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BROWN, JOHN, at the battle of Black Jack, 244;
279; his early life, 280 to 282; what Redpath_says of
him, 282-3; at the battle of Osawatomie, 284; his
speech at Lawrence, 284-5; he releases a number of
slaves, 286; "battle of the spurs," 286; goes to Canada;
his "Constitution," 287-8; goes to Harper's Ferry,
289; captures the Arsenal, 290-91; the fight, 292-3;
his capture, 294-5; letter to L. Maria Child, 295; letter
to his family, 296; letter to Mr. Humphrey, 297; his
execution, 298-9; Congressional, 305.


BUTLER, GEN. Wм. O., of Ky., nominated for
Vice-President, 191.

BUTLER, MAJOR, (Rebel,) killed at Belmont, 597.


CABELL, E. C., envoy from Jackson to Davis, 587.
CAIRO, Ill., threatened by the Rebels, 583.

BROWN, MAYOR, of Baltimore, 461; harangues CALHOUN, JOHN C., 73; is contrasted with Gen.

the mob, 464; sends envoys to the President; his cor-
respondence with Gov. Andrew, 465-6; his interview
with the President, 466.

BROWN, MILTON, of Tenn., 171.

BROWN, OLIVER, killed at Harper's Ferry, 292.
BROWN, OWEN, son of John Brown, 288; es-
capes from Harper's Ferry, 299.

BROWN, WATSON, killed at Harper's Ferry, 291.
BROWNELL, FRANCIS E., kills the murderer of
Ellsworth, 533.

BROWNING, O. H., of Ill., in Senate, 565–7.
BROWNLOW, PARSON, citation from, 484.
Brunswicker, The, (Mo.,) citation from, 238.
BRYAN, GUY M., of Texas, withdraws from
the Dem. Convention, 315.

BUCHANAN, JAMES, 94; presents an
presents an Aboli-
tion petition to Congress, 144; in the Convention of
1848, 191; 222; nominated for President, 246; elected,
248; appoints R. J. Walker Governor of Kansas, 248;
urges the acceptance of the Lecompton Constitution,
250; 252; 253; his Inaugural, extract from, 264; at-
tends the Ostend meeting, etc., 273; condemns the ar-
rest of William Walker, 276; is visited by Albert G.
Brown, 277-8; offers a reward for the capture of John
Brown, 286; 338; his Message in the S. C. Convention,
345; his last Annual Message, 367 to 371; 408; sends
Cushing to Charleston, 409; 411; 414; 428; vote cast
for him in Kentucky, 492; letter to Jeff. Davis, 511.
BUCKINGHAM, Gov., of Conn., is reëlected, 326.
BUCKNER, AYLETT, of Ky., 194.

BUCKNER, GEN. SIMON B., organizes State Guard;
Louisville Journal curses him, 494; 496; 509; 609.
BUFFALO, N. Y., the Free-Soil Convention at,
191; its Platform, 192.

BUFORD, COL., of Ala., his arrival in Kansas,
243; besieges Lawrence, 243.

BULL RUN, battle of, 539 to 547; our army
moves on Centerville, 539; map of the field, 540; our
feint disregarded, 541; Beauregard's report, extracts
from, 541 to 546; account of The Richmond Dis-
patch, 542-3; other accounts, dispatches, etc., 543
4; losses sustained, 545; Heintzelman-Pollard-
Bing, 546-7; causes of the disaster, 547 to 554; Gen.
Scott's failure to send force enough, etc., 550; evil of
short enlistments, 551; 552; consternation of the
North, 552-3; 618.

BURNETT, HENRY C., of Ky., 304; 496; 555;
becomes a member of the Rebel Congress and a Senator
on the same day, 617.

BURNETT, L. W., of N. J., letter from Gov.
Price to, 439.

BURNETT, THOS. L., of Ky., Rebel Congress, 617.
BURNS, ANTHONY, the case of, 215; 220.
BURNS, WM., makes a speech at Baltimore, 462.
BURNSIDE, COL., at Bull Run, 541.

BURROW, B., of Ark., in Dem. Convention, 315.
BURT, COL., (Rebel,) killed at Ball's Bluff, 624.
BURT, GEN. ARMISTEAD, of S. C., 196; 378.
BURTON, GOV. WM., of Del., Message, 350; 460-61.
BUTLER, ANDREW P., of S. C., denounces Clay's
Compromise measures, 205; 299.

BUTLER, PIERCE, of S. C., remarks on the adop-
tion of the Constitution, 45, 47.
BUTLER, GEN. BENJAMIN F., in the Charleston Con-
vention, 311; 318; arrives in Maryland with the 8th
Mass., 468; at Annapolis, 469-70: takes possession of
Baltimore, 471; "born in Liberia," 508; 528; seizes
Geo. P. Kane, 529; commands the Hatteras expedition,
599; 600; 627.

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Jackson, 88-9; 93; resigns the Vice-Presidency, etc.,
94; supports the Compromise Tariff, 101; his duplicity
with the Georgia Indians, 103; his report on incendiary
mail-matter, etc., 129; 143-4; 154-5-6; Secretary of
State under Tyler, 155; 159; instructs our Minister at
Paris with regard to Annexation, 169 to 171; 175; 188;
in the Democratic Convention of 1848, 191; 194; 248,
his opinions compared with the Dred Scott decision,
259; 265; Reverdy Johnson's recollections of, 357-8;
allusion to, 384.

