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ness. Her grand aim in this re. illness, you will, I think, agree spect was manifestly that of the with me, Mr. Editor, that we have 'Apostle; slie evidently counted all here no cominon instance of resig. things but loss that she might win nation. Christ, and be found in him, not Her tenderness of conscience was having her own righteousness; not less remarkable. On the evenwhich is of the law, bụt that which ing of the day on which her daughis through the faith of Christ, the ter was buried, she said, on my righteousness which is of God by approaching her bedside, “ I hope faith. No intelligent Christian God will forgive me.” On my could long converse with her, es- asking her what it was that trou. pecially during the latter part of bled her, she replied, the sin of her illness, without perceiving that which she had been guilty that her soul rested upon the Rock of morning. The sin to which she ages. And with regard to that alluded was, I found, the agitation faith by which we are built upon of mind, and some measure of imthis Rock, she acknowledged that patience, of which she had been 't is the gift of God; that it is he sensible at the time when her who makes us willing in the day of daughter's coffin was removed from ais power.

- the little room adjoining herş. And But this was not all. She gave yet Miss S-, who was with her at good evidence that she was sanc- the time, says, that not one murtified by that faith which was the muring word escaped her lips. instrument of her justification, I might enlarge on her thankfulHer patience and resignation to the ness for her affliction, as the means, will of God were most remarkable. under God, of bringing her to the Shortly before her death her daugh- knowledge of Christ ; and on her ter, with whom she lived, and who regard to the sabbath. I might no. had waited upon her during her tice her desire of hearing the word long illness, fell into a rapid de- of God, and the value which she cline, and she had been told, that put upon prayer; her dislike of if her daughter should die, she all unprofitable conversation ; her must probably go to the work- great anxiety for the welfare of the house: she said, that if she were souls not only of those who were obliged to go there, it would not immediately related to her, but of give her one moment's uneasiness; all around her; and, lastly, on that she should wish to be where that striking, and transparent, and ever her Lord might appoint. genuine sincerity, which added Now, when we consider the re. such a dignity and lustre to every spectable situation of life in which broken sentence which fell from she had once lived ; that, as a man- her lips. But the mention of these tua-maker, she had had under her excellencies must suffice. They two or three apprentices; when were clearly such as could only we reflect on that unwillingness flow from a true and lively faith in with which persons in such a situa, Christ, through the influence of tion usually have recourse to that his Spirit, and such as abundantly refuge for the destitute; and when proved that the excellency of the we take into the account, further, power was altogether of God. Mrs.B.'s utter helplessness through {To be concluded in our next.]




ADDRESS TO YOUTH. tual enemies. The world lays SIR,

open all its vanities and fascinating SHOULD you think proper to in- delights in the most attractive sert in your Magazine the follow- and engaging ways; they may, ining Address to your youthful read- deed, be partaken of, and renderers, you will much oblige . ed pleasurable and acceptable, but Yours, &c. &c.

we must use judgment and cauS. J. C. Cambridge. tion : if we proceed beyond the

bounds of innocence, if they en- .. MY YOUTHFUL FRIENDS,

gage too much attention, our To us, the Memoir inserted in thoughts will be alienated from the Christian Guardian for April, `that greater regard which things is highly interesting and instruc- eternal require. Unruly lusts and tive; the pathetic narration cannot passions tempt us to depart far fail to call forth, the tear of sym- from the presence of our heavenly pathy, and to occasion such agree Father, that we may indulge in liable reflections within us, as for- centious and forbidden pleasures ; cibly prove the great loveliness of but let us not forget, that there is virtue in the tender years of life. poison in the cup, and that the In those tender years, when the smooth path of vice leads to de-. world is most attractive, piety struction. We are candidates for alone enables us to bear afflictions heaven, and know that “ without with patience, and, if it pleases holiness no man shall see the God, to depart hence with joy. In Lord;" we are resolved, therefore, childhood, evident marks of the not to “ leave the paths of upcorruption of human nature soon rightness, to walk in the ways of appear; and evil, which would in- darkness.(Prov. ii. 13.) And evitably spring forth, can only be though, by reason of the frailty of prevented by furnishing the mind our nature, we cannot always with early religious instruction; stand upright, yet blessed are because, in that docile age, im- those who, by the assistance of pressions, either of good or evil, divine grace, so resist the many are readily received, and become temptations of the great enemy of lasting, if proper care is taken to our souls, as, at the last, to obtain cultivate them : with no great dif- pardon and peace, and “the crown ficulty, the mind may then be pro- of life, which the Lord hath provided with holy precept; but if it mised to them that love him." is suffered to lie open to the at- (James, i. 12.) tacks of sin, our corrupt nature . We are now in the prime of life, will produce evil; and bad exam- and desirous to obtain happiness ; ples, alas! will countenance it, but when shall we find happiness The advice of Solomon is, to to be permanent, unless in the “ train up a child in the way he uniform practice of an holy life; should go, and when he is old he For if every thing at present has will not depart from it.” (Prov. a fair aspect, and the world courts. xxii. 6.)

