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Christ." No one could be a priest,“ Holiness to the Lord,"--all sig. according to the Mosaic institutes, nified the spotless purity, the infiwho was not entirely free from nite holiness, of that divine Perevery corporeal blemish or defect: son whom Aaron and his success this signified that the Lord Jesus sors in the priesthood represented. should be perfectly free from every And those superb robes, which spiritual or nioral defect, from all were curiously wrought, and richly sinful infirmities.---Such an high enbroidered with all the most priest became us, who is holy, lovely colours, and which are exharmless, undefiled, separate from pressly said to be “ for glory and sinners *.” Had not our Media- beauty;"- these robes signified tor possessed moral purity in the the ininite glory, beauty, and man highest perfection, he would have jesty of our great High Priest : been completely disqualified for who, though a partaker of our Aesh the accomplishment of his imports and blood, is, nevertheless, “ Jeant undertaking. The high priest hovah's equal;" who is arrayed of old did not intrude himself into with all the essential and glorious that high office without being duly perfections of the Godhead, being called to it: “No man taketh this the brightness of his Father's honour to himself (saith St. Paul) glory, and the express image of but he that is called of God, as his person.” When Jesus in the was Aaron: so also Christ glori. days of his humiliation was transfied not himself to be made an figured, and afforded a faint mahigh priest, but he that said unto nifestation of his essential glory, him, Thou art my Son, this day before the three favoured discihave I begotten thee t." The ples, it is particularly remarked by high priest was “ taken from among the sacred historian, that “his raimen," set apart in a most solemn ment became shining, exceeding manner to his office by the holy white as the light, so as no fuller oil, which was poured upon his on earth can white them." Upon head: with allusion to this we are his breast the high priest of old told, that “ God anointed Jesus of wore a breast-plate, in which twelve Nazareth with the Holy Ghost, stones were set, according to and with power.” The solemn ap- the number of the tribes of pointment of our Immanuel to his Israel; and upon his shoulders he office by God the Father, is a mat. had two plates, engraven with the ter of the utmost consequence, names of the children of Israel: because the efficacy of his media- thus in all his ministrations he tion depends upon it; if he were a bare the names of the children of self-constituted Mediator, nothing Israel upon his heart, before the! that he hath done or suffered on Lord continually*. What a strikbehalf of his people could be of ing emblem of the Lord Jesus the least avail. Very particular Christ, “ who appears now in the directions respecting the vestments presence of God'for his people," to be worn by the high priest were having their names engraved on given by God himself, and are re- his heart, in the deep and lasting corded in his word: it must there. characters of his love, never to fore be presumed, that these vest. be forgotten ! But what was the ments had some important spirie' chief employment of the high tual meaning. The garments of priest? It was to « offer both fine white linen, called holy garó gifts and sacrifices for sins.” This ments, and the sacred mitre, which was the grand end for which the was inscribed with this motto, eternal Word was made flesh, that

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he might offer his own most bless- of Jehovah himself: “ The Lord ed body a sacrifice for the sins of sware and will not repent, Thou his people : “ By one offering he art a priest for ever, after the orhath perfected for ever them that der of Melchizedec * :" so that are sanctified ..” But as the sa- all those who have Aed for refuge crifices ordained by the law will to Jesus as the hope set before be considered hereafter, suffice it them, have the strongest possible to obserye at present, that no Is- assurance that he is able to save raelite was permitted, on any ac- them to the uttermost ;-they count whatever, to offer his own have the inviolable oath of the un. oblations himself; these must all changeable Jehovah to depend .pass through the hands of the upon ! priest. Our prayers and praises 2. What a powerful inducement can never gain acceptance with to us to make known our wants God, unless offered by faith in our and necessities unto God, is the great Intercessor: 66 By him, consideration that we have a pretherefore (says the Apostle, al- railing Advocate with him! luding to what has just been hint- “ Having an High Priest over the ed at), let us offer the sacrifice house of God (this is St. Paul's of praise to God continually, that exhortation), let us draw near is the fruit of our lips, giving with a true heart in the full assurthanks to his name t." Such, ance of faith +.” Nothing will then, was the design of the legal ever afford us such strong encoupriesthood, to direct the faith of ragement in prayer, as the exerthe Israelites to the promised Mes- cise of faith in Jesus, our great siah, to signify the absolute need High Priest : “ We have boldness of his intercession, to teach them and access with confidence” to that their services of every kind God the Father, by the faith of could only be accepted, and their him f." There is no true, Chrissins pardoned, through his media- tian who does not lament the imtion. A few reflections must be perfection of his prayers and added on what has been advanced. praises ; who does not bewail “ the