CALIFORNIA, in Congress, 190 to 196; 201; Presi-
dent Taylor's Message in relation to, 202; congression-
al, 203, Mason, Davis, Clay, and Webster on Slavery
in, 204-6; admitted as a State, 208; fugitive-slave case
in, 218; 301; withdraws from Dem. Convention, 318.
CALN MEETING, Abolition petition from, 144.

CAMERON, COL. JAMES, killed at Bull Run, 545.
CAMERON, GEN. SIMON, in the Chicago Conven-
tion, 321; a member of President Lincoln's Cabinet,
428; 449; visits Gen. Fremont in Missouri, 590; his
visit to Sherman in Kentucky, 615; endeavors to post-
pone the attack at Bull Run, 618.

CAMPBELL, JUDGE JOHN A., his opinion in Dred
Scott's case, 258; 430; letter to Gov. Seward, 433-4;
The Albany Evening Journal on, 632.

CAMP CARLILE, Ohio, Virginia Unionists at, 520.
CAMP COLE, Mo., a Union regiment routed at, 575.
CAMP JACKSON, Mo., captured by Lyon, 490; 491.
CANTERBURY, Conn., mob violence at, 127.

CARLILE, COL., (Union,) moves against Jeff. Thomp-
son at Fredericktown, Mo., 591.

CARLILE, JOHN S., 518-19; takes his seat in the
XXXVIIth Congress, 559; takes his seat in the Sen-
ate, 561–2; demurs to Mr. Browning's views, 567; op-
poses the 'Peace' measure of Johnson, of Mo., 571.

CARR, WILSON, N. C., speech at Baltimore, 462.
CARRICK'S FORD, battle of, 523-4.
CARROLL, CHARLES, President of the Colonization
Society, 72.

CARTHAGE, Mo., Rebels defeated near, 575.
CARTTER, DAVID K., in Chicago Convention, 321.
CASS, GEN. LEWIS, 164; opposes, as Minister at
Paris, the Slave-Trade-suppression quintuple treaty,
177; 189; his opinion of the Wilmot Proviso, 190;
nominated for President, 191; 222, 229; 232; 246;
resigns his post at Washington, 411.

CASS, THE CUTTER, given up to Rebels, 413.
CASTLE PINCKNEY, occupied by S. Carolina, 409.
CATRÓN, JUDGE, opinion in Dred Scott case, 258.
CHANNING, WM. E., 125; 142; to Webster, 353.
CHAPMAN, REUBEN, in Dem. Convention, 314.
CHARLESTON, S. C., 58; rifling of the mails at,
128-9; reception accorded to Mr. Hoar at, 180 to 184;
joy evinced at Lincoln's election at, 332; 336; incident
at the Wistar Club at, 353-4; reception of Caleb Cush-
ing at, etc., 409; surrender of the cutter Aiken at, 410;
excitement during the bombardment of Fort Sumter,
447-8. See FORT SUMTER.

Charleston Courier, The, citation from, 129; 331-
2; 337; announces the raising of troops in the North to
defend the South,' 396; on the occupation of Sumter
by Major Anderson, 408.

Charleston Mercury, The, 332; on the forts in
Charleston harbor, 407.

CHARLESTOWN, Va., John Brown and his followers
imprisoned at, 294; their execution there, 298-9; emis-
saries sent to Baltimore from, 462.

CHARLOTTE, N. C., U. S. Mint seized at, 485.


CHASE, SALMON P., 229; moves to amend the
Nebraska bill, 232; 233; his majority for Governor of
Ohio, 300; in the Chicago Convention, 321; in the
'Peace Conference,' 398; 401; his remarks there, 404;
a member of President Lincoln's Cabinet, 428.
CHASE, SAMUEL, 38; 107.

CHATHAM, C. W., Brown's Convention there, 287.
CHATHAM-ST. CHAPEL, Abolition meeting at, 126.
CHEATHAM, GEN., fights at Belmont, 596.
CHEAT MOUNTAIN, Va., battle of, 526.
CHEROKEES and CREEKS, their expulsion from
Georgia, 102 to 106; allusion to, 378.
CHESNUT, JAMES, JR., of S. C., his views on Sla-
very, 73; his speech at Columbia, 331; resigns his seat
in the U. S. Senate, 337; visits Fort Sumter, 448.
CHICAGO, Ill., Republican Convention at, 319.
Chicago Journal, The, on battle of Belmont, 595-6.
Chicago Times, The, on the President's call, 457.
CHICAMICOMICO, N. C., the fighting at, 600-1.
CHRISTABEL, quotation from the poem of, 121.
CHRISTIANA, Pa., fugitive-slave case there, 215.
CHURCH, SANFORD E., of N. Y., in Douglas Con-
vention, 318; in Albany 'Peace' Convention, 388.
CINCINNATI, Ohio, the fugitive-slave case at, 218–
19; Democratic Convention at, 245.
Cincinnati Enquirer, The, 392; citation from, 406.
Cincinnati Gazette, The, citation from, 524.
CLARK, JOHN B., of Mo., 304-5; expelled from
the House for treason, 562; a Rebel Brigadier, 574.
CLARK, DANIEL, of N. H., 381; his substitute for
the Crittenden Compromise, 382; 387; 403; allusion to,
508; his resolve to expel Rebel members, 560; 570.
CLARK, M. L., of Mo., 574; at Wilson's Creek, 582.
CLARKSBURG, Va., surrender of Rebels at, 520.
CLAY, CASSIUS M., in the Chicago Convention,
321; commands the volunteers at Washington, 470.
CLAY, JAMES B., of Ky., in the 'Peace Confer-
ence,' 399; allusion to, 509.

