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my neck, continues to me the charms of my youth, told me that your stay in this country would be even on the verge of age. Away with the fear of short, you should be gone before it could reach writing too often. you.

Yours, my dearest cousin, W. C.

P. S. -That the view I give you of myself may be complete, I add the two following items-That I am in debt to nobody, and that I grow fat.



I wish, as you do, that the charge in question could find its way into all the parsonages in the nation. It is so generally applicable, and yet so pointedly enforced, that it deserves the most extensive spread. I find in it the happiest mixture of spiritual authority, the meekness of a Christian, and the good manners of a gentleman. It has convinced me, that the poet, who, like myself, shall take the liberty to pay the author of such valuable admonition a compliment, shall do at least as much honour to himself as to his subject.

Yours, W. C.

I AM glad that I always loved you as I did. It releases me from any occasion to suspect that my present affection for you is indebted for its existence to any selfish considerations. No, I am sure I love you disinterestedly, and for your own sake, TO THE REV. WILLIAM UNWIN. because I never thought of you with any other sensations than those of the truest affection, even MY DEAR FRIEND, Dec. 24, 1785. while I was under the influence of a persuasion You would have found a letter from me at Mr. that I should never hear from you again. But -'s, according to your assignation, had not with my present feelings, superadded to those that the post, setting out two hours sooner than the I always had for you, I find it no easy matter to usual time, prevented me. The Odyssey that you do justice to my sensations. I perceive myself in sent has but one fault, at least but one that I have a state of mind similar to that of the traveller, de- discovered, which is, that I can not read it. The scribed in Pope's Messiah, who, as he passes through very attempt, if persevered in, would soon make a sandy desert, starts at the sudden and unexpect-me as blind as Homer was himself. I am now ed sound of a waterfall. You have placed me in in the last book of the Iliad; shall be obliged to a situation new to me, and in which I feel myself you therefore for a more legible one by the first somewhat puzzled how I ought to behave. At the opportunity. same time that I would not grieve you, by putting

I wrote to Johnson lately, desiring him to give

a check upon your bounty, I would be as careful me advice and information on the subject of pronot to abuse it, as if I were a miser, and the ques-posals for a subscription; and he desired me in tion not about your money, but my own.

his answer not to use that mode of publication, but to treat with him; adding, that he could make me such offers, as (he believed) I should approve. I have replied to his letter, but abide by my first purpose.


Although I do not suspect that a secret to you, my cousin, is any burthen, yet having maturely considered that point, since I wrote my last, I feel myself altogether disposed to release you from the injunction, to that effect, under which I laid you. Having occasion to write to Mr. I have now made sush a progress in translation, cerning his princely benevolence, extended this that I need neither fear that I shall stop short of year also to the poor of Olney, I put in a good the end, nor that any other rider of Pegasus should word for my poor self likewise, and have received overtake me. Therefore if at any time it should a very obliging and encouraging answer. He fall fairly in your way, or you should feel your self invited to say I am so occupied, you have my poetship's free permission. Dr. Johnson read, and recommended my first volume. W. C.


promises me six names in particular, that (he says) will do me no discredit, and expresses a wish to be served with papers as soon as they shall be printed.

I meet with encouragement from all quarters, such as I find need of indeed in an enterprise of such length and moment, but such as at the same time I find effectual. Homer is not a poet to be translated under the disadvantages of doubts and dejection.

MY DEAR FRIEND, Nov. 9, 1785. You desired me to return your good brother the bishop's charge as soon as I conveniently could, Let me sing the praises of the desk which and the weather having forbidden us to hope for has sent me. In general, it is as elegant as possi the pleasure of seeing you, and Mrs. Bagot with ble. In particular, it is of cedar, beautifully you, this morning, I return it now, lest, as you lacquered. When put together, it assumes the

form of a handsome small chest, and contains all sorts of accommodations; it is inlaid with ivory, and serves the purpose of a reading desk.

