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JULES MAENHAUT, président de la Fédération Internationale de Laiterie, Bruxelles.

Messieurs: Au moment de l'ouverture de ces solennelles assises, devant tant de hautes personnalités politiques, scientifiques et industrielles, venues de tous les pays du monde, permettez au président de la Fédération Internationale de Laiterie de vous apporter à tous un salut bien cordial et de vous exprimer les vœux ardents qu'il forme pour la bonne réussite du Congrès Universel de Laiterie.

J'eusse voulu, avec tous mes amis et collègues du Bureau Permanent de la Fédération, être au milieu de vous pour prendre part à vos intéressants travaux, pouvoir admirer tous les progrès que vous avez réalisés dans le domaine de la laiterie, visiter les stations et les laboratoires où vos savantes scrutent, avec un zèle infatigable et une conscience scrupuleuse toutes les questions de bactériologie, de chimie et de technique laitière, parcourir les divers services que vous avez créés pour venir en aide à toutes les industries du lait et étudier les règlements et les mesures hygiéniques que les pouvoirs publics ont décrétés pour empêcher les fraudes et ne vendre que des produits sains et purs.

J'eusse voulu aussi visiter vos établissements d'élevage si renommés et vos belles et grandes industries laitières.

Mais hélas! les malheurs des temps ne m'ont pas permis de donner corps à mon désir et ont aussi retenu bien des amis d'Europe qui eussent été heureux de vous marquer toute leur sympathie en venant participer à ce beau congrès, si grandiosement conçu par un de vos savants éminents, M. le Professeur H. E. Van Norman, Doyen de l'Université de Californie, à qui, au nom de la Fédération Internationale de Laiterie tout entière, je me plais à rendre hommage ainsi qu'à tous ses distingués collaborateurs. Dans ces journées solennelles, tous soyez-en assurés, nous serons de tout cœur avec vous.

En terminant, je tiens, au nom de la Fédération Internationale de Laiterie, à remercier tout spécialement le Gouvernement américain d'avoir bien voulu patronner le Congrès Universel de Laiterie. J'adresse mes plus respectueux hommages et mes plus chaleureuses félicitations au nouveau Président des États-Unis, son Excellence Mr. Coolidge. Puisse le temps qu'il passera à la Présidence de la Grande République américaine être une ère de prospérité et de bonheur pour lui-même et pour son peuple, travailleur modèle, qui fait l'admiration du monde entier! [Applause.]

President VAN NORMAN. This is an international gathering. We have made arrangements so that each person who makes a contribution to the congress can be understood. We have tried to relieve the sessions of the maximum of that delay incident to repeating in different languages that which has been said.

There has been handed to each of you who has completed his registration a package like this [indicating]. The substance of everything which is to be said in a formal way, with some exceptions, has been abstracted and translated into English, French, German, and Spanish. We assume that you will bring with you to to-morrow's

sessions those abstracts relating to the subjects which are then to be discussed. We don't expect you to carry all of them all the time. That is why they were not bound together; but on the assumption that most of you have left them behind, I am going to ask our secretary of the morning to read in English Mr. Maenhaut's response which Professor Porcher has just given to us in French, and then I am going to assume that until otherwise informed most of us can understand what is going on or will have a friend near us who can explain.

We have Spanish, French, and German interpreters here who will make any necessary translations.

The secretary will now read a translation of Professor Maenhaut's greeting. [Applause.]



JULES MAENHAUT, president, International Dairy Federation, Brussels.

On the occasion of the opening of this august assembly, in the presence of so many notables from the ranks of politics, science, and industry who come here from all parts of the world, permit the president of the International Dairy Federation to send his cordial greeting and his sincere good wishes for the success of the World's Dairy Congress.

Like many of my friends and colleagues, I should like to be with you to participate in your interesting discussions, to marvel at all the progress that has been made in the field of dairying, to visit the experiment stations and the laboratories where your scientists investigate with indefatigable zeal and conscientious precision the various questions relative to the bacteriology, chemistry, and technology of the dairy industry. I should like to visit the numerous departments which you have created to aid all branches of the dairy industry, and study the laws and the sanitary ordinances which you have evolved to prevent adulteration and to assure the sale of pure and clean products. should also like to visit your famous stock farms and your large and splendid dairy plants.