CLAY, HENRY, 18; President of the Colonization
Society, 72; opposes the Missouri Restriction, 75; his
injunction to the Missouri delegate, 80; 90; introduces
his Compromise Tariff, 101; defends the Cherokees, 102;
proposes Emancipation in Kentucky, 111; 148-9; is
written to by Tyler in 1825, 154; 155; 156; his letter to
The National Intelligencer, etc., 167; review of the
Presidential canvass, 168; his instructions to Mr. Gal-
latin, 176; in the Whig Convention of 1848, 192; his
Compromise of 1850, 203; replies to Jeff. Davis, 205; re-
ports a bill organizing Utah, etc., 207; his Compromise
measures adopted, 208; 222; Dixon's opinion of Clay's
sentiments, 230-1; 265; favors the Panama Congress,
267; instructions to Minister Everett, 268; instructions
to Messrs. Anderson and Sergeant, 269; letter to Leslio
Combs, etc., 343-4; he likens the Union to a marriage,
357; allusion to, 399; 404; Pollard's estimate of Clay's
influence, etc., 609-10.

CLAYTON, JOHN M., of Del., 190.

CLEMENS, HON. JERE., at Huntsville, Ala., 632.
CLEVELAND, Ohio, Gov. Seward's speech at, 199;
John Brown's proceedings at, 288.

CLINGMAN, THOMAS L., of N. C., 308; 329; his
prescription for "free debaters," 373; allusion to, 406;
437; in Confederate Congress, 485-6; allusion to, 514.
CLINTON, DE WITT, allusion to, 18; 394.
CLINTON, GEORGE, allusion to, 42; 264.
CLINTON, GEORGE W., speech at Albany, 394–5.
CLINTON HALL, N. Y., proposed meeting at, 125.
CLINTON, Miss., against Abolitionists, 128.
CLOVER, REV. L. P., letter to Gov. Letcher, 397.
COBB, HOWELL, of Ga., chosen Speaker, 203;
222; 258; resigns the control of the Treasury, 411
COCHRANE, JOHN, of N. Y., 374.
COCKEYSVILLE, Md., occupied by Federals, 471.
COGSWELL, COL. MILTON, at Ball's Bluff, 623-4.
COLCOCK, C. J., resigns as Coll. at Charleston, 336.
COLLAMER, JACOB, of Vt., 308; at Chicago, 321

COLLINSVILLE, Conn., John Brown contracts for
a thousand pikes at, 288.

COLORADO TERRITORY, organized, 388.
COLUMBIA, Pa., fugitive-slave case at, 216.
COLUMBIA, S. C., Legislature convenes at, 330;
Chesnut's speech at, 331; Boyce's 332; Ruffin's, 335.
COLUMBUS, CHRISTOPHER, implicated in the Slave-
Trade, 26; discovers cotton in the West Indies, 57.
COLUMBUS, Ohio, President Lincoln at, 419.
COMBS, GEN. LESLIE, of Ky., letter to, 343-4; 492.
COMET, THE BRIG, lost, with cargo of slaves, 176.
CONCORD, N. H., pro-Slavery mob at, 127.
CONNECTICUT, slave population in 1790; troops
furnished during the Revolution, 36; 37; first Aboli-
tion society in, 107; 108; diminished Republican ma-
jority in, 300; Buckingham reëlected in, 326.
CONNER, JAMES, resigns at Charleston, 336.
CONWAY, GOV. ELIAS W., of Ark., 341.
COOK, CAPT., routed at Camp Cole, Mo., 575.
Cook, with John Brown, 298; is executed, 299.
COPELAND, with John Brown, 298; is executed, 299.
COPPOC, with John Brown, 294; 298; executed,299.
COPPOC, escapes from Harper's Ferry, 299.
CORCORAN, COL. MICHAEL, 533; wounded and
taken prisoner at Bull Run, 545.

CORTES, discovers cotton in Mexico, 58.
CORWIN, THOMAS, of Ohio, appointed Chairman
of a Select Committee, 372; his report, 386-7; offers
a joint resolve to amend the Constitution, 387-8; 405.
COTTON GIN, history, 53–66. See WHITNEY.
Cox, GEN., (Union,) captures Barboursville, Va.,
and pursues Wise, 524-5.

Cox, REV. SAMUEL H., his church mobbed, 126.
COX, SAMUEL S., of Ohio, offers a 'Peace' resolu-
tion in the House, 570.

CRANCH, JUDGE, signs an Abolition petition, 142.
CRANDALL, PRUDENCE, persecuted for teaching
colored children, 127.

CRAWFORD, MARTIN J., a Confederate Commis-
sioner at Washington, 430 to 436,
CRAWFORD, WM. H., of Ga., 91.

CRITTENDEN, J. J., of Ky., 308; pleads for 'Con-
ciliation' in the Senate, 373; introduces his Compro-
mise, 876-7; reflections on its nature, 378 to 381; 383;
402; 403; presides over the Kentucky Convention, 495;
555; offers a resolution in the House, 568.
CROGHAN, COL. ST. GEORGE, (Rebel,) killed, 526.
CROSS-LANES, Va., Federals defeated at, 525.
CRUSE, DAVID, a Missouri slaveholder, slain, 286.
CUBA, 268 to 272; its acquisition demanded by

the Democratic Convention of 1860, 278.
CUMBERLAND, U. S. FRIGATE, at Norfolk, 478.
CUMING, COL. WM., of Ga., 91.

