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Daughter died, whose funeral Mr. Richmond attended at the request of the latter; and where, on a visit about a week after, he had his first conversation with her, whose religious experience, as narrated by that faithful minister, has had a more extensive influence in the world than ever attended any similar publication. He gives in the Dairyman's Daughter a correct account of the situation and appearance of Appuldurcomb and of the adjacent scenery.

We saw "the summit of the hill adjoining" the venerable mansion, to which he ascended after the visit referred to, the triangular pyramid of stone near which he sat down to meditate, and the magnificent surrounding prospect. In full view of this elevated spot, we read his extended description, and turned southward, and south-eastward, and northward, and westward, and admired, as he had done, the unequalled beauty of the scene. Certainly neither of us had ever read the descriptive part of the Dairyman's Daughter with the like interest and emotion. My feelings obliged me to resign the book to my companions, and, under the Various emotions the narrative and the scene excited, it was difficult for any of us to prosecute our reading; but with an intensity of interest we gazed upon the lovely prospect until it could be no longer


We now approached Arreton, the village in the churchyard of which lie interred the mortal remains of Elizabeth Wallbridge, the sainted daughter of the dairyman. About a mile from it we stopped before the cottage from which her soul ascended to its rest, and were kindly received by her surviving brother, a man now advanced in years, and still a resident

in the mansion of his birth. He shewed us Elizabeth's Bible, in which was simply written," Elizabeth Wallbridge, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Wallbridge; born 1771-died 1801 ;" and took us up stairs into the room in which she expired. We added our names to a long list, in a book kept by her brother for the purpose, and then took our leave,-Mr. W. in a very respectful manner thanking us for our visit. Our simplicity in finding satisfaction in such a visit would be a fruitful subject of derision to men of the world; but if they will indulge our simplicity, and we can enjoy feelings such as these scenes excited, let them laugh, and we will delight in every thing calculated to cherish the memory of the pious dead. On leaving the cottage, our path was the same as that over which moved the funeral procession of the Dairyman's Daughter, in the manner so affectingly described by Mr. Richmond. It lay through a narrow but excellent road, winding between high green hedges, and sometimes under an arch formed by the trees on either side; a lofty cultivated hill on the right, and a charming view of the luxuriant valley now and then breaking upon us to the left. As we read the account of the solemn passage of the mourning yet rejoicing relatives and friends of the deceased, we were ready almost to realise its actual vision, and hear the pious strains of melody as they then filled the air and ascended to the skies. Thus prepared, we reached Arreton church, and leaving our carriage to ascend the hill without us, we went to the grave of Elizabeth, read the beautiful lines which love of her character, and the recollection of her triumphant death, have caused to be inscribed on her simple monument, meditated for a while on her present glorious state, dropped a tear of sympathy, but not of sorrow, and silently retired.

From this to Newport, our destined resting-place, we could only talk on things connected with the scenes, and incidents, and reflections of the day; uniting in the sentiment, that Paris, with all its palaces, and gardens, and paintings, and statues, had afforded no such gratification to our eyes, as the glorious works of God on which they had dwelt in this enchanting island; and none of its multiplied

attractions such an inward feast as the mental associations of this day's travel had supplied.

We were fatigued in body, but refreshed in spirit. At the close of a day so occupied with contemplation of the works of God, and of the wonders of his grace, it was not a little gratifying to find ourselves in a quiet inn, where, after taking tea, we commended ourselves to the care of our heavenly Father, and

retired to rest.

A Sermon,

Rector of Hartley Maudytt, Hants.
TITUS, ii. 10.

"That they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things."

THE Gospel of Jesus Christ, so far from having a tendency to undermine the institu tions of civil society, an objection which has been urged against it, is peculiarly calculated to uphold those distinctions among men, which have been wisely ordered in the good provi dence of God, and which are essentially requisite to man's happiness as a social being. The Gospel clearly points out the duties which attach to that sphere of life in which an individual is placed. In one point of view, indeed, it puts all men on an equality; for it pronounces all to be guilty in the sight of God; and it proposes to all the same means of escape from condemnation, namely, by that Saviour who declared himself to be "the way, the truth, and the life." But while it pronounces all to be equal in this respect, it unequivocally condemns that turbulent spirit which renders a man discontented with his lot; and it has, consequently, been the policy of the promoters of anarchy in a state, to endeavour to sap the foundation of the Christian's faith, from the conviction, that while it remains a vital principle in the heart, it will never suffer him to rise in rebellion against lawful authority.