Your affectionate, W. C.



he was here, with much earnestness and affection intreated me to do so, as soon as I should have settled the conditions. If I could get Sir Richard Sutton's address, I would write to him also, though I have been but once in his company since I left Westminster, where he and I read the Iliad and Odyssey through together. I enclose Lord Dartmouth's answer to my application, which I will Dec. 24, 1785. get you to show to Lady Hesketh, because it will TILL I had made such a progress in my pre- please her. I shall be glad if you can make an sent undertaking, as to put it out of all doubt that, opportunity to call on her, during your present if I lived, I should proceed in, and finish it, I kept stay in town. You observe therefore that I am the matter to myself. It would have done me lit- not wanting to myself. He that is so, has no just tle honour to have told my friends that I had an claim on the assistance of others, neither shall myarduous enterprise in hand, if afterwards I must self have cause to complain of me in other reshave told them that I had dropt it. Knowing it to pects. I thank you for your friendly hints, and have been universally the opinion of the literati, ever precautions, and shall not fail to give them the since they have allowed themselves to consider the guidance of my pen. I respect the public, and I matter coolly, that a translation, properly so called, of respect myself, and had rather want bread than Homer is, notwithstanding what Pope has done, expose myself wantonly to the condemnation of a desideratum in the English language, it struck either. I hate the affectation so frequently found me, that an attempt to supply the deficiency would in authors, of negligence and slovenly slightness; be an honourable one; and having made myself, and in the present case am sensible how necessary in former years, somewhat critically a master of it is to shun them, when I undertake the vast and the original, I was by this double consideration in- invidious labour of doing better than Pope has duced to make the attempt myself. I am now done before me. I thank you for all that you have translating into blank verse the last book of the said and done in my cause, and beforehand for Iliad, and mean to publish by subscription.




all that you shall say and do hereafter. I am sure that there will be no deficiency on your part. In particular I thank you for taking such jealous care of my honour and respectability, when the man you mention applied for samples of my translation. When I deal in wine, cloth, or cheese, I will give samples, but of verse, never. No consideration would have induced me to comply with the gentleman's demand, unless he could have assured me that his wife had longed.

Dec. 31, 1785. You have learned from my last that I am now conducting myself upon the plan that you recommended to me in the summer. But since I wrote it, I have made still farther advances in my nego- I have frequently thought with pleasure of the ciation with Johnson. The proposals are adjusted. summer that you have had in your heart, while The proof-sheet has been printed off, corrected, you have been employed in softening the severity and returned. They will be sent abroad as soon of winter in behalf of so many who must otheras I make up a complete list of the personages and wise have been exposed to it. I wish that you persons to whom I would have them sent; which could make a general gaol delivery, leaving only in a few days I hope to be able to accomplish. those behind who can not elsewhere be so properly Johnson behaves very well, at least according to disposed of. You never said a better thing in my conception of the matter, and seems sensible your life, than when you assured Mr. that I have dealt liberally with him. He wishes of the expediency of a gift of bedding to the poor me to be a gainer by my labours, in his own of Olney. There is one article of this world's comwords, 'to put something handsome into my pock-forts, with which, as Falstaff says, they are so et, and recommends two large quartos for the heinously unprovided. When a poor woman, and whole. He would not (he says) by any means an honest one, whom we know well, carried home advise an extravagant price, and has fixed it at two pair of blankets, a pair for herself and husthree guineas; the half, as usual, to be paid at the band, and a pair for her six children; as soon as time of subscribing, the remainder on delivery. the children saw them they jumped out of their Five hundred names (he adds) at this price will straw, caught them in their arms, kissed them, put above a thousand pounds into my purse. I blessed them, and danced for joy. An old woman, am doing my best to obtain them. Mr. Newton a very old one, the first night that she found heris warm in my service, and can do not a little. I self so comfortably covered, could not sleep a wink, wave of course written to Mr. Bagot; who when being kept awake by the contrary emotions, of

transport on the one hand, and the fear of not be- fore, and have no need that I should suggest it as ing thankful enough on the other. an apology, could it have served that office, but

It just occurs to me, to say, that this manuscript would have made it for me yourself. In truth, of mine will be ready for the press, as I hope, by my dear, had you known in what anguish of mind the end of February. I shall have finished the I wrote the whole of that poem, and under what Iliad in about ten days, and shall proceed imme- perpetual interruptions from a cause that has diately to the revisal of the whole. You must, if possible, come down to Olney, if it be only that you may take the charge of its safe delivery to Johnson. For if by any accident it should be lost, I am undone the first copy being but a lean counterpart of the second.

