New Curiosities of Literature & Book of the Months, Том 2Churton, 1847 |
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... roses , both wild and of the garden , come forth in profusion ; while the peonies are going out , the tulips ... Rose or Red Poppy , the Doubtful or Pale Red - Poppy , begin to flower and arrive at their greatest abundance about ...
... roses , both wild and of the garden , come forth in profusion ; while the peonies are going out , the tulips ... Rose or Red Poppy , the Doubtful or Pale Red - Poppy , begin to flower and arrive at their greatest abundance about ...
Страница 4
... Roses and Pinks are still in the greatest per- fection . Here and there in the fields the bright straw- coloured yellow of Sinapis Arvensis ( i . e . Wild Mustard or Charlock ) abounds , and its distant effect is beautiful . " In the ...
... Roses and Pinks are still in the greatest per- fection . Here and there in the fields the bright straw- coloured yellow of Sinapis Arvensis ( i . e . Wild Mustard or Charlock ) abounds , and its distant effect is beautiful . " In the ...
Страница 16
... roses was excellent . The chief part of the ceremonies and solemnities of this feast used by the Romans , as we are told by the poets and historians , was exhibiting the household Gods , crowning and adorning them with chaplets and ...
... roses was excellent . The chief part of the ceremonies and solemnities of this feast used by the Romans , as we are told by the poets and historians , was exhibiting the household Gods , crowning and adorning them with chaplets and ...
Страница 53
... rose ; and cravpòg , a stake - and thus pro- duce this formidable title - page . In the very outset of his work he says , " Mir ist nicht unwissend , treuherziger Leser , mit wass grossem Appetit , doch mehr theils vergeblicher Hoffnung ...
... rose ; and cravpòg , a stake - and thus pro- duce this formidable title - page . In the very outset of his work he says , " Mir ist nicht unwissend , treuherziger Leser , mit wass grossem Appetit , doch mehr theils vergeblicher Hoffnung ...
Страница 55
... roses , and Buhle , as well as others , has supposed that it was to them and their symbolical interpretation that he owed the idea of the phrase , Rose - Crux . In this they alluded to Luther's well - known lines , " Des Christen Herz ...
... roses , and Buhle , as well as others , has supposed that it was to them and their symbolical interpretation that he owed the idea of the phrase , Rose - Crux . In this they alluded to Luther's well - known lines , " Des Christen Herz ...
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according amongst ancient appears autem authority bacon Baptista Mantuanus Bede Bishop Blount blow brotherhood bull Cabala called Carausius carol celebrated ceremonies Christ Christian Christmas church court custom Decius derived doubt Druids ejus Emperor England fair Fama Fama Fraternitatis feast festival festum fire flowers folio Freemasonry Freemasons GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE give given Golden Legend Gregory Gregory of Tours Hæc hand hath hence holy honour Idem Jews John kepers kind King learned London Lord Maçonnes Malchus Masons matter Maximian Mayor means mentioned minstrells month mysteries night observed origin Pagan Paganalia Paracelsus Pope priests Pythagoras quæ quam quod quoted Roman rose Rosicrucians Saint Saint Swithin Saxon season secret seems signifies sort Staffordshire steward stone superstition supposed tells thing tion Tutbury whole wind word writers Wynkyn de Worde καὶ