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where; but we can rejoice, that every where there is a God to do them good.


WHEN bles'sed with health and prosperity, cultivate a hum'ble and compassionate disposition: think of the distresses of human life; of the solitary cottage, the dying parent, and the weeping orphan.

Avoid all harshness in behaviour: treat every one with that cour'te-sy* which springs from a mild and gentle heart. Be slow in forming intimate connexions: they may bring diş-hon'our and misery.

́Almost all our desires are apt to wânder into an improper course to di-rect' them properly requires care; but that care will render us safe and happy through life.

The days that àre păst àre gone for ever; those that àre to come, may not come to us; the present time only is ours: let us, therefore, improve it as much as possible.

They who are modere in their expectations, meet with few disappointments: the eager and presumptuous† àre continually disappointed

Whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well: but it is impossible to do any thing well, without attention.

Let us not expect too much pleas'ure in this life: no situation is exempt from trouble. The best persons àre, no doubt, the happiest; but they too have their trials and afflictions.


How greatly do the kind offices of a dutiful and affection ate child gladden the heart of a parent, especially when sinking under age or in-fir'mi-tieş !||

What better proof can we give of wisdom and goodness, than to be content with the station in which Providence has placed us?

An hon'est man, (as Pope expresses himself,) is the noblest work of God.

How pleasant it is, when we lie down at night, to reflect that we are at peace with all persons! that we have carefully perform'ed the duties of the day that the Al-mighty beholds and loves us !

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How readily should we forgive those who offend us, if we consider how much our heavenly Father has forgiven us! *kur'te-se. † prē-sŭm'tshū-s. +kyind. || in-fér'me-tis.

Who would exchange the humble peace which virtue gives, for all the hon'ours and pleasures of a vain world? Pride, (to use the emphatical words of a sacred writer,) was not made for man.

How can we spend our time foolishly, when we know that we must give an account hereafter, cf our thoughts words, and actions?

How glorious an object is the sun; but how much more glorious is that great and good Being, who made it for our use ! Behold, how rich and beautiful are the works of nature !* What a bountiful provision is made for our wânts and pleaş'ures!-Surely, the Author of so many blessings is wor thy of our love and gratitude!


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CYRUS, when young, being asked what was the first thing which he learn'ed, answered; "To speak the truth." E-păm-i-non'das, the celebrated The'băn general, was remarkable for his love of truth. Honever told a lie, even

in jest.

All our moral duties àre contained in these few words; "Do as you would be done by."

The following was a favourite sentiment of the wise and good Soc'ra-teş: "We should eat and drink, in order to live ; instead of living, as many do, to eat and drink."

Ar-ta-xerx'eş Mne'mon, king of Per'si-ă,t being, upon an extraordinary occasion, reduced to eat barley-bread and dried figs, and to drink water; "What pleaş'ure," said he, "have I lost till now, by my delicacies and excess."

When Ca'to drew near the close of life, he made this most benevolent declaration to his friends: "The greatest cóm'fort of my old age, is, the pleasing remembrance of the friendly offices I have done to others. To see them easy and happy by my means, makes me truly so."

Mark An'tony, when under åd'vĕrse circum-stăn-ceş,|| made this interesting exclamation; "I have lost all except what I have given ǎway!"

The Em'per-or Màr'cus Au-re'li-us, a pious and good man, expressed the benevolence of his heart, in these words. "I cannot relish a happiness which no one partakes of but my-self'."

Ed'ward the VI. king of England,‡ being, when very young, required by his uncle, to sign a war'rănt for the execution *na'tshire. † Pĕr'she-ă. + Ingʻland. ser'kum-slăn-sis.

of a poor woman, on account of her religious principles, said, with tears in his eyes: "I almost wish I had never learn'ed to write."


Prry the sorrows and sufferings of the poor. Dişdāin' not to enter their wretched abodes; nor to listen to their moving lam-en-tā'tions.

Gratitude is a delightful emotion. The grateful heart at once performs' its duty, and endears itself to others.

If we ought to be grateful for services received from our friends, how should our hearts glow with thankfulness to Him, who has given us being, and all the blessings we enjoy!

Young people too often set out in life, with too much confidence in themselves. Alas! how little do they know the dangers which await them!

To repine at the improvements of others, and wish to deprive them of the praise they have deşĕrv'ed, is an envious and odious disposition.

We ought not to be proud or vain of the ǎd-văn'ta-geş we poşşěss'; but hum'bly endeavour to use them for the benefit of our fellow-creatures, and the glory of that great Being from whom we have received them.