Your mother joins with me in love and good wishes of every kind, to you, and all yours. Adieu, W. C.


Jan. 10, 1786.

since been removed, so that sometimes I had not an opportunity of writing more than three lines at a sitting, you would long since have wondered as much as I do myself, that it turned out any thing better than Grub-street.

My cousin, give yourself no trouble to find out any of the Magi to scrutinize my Homer. I can do without them; and if I were not conscious that I have no need of their help, I would be the first to call for it. Assure yourself that I intend to be careful to the utmost line of all possible caution, both with respect to language and versification. I will not send a verse to the press, that shall not have undergone the strictest examination.

Ir gave me great pleasure that you found my A subscription is surely on every account the friend Unwin, what I was sure you would find most eligible mode of publication. When I shall him, a most agreeable man. I did not usher him have emptied the purses of my friends, and of their in with the marrow-bones and cleavers of high-friends, into my own, I am still free to levy contrisounding panegyric, both because I was certain butions upon the world at large, and I shall then that whatsoever merit he had, your discernment have a fund to defray the expenses of a new edi would mark it, and because it is possible to do a tion. I have ordered Johnson to print the propoman material injury by making his praise his har- sals immediately, and hope that they will kiss binger. It is easy to raise expectation to such a your hands before the week is expired. pitch, that the reality, be it ever, so excellent, must necessarily fall below it.

I have had the kindest letter from Josephus that I ever had. He mentioned my purpose to one of the Masters of Eton, who replied that 'such a work is much wanted.'

Yours affectionately,

W. C.


Jan. 14, 1786.

I hold myself much indebted to Mr. of whom I have the first information from your self, both for his friendly disposition towards me, and for the manner in which he marks the defects in my volume. An author must be tender indeed to wince on being touched so gently. It is undoubtedly as he says, and as you and my uncle say. You can not be all mistaken, neither is it at MY DEAR WILLIAM, all probable that any of you should be so. I take I AM glad that you have seen Lady Hesketh. it for granted therefore that there are inequalities I knew that you would find her every thing that is in the composition, and I do assure you, my dear, amiable and elegant. Else, being my relation, I most faithfully, that if it should reach a second would never have shown her to you. She also was edition, I will spare no pains to improve it. It delighted with her visiter, and expects the greatest may serve me for an agreeable amusement perhaps pleasure in seeing you again; but is under some when Homer shall be gone and done with. The apprehensions that a tender regard for the drum first edition of poems has generally been suscep- of your ear may keep you from her. Never mind! tible of improvement. Pope, I believe, never pub- You have two drums; and if she should crack lished one in his life that did not undergo varia- both, I will buy you a trumpet. tions; and his longest pieces, many. I will only General Cowper having much pressed me to observe, that inequalities there must be always, accompany my proposals with a specimen, I have and in every work of length. There are level sent him one. It is taken from the twenty-fourth parts of every subject, parts which we can not book of the Iliad, and is part of the interview bewith propriety attempt to elevate. They are by tween Priam and Achilles. Tell me, if it be posnature humble, and can only be made to assume sible for any man to tell me why did Homer an awkward and uncouth appearance by being leave off at the burial of Hector? Is it possible mounted. But again I take it for granted that that he could be determined to it by a conceit, so this remark does not apply to the matter of your little worthy of him, as that, having made the sujection. You were sufficiently aware of it be- number of his books completely the alphabetical

number, he would not for the joke's sake proceed and seven lines, and is taken from the interview any farther? Why did he not give us the death between Priam and Achilles in the last book. I of Achilles, and the destruction of Troy? Tell chose to extract from the latter end of the poem, me also, if the critics, with Aristotle at their head, and as near to the close of it as possible, that I have not found that he left off exactly where he might encourage a hope in the readers of it, that should; and that every epic poem, to all genera- if they found it in some degree worthy of their tions, is bound to conclude with the burial of Hec- approbation, they would find the former parts of tor? I do not in the least doubt it. Therefore, their work not less so. For if a writer flags any if I live to write a dozen epic poems, I will always where, it must be when he is near the end. take care to bury Hector, and to bring all matters

at that point to an immediate conclusion.

