New Curiosities of Literature & Book of the Months, Том 2Churton, 1847 |
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... give a thorow relation of what you will hear by and by ; only I think it best to let the maids * Τῦ Ιουνίου μηνὸς ἠθροιζοντο ἐν ταῖς ῥυμίσι καὶ ἐν τισιν οἶκοις ἄνδρες καὶ γυναῖκες , καὶ πρωτότοκον κοράσιον νυμφικως ἐστολιζον . Μετα γεν ...
... give a thorow relation of what you will hear by and by ; only I think it best to let the maids * Τῦ Ιουνίου μηνὸς ἠθροιζοντο ἐν ταῖς ῥυμίσι καὶ ἐν τισιν οἶκοις ἄνδρες καὶ γυναῖκες , καὶ πρωτότοκον κοράσιον νυμφικως ἐστολιζον . Μετα γεν ...
Страница 27
... gives us several sorts - the Spanish O. ; the Common O. , and three smaller kinds ; the Purple O .; the Never- Dying O .; the Creeping O. § In the article in question ( vol i . p . 210 ) , I gave a quotation from some old writer , I ...
... gives us several sorts - the Spanish O. ; the Common O. , and three smaller kinds ; the Purple O .; the Never- Dying O .; the Creeping O. § In the article in question ( vol i . p . 210 ) , I gave a quotation from some old writer , I ...
Страница 30
... give a few instances only- " Why did you think that you had Gyge's ring Or the herb that gives invisibility ? " — Beaumont and Fletcher's FAIR MAID OF THE INN , Act I. Scene I. " I had No medicine , sir , to go invisible , No fern ...
... give a few instances only- " Why did you think that you had Gyge's ring Or the herb that gives invisibility ? " — Beaumont and Fletcher's FAIR MAID OF THE INN , Act I. Scene I. " I had No medicine , sir , to go invisible , No fern ...
Страница 33
... gives a free but very pleasant version of the passage , filling up all the allusions of Pliny and smoothing down all the abruptness of his concise and sometimes unintelligible style , ' till it almost reads like an original : - " Over ...
... gives a free but very pleasant version of the passage , filling up all the allusions of Pliny and smoothing down all the abruptness of his concise and sometimes unintelligible style , ' till it almost reads like an original : - " Over ...
Страница 34
George Soane. request , and saw one of their snake - eggs , gives us the like account of the origin of them , as ... give over untill they meet with some great river between him and them that may cut off and intercept their chase ...
George Soane. request , and saw one of their snake - eggs , gives us the like account of the origin of them , as ... give over untill they meet with some great river between him and them that may cut off and intercept their chase ...
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according amongst ancient appears autem authority bacon Baptista Mantuanus Bede Bishop Blount blow brotherhood bull Cabala called Carausius carol celebrated ceremonies Christ Christian Christmas church court custom Decius derived doubt Druids ejus Emperor England fair Fama Fama Fraternitatis feast festival festum fire flowers folio Freemasonry Freemasons GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE give given Golden Legend Gregory Gregory of Tours Hæc hand hath hence holy honour Idem Jews John kepers kind King learned London Lord Maçonnes Malchus Masons matter Maximian Mayor means mentioned minstrells month mysteries night observed origin Pagan Paganalia Paracelsus Pope priests Pythagoras quæ quam quod quoted Roman rose Rosicrucians Saint Saint Swithin Saxon season secret seems signifies sort Staffordshire steward stone superstition supposed tells thing tion Tutbury whole wind word writers Wynkyn de Worde καὶ