If we consider how much the cóm'fórt, or the uneasiness of all around' us, depends on the state of our own temper, we should surely endeavour to render it sweet and accommodating.

When we feel our inability to reşist evil, and to do good, what a cóm'fort it is, to know that our heavenly Fà'ther will, if we hum'bly apply to him, hear our prayers, and graciously assist us!

When young persons àre afflicted with illness, how greatly do they endear themselves to all about them by being trac table, considerate, gentle, and grateful! but how painful it is, to see them peevish, self-willed, and unthankful! How much do the former quâl'ities lessen the affliction; and the latter increase it!

A family where the great Fà'ther of the u'ni-věrse is duly reverenced; where parents àre honoured and obeyed; where brothers and sisters dwell together in love and harmony; where peace and order reign; where there is no law but the law of kindness* and wisdom; is surely a most delightful and interesting spectacle?



GOD is the kindest and best of beings. He is our Fà'ther He approves us when we do well: he pities us when we err: and he desires to make us happy for ever. How greatly should we love so good and kind a Fà'ther! and how careful should we be to serve and please him!

Never insult the unfortunate,* especially when they implore relief or assistance. If you cannot grant their requests, refuse them mildly and tenderly. If you feel compassion for them, (and what good heàrt can behold distress without feeling compassion ?) be not ǎsha'med to express it.

Listen to the affectionate counsels of your parents; treas'ure up their pre'cepts; respect their riper judgment; and enjoy, with gratitude and delight, the ad-văn'ta-geş resulting from their society. Bind to your bo'şóm, by the most endearing ties, your brothers and sisters; cherish them as your best companions, through the variegated journey of life; and suffer no jealous-ies and contentions to interrupt the har'mony, which should ever reign amongst' you.

They who are accustomed to view their companions in the most favourable light, àre like persons who dwell ǎmidst those beautiful scenes of nature,† on which the eye rests with pleasure. Suspicious persons resemble the traveller in the wilderness, who sees no objects ǎround' him, but what àre either dreary or terrible.


AN amiable youth la-men'ted, in terms of sincere grief, the death of a most affectionate pārent. His companion endeavoured to console him by the reflection, that he had always behaved to the deceased, with duty, tenderness, and respect. "So I thought," replied the youth, "whilst my parent was living but now I recollect, with pain and sorrow, many instances of dis-o-be'di-ence and neglect, for which, alas! it is too late to make ǎ-tōne'ment."

Sir I'şǎaç New'ton põşşess'ed a remarkably mild and even temper. This great man, on a particular occasion, was called out of his study to an adjoining apartment. A little dog, named Di'a-mond, the constant but incurious attendant of his master's researches, happened to be left ǎmóng the papers; and threw down a lighted candle, which consumed the al most finished labours of some years. Sir I'şǎaç soon return* ŭn-fór'tshū-năt.


ed, and had the mortification to behold his irreparable loss. But, with his usual self-põşşes'sión, he only exclaimed; “Oh, Di'a-mond! Di'a-mónd! thou little knowest the mis'chief thou hast done."

Queen Căr'o-line having obşĕrv'ed that her daughter, the princess had made one of the ladies about' her stand a long time, whilst she was talking to her on some trifling subject, was resolved to give her a suitable rép-ri-mànd'. When the princess came in the evening, as usual, to read to her, and was drawing a chair to sit down, the queen said, "No, my dear, you must not sit at present; for I intend to make you stand this evening, as long as you suffered lady to remain in the same position."

'The benevolent John How'ard, having settled his accounts at the close of a particular year, and found a balance in his favour, proposed to his wife to make use of it in a journey to Lón'dón, or in any other ǎ-müşe'ment she chose. "What

a pret'ty* çot'tage for a poor family it would build !" was her answer. This charitable hint met his cordialt approbation, and the money was laid out accordingly.

Hor'ace, a celebrated Ro'man poet, relates, that a countryman, who wanted to pass a river, stood loitering on the banks of it, in the foolish expectation, that a current so rapid would soon discharge its waters. But the stream still flowed; increased, perhaps', by fresh torrents from the môûn'tains and it must for ever flow, because the sources, from which it is derived, àre inexhaustible. Thus, the idle and irresolute youth trifles over his books, or wastes in play the precious moments; défér'ring the task of improvement, which at first is easy to be accomplished, but which will become more and more difficult, the longer it is neglected.




The Pious Sons.

1 IN one of those terrible eruptions of mount Ět'nă, which have often happened, the danger to the inhabitants of the adjacent country, was uncommonly great.

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