1. Who can seriously contem- iniquity of his holy things ;" who is plate the solemn consecration of not often greatly distressed on acour great High Priest to his office, count of those wandering thoughts without feeling a deep conviction and evil inclinations wherewith he of the efficacy of his atonement is harassed when he would draw and intercession? For since the near to God. But here is a neverEternal Father hath himself ap- failing source of encouragement: pointed Jesus Christ the righteous - Jesus ever ļiveth to make interto be our advocate, and also the 'cession for us." Are we tempted propitiation for our sins, he will to think that our imperfect praymost certainly accept of his atone, ers, defiled as they are by sin, ment, and listen to his interces can never come up with acceptsion at all times. Let us, then, ance before God, or be heard and banish from our minds every un- answered by him?-Let us rebelieving doubt or fear which may member the great High Priest of arise respecting the sufficiency of our profession: "6 God heareth our Saviour's mediation. In great not sinners, but him he heareth : condescension to our weakness of our prayers and praises, then, faith, we are assured in the Bible, when offered in his name, shall that Jesus Christ was constituted surely be attended to. What an our High Priest by the solemn oath encouragement ought this to bę.

* Heb. vii. 21. + Heh. X. 21, 22. W 14. of Heb. xiii, 15. . . Ephesians, iii. 12.

to us to continue instant in pray- sion; for we have not an High er, since there is one in heaven at Priest who cannot be touched with all times ready to present our pe. the feeling of our infirmities, but titions before the throne of God, was in all points tempted as we and who never presents them in are, yet without sin *.” Jesus is vain !-" Let us, therefore, come well acquainted with our peculiar boldly to the throne of grace, that circumstances and necessities; he we may obtain mercy, and find sympathizes with us under all our grace to help in every time of trials and distresses; and will sureneed *."

ly administer consolation, support, * 3. What strong consolation, un- and assistance, as we need it. der every conviction which we Lastly. In what an awful situahave of our own imperfections, tion are all those persons, who eimay be derived from the contem- ther reject, or else pay no regard plation of our great High Priest! to Christ's mediation !-" If a man Do we bewail our sinful infirmi- sin against the Lord, who shall ties, with which we are daily en- entreat for him?" Certainly no compassed ?- How encouraging is one can, besides the Intercessor the thought, that Jesus hath made of divine appointment. In what a a perfect atonemeni, that his sa- most dangerous state, then, must crifice is all-sufficient, that he all those be, who have no interest ever lives to plead the merit of his in the Lord Jesus Christ as their blood for the pardon of all that Mediator! Such may call upon eome unto God by him! Do we the Lord, but he will not hear find ourselves wanting in the exthem ; for God, who is infinitely ercise of every grace and duty to just and holy, must' regard sinners which we are called? Do we thirst who come to him in their own after an increase of knowledge, name with abhorrence; to such he faith, love, and heavenly-minded- is a consuming fire. Let none exness ?--Let us look unto Jesus; pect mercy from God in any other however weak our graces may be, way than through the Lord Jesus he can, he will revive and strength- Christ ; for there is " no other en 'them: he is not only the au- name under heaven given among thor, but also the finisher of our men whereby we can be saved.” faith; he obtains for us those sup. O that those who despise and negplies of grace we need. The Holy lect the mediation of the Son of Spirit, •by whose agency and ope. God, not making it the sole ground ration every grace is wrought in of their trust and confidence, the heart, is bestowed upon us, might be persuaded to consider, through the mediation of the Lord, how impossible it is for them to Jesus Christ.

escape the righteous vengeance of 4. How delightful is the thought God, which their sins most justly that Jesus bears the names of his deserve! For if « He that de. people upon his heart, in his ex. spised Moses' law died without alted state; that we are remem- mercy, under two or three witbered by him with love and affec- nesses; of how much sorer pution! What encouragement does nishment shall he be thought worthis consideration afford us to per- thy, who hath trodden under foot severe in our Christian course and the Son of God, and hath countwarfare! Seeing 'we have a ed the blood of the covenant, great High Priest, who is passed wherewith he was sanctified, an into the heavens, Jesus the Son of unholy thing, and hath done de. God, let us hold fast our profes- spite unto the Spirit of grace."

.. GREGORY PETER. * Heb. iv. 16.

* Heb. iv. 14, 15. s ro


do not refrain from following their ...To the Editor of the Christian irreligious neighbours in the vain Guardian.

thought of " wherewithal shall we SIR,

be clothed ?” and thus imitate It was not until the other day them in the same excess of dress that I knew the origin of the

in point of form, colour, and ex

in point word GENTLEMAN. What I now pense. “Man,” said the Psalmknow of it is this. viz. that ori. ist, at his best state, “is altogeginally it was written Gentile-man,