us with her charms_nay, if fame As we advance towards man- is ready to sound our praise, and hood, the shield of faith, and the plenty to pour forth upon us, still sword of the Spirit, are the pow. these blessings are precarious and

erful weapons which defend us fleeting. Much less can happiness - against the assaults of our spiri- be said to consist in sudden trapr.

ports of delight. 'If, indeed, these have, nevertheless, been called to temporal advantages should fall to an early tomb; they did not foreus, can they afford happiness, un- see, nor did we suspect, that they less there is peace within ? May would so soon sleep in the dust, not the festive hours of gaiety be and their souls be returned to God darkened with despair ? Can man who gave them. There is, then, be superior to all remorse and fear, an awful voice, which teaches us unless he becomes a senseless and to dedicate ourselves now to God; incogitative being? I trust not. and, whilst we labour after the Inspiration declares, “ that 'there things of this life, not to be foris no peace to the wicked," no, not getful of the wisdom which is from even in this life. But if adversity above. overtakes us ; if, when the tide of Since life is, therefore, so unabundance, sweetly tinctured with certain, and the concerns of eter- . rivers of content, ready to pour nity so momentous, it must be our .. forth upon us, suddenly shrinks wisdom to 6 flee youthful lusts, away, and vanishes at the touch ; and follow after righteousness, on whom, then, can we rely for faith, charity, peace, with those support and comfort, if God is that call on the Lord out of a pure not our friend? The companions heart” (2 Tim. ii. 22); espe. of our folly will forsake us, and cially since there is danger in ha-" we shall be left destitute of every bitual sin, whether it may not be consolation. But virtue can con- so rooted within us, as 'never to be fide for succour in the time of forsaken. But, should we be need in the fountain of mercy : brought to a sense of our duty, it in all disappointments and vexa- requires, as it were, the change of tions, we may trust securely to nature to repent; this the Prophet the Father of all good: he will Jeremiah forcibly shows: “ Can protect us, his arm will be our the Ethiopian change his skin, or support. If the morning of our the leopard his spots ? then may days is spent in his service, that ye also do good, that are accus-, God will never forsake us. Though, tomed to do evil.” (Jer. xiii. 23.) as to, outward circumstances, we If the repentance of a long-pracmay appear wretched and distress- tised sinner be sincere, it is attend. ed, yet shall we be happier than ed with the greatest remorse and the happiest of sinners; because the most bitter reflections. With we possess a peace which passeth. tears of penitence he trembles to understanding, which the world ask for mercy of his offended God. can neither give nor take away. The anguish of his soul may be

Whilst we are in health and better conceived than expressed strength, we may, perhaps, pro- convinced of the reality of his mise ourselves many years of ex- sins, and the punishment they de istence here ; but, surely, our serve, he exclaims, “ I have sinhopes are uncertain : no age or ned against the Lord God be condition is exempted from death; merciful to me a sinner !" The the young and the old, the healthy mercy of God bears long with im. and the sick, the strong and the piety: were he to cut off the sinner feeble, are alike subject to mor- in the career of guilt, what an high tality. We can make no covenant tribunal must he approach, and “.. to prolong or ascertain the time of how terrible and awful is the irreour lives, and death may approach vocable sentence, DEPART! The unperceived and unexpected. Mae Searcher of Hearts knows when ny of our youthful friends, who repentance is sincére, and, being once had the same hopes and ex- always ready to accept returning pectations that we ourselves have, sinners, pronounces pardon. By

a regular course of piety we may passed through the troubles of this escape those dangers; and, should life, and are come to the verge of the pious youth live to old age, the grave, borne down by bodily what inexpressible joy must the afflictions ? No: we will now reretrospect of his past actions af. çeive the cup of salvation, and call ford ! He knows that he hath sin. upon the name of the Lord ; we ned, but he can rely on his Sa. will attend all the means of grace viour without fear, who invites him God has appointed for our improveto partake of that kingdom pur- ment in holiness ; be punctual in - chased by his most precious blood. the observance of the Sabbath ; He can say with the Psalmist, and, when convenient opportunia “ Thou art my hope, () Lord ties offer themselves, approach, God; thou art my trust from my with humility and pious gratitude, youth.” (Psalm lxxi. 5.)

the Lord's table. It is one of the . Let us hearken to the admoni- most delightful spectacles which tions of the wise King of Israel, this world can afford, to see the and devote ourselves at the altar youthful followers of a crucified of God to his service. Is it a pro- Saviour partaking of that holy saper season, even if we should be erament; it affords happiness to inclined, to begin to be religious those advanced in life-angels may when the infirmities of old age af- behold and rejoice-and Jesus des flict us ? when our bodily endow- clares, “ Ye are my friends." 0 ments are decayed, and our mental Lord, remember not the sins and faculties enfeebled? when, to use offences of our youth, but grant the language of Scripture, “ the us thy grace to persevere in the almond-tree shall flourish, and the uniform practice of a Christian grasshopper shall be a burden, and life, from our early days, till thou desire shall fail?” (Eccles. xii.) shalt see fit to call us from our Shall we, then, begin to remember earthly tabernacles to thy king, our Creator when the clouds re- dom of bliss ! : turn after rain ? when we have


Our Review of Books is this month onilted, to enable us to insert

some part of the mass of Religious Intelligence which lies before us.