But alas, the unfavorable conditions of the times do not permit me to gratify my wish, and have kept many of us in Europe who would have been glad for the opportunity to show you their congenial interest by taking part in this congress, so grandly conceived by one of your eminent scholars, Mr. H. E. Van Norman, dean of the University of California, to whom, in the name of the entire International Dairy Federation, I am pleased to pay honor, as well as to all his distinguished colleagues. In these significant days, be assured that we are heartily with you.

In the name of the International Dairy Federation, I should like, in closing, to thank especially the Government of the United States for having so generously patronized the World's Dairy Congress. I tender my most respectful homage and my warmest felicitations to the new President of the United States, Mr. Coolidge. May the time which he spends in the Presidency of the United States be one of prosperity and happiness to himself and to his people, model workers who are the admiration of the entire world.

President VAN NORMAN. In this country of ours we have a great game called publicity. The men who write the stories for our papers always tell us they must have some names to talk about. The result is that some of us get a little more publicity than is deserved, but behind those in the limelight is a great body of those who work, unsung, unheard, and unknown.

On Saturday afternoon after 4 o'clock, five thousand times 212 sheets of these printed pages were delivered. Until 11 o'clock on Saturday night, 30 members of the Department of Agriculture

worked to assemble those into the packages which have been handed to you. The next morning, Sunday, 40 more members of the department worked until late in the afternoon to complete that assembling so that you might have the envelopes which you now have. After that was done, the members of my staff worked until 11 o'clock Sunday night.

This congress could not have been possible, first, if the Congress of the United States had not authorized it; second, if the Department of Agriculture had not loaned, without charge, without question, the service of more men and women than I can tell you the names of. I think that right now is a good time for the American dairy industry to express its appreciation to the next speaker for the cooperation which he and his staff have extended to us in the development of the plans for this congress.

I have pleasure in presenting to you the leader of that great organization of which dairying is just a part, to say something to us on behalf of American agriculture. Secretary of Agriculture Henry

C. Wallace.

(The delegates arose and applauded.)


HENRY C. WALLACE, LL. D., Secretary of United States Department of


I am sorry the minister who delivered the invocation has retired from the platform. My first duty is to ask him to absolve the members of the Department of Agriculture who worked on the Sabbath day. [Laughter.] I think, no doubt, he would gladly do that.

The Secretary of State, in the felicitous phrase of which he is such a master, has made you welcome on behalf of the Nation. Doctor Van Norman, no doubt, in his address (which he has postponed in order that we who are members of the administration may get to the Cabinet meeting in time) will make you welcome on behalf of the great dairy industry. Since he has made such kindly reference to the department, I think I shall assume the privilege of making you welcome on behalf of our Department of Agriculture of the great group of scientific men in that department, as well as the humble workers, who have tried to serve you, as Doctor Van Norman has said; and including also the great staff of scientific men scattered throughout our 48 States, all of whom have been working side by side with the practical men to build up the dairy industry, and all of whom have been looking forward to this time and making preparations for it for the past two years. As we who have been in touch with the development of the industry look back 30, 20, yes, even 10 years, and note the progress which has been made, and then undertake to accredit that progress, in so far as it properly may be accredited to the work of the scientific men, we begin to appreciate what a tremendous debt we owe to these patient research workers in the laboratories as well as in the fields.

No one can adequately appraise the debt the great dairy industry owes to these men of science, not alone that part of the industry which produces the milk but those who handle it all along

the line, step by step, from the time the feed is grown until the finished product is delivered to the consumers in the cities.

I wish I might have time this morning to tell you something about that group of scientists who work in the Department of Agriculture. We have there more than 2,500 scientific men-not all of them, it is true, devoting their energies to the dairy industry, but a large number of them serving directly the dairy industry, and many others serving in fields which are related in one way or another to this industry. I believe that is the largest group of scientific men that can be found anywhere in the world gathered together in one place.