The words of the text form part of that solemn injunction which St. Paul required Titus to lay upon servants, whom he was to exhort" to be obedient unto their own masters, and to please them well in all things, not answering again, not purloining, but shewing good fidelity." It would appear that certain Judaising teachers had endeavoured to draw servants from the faith, by flattering them that they were not called to shew ready obedience to their masters. Apostle was anxiously desirous to correct

this error.


He would have them understand that the Gospel required of them all due respect and submission to their superiors; and that, if they did not testify such feelings, they could not be adorning the doctrine of God their Saviour in all things.

It must be obvious, however, that the injunction in the text is of universal obligation, equally binding on Christians of every age and of every rank; and it will be useful, therefore, for us, in the first place, to inquire into the nature of the injunction itself, and, in the second, to point out its importance.

I. The Christian is required to adorn the doctrine of God his Saviour in all things. The doctrine to be adorned is unquestionably the Gospel of Jesus Christ; and the expression employed implies that the life is to be framed after the Saviour's model, that there is to be an entire conformity to the Saviour's image, and an earnest desire to possess the Saviour's spirit. The direct tendency of the Gospel is to ameliorate the condition of man. Its spirit is that of gentleness, kindness, unity, and peace; and though its triumphs have hitherto been limited, and few have been benefited by its blessed message, compared with the countless myriads who have never listened to its joyful sound, yet, wher- | ever the banner of the cross has been planted, the moral wilderness has begun to blossom and rejoice; wherever the streams of salvation have flowed, the thirsty have been refreshed, and the polluted cleansed: however ungenial the soil, in which the good seed has been sown, a harvest has been gathered into the garner of the Lord.

The sceptic cannot close his eyes to the fact, that wherever Christianity has taken root, there it has worked a change in the tone and spirit of society. Let him compare the state of our own favoured land with its state when the Gospel of Christ was unknown, or with heathen countries at the present moment; and he will be compelled to admit, that there is a gain in religion, as far as this world at least is concerned; and that if the Gospel is a fabrication, it is one admirably adapted to add to human comfort. But Christianity is not designed merely to work an external change on the face of society, to give a more merciful character to human laws, and to lead men more implicitly to obey the restraints so needful for the coercion of their evil passions. Like leaven leavening the whole lump, it is designed to produce a mighty change on man himself, in the state of his heart, in the current of his affections, in the object of his desires; and then only has it duly performed its destined work, when it works a transformation on the soul. Men are apt to lose sight of this mighty change on the whole man, which it is one great design of the Gospel to effect. The crucifixion of the flesh, with the affections and lusts, the putting off the old man, and putting on the new, are subjects which they do not comprehend. They are too apt to regard

religion as consisting in mere outward observances, in acts of public devotion, in the belief of certain truths. They forget, that to be real, it must be heartfelt; that it is utterly | worthless in God's sight, when it does not bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and lead to the adorning of the Gospel" in all things."

Observe the extent of the requirement. The doctrine of God the Saviour is to be adorned in all things; that is, under all circumstances in every thought, word, and action. Not merely in the house of prayer, in the retirement of the closet, in exercises of a peculiarly religious character; but in the ordinary duties, the daily business, the common actions of life. The Christian is to recollect whose he professes to be-into whose name he has been baptised. He is therefore to be distinguished for his close adherence to the rule of Scripture, for a walk evidently regulated by the principles and precepts of the Gospel; a holy singularity will distinguish him from the men of the world;—not an affected singularity of demeanour, put on for some sinister purpose, but arising from the marked influence which religion has upon his heart. He will be prayerfully anxious to keep the whole law, even in its most extended spiritual sense. He will watch lest at any time, through mortal infirmity, he should transgress, even in one jot, the commandments of his Saviour. He will be sedulous in cultivating all those heavenly graces implanted in the soul by the Spirit of God. He will recollect that the character of the believer is a beautiful character—that every evil temper, every unhallowed desire, every angry word, every impure thought, every departure from the simplicity of the Gospel, is at variance with that character. He will regard no model sufficiently faultless for his imitation. He will recollect that imperfection, in a greater or less degree, attaches even to the most eminent saints, the most devoted servants of the Most High. His aim, therefore, is to be perfect, even as his Father in heaven is perfect; and though convinced, that while in a corruptible body he will never be free from the assaults of spiritual adversaries, and never reach that conformity to the divine image, at which he seeks to arrive, still he will make it his great object to approach nearer and nearer to the mark. In one word, he is to put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and to make no provision for the flesh to fulfil the lusts thereof. Let no man rest contented with any state of religious feeling, or with any outward demeanour of conduct, short of this. Let no man suppose that the mere belief in doctrinal statements, however correct, is the saving faith of the Gospel.

