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same town or ellis sumtyme of Burston in Norfolk mason on that other partye Witnessith that A Counant is made in maner and fourme folowyng

That is to say that the seyd John Loose shal make or do make sufficiently the walles of a bakhouse the lenghth acordyng to the ground that also is take by the ouersyght in warkmanship of the sayd John lose with the ground also of a fauce boterace for diuerse considerations to be made in the said counaunt the cause longe bifore know to the said John loose of the whech Boterace after the grond biforsaid taken therfore of a foot and half in thikness the heyest of the creste after ij tyles and an half heygh but a foote aboue the wyndows of sent Bernards hostell Notwithstanding the walles of the said Bakhouse beyng of Ragge clunch and Tyle iij fotes of the standard from the gronde leuell to the water tabil round aboute A metyerd in heyght of Large mesure and from the said watter tabill the heyght of the walle of the said sent Bernardis hostell therto adioynant and yet heyer bi a foote of assyse and so rounde aboute leuelled of ston and lyme with ij pyke walles of the same stuffe And a doore in brede iiij foote standard of fre ston from the base soyle also of freston the heyght of iij foote assise large and upwarde in heyght to the thyrd peynt of the Centre .v. foote more al of breke. Alle the said ffreestoon to be hew atte the costis of the said John Loose wt iiij Wyndows of breke ych of theym of ij lyghtes and the said water tabell half the house round aboute alle of freeston hewyn at the costis of the said John Loose that other half tabill of the best endureng breke. Also the said maister and felaus schal fynde al maner of stuffe and mater redy at alle conuenient tyme to werk And alle other ordinaunces that schal perteyne vnto the same werk so that this werk forsaid schal be bygonne at the fferrest by sent gregores day in march next comyng And sufficiently be ended by the fest of lambmess next comyng after the date of this present writeng in peyn of xl. s to be payed and content bi the said John loose, Takeng for his werkmanschip and labour xi marc vjs. viijd and a gowne of yomanis leuere of the said college or ellis a noble therefore so alle thyng be thus thorow and content; and more if it can be thought bi conscience of the said Maister and felaus so to doo. And of this xj marc vjs. viijd to be payed at theis diuersez tymes that is to say in the begynneng of the werk liijs. viijd. and other XLS. when the werk is half made. And other XLS. when the walles are alle leuelled And xxs. when the werk is ful complete And more ouer the sayd John schal haue withinne the sayd College a chambre j bedsteed and a bedde And his mete to be dyght in the kechyn at there costis as longe as he is werkyng in the said werk

Theis beyng his borows Maister Thomas Lane Maister of Peterhous and Maister Water Smyth parson of sent Benetis in cambregg Witnessis maister Richard Brochier Maister Thurston and M Rauf Seyton with many other yeuen the day and yer aboue rehersid.

IV. Construction of the wall between the College and the vicarage of S. Botulph. Anno domini 1457.

Memorandum quod Johannes Bale mason alias Loose vocat' leyer nuper factor noui muri lapidei apud predicatores dominicâ proximâ ante festum natiuitatis beate Marie anno predict' 1457 venit et pepigit cum magistro collegii teste M. Ric. Brochier de factura eciam vnius muri lapidei iuxta Collegium predictum et terram nuper vicarie sancti Botulphi ad longitudinem 4 rodarum et di' qualibet roda continente xviij pedes de standardo regio Et habebit in grosso vel XL. s. cum decoctione cibariorum in coquina collegii et potagium tantum durante termino facture predict' cum asiamento camere et pistrino ibidem et pro lecto iiij hominum ad prandend' et iacend'. Ant habebit pro qualibet rodâ et iuxta ratam illius di' roda sicut dicit se habuisse ad domum Petri pro qualibet roda ibidem burs' cum ceteris asiamentis supradictis ad electionem dicti magistri Collegii et erit dictus murus eiusdem latitudinis sicut est latitudo muri latrine hospicii sed altitudo cum crista dict' muri erit tanta quanta est altitudo murorum collegii: petit posterius dictus mason siue layer quod per duos laborarios collegii ad fundamentum adiuvetur: unde in partem solucionis coram magistro Thoma Lane recepit et pro strena totius pacti integri iiij d.

