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brought under discussion.. Por, do we call according to their different ages and rile Ourselres the shepherds and overseers of ments, and ever ready to defend them in the flock of God?" Let us take heed, the bour of danger. The overseer or intherefore, unto ourselves." It is not post spector must not be absent from his emsible that we can conscientiously discharge ployment, nor unfaithful nor indolent in our office, if strict watchfulness he not ex- the discharge of it. I{is own eye must ruu ercised over our own spirit, and our own through the whole department, his ow! daily practice. Our habits must accord prudence and foresigltt must correct mis with the dàture of our profession; and our takes or prevent confusion, and his ottn main object should be to convince our industry must devise, or arrange, or extr people that this profession is our business, cute, the concerns of his weighty trust. our study, our delight. It should be with This weiglity trust to the spiritual shepus “ the one thiny necdful, and the whole herd and orerseer is nothing less than that of man*." But this it cannot be, if we flock which is specially intrusted to his are not “ taking hecd to ourselves." "The care, and which forms a portion of that exhortation of this same Apostle to Timo- “,church which God hath purchased with thý is in effect addressed individually to his own blood, each of us : “Meditate upon these things In: speaking of the food with give thyself wholly to them; that thy pro- which the fock is to be fed, the fiting may appear to all t." Nothing that

at author shows that he is of the old relates to our personal conduct can be a matter of indifferenco to oursebres, to our school, and that he is not ashamed particular charge, or to the church in ge- of the Gospel of Christ. He sums neral. In our social intercourse, in tho up his view of doctrmes in the east and nature of our studies, in the cha- following concise manner : racter and tendency of our amusemeuts,

Sinners must be shown by every possible nay, in our rery leisure hours, we should

method their original corruption, helplessor “ take heed to ourselves.” Besides, we

re ness, and ynilt, as well as their personal have solemnly declared before God und bis

transgressions in thought, word, and deed. church, that we bave undertaken this of

They must be directed to the cross of icé under the concurring agency of the

Christ, as the only foundation of their Holy Ghost. If then we are “ after the

hope. They must be brought to acknow Spirit, we must mind the things of the

ledge Him as “the way, thic truth, and the Spirit.” This heavenly Monitor will dis

life *." They must be urged also to seek, pose us to live “ in all goodness and righ

and thus to obtain, the renewing operations teousness and truth ," and to exbibit in

of the Spirit; in order that they may be our own actions the holy aud benevolent

truly tarned to God, that they inay believe tendency of the Gospel. He will also im

with the leart in Jesus, and “live soberly, press us with a sense of the vast import

righteously, and godly t." In fact, the ance and difficulty of our ofüce, and will

person, the work, and the offices of the show us, that to sustain the character of

Son and the Iboly Ghost, taken in connec: shepherds and overseers with consistenlos, tion with all the hopes, privileges, and dul- ; is no ordinary attainment. What, more- ties that slow froin them, and depend upon over, can be so degrading to us, as incon

them, constitute the life-giving spirit of sistency of conduct? « Thou which

Christianity; and when these subjects are teachest anotber, teachest thou not thy

clearly and practically stated, and attended self? Uuto the wicked God saith, What

with a divine influence upon the heart, hast thou to do to declare my statutes, or

they become “ meat indeed and drink in that thou shouldest take ny covenant in thy

deed." mouth; seeing thou hatest instruction, and

Mr. L. enforces the subject on castest my words behind thees?" “ Take Leed, therefore, first to yourselves, and

his brethren from

a consideration then to all the dock.” The shepherd must of the promises and threatenings be constantly ainong the sheep, attending of God, which receive additional to their various cases, adıninisteriug help force from the view of a general

judgment, at which both Minister * Luke, x. 42. Eccles. xii. 13. cop i Timn. ir. 15.'

and people must appear. Rom. viii. 5. Eph. v. 9. | Roin. tl. 2b. Psar i. 16, 17.

; * Johay, xir. 6

Tit. ii. 12.



THE MORAVIANS, OR CHURCH OF THE' by history will that of the Brezhiren, a UNITED BRETHREN."

having retained much of the principles and * As the appeal lately made in behalf of character of the primitive Christians) are the missions of the United Brethren may

rired in Bohemia, and introduced a purer have excited a desire in the minds of many knowledge of the doctrines of the Chriss to be better acquainted with the history and tian faith; and, in conjunction with the constitution of their church; for the inform Brethren, prored in a great ineasure instru. átion of such we subjoin the followig par

mental in promoting the Reformation), ticulars.

