New Curiosities of Literature & Book of the Months, Том 2Churton, 1847 |
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Страница 2
... Bede's remarks on this month , in conjecturing that Lida implies the sun's passing its greatest height , and that LIDA ERRA consequently means the first month of the sun's descent . Lida is by some deemed the same as set - lift or ...
... Bede's remarks on this month , in conjecturing that Lida implies the sun's passing its greatest height , and that LIDA ERRA consequently means the first month of the sun's descent . Lida is by some deemed the same as set - lift or ...
Страница 96
... Bede ( De Ratione Temporum ) calls this month Lida only , and Verstegan confines himself to the name of HEYMONATH , which he says was given to it , " because therein they usually mowed , and made their hay - harvest . " - Restitution of ...
... Bede ( De Ratione Temporum ) calls this month Lida only , and Verstegan confines himself to the name of HEYMONATH , which he says was given to it , " because therein they usually mowed , and made their hay - harvest . " - Restitution of ...
Страница 100
... Bede , ( De Temporum Ratione ) the commencement of the Dog - days is placed on the 14th of July ; and in one prefixed to the common prayer printed in the time of Eliza- beth , they are made to begin on the 6th of July , and to end on ...
... Bede , ( De Temporum Ratione ) the commencement of the Dog - days is placed on the 14th of July ; and in one prefixed to the common prayer printed in the time of Eliza- beth , they are made to begin on the 6th of July , and to end on ...
Страница 119
... Bede , † WOEDMONATH , or WEIDMONATH , i.e. Weedmonth , a name , which , as we have already seen , was also given to June . ‡ $ " AUGUSTUS deinde est , qui SEXTILIS ante vocatus est , donec honori Augusti daretur ex senatusconsulto ...
... Bede , † WOEDMONATH , or WEIDMONATH , i.e. Weedmonth , a name , which , as we have already seen , was also given to June . ‡ $ " AUGUSTUS deinde est , qui SEXTILIS ante vocatus est , donec honori Augusti daretur ex senatusconsulto ...
Страница 123
... un mal de gorge en baisant les liens de S. Pierre dont on célebre la fète ce jour la . " — ALLEGORIES ORIENTALES , Monde Primitif , p . 194 . 4to . Paris , 1774 . Bede explains it as allusive to the sun's return , THE MONTHS - AUGUST . 123.
... un mal de gorge en baisant les liens de S. Pierre dont on célebre la fète ce jour la . " — ALLEGORIES ORIENTALES , Monde Primitif , p . 194 . 4to . Paris , 1774 . Bede explains it as allusive to the sun's return , THE MONTHS - AUGUST . 123.
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according amongst ancient appears autem authority bacon Baptista Mantuanus Bede Bishop Blount blow brotherhood bull Cabala called Carausius carol celebrated ceremonies Christ Christian Christmas church court custom Decius derived doubt Druids ejus Emperor England fair Fama Fama Fraternitatis feast festival festum fire flowers folio Freemasonry Freemasons GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE give given Golden Legend Gregory Gregory of Tours Hæc hand hath hence holy honour Idem Jews John kepers kind King learned London Lord Maçonnes Malchus Masons matter Maximian Mayor means mentioned minstrells month mysteries night observed origin Pagan Paganalia Paracelsus Pope priests Pythagoras quæ quam quod quoted Roman rose Rosicrucians Saint Saint Swithin Saxon season secret seems signifies sort Staffordshire steward stone superstition supposed tells thing tion Tutbury whole wind word writers Wynkyn de Worde καὶ