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Ferocity, s. fierceness.



Auburn, s. a brown or tan colour.
Piercing, p. a. sharp, keen.
Peep, v. n. to look slyly.
Marble, s. a kind of stone.
Woodbine, s. honeysuckle.
Blea'ting, s. the crying of sheep.

Refre'sh, v. a. to recreate, to cool.
Hush, v. a. to still, to quiet.
Safe'ty, s. freedom from danger.
Mod'esty, s. decency, chastity.
Cheerfulness, s. liveliness.


Ex'ercise, s. labour, practice.
Tem'perance, s. moderation.
Nerve, s. an organ of sensation.
Repa'st, s. a meal.

Com'bat, v. a. to oppose, to fight.
Endu're, v. a. & n. to bear, to last.
Trouble, s. calamity.

Quality, s. persons of high rank, property, Malevolence, s. ill will.


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Dexterity, s. activity, skill.

Slan'der, s. false invective. Remembrance, s. recollection. Reve'nge, s. return of an injury. Malice, s. deliberate mischief. Requi'te, v. a. to recompense. Alleviate, y. a. to make light. Succe'ss, s. termination of any affair. Pour, v. a. to emit, to send forth.


Fa'vour, s. kindness, support. Generos'ity, s. liberality.

Men-ag-er-ie', s. [Fr.] a place to keep cu- Humil'ity, s. freedom from pride, modeɛtv.

rious foreign animals.

Curious, a. nice, elegant, laboured.
Ex'tract, s. substance extracted.
Symptom, s. a sign, a token.

Malig'nity, s. malice, destructive tendency.
Despa'ir, s. hopelessness.

Kitch'en, s. a room for cookery.


Mortality, s. subjection to death.
Loveliness, s. amiableness.

In'sect, s. a small creeping or flying animal
Em'erald, s. a precious stone.

Numerous, a. containing many.

Glance, v. a. to view with a quick cast of the eye.


Cov'erlet, s. the outermost of the bed Multitude, s. many, a crowd.


Sagac'ity, s. acuteness of discovery.
Mel'ancholy, a. gloomy, dismal.
Grave, a. serious, sober.

Vi'olent, a, forcible, unjustly assailant.
Capric'ious, a. fanciful.
Obe'dience, s. submission.

Vict'uals, s. provision of food, meat.
Inoffen sive, a harmless.

Com'fit, s. a kind of sweetmeat.

Defluxion, s. a flowing down of humours. Indus'trious, a. diligent, laborious. Produc'tive, a. fertile.

Sim'ilar, a. homogeneous, resembling.

Arrangement, s. state of being put in order.
Dire'ct, v. a. to aim, to regulate, to order.
Garland, s. a wreath of flowers.
War'ble, v. a. to quaver any sound, to sing.
Transparent, a. pervious to the sight, clear.
Sul'try, a. hot without ventilation.
Refresh'ment, s. relief, food, rest.
Bathe, v. a. & n. to wash with any thing.
Unawa'res, ad. unexpectedly.
Gar'ment, s. a cover for the body.

Beau'ty, s. that assemblage of graces which pleases the eye.

Ex'cellent, a. of great virtue, eminent.
Death, s. extinction of life.

Hori'zon, s. the line that terminates the view Colour, s. appearance of bodies to the eye hue, die.

Gild, v. a. to wash over with gold.

Shroud, v. a. to shelter, to dress for the grave. -64.

Saviour, s. redeemer.

Immortality, s. exemption from death.
Bramble, s. any prickly shrub.

Myriad, s. the number of ten thousand.
Hen'bane, s. a plant.
Cherub, s. a celestial spirit.

Embra'ce, v. a. to hold fondly in the arms. -65.

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Vow, s. a religious promise.

Wilderness, a solitary and savage tract.

Sojourn, v. n. to live as not at home.

Perverse'ness, s. spiteful crossness.


Jealous, a. suspiciously vigilant.

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Upbra'id, v. a. to chide, to reproach

Live'lihood, s. n.aintenance.

Farther, ad. at a greater distance.
Lot, s. fortune, chance.

Gratifica'tion, s. pleasure, delight.
Ingre'dient, s. a part of any compound.

Judgment, s. the power of judging, distribu- Culture, s. act of cultivation.

tion of justice, the last doom.

Or'dinance, s. law, rule.

Sac'rifice, s. the act of offering to Heaven.
Sack'cloth, s. coarse clotn.
Imaginary, a. fancied, visionary.
Supernumerary, a. above a stated number.
Dive'rt, v. a. to turn from, to please.
Li'able, a. not exempt, subject.
Pedigree, s. genealogy.

Rab'ble, s. a tumultuous crowd..


Me'nial, a. belonging to the train of servants.
Gran'ary, s. a store-house for threshed corn.
Chi'ding, p. a. reproving, scolding.
Successor, s. one that follows in the place

or character of another.

Coque'tte, s. a gay, airy girl, who by vari-
ous arts endeavours to gain admirers.
Parallel, s. resemblance, a line every where
at an equal distance from another.
Survey', s. view, prospect.
Inge'nious, a. witty, inventive.
Re'gion, s. tract of land, country.

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Habit'uate, v. a. to accustom, to render f miliar.

Impa'ir, v. a. to injure, to make worse.
Me'liorate, v. a. to improve, to make better

Man'agement, s. conduct, administration.
Literary, a. relating to learning.
Disli'ke, s. disapprobation, disgust.
Dra'pery, s. the dress of a picture or statue,

Gloom, s. heaviness of mind.
Hara'ngue, s. a speech.
Conta'gion, s. infection, pestilence.
Sol'i-tude, s. lonely life or place.
Cher'ish, v. a. to nurse up, to support.
Acquaintance, s. knowledge, the person
with whom we are acquainted without
the intimacy of friendship.