I had a truly kind letter from Mr.

My subscribers will have an option given them

in the proposals respecting the price. My predewrit-cessor in the same business was not quite so moten immediately on his recovery from the fever. I derate.-You may say perhaps (at least if your am bound to honour James's powder, not only for kindness for me did not prevent it you would be the services it has often rendered to myself, but ready to say) “It is well—but do you place yourstill more for having been the means of preserving self on a level with Pope?" I answer, or rather a life ten times more valuable to society, than mine is ever likely to be.

You say "why should I trouble you with my troubles?" I answer-"why not? What is a friend good for, if we may not lay one end of the sack upon his shoulders, while we ourselves carry the other?"

should answer-"By no means-not as a poet; but as a translator of Homer, if I did not expect and believe that I should even surpass him, why have I meddled with this matter at all? If I confess inferiority, I reprobate my own undertaking."

When I can hear of the rest of the bishops, that they preach and live as your brother does, I You see your duty to God, and your duty to will think more respectfully of them than I feel your neighbour; and you practise both with your inclined to do at present. They may be learned, best ability. Yet a certain person accounts you and I know that some of them are; but your broblind. I would that all the world were so blind ther, learned as he is, has other more powerful reeven as you are. But there are some in it, who, commendations. Persuade him to publish his like the Chinese, say-" We have two eyes; and poetry, and I promise you that he shall find as other nations have but one!" I am glad however warm and sincere an adınirer in me as in any man that in your one eye you have sight enough to dis- that lives. Yours, my dear friend,

cover that such censures are not worth minding.

I thank you heartily for every step you take in the advancement of my present purpose. Contrive to pay Lady H. a long visit, for she has a thousand things to say.

Yours, my dear William, W. C.



Jan. 15, 1786.

I HAVE just time to give you a hasty line to explain to you the delay that the publication of my proposals has unexpectedly encountered, and at which I suppose that you have been somewhat surprised.

Very affectionately, W. C.

Jan. 23, 1786.


The paragraphs that I am now beginning will contain information of a kind that I am not very fond of communicating, and on a subject that I am not very fond of writing about. Only to you I will open my budget without reserve, because I know that in what concerns my authorship you take an interest that demands my confidence, and

I have a near relation in London and a warm will be pleased with every occurrence that is at friend in General Cowper; he is also a person as all propitious to my endeavours. Lady Hesketh, able as willing to render me material service. I who, had she as many mouths as Virgil's Fame, lately made him acquainted with my design of with a tongue in each, would employ them all in sending into the world a new Translation of Ho- my service, writes me word that Dr. Maty of the mer, and told him that my papers would soon at- Museum has read my Task. I can not even to tend him. He soon after desired that I would you relate what he says of it; though, when I be annex to them a specimen of the work. To this gan this story, I thought I had courage enough to I at first objected, for reasons that need not be tell it boldly. He designs however to give his enumerated here; but at last acceded to his ad- opinion of it in his next Monthly Review; and vice; and accordingly the day before yesterday I being informed that I was about to finish a transsent him a specimen. It consists of one hundred la' on of Homer, asked her Ladyship's leave to

mention the circumstance on that occasion. This letters are the joy of my heart, and I can not enincident pleases me the more, because I have au- dure to be robbed, by I know not whom, of half my thentic intelligence of his being a critical character treasure. But there is no comfort without a drawin all its forms, acute, sour, and blunt; and so incorruptible withal, and so unsusceptible of bias from undue motives, that, as my correspondent informs me, he would not praise his own mother, did he not think she deserved it.