Wherever true saving faith exists, there will be the necessary fruits which spring from it, and which are enumerated by the Apostle. Wherever Christ is really looked to as the Saviour, and his love is shed abroad upon the heart, there will be an earnest desire to adorn his doctrine in all things; and no deInsion can be more lamentable in its effects, both on the soul of the man himself and the cause of religion in general, than that under which he labours, who, having imbibed an antinomian spirit, conceives that the believer is exonerated from the law of God as a rule of life, and that there is not an imperative command laid upon him,-" Be thou holy, Even as I am holy."

II. The importance of thus adorning the doctrine of God the Saviour in all things must be obvious, when we reflect that it is the only true evidence of the existence of real religion in the soul; that where there is tot a heartfelt desire to comply with the injunction in the text, there cannot be a heartfelt reception of Christ as the Redeemer ; and that where there is not this reception, there can be no solid, well-grounded hope of gaining admission into the kingdom of glory. It is with reference, however, to the effect produced upon others, that we would view the subject. The evil which has arisen to the cause of religion from the inconsistent conduct of those ho have professed to live under its influence, sas lamentable as it is incalculable. This inconsistency has probably done more to swell the ranks of infidelity to cause men to rest satisfied with a low standard of religion, than can easily be imagined. The conduct of noanal Christians in heathen lands has notoously impeded the progress of the Gospel, and acted as an insurmountable barrier, in any cases, to the reception of the truth: and when those in a Christian land, who profess to act up to a higher standard than their neighbours, fall in many respects in finitely below that standard, ridicule and reproach are cast upon true religion. If the minister of Christ is to take heed that through is misconduct the ministry be not blamed; if he is bound to exercise a strict watchful ness over his daily walk, lest an inconsistency in his living should mar the effect of his preaching, and cause his message to fail; surely the private Christian is not exonerated from the heavy responsibility laid upon himself, not to give offence in any thing, that Christianity be not blamed. Even though David sincerely repented of his crime in the matter of Uriah the Hittite, and though the

Lord was in mercy pleased to put away his sin; yet, because by this deed he gave great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blas

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pheme, the child that was born unto him died. The Christian is not only to be upon his guard, lest he should do any thing unworthy of his privileges, but he is to be anxious to impress others with a due sense of the value of those privileges. He is not only to be cautious not to give occasion to the enemies of the truth to blaspheme, but he is to endeavour to lead these enemies to inquire into the nature of those principles, the blessed effects of which are manifested in his whole deportment. He is thus, within his own sphere, to become "a preacher of righteousness;" to shew forth the transforming power of the Gospel, to testify the blessedness of having sat at the feet of Jesus, of having imbibed his doctrines, enlisted under his banners,-of having held him up as the just model for imitation. Our Lord sought to impress this upon his disciples, when he commanded them to let their light so shine before men, that others seeing their good works, might glorify their Father which is in heaven. St. Peter enlarges upon the subject, when he exhorts the converts, as pilgrims and strangers, to abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul, having their conversation honest among the Gentiles; and urges as a motive for so doing, that "whereas they speak against you as evil-doers, they may, by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation:" and the same motive is repeatedly urged by St. Paul. Were the believers in apostolic times branded with the title of evil-doers; did malice invent, and calumny spread, false reports concerning the disciples of the Son of God; did persecution, in its most cruel shapes, too often await the profession of faith in the Gospel,-an hostility little less rancorous exists in the minds of many at the present day, against the sincere and devoted servant of the Lord Jesus. He who would make an unreserved surrender of himself to God, must count the cost of this holy resolution of purpose. He will be deceived, if he expects that he shall meet with no opposition, even from those who ought to rejoice at his decision of character. offence of the cross has by no means ceased; the carnal mind is still enmity against God. It cannot tolerate that spirituality of feeling which the true believer possesses. and circumstances may have changed men's opportunities of persecuting their brethren even unto death, for their stedfastness to the truth; but no time, no external circumstances, can eradicate that sort of bitterness which the worldling feels to the man whose



