The Plays of William Shakespeare, Том 3T. Bensley, 1803 |
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Страница 18
... eyes See it so grossly shown in thy behaviours , That in their kind they speak it ; only sin And hellish obstinacy tie thy tongue , That truth should be suspected : Speak , is't so ? If it be so , you have wound a goodly clue ; If it be ...
... eyes See it so grossly shown in thy behaviours , That in their kind they speak it ; only sin And hellish obstinacy tie thy tongue , That truth should be suspected : Speak , is't so ? If it be so , you have wound a goodly clue ; If it be ...
Страница 35
... throw ames - ace for my life . Hel . The honour , sir , that flames in your fair eyes , Before I speak , too threat'ningly replies : Love make your fortunes twenty times above Her that so ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL . 35.
... throw ames - ace for my life . Hel . The honour , sir , that flames in your fair eyes , Before I speak , too threat'ningly replies : Love make your fortunes twenty times above Her that so ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL . 35.
Страница 36
... take her , she's thy wife . Ber . My wife , my liege ? I shall beseech your highness , In such a business give me leave to use The help of mine own eyes . King . Know'st thou not , Bertram , What she 36 ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL .
... take her , she's thy wife . Ber . My wife , my liege ? I shall beseech your highness , In such a business give me leave to use The help of mine own eyes . King . Know'st thou not , Bertram , What she 36 ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL .
Страница 38
... revenge and hate , Loosing upon thee in the name of justice , Without all terms of pity : Speak ; thine answer . Ber . Pardon , my gracious lord ; for I submit My fancy to your eyes : When I consider , 38 ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL .
... revenge and hate , Loosing upon thee in the name of justice , Without all terms of pity : Speak ; thine answer . Ber . Pardon , my gracious lord ; for I submit My fancy to your eyes : When I consider , 38 ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL .
Страница 55
... eyes , to be the mark Of smoky muskets ? O you leaden messengers , That ride upon the violent speed of fire , Fly with false aim ; move the still - piecing air , That sings with piercing , do not touch my lord ! Whoever shoots at him ...
... eyes , to be the mark Of smoky muskets ? O you leaden messengers , That ride upon the violent speed of fire , Fly with false aim ; move the still - piecing air , That sings with piercing , do not touch my lord ! Whoever shoots at him ...
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Antigonus Antipholus Autolycus Banquo Baptista Bertram Bian Bianca Bion Biondello blood Camillo Cleomenes Clown COMEDY OF ERRORS Count daughter death dost doth Dromio Duke Enter Ephesus Exeunt Exit eyes fair father fear Fleance Gent gentleman give Gremio hand hath hear heart heaven Hermione honour Hortensio husband i'the Kate Kath Katharina king knave knock Lady Lady Macbeth Leon Leontes look lord Lucentio Macbeth Macd Macduff madam maid marry master mistress Narbon never noble o'the Padua Paul Petruchio Pisa poor pr'ythee pray queen Re-enter Rosse Rousillon SCENE Servant Shep Sicilia signior Sirrah sister speak sweet tell thane thee There's thine things thou art thou hast Tranio unto villain Vincentio What's wife WINTER'S TALE Witch Мас