CURTIN, GOV. ANDREW G., of Pa., elected, 326.
CURTIS, GEO. W., suppressed at Philadelphia, 367.
CURTIS, JUDGE B. R., 252; on Dred Scott, 260-3.
CUSHING, CALEB, 146; chosen President of the

Charleston Convention, 309; resigns the chair, 318;
President of the Seceders' Convention, 318; sent to
Charleston by Buchanan, 409.

CUYLER, THEODORE, speech at the Philadelphia
'Peace' meeting, 365; welcomes President Lincoln, 419.


DAKOTAH TERRITORY, organization of, 388.
DALLAS, GEORGE M., of Pa., on the Tariff and
Slavery, 92; nominated for Vice-President, 164; 191.
DANE, NATHAN, reports Ordinance of 1787, 40.
DANIEL, Judge, of Virginia, on Dred Scott, 257-8.

DAVIS, COL. T. A., (Union,) at Bull Run, 544.
DAVIS, COM. C. H., rescues Walker at Rivas, 276.
DAVIS, GARRET, of Ky., allusion to, 615.


DAVIS, GEN. JEFF. C., in command at Jefferson
City, 586; 587; is directed to intercept Price, 589.
DAVIS, HENRY WINTER, Votes for Pennington,
306; resolve, in the Committee of Thirty-three, 386;
is beaten by May, for Congress, 555.
DAVIS, JEFFERSON, 97; votes against Gen. Tay-
lor, 199; opposes Clay's Compromise measures, 204;
heads the State Rights' Ticket in Miss., 211; in the
Dem. Convention of 1852, 222; 251; letter from Brod-
head to, 278; his seven resolves in Congress, 306 to
309; in the Convention of 1860, 317; is answered by
Henry Clay, 343; in favor of 'Conciliation,' 373; 374;
his proposition to amend the Constitution, 381; 382;
consents to serve on the Committee of 13, 383; 388;
elected President of the Confederacy; his speeches at
Jackson, Miss., and Stevenson, Ala., 415; his Inaugu-
ral, 415-16; 427; his Cabinet, 429; his duplicity with
regard to Maryland, 472; sends a Commissioner to Ar-
kansas, 486; extracts from his Message, 497-8; his Mes-
sage of July 20th, 498; 506-7; capture of his corre-
spondence; letter from Buchanan to, 511; letters from
Reynolds and Pierce, 512-13; is present at Bull Run,
543; his dispatch describing the battle, 544; forms an
alliance with Gov. Jackson, 577; writes to President
Lincoln respecting the captured privateersmen, 599.
DAVIS, JOHN, of Mass., 189.

DAVIS, JOHN G., of Ind., named for Speaker, 305.
DAVIS, JOHN W., of Ind., chosen Speaker, 186.
DAWSON, Wм. C., of Ga., 229.

DAYTON, WILLIAM L., nominated for Vice-Presi-
dent, 246; in the Chicago Convention, 321.
De Bow's Review, citation from, 73.

from the original; reasons for a certain omission, 34; its
adoption, 35; its precepts defied by Judge Taney, 254.
DELAWARE, slave population in 1790, 36; 37;
Legislature favors the Missouri Restriction, 78; with-
drawal of from the Douglas Convention, 318; refuses
to secede; answer to the Miss. Commissioner, 350;
population in 1860, 351; 407; Gov. Burton's action with
regard to the President's call for troops, 460; 555.
DE SAUSSURE, W. F., of S. C., resolution of, 346.
DE SOTO, discovers the Mississippi; his death, 53.
DETROIT, Mich., fugitive-slave arrests at, 216.
Detroit Free Press, The, citation from, 392; on
the President's call for troops, 457.
DEVENS, COL., at Ball's Bluff, 621.
DICKINSON, JOHN, of Del., 45.

DICKINSON, DANIEL S., 191; at Charleston, 317.
DICKINSON, MR., of Miss., Com. to Delaware, 350.
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, 142; 143; petitions to
abolish Slavery in, 143 to 147; Gott's resolution, 193;
Clay's compromise measures regarding, 203; popula-
tion in 1860, 351.

DIVEN, COL. ALEXANDER S., of N. Y., 572.
DIX, JOHN A., his repugnance to Annexation
overcome, 174; Secretary of the Treasury, 412; his
celebrated order, 413; appointed a Major-General, 529.
DIXON, ARCHIBALD, of Ky., his proposed amend-

ment to the Nebraska bill, 228; concurs with Mr. Doug-
las, 229; 231; at the Union meeting at Louisville, 493.
DIXON, JAMES, of Conn., on the Rebellion, 565.