They are working side by side with the practical men, starting with the soil, with the plants which grow, with the cow, with her care and management, with her feeding, with her breeding, with her selection for the particular purpose you have in mind; passing on to the process of manufacture, studying how the process may be improved to produce a clean, wholesome, life-giving product, on through the marketing in its various phases, until the milk is delivered, or the products of the milk are delivered to the consumers in the cities.

Every step of the way the man of science is working, either physically or in spirit, side by side with the practical man to develop this great industry.

Not alone those who are giving their attention directly to dairying but the men in the related fields of science-the bacteriologists, the chemists, the plant pathologists, the students of animal diseaseare all directly or indirectly making contributions of great value.

Taking the reverse of it, let me give you one illustration of how the research of the man of science may be applied in a field seemingly far removed from the field in which he is working. Many years ago, one of the scientists in the Department of Agriculture made the fundamental discovery that the transmission of certain animal diseases in this case the Texas fever of cattle-is due to a parasite which infests the animal. Out of that discovery has grown a wealth of scientific knowledge which has been applied for the benefit of the human race throughout the world.

That original discovery of the transmission of disease by a parasite, in the case of Texas fever of cattle, made possible the discovery of the transmission of yellow fever in man, and a large number of other diseases which now, as the result of that discovery, have been brought under control.

So, the research worker wherever he may be, in whatever field he may be occupied, even though remotely connected with the industry in which you are particularly interested may be serving you in a way you can not begin to appraise.

I welcome you on behalf of those men in the department; I welcome you on behalf of those men in the 48 different experiment stations and colleges of our 48 States. If, as the result of your deliberations here, you will find some new knowledge to take away from your contact with our people, we shall be happy, and we shall reserve the right to seek from you in return the knowledge which you bring from the four corners of the earth.

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I was looking over your program this morning. When the Secretary of State referred to the evidence of cooperation and its effect upon our world activities, this thought occurred to me: I would like to bring here to this platform the various groups of people who go to make up our national life, and not only our national life but the national life of all countries, and I would like to introduce them to this gathering and put a copy of this program in their hands and call their attention to this fact that here is a group of people from the field and the farm and the scientific laboratories, gathered together not to consider hours of work, not to consider how to limit production, not to consider how they may scheme and conspire for their own selfish financial benefit, but to consider how they may make production more efficient, how they may make the commodity they produce and process more healthful, how they may get it to the consumer in a cheaper way, how they may perfect the processes all along the line.

I would like to say to these various groups that make up our national life, you should counsel with these people, get the spirit of service which breathes out of every such gathering of this kind and "go thou and do likewise." [Applause.]

My friends, if they would profit from that contact with you and if they would profit from that advice, why, the troubles of this old world would disappear just as the mists of a Washington morning disappear under the rays of the warming sun, and then we would have that cooperation of which the Secretary of State spoke so feelingly, and we would have peace on earth and good will among men. [Applause.]

(At this point a selection was rendered by the Marine Band.)

President VAN NORMAN. As an incident of business, I am going to ask our interpreter to inquire, first, in French and, second, in Spanish, how many delegates there are here who do not understand English. Personally, I have been very much interested and surprised to find how nearly all of our delegates do understand the English language. If it is possible we may not have to repeat very much in some other language. If so, it will permit the meeting to proceed more rapidly. Mr. Safford, of the Department of Agriculture, will make the inquiry, first in French and then in Spanish.

(Mr. Safford did as requested by the president.)

President VAN NORMAN. Secretary Hoover has found it necessary to go to the Cabinet meeting first. "The other two Cabinet officers came to this meeting before the Cabinet meeting. So we will hear Secretary Hoover at a little later time.


HUBERT EVERETT VAN NORMAN, LL. D., president, World's Dairy Congress

Association (Inc.).

I am happy to join with American scientists and leaders on behalf of the American dairy industry in a hearty welcome to you who represent the governments, science, business, and welfare of other nations. On this platform are the men from abroad who have been designated as representatives of their governments, and officially

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