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ciety, compofed of a minority relatively rich; and the great multitude, fet free from the restraint of principle, ftung by poverty, and recently taught to defpife what they before looked upon as facred: will not the fame contempt attach itself to what they had formerly refpected; and not without a mixture of envy? would not the condition of the former resemble that of some feeble, luxuriant, rich state in Syria; with the ferocious and innumerable armies of Tartary, already advanced to the borders, to overwhelm them in irresistible ruins. Of the alterations propofed in the Moderate Reformer, we regard that of the appointment of bishops by the king's letters patent, instead of the form of election by virtue of a Congè d'elire; as the moft unexceptionable. It has great weight with us, that it was the original practice in the reformed church of England. The Moderate Reformer is understood to be the production of Baron Maferes.

ART. 54. Paris Pendant l'année, 1795. Par M. Peltier, ouvrage periodique publié tous les Samedis Matins. No. I. VI. 9s. De

Boffe, &c.

We ftep a little afide from our ufual method, to notice this very interesting periodical work, in which there is no fmall portion of very curious and important matter. The work of M. Marnezia, comprised in it, entitled Les Ruines, ou Voyage en France, is written with much eloquence and juftnefs of thought: and the Dialogue between Monfieur Dimanche and Citoyen Decadi, in No. VI. has confiderable humour.

ART. 55. A Treatife on the Culture of the Cucumber: shewing a news and advantageous Method of cultivating that Plant, with full Directions for the Management thereof, and the Degree of Heat it requires on every Day of the Year; and a Meteorological Journal of the Wea ther, and Temperature of the Climate, in Lat. 51° 20′ North. Long. 0° 1' Eaft of London. To which are added Hints and Obfervations for the Improvement of Agriculture. By James_McPhail, Gardener to the Right Hon. Lord Hawkesbury. 8vo. 528 pp. 8s. Cadell, 1794.

Of this apparently formidable volume upwards of three hundred pages are dedicated to the principal fubject, the culture of the cucumber; the rest consists of the observations above-mentioned; added, as ▸ the author informs us, because he found that the copy of the former part would not employ the paper he had purchafed. The greater portion of the treatife on the cucumber is, however, occupied by the journal, certainly very neceffary for the inftruction of the practical gardener. What Mr. McPhail undertakes to do, is to produce cucumbers every month in the year, from the fame plants: which he effects by a particular management of them in beds conftructed with brick, for the formation of which he gives explicit directions. This will certainly be confidered as a difcovery well deferving the attention of those who cultivate the cucumber. The obfervations on agriculture feem to illuftrate the affertion of the author, that a good gardener,

gardener, poffeffed of extenfive ideas, with steady application, will foon learn to be a good farmer :" but they are mixed, efpecially at the beginning, with matters not very strictly relative to the fubject.

ART. 56. The Debates at the East India-Houfe, on Wednesday the 21ft of January, 1795, on a Refolution of the Court of Directors to conduct the future Shipping Concerns of the Company, upon Principles of fair and open Competition; as alfo on the Mode of forming into a Bye-Law a Refolution of the General Court, by Ballot, "That no Director be allowed to carry on any Trade or Commerce to or from India, directly or indirectly, either as Principal or Agent." Reported by William Woodfall. 4to. 133 PP. 3s. Debrett, 1795.

These debates, on a queftion undoubtedly of great importance, are reported very much at large. The principal fpeeches on the mode of fupplying shipping, are thofe of Mr. Jackfon and Mr. Serjeant Watfon, the former recommending the new mode of open competition, the latter oppofing it. The ballot on the question was appointed for that day fortnight. Little or nothing appears in this report on the fubject of the fecond question mentioned in the title.

ART. 57. The Speech of Nathaniel Braffey Halhed, Efq. delivered in the House of Commons, on Tuesday, March 31, 1795, respecting the confinement of Mr. Brothers, the Prophet. 8vo. 24 PP. 6d. Crosby, 1795.

ART. 58. A Calculation on the commencement of the Millenium, with Obfervations on the Pamphlets, intituled " Sound Argument," Sc. and "The Age of Credulity, together with a Speech delivered in the Houfe of Commons, 31st March, 1795, refpecting the confinement of Brothers, the Prophet. By Nathaniel Braffey Halhed, M. P. To which is added, an original Letter, written by Brothers, in 1790, to P. Stephens, Efq. and also a Paper, pointing out thofe Parts of Brothers's Prophecies, that have been already fulfilled. 8vo. Is. 6d. Crosby, 1795,

ART. 59: An Anfwer to Dr. Horne's Second Pamphlet,_ intitled "Occafional Remarks," &c. By N. B. Halhed, M. P. 8vo. 6d, Crosby.

