
Goodrich, Samuel G., 94.
Griswold, Rufus W., 159, 162.
Guizot, quoted, 88.

Hale, Edward Everett, 254.
Hale, Sarah Josepha, 92.
Halleck, Fitz-Greene, 92.
Hamilton, Alexander, sketch of, 81; an-
cestry, 81; youthful ambition, 81; lit-
erary bent, 82; espouses Colonial
cause, 82; pamphlets, 83; faces a
mob, 83; studies military science, 83;
on Washington's staff, 84; quarrel,
84; popularity, 85; marriage, 85; in
Congress, 86; "Federalist," 86, 87; in
N. Y. Convention, 87; Secretary of
Treasury, 88; relations with Jefferson,
88; as statesman, 88; as lawyer, 89;
duel with Burr, 89; character, 89;
Kent's tribute, 90.
Harte, Francis Bret, 253.
Harvard College, 17, 99.
Hawthorne, Julian, 255.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, sketch of, 181;
genius, 181; ancestry, 181; boyhood,
182; at college, 182; literary bent,
183; reading, 183; studious habits,
184; critique of style, 184; "Twice-
Told Tales," 184; Longfellow's criti-
cism, 185; Boston custom-house, 185;
Brook Farm, 185; habits of observa-
tion, 186; marriage, 187; "Mosses
from an Old Manse," 187; custom-
house at Salem, 188; "The Scarlet
Letter," 189; "House of Seven Ga-

bles," 190; "Wonder-Book," and
"Tanglewood Tales," 190; consul to
Liverpool, 191; "Our Old Home,"
191; "Marble Faun," 192; sense of
human guilt, 192; last years, 192; es-
timate of, 192.
Hayne, Paul H., 257.
Holland, J. G., 95, 149.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, sketch of, 239;
popularity, 239; characteristics, 239;
distrust of men of wit, 240; belief in
heredity, 240; ancestry, 240; "Auto-
biographical Notes," 240; manner of
reading, 241; at Harvard, 241; "class
of '29," 241; studies medicine and
goes abroad, 241; "Old Ironsides,"

242; practising physician, 242; lec
tures at Dartmouth, 243; first volume
of verse, 243;
"The Last Leaf," 243;
marriage, 243; professor at Harvard,
244; as popular lecturer, 244; "Auto-
crat of Breakfast Table," 244; "The
Chambered Nautilus," 245; "Content-
ment," 245; Saturday Club, 246; Bos-
ton's laureate, 246; theological pro-
clivities, 246; "Professor at Breakfast
Table," 247; "Poet at Breakfast Ta-
ble," 247; novels, 248; as biographer,
248; resigns, 249; "One Hundred
Days in Europe," 249; "Over the
Teacups," 249; last days, 250; char-
acter, 250.

Hopkinson, Francis, 59.
Hopkinson, Joseph, 59.
Howells, W. D., 253, 265.
Humor, American, 268.

International Relations, 262.
Irving, Washington, sketch of, 108;
Thackeray's remark, 108; his name,
108; education, 108; excursions, 109;
visit to Europe, 109; philosophic
spirit, 110; interest in painting, 110;
Salmagundi, 111; in politics, 111;
early romance, 112; "Knickerbocker,"
112; merchandizing, 112; in Wash-
ington, 112; Select Reviews, 113; in
Europe, 113; "Sketch Book," 114;
its reception, 115;" Bracebridge Hall,”
1153 "Tales of a Traveller," 116;
"Life of Columbus," 116; "Conquest
of Granada," 116; "The Alhambra,"
117; Secretary of legation, 117; "Tour
on Prairie," 117; Sunnyside, 118;
prominence, 118; literary labors, 118;
minister to Spain, 119; "Life of Gold-
smith," 119; "Life of Washington,"
120; character, 120.

Jackson, Helen Hunt, 257.
James, Henry, 253.

Jamestown, settlement of, 11.

Jefferson, Thomas, 62; sketch of, 71;

great epochs and great men, 71; rank,
71; ancestry, 71; education, 72; law
student, 72; as lawyer, 72; member
of House of Burgesses, 73; marriage,
73; committee of correspondence, 74;
day of fasting and prayer, 74; "Rights
of British America," 74; Continental
Congress, 75; "Declaration of Inde-
pendence," 75, 76; Virginia legisla-
ture, 76; educational system, 76; va-
rious positions, 77; Secretary of State,
77; Democratic leader, 77; president,
78; administration, 78; University of
Virginia, 79; character, 79.

Jesuits in America, 38.
Jewett, Sarah Orne, 255.
Johnson, Edward, 9.

Johnston, Richard Malcolm, 256.

Kennedy, John P., 93.

Lanier, Sidney, 257.

Larcom, Lucy, 258.

Lazarus, Emma, 257.
Leland, Charles G., 257.

Literature, study of, 1: definition, 1;
determining factors, 2; American, 3-
6; 259; literary centres, 266; critical
independence, 267.
Livingston, William, 31.
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, sketch
of, 194; popularity, 194; calm life,
194; ancestry, 195; early surround-
ings, 195; at college, 195; literary
bent, 196; professor at Bowdoin, 196;
goes abroad, 196; "Outre Mer," 197;
marriage, 197; " Footsteps of Angels,"
197; called to Harvard, 198; "Hype-
rion," 198; as a teacher, 198; "Three
Friends of Mine," 199; "Voices of
the Night." 199; "Ballads and
Other Poems," 200; critique, 200;
"The Spanish Student," 201 ; " Poems
on Slavery," 201; "Poets and Poetry
of Europe," 202; "Evangeline," 203;
unfavorable criticism, 204; "Kavan-
agh," 204; "The Seaside and the Fire-

side," 204; resignation at Harvard.
205; "Hiawatha," 205; "The Court-
ship of Miles Standish," 206; "Divine
Comedy," 208; "Tales of a Wayside
Inn," 208; trilogy of "Christus," 209;
other poems, 210; death, 210.
Lossing, Benson J., 95.
Louis XIV., policy of, 38.
Lounsbury, 127.

Lowell, James Russell, sketch of, 211;
varied greatness, 211; originality, 211;
New England spirit, 212; ancestry,
212; at Harvard, 213; "A Year's
Life," 213; Pioneer, 213; second vol-
ume of poems, 213; "Biglow Pa-
pers," 215; "Vision of Sir Launfal,”
216; "A Fable for Critics," 217; lec-
tures on British poets, 218; called to
Harvard, 218; editor Atlantic, 218;
"Fireside Travels," 219; "Under the
Willows," 219; Commemoration odes,
220; "The Cathedral," 221; prose
writings, 222; as a critic, 223; minis-
ter to Spain and to England, 223;
"Democracy and Other Addresses,"
224; estimate of, 224.

Madison, James, 59.
Marshall, John, 59.

Massachusetts, settlement of, 16.
Mather, Cotton, sketch of, 25; literary
prominence, 25; ancestry, 25; typical
Puritan, 25; as a preacher, 26; mar-
riage, 27; industry, 27; scholarship
and literary activity, 27; "Magnalia
Christi," 28; " Bonifacius," 29; witch-
craft tragedy, 29; advocates vaccina-
tion, 30; aspires to presidency of
Harvard, 30; estimate of, 30.
Mather, Increase, 10.
Mayflower, landing of, 15.
McMaster, 81.

Miller, Cincinnatus Heine, 257.
Morris, George P., 93.
Motley, John Lothrop, 94.
Moulton, Louise Chandler, 256.
Murfree, Mary Noailles, 256.

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