This great work, it is well known, was The Brethren tince their origin to the first attempted by John Huss, the celebrat a times of the earliest, antiquity. From the

rliest antiavits. From the Bohemian reforloer, who was born A. D. testimony of St. Paul we find, thats from 1373 ; and sealed his testimony by martyr: Jerusalem, and round about unto Illyri- dom, July 6, 1415, one hundred years be. cum *, he had fully preached the Gospel of fore Luther began publicly, and with great Christ" (Rom. xv. 19); and that « Titus zeal, to hear the same bold testimony bąd departed unto Dalmatia" (2 Tim. iv. against the errors of the church of Rome. 10). "The vicinity of these countries to From among the followers of the Bohemian Moravia aud Bohemia (where the church of reformer sprang up the first regular estathe Brethren had its origin) insured to the blishment of the Brethron as a church, ima two latter an early introduction of the Gos the year 1457; and as their object was to pel. Accordingly, when a total separation form themselves upon the rules and law of took place, in the ninth century, between Christ, they first denominated themselves, the oriental Greck and the western Latin Fratres Legis Christi, or, Brethren of the churches, which continues to this day, the Law of Christ; but this name was afterMoravians and Bohemians are mentioned wards changed into that of Unitas Fratrunas as included among the Sclavonian nations or, Unity of the Brethren; which term is in their adherence to the patriarch of Con- continued to the present day *. Stantinople.

The persecutions in which this people In the twelfth century, when the purity were involved, in different periods, form 4 of the Greek church, both in doctrine and in painful feature in their history. In early worship, was daily declining, the Walden

ages they had to encounter the opposition sest (a people whose name is transmitted of Pagans, by whose order their churches

were repeatedly shut up, and many of them * Nisricuro now forms part of Croatia, imprisoned, banished, and even put to Bosnia, and Sclavonia.

death. When the progress of Christianity + Their original name is said to have secured them from the further effects of this been Vallenses, from their having taken up violence, new and still more bitter enemies, their abode in the deep valleys situated in awaited them in papal Rome, against whose, the midst of the Italian Alps, where they growing abuses they uniformly protested, sought rest and shelter fro:n persecuting and refused to participate in them. Ilumna Pagans aud degeneratii g Christians. But Dity sickens at the recital of their suffers. they subsequently acquired the name of ings, more especially from the period of Waldenses, from Peter Waldus, one of their establishment as the Church of the their eminent teachers and leaders. There United Brethren, in 1457. The prisons in is no certain account of the origin of this Bohemia, and particularly at Prague, were remarkable people; but historians are una filled with their members. Many perished Bimous in this, that they are the most ancient witnesses of the truth; that they Şce Crantz's History of the Brethren; spread and maintained themselves, notwith- likewise History of the Waldenses, by W. standing very numerous and cruel persecu Jones; sold by Button and Hamilton, Pam tions, in all Christian countries; kept up ternoster Row. the succession of the episcopal ordination, * See Crantz's History of the Brethren, if not in a direct line from the Apostle's Likewise Select Nitratijes; or, Comperry themselveş, yet from the time of, and diurn of the History of the Brethren : by through, Claudius, Bishop of Turin, in the the Rev. C. I. Lattpbe.: Sold by Hatchard, aiath century.

Rivingtons, and Seelega

in dungeons with hunger; others were in the Russian Empire; in Denmark, Swe cruelly tortured; the remainder were obliged den, the United Provinces, in America, as to tly into the thickest forests, and to hide well as in England, Wales, and Ireland *. themselves by day in caves and recesses of. Shortly after the period of their estathe rocks. Fearing to be betrayed in the blishment, their missions were likewise undaytime by the sinoke, they kindled their dertaken among the Hcathen; viz. that fires only in the night, around which they among the negroes in St. Thomas, in 1732; employed their time in reading the Serip and the mission in Greenland in 1733 +; tures and in prayer. If they were obliged to and the manner in which it has pleased go out in the snow, either to seek provisions, God to own their labours (especially in or to visit their neighbours, they always walk- their endeavours for the conversion of the ed behind one another, cach treading in Heathen), proves that now, as well as in the footsteps of the first, and the last drage times past, he hath not forgotten bis coveging a piece of brushwood after him, to ob- nant of love and mercy to them; and that, literate the track, or to make it appear as however mysterious his dealings may someif only some poor person had entered the times be with churches, as well as with inwood in search of sticks *. Such were the dividuals, in the dispensations of his grace; sufferings of these persecuted witnesses of yet, to the true worshippers, he is ever the truth, which they endured in common faithful to the promise, “ I am with you alwith the Hussites; nor did the rage of ways, even to the end of the world." . Papal tyranny and oppression ceasc, till, in