ART. 60. The Second Speech of N. B. Halhed, Efq. delivered in the Houfe of Commons, April 21, 1795, respecting the Detention of Mr. Brothers, the Prophet. 8vo. 45. Crosby.

ART. 61. An additional Teftimony, given to vindicate the Truth of the Prophecies of Richard Brothers. To which is added, A Warning to the Inhabitants of Great Britain, to forfake their evil doings before the full Appearance of the approaching Day of the Lord, which will burn the Wicked of the Earth as an Oven. Dictated by the Spirit of God, and wrote by Thomas Taylor. 8vo. 30 pp. 6d. Riebau.


ART. 62. Another Witness! or further Teftimony in favour of Richard Brothers: with a few modeft Hints to modern Pharifees and reverend Unbelievers. Alfo fome of the fcriptural Marks of the prefent Times, or prophetical latter Day. By S. Whitchurch. 8vo. 25 pp. 6d. Wright, 1795.

ART. 63. Prophetical Paffages concerning the prefent Times; in which the Perfon, Character, Miffion, &c. &c. of Richard Brothers, is clearly pointed at as the Elijah of the prefent Day, the bright Star to Guide the Hebrews, Sc. felected from the Writings of Jacob Behmen, C. Poniatonia, Kottery, Salizarus, B. Keach, c. Also the remarkable Prophecy of Humphry Tindal, Vicar of Wellington, to which is added (by Permiffion) fome Letters which have been fent to Mr. Brothers. 8vo. 40 pp. 6d. Riebau, 1795.

As poor Brothers is in quiet cuftody, as decided a lunatic as was ever under medical care; and, as his infanity of courfe implicates more or lefs his defenders, unless they fet up the plea of wickednefs, we shall not trouble our readers with any particulars of this strange fet of publications. We give the lift in cafe any perfon fhould wish to be a purchaser!

ART. 64. Sound Argument dictated by Common Senfe, in Arfaver to Nathaniel Braffey Halbed's Teftimony of the authenticity of the Prophecies of Richard Brothers, and his pretended Million to recal the Jews. By George Horne, D. D. the Third Edition. 8vo. 52 PP. IS. Oxford, for the Author; Boofey, &c. London; 1795.

ART. 65. Occafional Remarks, addressed to Nathaniel Broffey Halked, M. P. in Anfaer to his late Pamphlet, entitled a Calculation of the commencement of the Millenium, &c. with curfory Obfervations on that Gentleman's Speech in the Houfe of Commons, March 31, 1795; reSpelting the pretended Prophecies of Richard Brothers. By George Horne, D. D. Author of "Sound Argument, dictated by Common Senfe, &c." Svo. 42 pp. Is. Oxford, for the Author; Boofey, &c. London; 1795.

ART. 66. The Jew's Appeal on the divine Miffion of Richard Brothers and N. B. Halhed, Ejg. to reftore Ifrael and rebuild Jerufalem. With a Differtation on the fitnefs, utility, and beauty of applying ancient Predictions and Allegories to modern Events: and a fingular Prophecy relative to the prefent and enfuing Century. By Mofes Gomez Pereira. 8vo. 67 pp. 1s. Bell, Oxford-ftreet, 1795.

ART. 67. Strictures on the Prophecies of Richard Brothers, and the Publications and Parliamentary Conduct of Nathaniel Braffey Halhed, Efg. in their Defence. 8vo. 35 pp. IS. Blifs, Oxford; Ri vingtons, &c. London; ·1795.


ART. 68. The Lying Prophet examined, and his falfe Predictions dif covered; being a Diffection of the Prophecies of Richard Brothers. By William Huntingdon, S. S. Minifter of the Gospel at Providence Chapel, Little Titchfield.ftreet. 8vo. 89 pp. Is. 6d. Terry, 1795. ART. 69. Letters to Nathaniel Braffey Halhed, M. P. in Anfwer to bis Teftimony of the authenticity of the Prophecies of Richard Brothers, and his pretended Miffion to recall the Jews. By David Levi, Author of Lingua Sacra, the Ceremonies of the Jews, Letters to Dr. Priestley, c. &c. t. 8vo. 48 pp. is. Johnfon, 1795.