back, and therefore it is that I, who have unknown friends, have unknown enemies also. Ever since I wrote last I find myself in better health, and my nocturnal spasms and fever considerably abated. I intend to write to Dr. Kerr on Thursday, that

The said Task is likewise gone to Oxford, con- I may gratify him with an account of my amendveyed thither by an intimate friend of Dr. ment; for to him I know that it will be a gratifiwith a purpose of putting it into his hands. cation. Were he not a physician I should regret friend, what will they do with me at Oxford? Will that he lives so distant, for he is a most agreeable they burn me at Carfax, or will they anathema- man; but being what he is, it would be impossible tize me with bell, book, and candle? I can say to have his company, even if he were a neighbour, with more truth than Ovid did-Parve nec in- unless in time of sickness; at which time, whatever video. charms he might have himself, my own must necessarily lose much of their effect on him.

The said Dr. · has been heard to say, and I give you his own words (stop both your ears When I write to you, my dear, what I have alwhile I utter them) "that Homer has never been ready related to the General, I am always fearful translatell, and that Pope was a fool." Very ir- lest I should tell you that for news with which you reverent language to be sure, but in consideration are well acquainted. For once however I will of the subject on which he used them, we will par- venture.-On Wednesday last I received from don it, even in a dean. One of the masters of Johnson the MS. copy of a specimen, that I had Eton told a friend of mine lately, that a translation of Homer is much wanted. So now you have all my news

Yours, my dearest friend, cordially, W. C.


sent to the General; and, enclosed in the same cover, notes upon it by an unknown critic. Johnson, in a short letter, recommended him to me as a man of unquestionable learning and ability. On perusal and consideration of his remarks I found him such; and having nothing so much at heart as to give all possible security to yourself and the General, that my work shall not come forth unfinOlney, Jan. 31, 1786. ished, I answered Johnson that I would gladly Ir is very pleasant, my dearest cousin, to re- submit my MS. to his friend. He is in truth a ceive a present so delicately conveyed as that which very clever fellow, perfectly a stranger to me, and I received so lately from Anonymous; but it is one who I promise you will not spare for severity also very painful to have nobody to thank for it. of animadversion, where he shall find occasion. It I find myself therefore driven by stress of necessity is impossible for you, my dearest Cousin, to exto the following resolution, viz. that I will consti- press a wish that I do not equally feel a wish to tute you my Thank-receiver general for whatso- gratify. You are desirous that Maty should see ever gift I shall receive hereafter, as well as for a book of my Homer, and for that reason if Maty those that I have already received from a nameless will see a book of it, he shall be welcome, although benefactor. I therefore thank you, my cousin, for time is likely to be precious, and consequently any a most elegant present, including the most elegant delay that is not absolutely necessary, as much as compliment that ever poet was honoured with; for possible to be avoided. I am now revising the a snuff-box of tortoise-shell, with a beautiful land- Iliad. It is a business that will cost me four scape on the lid of it, glazed with crystal, having months, perhaps five; for I compare the very the figures of three hares in the fore-ground, and words as I go, and if much alteration should oc inscribed above with these words, The Peasant's cur, must transcribe the whole. The first book I Nest-and below with these-Tiney, Puss, and have almost transcribed already. To these five Bess. For all and every of these I thank you, months Johnson says that nine more must be addand also for standing proxy on this occasion. Nor ed for printing, and upon my own experience ! must I forget to thank you, that so soon after I will venture to assure you, that the tardiness of had sent you the first letter of Anonymous, I re- printers will make those nine months twelve. ceived another in the same hand.—There, now I am a little easier.

I have almost conceived a design to send up half a dozen stout country fellows, to tie by the leg to their respective bedposts the company that so abridges your opportunity of writing to me. Your

There is danger therefore that my subscribers may think that I make them wait too long, and that they who know me not may suspect a bubble. How glad shall I be to read it over in an evening, book by book, as fast as I settle the copy, to you, and to Mrs. Unwin! She has been my touch

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