ther vanity.But should not the and given as a distinguishing ap

Christian be " grounded and setpellation in the first ages of Chris

tled in the faith?” Should not the tianity to those persons who con disciples of Jesus “ be established formed to the Christian faith, but with grace?” Should not the song retained their Gentile customs, fa- and daughters of the Almighty shions, and amusements. I was 1“ come out and be separate ;" — quite pleased with the information, 1“ hungering and thirsting” indeed and directly coincided with the re- ." after righteousness,“ but loathmark, believing it to be a just one, ing those light “ pomps and vai as the conduct of mankind in these nities” after which the Gentiles latter days testifies. Are there seek, and about which they take not, Mr. Guardian, in this our day, thought? among those Christians whom the Some, I know, when they have world calls the godly, whether be- been reminded of what the Apostles longing to the established church or St. Paul and St. Peter say connot: Isay, are there not among these · cerning dress, have sought a retoo many to whom the word Gen- fuge for their vanity by answering, tile in its scriptural, and gentle that “ God in his good providence in its original sense, might justly has provided these things for us : be imputed? For. as our Lord the earth produces silver, and teaches, they are Gentiles who gold, and precious stones; the · take thought for, and seek after silk-worm spins the silk from which what they shall eat, and what they

our silks and satins are made ---- and shall drink, and wherewithal they shall we not use these things ?!”. · shall be clothed. Doubtless there Allowing that such things are pro

are amongst us many Gentiles. I vided for the world. I allow also am afraid that some who have the that the world will love its ownChristian Guardian in their libra. but with the Scripture in my hand ries, spread their tables too much I will add, that Christ has chosen · after the Gentile excess, and so

his disciples out of the world, and live in this life as if they were

that some better things are promore determined to enjoy their vided for us. In Christi are treagood things than " use such absti- sures and riches unsearchable. nence. that their Alesh being sub. In Christ is raiment more durable, dued to the spirit, they may ever shining, clean, and white. The obey its godly motions, in righ

“bond” are not partakers with the teousness and true holiness *.”

“ free"-neither ought the free to My fears may be needless with be partakers with the bond. I respect to the above: but I can would say, For the Gentiles these with some degree of confidence

things are provided ; after these assert, that there are numbers who

things they seek; with things highcan so far take up their cross and er they intermeddle not, and shall deny themselves, as to bear re- we have to do with things beneath proach for Christ's sake. but who us? " This I say, therefore, and

testify in the Lord, that ye hence* Matt. vi. 31, 32,

forth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in 'the vanity of their excesses of the world.” Thus mind." bu

good arises. And our good is not Solomon hath recorded, “ He evil spoken of. that is first in his own cause seem. But possibly, upon trial, this eth just ; but his neighbour cometh Jatter plea will be found, like the and searcheth him.” Of these I former, only to be a false excuse. am doubtful, whether it is as they

FACTOTUM, say, that, because Providence sup- March 12th, 1813. plies them, they use them; I rather think that they only use them as the gentlefolk use them when ORIGINAL LETTERS FROM PIOUS .silks are in fashion, then they wear CHARACTERS DECEASED. silk; when stuffs are in fashion,

No. LXVI. then they wear stuff, &c. &c. For the perfecting of the saints I would From the late Rev. John Newton, add, that “they henceforth be no Rector of St. Mary Woolnoth, to more children, tossed to and fro, Mrs. and carried about with every MY DEAR MADAM, wind," and change. Again I would I DOUBT not but you do us the ask, Who are the first to change justice to believe that we have not from purple to scarlet and from been indifferent to the late affectscarlet to purple ?, from things ing news from H , I could broidered to things plain, and from express my feelings more readily things plain to things broidered ? to a stranger than to you. Were · The gentle world, I should sup- I to enlarge in this way, a recital pose. To the Christian I would of my concerns would only aggrasay, What is written, how readest vate yours. Through the Lord's thou? “ Be not conformed to this goodness I have many friends. I - world, but be ye transformed by lately had one who was my friend

the renewing of your mind.” in the most emphatical sense. Few - Others, when reminded of ex- of my intimacies were so very in

cess of dress, have merely an- timate as with him. Great was swered, “ I think there can be no his kindness to me, and sweet the harm in it." Granting that the communion we have had, when toApostles had said nothing on the gether. I will not say I have lost subject, yet of things lawful all are my friend. When he removed to not expedient. Religion is seated H , I could not see him so in the heart ; the world, therefore, often as formerly, but I often can only view it from outward ap- thought of him, and looked for. pearance; and although outward ward with desire to the next exappearance will not plant religion pected interview., Now I must not within, yet when the tree is goodthink of seeing him here any more, then the fruit will be good also.. but he is still living. He is gone So that when the Christian uses a little before, and I am following; things lawful, the Gentile may be . I trust we shall meet again before heard to say, that there is nothing long. Then all will be well, and, in their religion, “ they can enjoy therefore, all must be well now. such and such things, as well as This is the unavoidable lot of we.” Thus harm arises. But when our present state ; we must either the Christian refrains from things leave those whom we love, to weep lawful, the Gentile may be heard for us, or we must drop a tear over to say, “ Religion seems to be de- . them. Neither they, nor we, can' sirable, it raises its possessors be completely happy here: and it above the ponsp, the vanities, and is but a sort of cruel Lindnessy

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