[To be concluded in our next.] 1624, all Protestant ministers were expelled the country, their churches and schools shut up, their Bibles and religious books

MADRAS 'SYSTEM OF EDUCATION. burnt in, heaps in some places under the gallows), and a decree of banishment was

Extract of a Letter from John Porter, , issued against the whole Protestant nobi

Esg. Secretary to the National School, lity in 1627 (many of whon had harbour

Sheffield, to the Rev. T. T. Walmsley, ed the ministers of the Brethren), and

Secretary to the National School, dated: their estates confiscated.

'. 26th Dec. 1813. From this time the small and despised On Thursday fast I witnessed a scene at Rock of the Brethren found themselves for- which' angels might have 'rejoiced. On saken by all men, and like destitute or that day a select number of the best child phans. But He whose eyes are upon the dren in the national school received suitable truth, and who is not less the Shepherd of rewards for exemplary diligence and good his people because the flock is sometinies behaviour. The Rev. Tho. Sutton, Vicar scattered abroad, at length appeared in of Sheffield, and several of our reverend their behalf, and suffered the days of mourn- friends, addressed the children and their ing to have an end. In 1722 these exiles parents (who by previous arrangement at- - . obtained a deliverer in the person of Count tended for that purpose), giving to each Zinzendorf, a German nobleman, on whose their portion of warning, reproof, and indomain in Upper Lusatia they were permit-, struction. The respective exhortations ted to find that asylumn to which they had so were listened to with humble and grateful long been strangers. Here their settle- attention by most of the auditors, old and ment, afterwards so well known under the young. Some of the latter even wept that name of Herrnhuth, was finally established. they were going to be absent from the It was on this occasion that Christian Da- school (Sundays excepted) for so long a. vid, one of the Brethren, in preparing the time as three weeks; and many of the materials for the first house in Herrnhuth,

exclaimed, “Here hath the sparrow found The principal settlements and congrea
· an house, and the swallow a nest for her- gations of the Brethren in England are
„self, even thine altars, O Lord of Hosts +!” those of London (in Fetter Lane), Fulneck,

Thus the church of the Brethren, having near Leeds; Fairfield, near Manchesters
long been tried in the furnace of affliction; Bath, Bristol, Bedford, Duckenfield in
-persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, Cheshire, Plymouth, and Ockbrook 'near
but not destroyed; oftentimes at the point Derby. Iu South Wales, Haverfordwest.
of extinction, and yet, by the providence In Ireland, those of Dublin, Gracebill in“
and grace of God, always preserved from the county of Antiim, and Coothill ir
destruction, after the lapse of many years, the county of Armagh, &c.
was once more renewed. From this time + It is to this mission and to the one ego"
various settlements were formed by the tablished in Labrador, that Cowper beautif?
Brethren in Upper Lusatia, and in other, fully alludes in the following lines:
parts of Germany; in Prussia, Poland, and Fir'd by a zeal peculiar, they defy

The rage and rigour of a polar sky,
See Compendium of the History, &c. - And plant successfully sweet Sharon's rose •
+ See Crantz's History.