LONDON SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING After the Report had been read by the CHRISTIANITY AMONG THE JEWS. Rev. Dr. Collyer, the Rev. Charles Simeon

mored that the Report should be received The sixtb Annual Meeting was held on and printed. He remarked, that Christians Friday, the 6th of May, at Freemasol!s' had too long neglected the circumstances Hall, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn of the Jews, and urged in a forcible manFields; His Royal Highness the Duke of ner the argument arising from the propheKent in the Chair,

cies relating to them,

, The Hon. and Rep. Gerard Noel express, His Royal Highness acknowledged, the ed the greatest satisfaction at the present honour done him by the approbation of this prospects of the Society, and observed, assembly, and addressed the Meeting in a that the small number yet converted and manner that does more honour than any baptized proyed the prudence and caution rank or station can bestow. His Royal of the Committee, to use no undue methods Highness said he had been hardly dealt to swell the numbers : that, few as they with in respect to his connexion with this were, the conversion of those souls was an Society. He had been accused of acting ample reward of the efforts which had contrary to his declared love of liberty of been employed. He remarked on the be- conscience, in endeavouring to constrain nefits likely to result from the Hebrew the Jews to embrace Christianity. Had translation of the New Testament, which, there been any attempt in any part of the when completed, would furnish the means conduct of the Society, to constrain the of sending the Gospel to the Jews in every Jews, or seduce them by undue methods, part of the world. Their dispersion would' he should not have stepped a second time not be perpetual, for God will have mercy over their threshold. The utmost delicacy on them; the beautiful house where their was observed, in every measure that was fathers worshipped shall rise to more than adopted, to lead the Jews to Christianity. its former magnificence, and the nation to No such thing as “ proselytism," in the more than its former splendour.

vulgar sense of the word, was attempted; Wm. Wilberforce, Esq. moved the tbanks the only object of the Society was to gaof the Meeting to His Royal Highness the ther the lost sheep of Israel ; but nothing Duke of Kent. He concluded, from the could be more free from persecution or unappearance of the present assembly, that due attempts at proselytism.-His Royal the institution had the approbation of all Highness's speech was received with loud who had an eye to see, or a heart to feel; and reiterated applause. and said, it had every claim to support: The Rev. Dr. Randolph, Prebendary of that though the ancient Jews were for Bristol, expressed his concurrence in the keeping their privileges to themselves, we sentiments already delivered, bis satisfacare called upon to impart our blessings to tion at the increased support the Society them: sometimes we are called upon by se had received during the past year, and his vere duties, from which we ought not to confidence that it would continue to in, sbrink; but we are now called on as the crease. He observed, that different minds messengers of mercy, and surely we should will form different opinions on the most be disposed to discharge that honourable of- important subjects; but on the future confice. The publication of the Hebrew Tes- version and restoration of the Jews, there tament itself is a sufficient recommenda- would be but one opinion among Chris tion of the Society, proclaiming to the Jews tians, excepting as to the time and manner; the Saviour whom they reject, and show- whether we are to be the instruments of ing that Christianity teaches us to love their conversion, or only spectators of it them in spite of themselves. Those who while effected in a miraculous way: but he are reduced to poverty in consequence apprehended it was our duty to expostulate of their conversion, have a peculiar claim -“Why will ye die, 0 house of Israel?" to our charity. Misery is generally alle. As to the means which have been used, viated by the sympathy and relief of res they were pure and disinterested, although lations and friends, but in these cases the they have been misrepresented and calumfew which might be expected to smile, only niated. The friends of the Society, many frown with unrelenting anger; and we of whom were of the Established Church, ought to act towards them as friends and would be far from trenching on the rights brothers. If the word of God be true, of private judgment, from using any other the unbelief of the Jews will at length be influence than that of Scripture; or from removed ; and it is the most strange of all binding the conscience with other chains objections to this Society, that the time is than those of the love of God and of Christ. not come: we are not, indeed, called upon The use of certain words in an obnoto exercise the judgment of God, but are xious sense is the worst of all obloquy, intrusted with the more pleasing office of as it conveys the greatest quantity of abuse dispensing his mercy; and it will not be in the smallest compass. Such was the come such a fallible creature as man to sit charge of proselytism, which, with that of in judgment on the Divine councils, in- persecution, was altogether groundless. stead of obeying the Divine command. Some proofs might have been expected in The more this Society is known, the more, support of such accusations against the Þe was confident, it would be supported. Society; but, although carefully sought,

The Rev. Wm.Way seconded the motion, none are to be found. and took a comprehensive view of the pro- Our limits will not allow us to report the phecies relative to the future conversion of several excellent speeches which were delithe Jews.

vered by the Rev. J. S. Grimshaw, the Rt.

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