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This indenture made the xxvth daie of Marche in the xxith yere of the reigne of our Souereign Ladye Elizabeth... Betwene Robert Norgate Bacheloure of divinyty and master of Corpus Christi College in Cambridge on the one partye and Robert Gardiner of Havarell in the county of Essex carpenter on thother partye. Witnesseth that wheras the said Robert Norgate by the meanes of his goode freinds is purposed to erecte and builde a Chapple within the said College for thexercise of divine service there and thathe agreed and assented to committ to the said Robert Gardiner the prouisyon of all suche timber of Oke as shalbe nedefull for the said Chapple, The said Robert Gardiner do by these presents covenaunte [that he] shall before the xxth daie of June next cominge after the date hereof deliuer...so muche goode and substantiall cleane timber well tried hewed and sawen to a scantlin herin expressed as shalbe requisite and nedefull to the buildinge of the roufe of the said Chapple wch scantlinn is as followeth vid. eight wallplats eche of them xvj foote longe xj vnche square; tenn peces, eche of them iij foote longe ix vnche brod, x vnche depe; xxxix coupple of peces of timber, iij foote longe, vij vnche square; for v coople of principall sparrs, eche pece to be xxiiij foote longe x vnche depe ix vnche brod; x pendons to the principals, eche of vj foote longe ix vnche sqware; and for x lower braces vj foote and half longe, iiij vnche thicke and ij foote broad in the middest; And for x upper braces to the principals eche of them xij foote longe iiij vnche thicke ij foote brod within fower foote of the lower ende; fyve wind beames to the principals eche windbeame xvij foote long ix vnche sqware; and

for xxxix copple of single sparres eche of them xxiiij foote longe, vij vnche brod, v vnche and halfe thicke beneath at the foote, and at the topp vj vnch brod and v vnche thicke; xxxix wyndbeames to the single sparres eche of them xvij foote longe vj vnche square; and xxxix copple of braces to the single sparres eche brace ix foote and half longe vj vnche brod v vnche thicke; and for xij purleus eche of them xvj foote longe vj vnche brod, iiij vnche thicke; and for xliiij copple of sparr feete eche of them iiij foote longe vij vnch brod, iiij vnch thicke; and for xliiij copple of studds, eche of them ij foote longe, vj vnche brod, iij vnch thick; and for v pendons ech of them xv vnch longe vij vnch square; and ij beames eche of them xxxiij foote longe and x vnch square; and for a pece to lye alonge ye topp of the wall under the peces wheron the sparr feete must be framed ij vnch thicke and iij vnch brod, contayninge the length of the chapple on both sides vid. vj score foote; and ij beames ech of them xxxij foote longe, x vnch square; and one dorman xxviij foote longe xij vnch square; ij crosse dormans xv foote long xij vnch square; xxxiij Joyces ix foote longe a pece vj vnch brod iv vnch thicke; and for the partition of the said Chapple, j growndsell xvj foote longe viij vnch sqware, the doare iiij foote and halfe wide: iiij postes xiiij foote longe x vnch brod vij vnch thicke, ij girts xj foote longe vj vnch thicke, ix vnch brod; xiiij pillers vj foote longe vj vnch square; xviij pillers iiij foote and halfe longe vj vnch square; and for a floare or plancher onder the outwarde chapple so many studds Joyces and boards the boards to be solde for seaven shillings the hundreth and to be deliured in the said College by the feaste of Pentecost next and Immediatly followinge as shalbe requisite to yo same; and for studd and space for the staiers goinge vpp to ye said chamber iij studds xiiij foote long vij vnch sqware; ij girts vj foote and halfe longe viij vnch brod v vnch thicke; ij groundsells vj foote and halfe long vij vnch square; xx studds vij foot longe iiij vnch thick vj vnch brod; for the spindle a pece xviij foot longe iiij vnch square: As also for the stalls within the said chapple so much timber, and planke of three vnch thick at xviij. the hundreth and of j vnch and halfe thick at xj. ye hundreth and board sawen hewed and well tried to suche scantlin as is mete for y' purpose to make the seats in suche forme and fashion as y° seats of y chapple within St Johns Coll: nowe be made and there do stand within the said chapple; vid. xviij plankes of viij foot long a pece eche xviij vnch brod iij vnch thicke; xx plankes v foot long a pece xviij vnch brod iij vnch thick; v plankes xx vnch brod xj foote and halfe longe iij vnche thicke for ye stall to lye on the booke; v planks xj foot and halfe long apece xv vnch brod for the schollers books to lye on; ij peces xxiij foot longe a pece j foot brod v vnch thicke; lxxv foote of planke in length vij vnch half thick ix vnch half brod for the seat y' riseth upp and doune; ij peces of x foot long apece vij vnch and half thick viij vnch half brod; ij peces xxxj foot long a pece vij vnch halfe brod vj vnch halfe thick for the upper peces at ye back; iiij peces for groundsell for the seats xxx foot long a pece vij vnch square; ij peces ech xj foot long vij vnch square; xxxvj Joyces iij foot viij vnch long apece vj vnch square; ij planks x foot longe apece xviij vnch brod iij vnch thick for the rising and falling seat; lxx peces iij foot iij vnches long apece iij vnches thick v vnches brod; viij peces iiij foot long apece vj vnches square; iiij peces xj foot long apece vj vnches brod v vnches thicke; iiij plankes j vnch and halfe thick ix vnch brod xj foot longe; iiij planks xij foot long iij vnches thicke ix vnches brod for formes and this timber and all stuffe for the stalls to be deliuered before the xx daie of August next following ye date of these presents. In consideracion wherof the said Robert Norgate agreeth to paie or cause to be paid to ye said Robert Gardiner...

for euery foote square of timber so hewed well tried and sawen to the scantlin as is before expressed and deliuered within ye said College at the times before appointed ye somme of v pence of good english mony. In parte of payment wherof the said Robert Gardiner hath receyved at the daie of the making herof of y said Robert Norgate wherof he ye said Robert dothe acknowledge him selfe by yes presents to be fully satisfied contented and paid...y summ of xv poundes... The rest of ye mony is to be paid as yo said timber shall by ye said Robert Gardiner...be deliuered into the said College in Cambridge.