DODGE, AUGUSTUS C., of Iowa, submits the Ne-
braska bill to the Senate, 227.
DONALDSON, MARSHAL, of Kansas, 244.
DONELSON, ANDREW J., for Vice-President, 247.
DORSEY, MR., of W. Va., favors new State, 519.
DORSHEIMER, MAJOR, on Zagonyi's charge, 592.
DOUBLEDAY, CAPT. ABNER, at Fort Sumter, 444.
DOUGHERTY, COL., wounded at Belmont, 597.
DOUGHERTY, LIEUT., killed at Belmont, 597.
DOUGLAS, STEPHEN A., 189; 194; reports a bill
to organize Oregon, 196; proposes to extend the 36°
30' line to the Pacific, 197; 198; reports a bill to admit
California, and organize Útah and New Mexico, 207;
222; bill to organize Nebraska, 226; his report accom-
panying it, 227-8; the Nebraska-Kansas bill, 228; re-
sponds to Senator Dixon, 230; in the Dem, Convention


of 1856, 246; opposes the Lecompton Constitution,
250; canvasses Illinois with Lincoln, 301; 302; Demo-
cratic hostility to in Congress, 306; in the Convention
of 1860, 317; nominated for President, 318; 322; review
of the canvass, 323 to 326; classified table of the Presi-
dential vote, 328; favors the Union, 342; in the Com-
mittee of Thirteen, 383; 402; motion in favor of the
House plan, 403; 436-7; heartily supports his whole
country, 440-1; his reply to Breckinridge, 441; vote
cast for him in Kentucky, 492; said to have complained
that 'the South were too easily satisfied,' 512.
DOW, WILLIAM, shot dead in Kansas, 241.
Downs, of La., denounces Clay's measures, 205.
DRANESVILLE, battle of, 625-6.

DRAYTON, COMMANDER E., at Port Royal, 605.
DRAYTON, GEN. T., (Rebel,) at Port Royal, 605.
DRYWOOD, Mo., skirmish at, 585.

DUG SPRING, Mo., Rebels defeated at, 577.
DUMONT, COL., Philippi, 522; Carrick's ford, 523.
DUNN, WM. M., of Ind., 'Peace' project of, 374.
DU PONT, COм. SAMUEL F., 604; bombards the
Port Royal forts, 604; Rebels surrender to, 605; 627.
DURYEA, COL. H. B., 529; at Little Bethel, 531.


EARLE, THOMAS, biographer of Benj. Lundy, 115.
EARLY, COL., (Rebel,) at Bull Run, 543.

EAST TENNESSEE, Declaration of Grievances by
the people of, 483-4; Unionism in; persecution by the
Rebels, 484; her expectations from our forces in Ken-
tucky, 616; her hopes blasted by Schoepf's retreat, 617.
EDDY, SAM., of R. I., on Missouri Compromise, 80.

EDMUNDSON, HENRY A., of Va., abettor of the
assault on Sumner, 299.

EDWARDS, REV. JONATHAN, extract from his
sermon on the Slave-Trade, etc., 50; 70; 255; 501.
EDWARDSVILLE, Ill., fugitive-slave case at, 217-18.
ELLIOT, JOHN M., of Ky., in Conf. Congress, 617.
"ELLIOT'S DEBATES," extract from, 81.

ELLIS, GOV. JOHN W., of N. C., calls a Conven-
tion, 348; his seizure of Federal property, 411-12; an-
swers President's call for troops, 459; exerts his influ-
ence for Secession; seizes Federal property, etc., 485.
ELLSWORTH, COL., at Alexandria, and death, 533.
ELMORE, JOHN A., Commissioner from Alabama
to the South Carolina Convention; his speech, 344-5.
ELSEFFER, MR., speech at Tweddle Hall, 394-5.
ELZEY, COL. ARNOLD, (Rebel,) at Bull Run, 543.
Emancipator, The, 112.

EMERSON, DR., owner of Dred Scott, 251-2.
ENCOMIUM, THE, wrecked, with slaves, 176.
ENGLISH, WILLIAM H., of Ind., proviso to the
Nebraska bill, 233; 250; a 'Peace' proposition, 374.
ENTERPRISE, THE, driven into Bermuda, 176.
EPPES, MR., of Fla., at Charleston Convention, 314.
ETHERIDGE, EMERSON, is threatened with "cold
steel and bullets," if he speaks for the Union, 484;
chosen Clerk of the House, 555.

EUSTIS, captured, with Mason and Slidell, 606.
EVANS, ROBT. J., letter to, from John Adams, 51.
EVARTS, JEREMIAH, on Slavery and Indians, 106.
EVARTS, WM. M., of N. Y., at Chicago Con., 321.
EVERETT, ALEXANDER H., his instructions re-
specting Cuba, 268.

EVERETT, EDWARD, early pro-Slavery opinions
of, 109; extract from his Message as Governor of
Massachusetts, 124; his diplomacy with respect to
Cuba, 270 to 273; nominated for Vice-President, 319;
letter to, from Reverdy Johnson, 358.

EWELL, GEN., repulsed at Bull Run, 544.
EXPORTS, value of, by 8th Decennial Census, 23.


FAIRFAX COURT-HOUSE, Va., Union cavalry dash
into, 533; reöccupied by our forces, 620.

FAIRFIELD, MR., of Me., offers petitions for Abo-
lition in the Federal District, 143.
FANEUIL HALL, Boston, is refused for a meeting
to consider the circumstances of Lovejoy's death, 142.
FANNIN, COL., captured and shot in Texas, 150.
FARNHAM, COL. N. L., wounded at Bull Run, 545.
FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., seizure of Arsenal, 411; 485.
"Federalist, The," citation from, 42; 45; 46.
FEDERALISTS, THE, their political blunders, 82;
their foreign policy, 265.

FIELD, DAVID DUDLEY, 166; in the 'Peace' Con-
ference, 398; absent from, 400.

