The Plays of William Shakespeare, Том 3T. Bensley, 1803 |
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Страница 6
... thee away : farewel . When thou hast leisure , say thy prayers ; when thou hast none , re- member thy friends : get thee a good husband , and use him as he uses thee : so farewel . [ Exit . Hel . Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie ...
... thee away : farewel . When thou hast leisure , say thy prayers ; when thou hast none , re- member thy friends : get thee a good husband , and use him as he uses thee : so farewel . [ Exit . Hel . Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie ...
Страница 34
... thy patient's side ; And with this healthful hand , whose banish'd sense Thou hast repeal'd , a second time receive The confirmation of my promis'd gift , Which but attends thy naming . Enter several Lords . Fair maid , send forth thine ...
... thy patient's side ; And with this healthful hand , whose banish'd sense Thou hast repeal'd , a second time receive The confirmation of my promis'd gift , Which but attends thy naming . Enter several Lords . Fair maid , send forth thine ...
Страница 40
... thee , did manifoldly dissuade me from believing thee a vessel of too great a burden . I have now found thee ; when I lose thee again , I care not : yet art thou good for nothing but taking up ; and that thou art scarce worth . Par . Hadst ...
... thee , did manifoldly dissuade me from believing thee a vessel of too great a burden . I have now found thee ; when I lose thee again , I care not : yet art thou good for nothing but taking up ; and that thou art scarce worth . Par . Hadst ...
Страница 41
... thy sake , and my poor doing eternal : for doing I am past ; as I will by thee , in what motion age will give me leave . [ Exit . Par . Well , thou hast a son shall take this disgrace off me ; scurvy , old , filthy , scurvy lord ...
... thy sake , and my poor doing eternal : for doing I am past ; as I will by thee , in what motion age will give me leave . [ Exit . Par . Well , thou hast a son shall take this disgrace off me ; scurvy , old , filthy , scurvy lord ...
Страница 44
... thou art a knave ; that is , before me thou art a knave : this had been truth , sir . Par . Go to , thou art a witty fool , I have found Clo . Did you find me in yourself , sir. thee . 44 ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL .
... thou art a knave ; that is , before me thou art a knave : this had been truth , sir . Par . Go to , thou art a witty fool , I have found Clo . Did you find me in yourself , sir. thee . 44 ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL .
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Antigonus Antipholus Autolycus Banquo Baptista Bertram Bian Bianca Bion Biondello blood Camillo Cleomenes Clown COMEDY OF ERRORS Count daughter death dost doth Dromio Duke Enter Ephesus Exeunt Exit eyes fair father fear Fleance Gent gentleman give Gremio hand hath hear heart heaven Hermione honour Hortensio husband i'the Kate Kath Katharina king knave knock Lady Lady Macbeth Leon Leontes look lord Lucentio Macbeth Macd Macduff madam maid marry master mistress Narbon never noble o'the Padua Paul Petruchio Pisa poor pr'ythee pray queen Re-enter Rosse Rousillon SCENE Servant Shep Sicilia signior Sirrah sister speak sweet tell thane thee There's thine things thou art thou hast Tranio unto villain Vincentio What's wife WINTER'S TALE Witch Мас