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This Indenture made the xxiiijth daye off October in the yeare off our Lord god 1579 betwen Robert Norgate master or keper off Corpus Christi Colledge in Cambridge on the on partye, and Raffe Wodward, and Jhon Scatliffe off Easton in Northamptonshire Slaters, on the other partye Witnesseth; that the sayd Raffe and Jhon haue bargayned and sould...xxiiij thousand off good and hable slate to be raysed out of the quarrye, carryed bye Land and water, and so to be delivered at the highe bridge or at Jesus grene in the towne of Cambridge afforsayd, bye the Laboure costs and charges off the sayd Raffe and John.. at or beffor the Feaste off Whitsuntyde or Pentecoste next ffolloweinge after the date hearoffe. In consideration wheroff the sayd Robert Norgate do covenaunte and graunt to paye...for everye thousande of such goode slate...the summ of xv shillings ffower pence off good Englishe monye, parte of the sayd monye to be payed in Lent next, when they come to worke with Doctor Hatcher in Cambridge, and the rest to be payed when it is all delivered at the high bridge or Jesus grene afforesayd. And also for the tolladge at bottle bridge off the cartes y shall carrye the sayd slate from the quarrye to the water syde the sayd Robert dothe couenaunte to paye to the saydd Raffe and John the summ of six shillings of good Englishe monye, as allso to ffynd the caryage off the sayd slate from the sayd places in Cambridge vnto the Colledge off Corpus Christi in Cambridge beffor sayde: And to ffynd all manner off stuffe that is needffull to them for the workmanshippe and Layinge off the sayd slate uppon a Chappell newelye to be erected and builded within the sayd Colledge, as Lyme, sande, Lathe, cowe dounge, horse dounge, slatepyne, and nayles, Ladders, Lynes, Cordes, and rouffe tyle and the said Raffe and Jhon...shall fforthwith uppon the deliverye and Layeinge off the sayd slate in the backsyde off the sayd Colledge called the hostle, dresse the sayd slate and ffynd all manner off Labor and workmanshippe, to the making off the morter and other workmanship whatsoever shall be requisite to the Layeing off the sayd slate uppon the rouffe of the sayd Chappell, and shall perfectlye and workmanlye finishe the slateinge off the sayd rouffe, and cover the sayd rouffe with the sayd slate workemanlye and substantiallye with so much spede as they cane goe fforewarde in the sayd worke, without anye intermission or leaveing off, off the sayd worke, vntyll it be so perfitlye slated and finished: In consideration wheroff, the said Robert...do couenaunt to paye to the sayde Raffe and Jhon...ffor everye pole or rod, being xviij foote square uppon the syde off the sayd rouffe, wch they shall so cover wth slate dressed etc as is beffor sayd, the summ of xv shillings...to be payed, when the whole rouffe is covered. In witnes wheroff, the said partyes interchaungablye haue put ther hands and seales to these presents gyven the daye and year aboue written.


King's College & Eton College.



[I. ETON COllege.

N order to relate the history of the Architecture and Topography of the two Royal Foundations of King Henry the Sixth with the greatest clearness, and to exhibit the gradual way in which the idea of a School and a College dependent on each other was developed by him after the first foundation of both, the two histories will be related together in a continuous narrative, a strict chronological sequence of events being observed as far as possible.

The present site of Eton College, with which alone we are concerned in the first part of this investigation, to the exclusion of the rest of the Parish of Eton, is bounded on the west by the road from Windsor to Slough; on the north by Datchet Lane; on the east by the River Thames; and on the south by some private houses and gardens'. At the first foundation, however, it comprised only the Parish Church and Churchyard of Eton, with a piece of ground situated to the north of the latter, measuring 300 feet in length, by 260 feet in breadth. The assignment of this site to the intended College of "Our Lady of Eton beside Windesore" is announced in Royal Letters Patent, dated from Shene, 11 October, 19 Henry VI., 1440*. The Founder had been careful to obtain the advowson of the

1 [The shape of the site is so peculiar that it is impossible to shew the whole of it on the map (fig. 1).]

2 [They are incorporated in the charter which was confirmed by the Parliament of 20 Hen VI., 1441-1442. Heywood, 387.]

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