FILLIBUSTERING, with regard to Cuba, 269-270;
participators in, never brought to justice in the Union,
275; indorsed by the Democratic party, 277-8; de-
nounced by the Republicans, 278.

FILLMORE, MILLARD, nominated for Vice-Presi-

dent, 192; his accession to the Presidency, 208; in the
Whig Convention of 1852, 223; nominated for Presi-
dent, 247; his speech at Albany, 248; the vote he re-
ceived, 248; vote cast for him in Kentucky, 492.
FISHER, COL., (Rebel,) killed at Bull Run, 545.
FITZPATRICK, BENJAMIN, of Ala., nominated for
Vice-President, 318.

FLORIDA, invasions of; destruction of the negro
and Indian fort there, 177; withdraws from the Demo-
cratic Convention, 314; secession meeting in, 330; se-
cession of, and vote thereon, 347; population in 1860,
351; seizure of Federal property; Fort Pickens be-
sieged, 412.

FLOUR, annual product of, by 8th census, 22.
FLOYD, JOHN, Governor of Va., sympathizes with
the Nullifiers, 100.

FLOYD, JOHN B., his opinion on the Cuba ques-
tion, 268; his disposition of the Federal forces in Texas,
340; resigns his post of Secretary of War; schedule of
his order for transfer of arms from Pittsburgh, 408; his
reasons for resigning, 409; an account of his defalca-
tions, 410, 411; allusion to, 413; Pollard's enumeration
of the services of, 414; allusion to, 442; 506; supersedes
Gen. Wise in West Virginia; the battle of Carnifex
Ferry, 525; effects his escape from Gen. Benham, 526.
FLOURNOY, FRANCIS B., of Ark., 309; 315.
FOOTE, H. S., of Miss., 197; opposes Clay's Com-
promise measures, 203; does not object to abolishing
the Slave-Trade in the District, 204; 207; chosen
'Union' Governor of Mississippi, 211.

FOOTE, CAPT., at the battle of Belmont, 597.
FORNEY, COL. JOHN H., (Rebel,) allusion to în
Bragg's order, 436; wounded at Dranesville, 626.
FORNEY, JOHN W., chosen Clerk of the House,
306; chosen Clerk of the Senate, 555,
FORSYTH, JOHN C., to envoy from Texas, 151,
FORT BEAUREGARD, besieged and taken, 604-5.
FORT CLARK, bombarded, 599; captured, 600.
FT. HATTERAS, bombarded, 599; captured, 600.
FORT JACKSON, Ga., seized by Georgia, 411.
FORT JACKSON, La., seized by the State, 412.
FORT MACON, Seized by North Carolina, 411.
FORT MCRAE, seized by the Florida troops, 412.
FORT MORGAN, seized by Alabama, 412.
FORT MOULTRIE, evacuated by Major Anderson,
407; what the Charleston papers said, 407-8; occu-
pied by S. C., 409; fires on Star of the West, 412.
FORT PICKENS, Fla., occupied by Lieut. Slemmer,
412; order of Bragg, 436; President's Message, 556;
Rebel attack on Santa Rosa Island, etc., 601-602.
FORT PIKE, seized by Louisiana troops, 412.
FORT PULASKI, seized by Georgia troops, 411.
FORT SCOTT, Kansas, captured by Montgomery,
285; occupied by Gen. Price, 585.

FORT SMITH, Ark., seized by Solon Borland, 488.
FORT ST. PHILIP, seized by Louisiana, 412.
FORT SUMTER, 407; Major Anderson takes pos-
session of; what the Charleston papers said, 407-8; the
Star of the West, 412; closely invested, 436; Gen. Scott
favors the evacuation of, 436; Col. Lamon's visit to

Charleston, 442; commencement of the bombardment,
443-4; map of the contest; enthusiasm of the defend-
ers, 445; report of an eye-witness, 446-7; Wigfall visits
the fort, 448; the surrender, 448-9; great excitement at
the North, 453; the President's Message, 556.
FORT WALKER, bombarded, 604; captured, 605.
FOSTER, EPHRAIM H., on annexation, 172.
FOSTER, HENRY D., of Pa., beaten, by Curtin, 326.
FOUKE, COL. PHILIP B., anecdote of, 597.
FRANCE, acquisition of Louisiana by, 54; cession
of, to the United States, 56; is propitiated to favor our
Annexation schemes, 169 to 171; the policy of Wash-
ington toward, 265; extract from the treaty with, 265-
266; proposes to guarantee Cuba to Spain, 270; 499.
FRANKFORT, Ky., Secessionists to meet there, 493.*
FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN, 35; 42; 107; 255; 385-6.
FRANKLIN, JESSE, of N. C., Chairman of Com-
mittee on Indiana Territory memorials for Slavery, 53.
FRANKLIN, T. E., in 'Peace Conference,' 401.
FREDERICK, Md., a constable at, makes an offer
to the sheriff of Montreal, 218; the Legislature convenes
at, 470; a Union Home Guard organized at, 471.
FREDERICKTOWN, Mo., Rebels beaten at, 591.
Free Press, The, 115.