ART. 70. A Crumb of Comfort for the People: or, a Pill for the Prophets, made Palatable by Scrapings from Ovid, Shakspeare, and Hudibras; a Tract interfperfed with Remarks, critical and explanatory of the Tragi-Comedy of the Braffey Head. 8vo. 40 pp.

fon, 1795.

IS. Ma

ART. 71. A poetical and complimentary Epiftle to Richard Brothers, the Prophet, and Nathaniel Braffey Halbed, Efq. M. P. with an Anecdote of Emanuel Swedenborg. Small 4to. 16 pp. 6d. Ver nor and Hood, 1795.

As the opponents of Brothers, &c. whether ferious or ludicrous in , their ftyle, and however well meaning in their defign, fight only the air, we have thought it fufficient to ftring them alfo together, like the others, without attempting to fubjoin remarks to each. Our readers, we doubt not, will thank us for this comprehenfive brevity.



ART. 72, La Vie du Général Dumouriez. 3 Tom. Hambourg. 189. chez Johnson et Remnant, London.

As we expect that this very entertaining and extraordinary publication will make its appearance in an English form, we reserve the particulars of our account till we may thus give them to a larger clafs of our readers, than thofe only who read French. Suffice it to fay at prefent, that, whatever may be thought of the principles of Dumouriez, his talents appear to great advantage in this narrative of his own life. The Memoirs published last year belong to a period fubfequent to the conclufion of these three volumes.


ART.73. Ovid überfetzt, von Rhode-Tranflation of the Metamorphofis of Ovid, with Notes, for the Ufe not only of the claffical Scholar, but likewife of general Readers, Artifts, &c. felected from the most approved ancient and modern Writers on the fubject of Mythology, by Rhode.

This tranflation is made from the London edition, printed by Brindley, in the year 1745, collated, however, with the other principal editions, from which the author has adopted fuch readings as he was induced by the obfervations of other commentators, or by his own judg ment, to prefer. He has likewife had recourfe to former verfions of this poëm, particularly to that made in French by Banier. In his appreciation of the readings and of the verfes fufpected to be fpurious, the prefent tranflator has, indeed, generally followed Heinfius, and in his choice of the former we cannot but allow, that he has shown no small share of tafte, as well as a thorough acquaintance with the language of the original; as, for inftance, B. XII. 369. where, inftead of mentis cum viribus, he adopts confertis viribus, and XII. 436. In regard to the latter, his omiflion of certain verfes, confidered by fome perfons not to be genuine, we do not approve of his rejection, though recommended likewife by Heinfius, of the 111 verfe:

Pallentemque metu, &c.

in which both the thoughts and language are fo perfectly in the manner of Ovid, that we should be difpofed, in fpight of the authority of MSS., to retain it.

On comparing the translation in feveral paffages with the original, we find it, as far as could be expected in a poem confifting of nearly 12000 lines, remarkable for its elegance and richness of expreffion, accurate and perfpicuous, and, therefore, fufficiently calculated to anfwer the purpofe of conveying the fenfe of the author to the perfons fpecified in the title.

The very copious notes which are placed under the verfion, being likewife collected with great judgment from the moft efteemed and lateft writings on Mythology, the Arts, ancient Hiftory, and Geography, will ferve effentially to illuftrate the objects introduced by Ovid into the Metamorphofis, and be found exceedingly useful even to artists and readers not profefiedly literary, the extracts from fuch of them as were originally written in the Greek or Latin languages, being here prefented in a German tranflation; as, for example, in regard to the account given by Pliny of the Labyrinth at Crete, B. II. pp. 13-16. Nor has the author failed to correct the mistakes of his predeceffors in this department of literature, as B. I. p. 23. where he points out an error of the celebrated Winkelman, and in a variety of other inftances. Ibid.

We take this opportunity of mentioning another metrical German verfion, as alfo a parody of fome parts of the Metamorphofis, which we fhould, perhaps, otherwise not have noticed. Of the former the title is :

ART. 74. Ovid's Verwandlungen. Aufs neue verdeutfcht. Erfter Theil, das erfte bis fünfte Buch enthaltend. Ovid's Metamorphofis, newly rendered into German; the first part, from the firft to the fifth Book, Berlin, 130 pp. in 8vo.


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