· On icy plains and in eternal shows,

i former were deeply affected. Many a pas this they made two other visits to this fam rent wept for joy, and mapy a mother's mily, in one of which Rasoo said, that heart overflowed with gratitude ;-tears when his gooroo cane he would introduce were their witness,, What may we not ex- Kreshnvo to him. peet from the general adoption of a system “ A little while after this the gooroo which so strongly engages the affections of came. He was a Brahmun of the name of the scholars, and which is so powerful and Mohun-Mookhooja. Being informed of effective in its operation upon the mind? what bad occurred, he and his friends proWe may indeed hope, the more it becomes ceeded to Serampore, to see Kreeshnoo, known and understood, it will be more fre- who on meeting them declared at large the quently admired and applied, and conse tidings of salvation. They spent a day at quently greater the increase of that know- Kreeshnoo's house, and from thence went ledge which our Society, through its in- to Caicutta, where this gooroo has many strumentality, feel desirous to impart to all disciples. After stopping a night at. who come under their fostering care. And Kreeshnoo's house in the city, the gooroo may God grant that the power and ability took him to the house of several of his dis· of so godlike an institution may increase ciples, who, on hearing him, declared, more and more from day to day, till the with much emotion, "This is the truth." clouds of ignorance shall be dispelled, and They also made Kreeshnoo eat sweetineats the day dawn in which Christ shall be all with them. It was then agreed among in all!

them to go to Ugrudteepa, where a feast

was about to be held, to consult their head EXTRACTS FROM PERIODICAL ACCOUNTS gooroo, who lived there. RELATIVE TO THE BAPTISTS' MISSION

« On their way to Ugrudweepa they calla ARY SOCIETY.

ed at Serampore, and took Kreeshnoo with

them. Kreeshnoo was glad of such an op[Continued from Page 72.]

portunity of declaring in the company of The following story, communicated by these friends the glad tidings of salvation Anunda, a daughter of Kreeshnoo, will fur- to the thousands assembled at the festival. nish an idea of the manner in which the Juyumnee and Komul also accompanied Christian natives, whether men or women,' them.".' sommunieate the Gospel to thóir neight of this journey Kréeshnoo gave the folbours, and of the minds of many who are lowing account:not decided Christians, being yet detached 1,4 In five days we reached Ugrudweepa. from the superstitions of the country. Here we met with brother William Carey

* One day, Juyumunee* talking with a from Cutwa, and four native brethren with Hindoo woman concerning the Gospel, the. hiin. We were now cight Christians, and latter said, that her gooroo talked about all put up at one lodging-house, and ate tothese things to her and her friends, but gether in the presence of all, who wonder that she could not understand what the ed to see an Englislinan eating with Hinmeant. Juyumunee asked if she could see* doos. At a proper season we went among her gooroo ? The woman i answered, that the people, preaching the glad tidings of hé sometimes visited at the house of Ra- Christ's death for sinners.' Some began to soo, her friend, at Chinsuraht, where she" examine; sorme were astonished; others believed he might be met withay After this, * appeared to receive the word. I suppose Juyumupee and two other sistersi went to thirty thousand people were present at this Chinsurah, to inquiredfor Rasoo. They festival, in honour of Gopee-nat’ha, a forny asked a woman whom they met with near of Krishma. " the place, where Rasoo lived?- 'She said, " In the evening I went to the house of that a friend of hers, a religious man, was the head gooroo.' He received me with named Rasoo,, to whose house she would much affection, and made me sit on the conduct them, and they might then (ascer-" same seat with himself, declaring that he tain whether it was the person of whom had wished to see me, and to hear of the they were in search, or not. On their are faith of Christ. "I read to him, and exriyal they found him to be the person, and plained, the 5th chapter of Matthew, with he immediately bade them welcome. Juyu-, which he was much pleased. He said, he mumee declared the Gospel toi them all; was sure that this was the true religion, and the whole family seemed to receive it,' and that he would join us. He had sepaa declaring that this was what they wanted. rated, he added, from the idolaters around The sisters stayed there that night. After'' him, and wished to follow the true reli

gion; but they were not of his mind: they * Pronounced Joymonee, Kreeshnoo's » persecuted and beat him; but still he was wife's sister, who was baptized in January resolved to become the disciple of Christ. 1801. O

nego to The cast (said he is not of God; I will, * A town on the Hoogly, some miles therefore, follow the Lord with you; for above Serampore, ose empirisa il in this with you are all casts, Englishmen, Masut

Nans, and Hindoos' At night about tlrer; and every now and then these per thirty of his disciples, brahmuns, rajpoots, sons will acknowledge that they never found wearers, gardeners, &c. all ate together. the true gooroo till they heard of Christ, He desired me to sit among them, and par- nor the true way to heaven till they heard take of the repast, which I did; and we the Gospel. At the above meeting the itraised God wbile partaking of this lorem conversation between Kreeshnoo and the tast.

