New Curiosities of Literature & Book of the Months, Том 2Churton, 1847 |
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... secret beyond a few trumpery legends and the attaching of certain religious and moral mean- ings to a set of emblems , principally borrowed from the mechanic art of the builder . I affirm too that all such symbols , with their ...
... secret beyond a few trumpery legends and the attaching of certain religious and moral mean- ings to a set of emblems , principally borrowed from the mechanic art of the builder . I affirm too that all such symbols , with their ...
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... secret from Solomon , or as some would have it from Moses . In fact it was one of the mysteries taught by the Cabala , or inspired wisdom , the possessors of which comprehended the operations of nature at a glance ; but this Cabala ...
... secret from Solomon , or as some would have it from Moses . In fact it was one of the mysteries taught by the Cabala , or inspired wisdom , the possessors of which comprehended the operations of nature at a glance ; but this Cabala ...
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... secret of Weissheit zu kommen , wie nemblich ein Mensch sich prepäriren und vorbereiten , und wie er seine Seele reinigen und bekehren solle , das sie zu empfähung solcher allerhöchster Gabe Gottes geschickt und bequem sey . " - Echo ...
... secret of Weissheit zu kommen , wie nemblich ein Mensch sich prepäriren und vorbereiten , und wie er seine Seele reinigen und bekehren solle , das sie zu empfähung solcher allerhöchster Gabe Gottes geschickt und bequem sey . " - Echo ...
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... secret for one hundred years It should seem that though the brotherhood by their superior knowledge could guard against sickness , still they were not exempt from death . At the age of one hundred years Christian died , but the place of ...
... secret for one hundred years It should seem that though the brotherhood by their superior knowledge could guard against sickness , still they were not exempt from death . At the age of one hundred years Christian died , but the place of ...
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... secret books of the order , the vocabulary of Para- celsus , and other things of the same nature , which it was allowable to impart even to the profane . In one they discovered the life and itinerary of their founder ; in another they ...
... secret books of the order , the vocabulary of Para- celsus , and other things of the same nature , which it was allowable to impart even to the profane . In one they discovered the life and itinerary of their founder ; in another they ...
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according amongst ancient appears autem authority bacon Baptista Mantuanus Bede Bishop Blount blow brotherhood bull Cabala called Carausius carol celebrated ceremonies Christ Christian Christmas church court custom Decius derived doubt Druids ejus Emperor England fair Fama Fama Fraternitatis feast festival festum fire flowers folio Freemasonry Freemasons GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE give given Golden Legend Gregory Gregory of Tours Hæc hand hath hence holy honour Idem Jews John kepers kind King learned London Lord Maçonnes Malchus Masons matter Maximian Mayor means mentioned minstrells month mysteries night observed origin Pagan Paganalia Paracelsus Pope priests Pythagoras quæ quam quod quoted Roman rose Rosicrucians Saint Saint Swithin Saxon season secret seems signifies sort Staffordshire steward stone superstition supposed tells thing tion Tutbury whole wind word writers Wynkyn de Worde καὶ