FREE-SOILERS, THE, their Convention of 1848,
191; their Platform, 192; Convention of 1852, 223.
FREE-STATE HOTEL, at Lawrence, destroyed, 244.
FRELINGHUYSEN, THEO., for Vice-President, 164.
FREMONT, JOHN C., nominated for President, 246;
the vote he received, 248; causes assigned for his large
vote, etc., 299-300; vote cast for him in Kentucky, 492;
appointed Maj.-General in the Regular Army, 528; ap-
pointed to the Missouri Department, 582; his letter to
the President, 583-4; his testimony before the Com-
mittee on the Conduct of the War, 584; his Proclama-
tion of Aug. 31, 1961, 585; the disposition of his forces;
his reply to the requisition on him from Washington,
587; his efforts to relieve Lexington, 587-8; goes to
Jefferson City, 589; pushes westward; is visited by
Gen. Cameron and suite, 590; reaches Warsaw; Zago-
nyi's charge, 591-2; is relieved of his command, 593;
review of the difficulties attending his campaign, etc.,
593-4; allusion to, 627.

FROST, GEN. D. M., surprised and captured, 490.
FUGITIVE SLAVE LAW, 109; 210 to 224; 212-13.
FULTON, ROBERT, 18; Eli Whitney to, 65; 68.


GAINES, GEN., ordered to Georgia, 103; instructed
to destroy Florida fort, 177.

GALLATIN, MR., approaches Great Britain with
respect to fugitive slaves, 176.

GAMBLE, H. R., signer of a letter to Lovejoy, 131;
132; makes a report in the Missouri Convention, 488;
is chosen Governor of Missouri, 576.
GANTT, GEN. E. W.,on Unionism in Arkansas,515.
GARDNER, LIEUT. COL., killed at Bull Run, 542.
GARNER, MARGARET, the case of, 219.
GARNETT, MUSCOE R. H., of Va., exultingly pro-
claims the secession of S. C., at Washington, 407; letter
to Trescott, of S. C., 479–80.

GARNETT, GEN. ROBERT S., attacked at Laurel
Hill, 522; at Carrick's Ford, 523; his death, 524.
GARNETT, MR., of Va., reports in favor of slave-
holding in Indiana Territory, 52.

GARRARD, COL., in command at Wildcat, 615.
GARRETT, J. W., President of B. and Ohio Rail-
road; his dispatch to the Baltimore authorities, 465; 466.

GARRISON, WM. LLOYD, 114; sketch of his life,
115 to 117; allusion to, 121; 125; 127; 141.
GASCONADE BRIDGE, Mo., burnt by Rebels, 491.
GASTON, JUDGE WM., of N. C., his opinion applied
in the Dred Scott case, 261.

GATES, GEN., emancipates his slaves, 107; 515.
GAULDEN, W. B., of Ga., in Dem. Convention,


GAULEY BRIDGE, burnt by Gen. Wise, 524.


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GAULEY MOUNT, Rosecrans's attempt on, 526.
GEARY & WELLER, in the Alton riots, 137.
GEARY, GEN., captures Bolivar Hights, 620.
GEARY, JOHN W., Governor of Kansas, 249.
Genius of Universal Emancipation, The, 112.
GEORGE IV., Manifesto of Jan. 9th, 1813, 607.
GEORGIA, Settlement of, by Oglethorpe, 31; oppo-
sition to, and introduction of, Slavery, 32; Darien Re-
solutions on Slavery, 33; concurrence of, in the Decla-
ration of Independence, 35; slave population in 1790;
troops furnished during the Revolution, 36; her terri-
torial claims, 37; cedes her territory, 50; in connection
with the Cotton Gin, 63 to 65; Gov. Troup sympa-
thizes with the Nullifiers, 100; her perfidious treatment
of the Indians, 102 to 106; 108; she offers a reward for
the arrest of Garrison, 122; withdraws from the Demo-
cratic Convention, 315; Mr. Gaulden protests, 316;
Secession meeting in, 330; Military Convention at
Milledgeville, 337; Stephens's Union speech, 342 to
344; her appeal for delay kept secret in the South Caro-
lina Convention, 345; Secession of and vote thereon,
347; population in 1860, 351; offers volunteers to South
Carolina, 410; seizure of Federal property by, 411.
GHENT, TREATY OF, 102; do. results, 176.
GIDDINGS, JOSHUA R., 159; 321.
GILMAN, MR., of Alton, Ill., 139 to 141.
GILMER, JOHN A., of N. C., resolution by, 305-6.
GILMER, THOS. W., to The Madisonian, 156; 158.
GIST, Gov., of S. C., summons his Legislature,
330; his Message, 330–31.

GLEASON, CAPT., at siege of Lexington, Mo., 588-9.
GLEN, MR., of Miss., in Dem. Convention, 314.
Globe, The, 143.

GODFREY, GILMAN & Co., in Alton mob, 139–141.
GOLD, export of, by 8th Decennial Census, 23.
GOLIAD, Texas, battle at, 150.


GORMAN, GEN., at Edward's Ferry, 624.

GOTT, DANIEL, of N. Y., his resolve condemning
the Slave-Trade in the Federal District, 193.
GRAFTON, Va., 521; 522.

GRAHAM, WM. A., of N. C., for Vice-President, 223.
GRANT, GEN. U. S., 278; solicits reënforcements

of Fremont, 587, sends troops against Jeff. Thompson,
591; his attack on the Rebels at Belmont, 594 to 597;
his horse is killed under him there, 597; occupies Pa-
ducah, 612; his proclamation, 613.