head gooroo, as the foriner afterwards re* « After we had all eaten, the head goo- lated it to brother Ward, 'at one time took roo forbad Moohun-mookhooja to invest his a singular turn.-Kreeshno0 saw a disciple son with the poita, and the wife of Rasdo of this man catch the water in his hands, to give her sons in marriage aniong the ido- as the gooroo, after washing his mouth, Baters. To a man present, whose name threw it forth; and sipping part of it, he pas Bhola-nat'ha, he said, 'We will no rubbed the rest on his head and breast. longer preserve the distinctions of cast. This water, that is, the water with which Ant seek to possess the true religion, in the gooroo has washed his mouth, they which there is no cast. Come, let us walk call Udharamrita, or, the living watet in the true way; let us delay no longer.' proceeding from the mouth. Mored at this'. Clis disciples all desired instruction from sight, Kreeshinoo, inwardly lamenting the bim, and assured him of a ready obedience. pride of the goordó, and the debased státe To me he said, ' I will consult { with my of the disciple, mildly reprotrated the praca disciples, come to you, and complete the tice; and held up, as a divine contrast to work; for I assuredly know that there is it, the conduct of his heavenly Gooroo, one God, one religion, one Saviour, and who washed the feet of his disciples. All ao more?

preseut appeared to be much affected by From what had occurred at Chinsurah, the comparison." the missionaries thought it right to send Kanta and other native brethren to labonri among them in rotation; and concerning

RIBLE ASSOCIATION FOR THE BENEFIT the professions of these gooroos, they reha

OF SOLDIERS. . . . park as follows:

At a Meeting which was held on the Ist “It is a fact which has frequently been of January, in the Riding School of the adverted to in the progress of our mission, Life Guards" Barracks, in King Street, that large bodies of Hindoos have gone off! Portman Square, a Bible Association was from the ancient forms of idolatry, and formed for that immediate neighbourhood, formed different sects among themselves: the Rer. Basil Woodd in the chair. One: these persons hare generally been opposed important object of this Meeting was, to to the brahmups; but, from fear of the invite the soldiery to join in the useful and! consequences attending the loss of cast, praiseworthy ambition of contributing to have in some measure concealed their opi- provide Bibles for themselves and familica nions, and paid a deference in publie to in the first instance; and afterwards, as the distinctions of cast, though in private their little pious finds admit, for the bene! they have lived in the constant practice of: fit of their comrades." We have already ! violating its rules. These sects have epe spoken of the comprehensive views of those braced discordant opinions, though in many, who first conceired the idea of inducing points they agree. They all profess a great the poor to procure Bibles with their own reverence for their spiritual guides, and are money, or partly with their own money,'strongly inclined to a hospitable and friend. There is an indescribable strength in the ly mixture of all casts. Many of theiu principle, whiclı increases its means of pros: kave drawn their opinions from that part of sperity by the mere force of its own more the ancient Hindoo philosophy, which mients, Wo shall, however, turn at preteaches a contempt of the world, and holds sent from any further geršeral consideration ap to admiration the principles of abstrac- of the principle, to some few obserrations tion, bodily austeritjes, a rejection of cere on the introduction of this plan among our" monies, and a derotion founded on faith in saldiery. We see no reason to doubt, that' the object of their worship,

the object may be attained in a very 'raly. ! “ This schism having thus turned the able degree. Much good has been derived minds of many from the brahmuns, as & already in the army from the labours of body, to the particular religious guides up, pious men, and by the scheme of Bibles der which they bave ranged themselves, has speiations anjong the troops themselves, opened a wide door for the entrance of the that good may spread to an extent that wili Gospel, In Jessore, Burdwan, and other outstrip eren all imagination. Soldiers are parts of Bengal, these religious guides are crer, as it were, in an assembly of each numerous; but are now unablo to keep other. Hence does the contagion of erit* their disciples faithful to them. Having · spread so rapidly, and almost irresistibly, rejected the authority of the brąbmụns, among them. Change the circulating they bare begun to push their inquirjes farsu atoms, and the influence will be as exdex-'S

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