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luded citizens of Babylon, an angelic voice called his attention, inviting him to take a survey of a much more glorious city.


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This city is called JERUSALEM, and is the glorious habitation of the Moral Governor,' against whom the PRINCE of this world had revolted, and set up his kingdom in Babylon. Jerusalem' is situated in the New Earth,' where there is no sorrow, nor pain, neither frost nor chilling winds, but all is delight and tranquil, and the inhabitants have pleasure for evermore.

Jerusalem is six thousand miles in circumference, and fifteen hundred miles in height, with a window which extends all round the city, through which the Light shines out from within, to a vast distance, even to Babylon.-So that PEOPLE may see how to travel the road to JERUSALEM,

There were twelve gates to the city, with an angel at each gate, to wait upon the heirs of salvation; and on the gates were written the names of the twelve tribes of the Children of Israel.The wall of the City had twelve foundations, and upon them are written the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

The City-the houses are built of Gold; the wall of Jasper, and the foundations between the gates were made of precious stones.

The first foundation was a Jasper, which is the colour of white marble, with a light shade of green and red. The second, a Sapphire-which is skyblue, speckled with gold. The third, a Chalcedony-i. c. a carbuncle, and of the colour of red-hot iron. The fourth, an Emerald--and is of a grass green. The fifth, a Sardonyx-red, streaked with white. The sixth, a Sardius-which is a deep red. The seventh, a Chrysolyte-a deep yellow. The eighth, a Beryll-a sea green,


inth, a Topaz-which is pale yellow. The tenth a Chrysophrase--greenish and transparent, with gold specks. The eleventh, a Jacinth--which is a red purple. The twelfth, an Amethyst-a violet purple.

The twelve gates are twelve pearls; each of the gates is of one pearl. And the streets of the city are pure gold, and transparent as glass.

The City hath no need of the sun, neither of the moon to shine on it; for the gates will not be shut by DAY, and there is no NIGHT there.

In this City there is a Throne belonging to the • Great King,'--round about it is a rain bow ; and four Living Creatures,'--four and twenty Elders, sitting upon thrones, clothed in white, with crowns of gold upon their heads. Next to those were the Saints, and then the Angels ineireled the whole; of which two hundred millions were but a part; and they are of different orders, as the cherubim and seraphim, arch-angels, &c.

From the Throne proceeds a River, clear as crystal, which is the Water of Life; and those who drink it will never thirst.

This • City was prepared originally for Man from the foundation of the world; in the order of things, as primarily established by the Creator, in his moral government.


When all things were inane; and NATURE but in the sphere of non-entity; all was dark and void;--yet, then existed the Causeless Causator; The great Author of dependent beings.

A Cause of a cause is also the cause of the effeet which that cause produces. This will hold in Law, in Nature, and in Grace; upon Logical principles; and yet the introduction of Moral Evil, cannot impeach the Divine character.

First, in Law,a Man is considered responsi

ble for all his conduct. Hence, if in attempting feloniously to shoot a fowl, he kill a man beyond, the action being evil, he is accountable for all the consequences thereof!

In Mechanism, the effects produced by the most remote Coa, are dependent upon the first moving cause of the Machine. And hence, the first moving cause produces the effects in a direct succession.

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In Grace it is the same thing. Moral Virtue," the good principle comes from above; and not from Nature ;--Hence its effects of which Man's free will is one, are of GRACE; as the original and moving cause! and it is equally as necessary for the same cause to continue to operate, in order to produce a continuation of the effects, as it was to put it in motion at the first. Otherwise the effect and cause would cease together.

But a Free Agent, can act freely; not on the principles of mechanical necessity; but upon that af volition, the necessary result of free agency, and the very quintescence of moral ability. Admitting this, for upon what principles can it be denied? It being self evidence. Then, if the order of things be inverted, in consequence of a wrong ACT, intentionally done, by a Free Agent, under those free circumstances; the consequence of this invention must have its original and proper foundation in the Agent as the Author, from whom the act and consequently the effect flowed. On these principles Moral Evil could be introduced, without impeaching the Divine character: and includes the ideas, that all the goodness in all Beings, whether in Nature or in Moral Agents, comes from the Good Being, who is the Author of all goodness; and SIN, which is not a creature, nor a principle of Nature, but the base transgression of the Law of the Righteous Ruler of the Universe-of course, the base act of the Agent

who wills it. And it primarily originated in the abuse of Moral power or agency, in a revolt against his Creator's Government.

Sin is the transgression of a Law' and where there is no law, there can be no transgression. Hence follows the associated ideas of a compact between the Governor and the governed; The will of the one is the Law, which the others have capacity to obey. A law implies a penalty; and of course a time of judgment and retribution ; hence the trial is a limited period only, and not eternal, both as it relates to Angels and Man.

Here we see the propriety of the following words- Angels-kept not their first habitation, but sinned--are cast down--reserved under chains of darkness, unto the Judgment of the great day, to be punished.' The Devil abode not in the truth, but sinneth from the beginning,' &c.

All things were good when they emanated from their Author's hand. Thinking spirits, without earthly bodies, never sleep; but must forever be in contemplation. Before this world existed there there were not so many things for the mind to ruminate upon. Looking forward into futurity, or viewing in retrospect they could behold no end; neither could they remember a time when they had no existence. Hence if tempted at all, it must have been self-temptation! and the first act of disobedience, must have destroyed their innocency, and brought misery upon them, even a forfeiture of the Governor's favour, and his consequent displeasure, who is a righteous Judge, cannot approbate a revolt against his government!

Those spirits who constituted themselves Devils by sinning, do not multiply; but euch being actually guilty for himself, deserves a personal punishment for his crime!


But with the Human Family it was far different. Man contained a vast posterity, seminally, which must have perished in his loins, had they been immediately subjected to a punishment proportioned to their crime. As they sinned and fell seminally, only in their first Head!

Jerusalem was prepared for Man when he was commanded to multiply, before he transgressed. And as a state of trial must be limited, doubtless man would have been translated-otherwise the earth would have been overrun with people, as none would have died, neither would there have been any miscarriages, provided man had never sinned.

Man was neither mortal nor immortal before the fall; but may be considered as a candidate upon trial; for according to his conduct, so should be his fate.

The death with which he was threatened *was absolute and unconditional; but not eternal in the common acceptation of the word eternal deuth. Otherwise how could man be saved, seeing the threatening was irrevocable? Neither was it temporal death, seeing that was denounced afterwards, and Adam actually lived more than nine hundred years. If temporal and eternal death were both implied absolutely and unconditionally; man must have lost half of himself, viz. his body! for as the resurrection came by Jesus Christ, through the Gospel; he dying a temporal death, must have lost his body, and as his soul was doomed irrevocably to eternal death, how could there have been a re-union or an escape ?

But thanks be to the Supreme Ruler of the world, it was not so! as is manifested in the unspeakable gift of Jesus. The death was spiritual, and was executed as the entailment, as soon

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