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Folly, s. foolishness, weakness.
Ill'ness, s. sickness.
Legislator, s. a lawgiver.

Republick, s. a commonwealth without a king.

Disrespectful, a. irreverent, uncivil.
Ac'ceptable, a. grateful, pleasing.
Profitable, a. gainful, useful.
Inevitably, ad. without possibilty of escape.
Forego', v. a. to give up.

Quarrel, v. a. to debate, to scuffle, to fight.
Am'ity, s. friendship.

Acco'st, v. a. to address, to salute.
Sol'ace, s. comfort, alleviation.

Enhance'ment, s. augmentation of value.


Participa'tion, s. the act or state of partak-
ing or having part of something.
Enu'merate, v. a. to number.
So'cial, a. familiar, fit for society.
Irreproach'able, a. free from blame.
Valuable, a. being of great price, worthy.
Ungov'ernable, a. not to be ruled, wild.
Fidelity, s. honesty, faithfulness.
Resentment, s. deep sense of injury.

Solicitous, a. anxious.

Reconcilia'tion, s. renewal of friendship. Nec essary, a. needful, not free. Affability, s. civility.


Carve, v. a. to cut wood, meat, &c.

Besprinkle, v. a. to sprinkle over.

Informa'tion, s. intelligence given. Until, ad. to the time that.

Presu'me, v. n. to suppose, to venture.
Mortifica'tion, s. vexation, trouble.
Prejudice, s. judgment formed beforehand
without examination.

Aston'ishment, s. confusion of mind.
Situa'tion, s. position, state.
Remain, v. n. to continue.
Apprehen'sion, s. conception, fear.
Resu'me, v. a. to take or begin again.
Ex-tem'po-re, ad. without premeditation.
Subject, s. matter under consideration or

Cho'rus, s. verses of a song in which the
company join the singer.
Plain'tive, a. lamenting.

Literally, ad. in the letter or exact words. Ver'sify, v. a. to relate in verse, to make

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Pru'dence, s. wisdom applied to practice.
Vivacity, s. liveliness, longevity.

Gesture, s. astion or posture expressive of Accident, s. casualty, chance.


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Contiguous, a. meeting so as to touch.
Inces'sant, a. continual.
Roy'al, a. belonging to a king.
Mag'nify, v. a. to make great.

Wretch, s. a miserable or worthless mortal.
Precipitately, ad. headlong, in blind hurry.
Insensibility, s. stupidity.
Charitable, a. kind, liberal.
Repa'y, v. a. to pay back in return.
Brand, v. a. to mark with a note of infamy.
Guest, s. one who is entertained.


Hos'pitable, a. kind to strangers. Association, s. union, confederacy.

Scarce, a. not plentiful, rare.

Ward'robe, s. clothes, a room where clothes are kept.

Wallet, s. a bag, knapsack.
Hid'eous, a. horrible, dreadful.

Discretion, s. prudence, knowledge to govern or direct one's self.

Sub'al-tern, a. inferiour, subordinate.
Instruc'ter, s. a teacher.

In'terview, s. sight of each other.

Superintend'ent, s. one who oversees.


Gov'er-ness, s. a tutoress, a directress
Solicita'tion, s. importunity.

Nup'tials, s. marriage or wedding.

Siege, s. act of besetting a fortified place. Ob'stinacy, s. stubbornness.

Peas'ant, s. one whose business is rural labour.

Assault, s. attack, invasion, storm.
Assai'lant, s. he that attacks.
Carnage, s. slaughter, havock.
Resignation, s. a resigning, submissiou.

Hap'pen, v. n. to fall out by chance.
Serve, v. a. to supply with any thing, to

Pursuant, a. done in consequence.
Obscu'rity, s. unnoticed state, darkness.
Mean'ness, s. low rank, sordidness.

Pre-em'i-nence, s. superiority of excellence.
Reforma'tion, s. change from worse to bet-



Attainable, a. that which may be obtained.
Lib'erally, ad. bountifully.
Defrau'd, v. a. to rob by a trick.
Mor'sel, s. a small quantity.
Flatterer, s. one who praises falsely.
Devou'rer, s. a consumer.

Embarrass, v. a. to perplex, to distress.
Tease, v. a. to torment with importunity.
Clam'our, s. noise, outcry.

Thirst, s. want of drink, eagerness.
Yea, ad. yes.

Gran'deur, s. state, magnificence.

In'cident, s. an event, casualty.
Enco'mium, s. eulogy, praise.
Disci'ple, s. a scholar.

Fer'vent, a ardent, zealous.

Rati'onal, a. wise, agreeable to reason
Ab'solute, a. complete, unconditional.

Infir'mity, s. weakness, failing. Compass, s. circle, space, due limits Ministry, s. ecclesiastical function. Intemperance, s. excess. Unadvi'sedly, ad. indiscreetly." Compo'sure, s. calmness, form. Meek'ness, s. gentleness, mildness. Pa'tience, s. the power of suffering. -106.

Ignomin'ious, a. mean, shameful. Infe'riour, a. lower in place or value Subli'me, a. high in excellence. Dig'nity, s. grandeur of mien. Impressive, a. forcible, fixing deep. Insid'ious, a. sly, circumventive. Imperfect, a. not complete. Comparison, s. estimate, simile.


Incipient, a. beginning, commencing.

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