GREAT BRITAIN, her tardy recognition of our
independence, 17; first traffic in slaves by, 28; early
judicial opinions on the Slave-Trade, 29; allusion to,
38; prejudice against the Cotton Gin, 62; the war of
1812, 91; her treaty stipulations with regard to the
Indians, 102; accused of intriguing against our Annex-
ation schemes, 169 to 171; controversy with regard to
fugitive slaves, 175 to 177; the Holy Alliance, 267;
proposes to guarantee Cuba to Spain, 270; 499; action
with respect to Rebel privateers; precedents furnished
by England in the War of 1812, 603; Mason and Slidell,
606; extract from the Prince Regent's Manifesto of
1813; the Queen's Proclamation of 1861, 607; demands
and receives the persons of Mason and Slidell, 608.
GREBLE, LT. JOHN T., killed at Great Bethel, 531.
GREENE, MRS. GEN., befriends Whitney, 60–61.
GREEN, one of John Brown's men, 294; 298-9.
GREENVILLE, Tenn., Union Convention at, 483.
GREGG, COL. MAXCY, at Vienna, Va., 533.
GRIER, JUSTICE, 217; on Dred Scott, 257.
GROW, GALUSHA, of Pa., offers a bill for the ad-
mission of Kansas, 251; is a candidate for Speaker,
304; chosen Speaker at the Extra Session, 555.
GRUBER, REV. Jacob, 109.

GRUNDY, FELIX, beaten by John Bell, 179.
GUTHRIE, JAMES, of Ky., in the Democratic Con-
vention of 1860, 317; 318; his report in the 'Peace
Conference,' 397-8; his plan of amendment, and the
voting thereon, 399 to 401; his preämble, and the


adopted propositions, 402; takes part in the Union
meeting at Louisville, 493.
GUYANDOTTE, Va., captured by Rebels, 526.


HACKLEY, PROF. CHAS. W., to Jeff. Davis, 512.
HAGERSTOWN, Md., John Brown at, 288.
Haggerty, LIEUT. COL., killed at Bull Run, 545.

HALE, JOHN P., of N. H., 171; 175; nominated
for President, 223; 224; 402; his report on the destruc-
tion of the Norfolk Navy Yard, 473–4; 477.

HALL, WILLARD P., of Mo., 225; chosen Lieut.
Governor of his State, 576.

HALLECK, GEN. HENRY W., succeeds to the com-
mand in Missouri, 594.

HAMILTON, ALEXANDER, 42; letter from Lafay-
ette to, 51; 82; 107; letter to Madison, 357.
HAMILTON, ANDREW J., of Texas, 339; 350.
HAMILTON, GEN. JAMES, Jr., of S. C., 169.
HAMLET, JAMES, a fugitive slave, 215,

HAMLIN, HANNIBAL, 189; nominated for Vice-
President, 321.

HAMMET, WM. H., of Miss., 161.

HAMMOND, JAMES H., of S. C., 144; 180; 181;
330; 337.

HAMNER, REV. JAMES G., on Slavery, 631.

HAMPTON, Va., burnt by Magruder's order, 529.
HAMPTON, COL., wounded at Bull Run, 543.
HARDWICKE, LORD, on Slavery, 29.
HARLAN, MR., of Iowa, 307.

HARNEY, GEN. WM. S., makes a compact with
Gen. Price; is superseded, 491.

HARPER'S FERRY, 414; arsenal fired and evacu-
ated, 462; evacuated by Rebels, 535. See JOHN BROWN.
HARRISBURG, PA., fugitive-slave arrests at, 216.
HARRISBURG, Texas, burnt by Santa Anna, 150.
HARRIS, GOV. ISHAM G., of Tenn., 349; his an-
swer to the 'resident's requisition. 459; 483; 612.
HARRIS, GEN., (Rebel,) 574; 576; 589.
HARRISON, WM. HENRY, 52-3; 154; 515.

HATTERAS, bombardment of the forts at, 599;
their capture, 600; 627.

HAWES, RICHARD, of Ky., allusion to, 509; suc-
ceeds Johnson, as 'Provisional' Governor, 617.
HAWKINS, CAPT., at Fredericktown, Mo., 591.
HAWKINS, COL., (Union,) 600.

HAWKINS, JN., the first English slave-trader, 28.
HAYNE, COL., sent to W. by Gov. Pickens, 412.
HAYNE, ROBERT Y., 86; 93.

HAZELHURST, ISAAC, speech at the Philadelphia
'Peace' meeting, 366.

HAZLITT, with Brown, 298; is executed, 199.
HEINTZELMAN, GEN. S. P., wounded at Bull Run,
545; official report of the battle, 546; 551.

HENDRICKS, T. A., of Ind., beaten by Lane, 326.
HENRY, ALEX., Mayor of Philadelphia; calls a
'Peace' meeting, 362; his speech, 363; his prohibition
of G. W. Curtis, 367; 406.

HENRY, GUSTAVUS A., a Commissioner from Ten-
nessee to the Confederacy, 482.

HENRY, PATRICK, 33; 42; speech against con-
solidation of Federal power, etc., 81.*
HERKIMER, N. Y., Dem. Convention at, 166.
HICKORY POINT, KS., Free-State meeting at, 242.
HICKS, GOV. THOS. H., of Md., refuses to con-
vene his Legislature, 349; 461; harangues the Balti-
more mob, 464; 465; his interview with the President,
466; letter from Secretary Seward to, 467; 469; his
Message to the Legislature, 470-71; issues a proclama-
tion for troops, 472.

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