treasure is in heaven, where also is his conversation; and who testifies, in his ordinary intercourse with the world, that he is the

citizen of a better country, and that while he gratefully enjoys the unmerited blessings mingled in his earthly cup, and sedulously attends to the duties of that sphere in which he has been placed, his affections are obviously set on things above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.

How important is it, then, that they who profess to receive the Gospel, should habitually adorn that Gospel, and testify that they do indeed experience it to be "the power of God unto salvation." How important that believers should be epistles "read of all men," from whom the value of those principles may be learned, which the Saviour in culcated on his followers; that they may thus come forth from the fiery trial of invective and reproach, as gold refined and purified, and be able to refute the slander of those who have maligned their characters, depreciated their religious attainments, and represented their holy deportment as the result of a pharisaical and self-righteous spirit, and put on to hide some deformity of character, and to cloak some darling cherished indulgence.

It was the praise of the early Christians, even their "enemies themselves being judges," that they walked unblamably in that path in which they were led by God's Spirit-that they evinced the sincerity of their faith by the consistency of their practice: their religion was that of love; their commendation, "behold how they love one another." The effect of this deportment was visibly apparent in the multitudes who flocked to their assemblies, and enlisted themselves in their ranks. And were those, who in this day profess to act upon Christian principle, and to have a zeal for the glory of God and the salvation of their fellow-sinners, more carefully anxious to do nothing which shall in any way bring discredit upon religion, a much larger number of persons, at home and abroad, would unquestionably be brought to the acknowledgment of the truth.

I would urge upon you, therefore, my brethren, the incalculable importance of thus seeking to adorn the doctrine of God your Saviour" in all things." The glory of God, the salvation of your fellow-creatures, your own well-being demand it. Cultivate, I implore you, those heavenly graces, which, though never to be regarded as possessing the slightest claim to heaven's blessedness, are yet evidence of meetness for the enjoyments of its blessed society. Recollect that every uncharitable feeling, every censorious remark, every petulant expression, every unwarrantable assertion, is, in its very nature, at variance with the principles and the practice, the precepts and the example, of the adorable Jesus, whose ornament was that " of a meek

and quiet spirit." It is not enough that you are free from gross sins, that your lives ar not polluted with the indulgence of fleshly lusts; it is not enough that your conduct is ostensibly respectable and decorous in the world's estimate: something more than thi is required—even the most scrupulous cir cumspection in the most trivial events of life If, indeed, you make a profession of religion not in the pharisaical sense of the term, bu if you really feel yourselves called upon to aim at nonconformity to the maxins and precepts of the world, and that a more unre served surrender of all your powers, your faculties, and your substance, to God's ser vice, is required, than the world thinks ne cessary, and this will unquestionably be your desire, if you have been brought to sense of your obligations to the Saviour, and have been aroused from the deep slumbe of spiritual death;-if, in a word, you fee anxious to lead a life of Christian consistency and by so doing you condemn the world,-re collect there will be many eyes upon you narrowly scrutinising your conduct, eagerly anxious to discover something at variance with your prescribed rule of duty. The faults of religious professors are usually ex aggerated. The world delights to magnify them. Blind to the beam in the of it: own votaries, it readily scrutinises the moto in the eye of the servants of God. Ready to palliate the most shameful libertinism in the slave of fashion, it will not pass over the slightest departure from rectitude in the man of God. Exercise, therefore, continua watchfulness. Pray for increasing strength that you may daily advance in the cultivation of Christian graces; that, being watered with the dew of God's blessing, you may realise in your own experience the beauty and the stability promised to Israel," he shall grow as the lily, and cast forth his roots as Lebanon."


Recollect that there is an eye upon you still more scrutinising than the eye of the world,-the eye of an omnipresent, omniscient, heart-searching God. May a sense of his presence check every emotion, eradicate every feeling, prevent every action, unworthy your high and holy calling. May his Spirit, shed abroad in the beart, kindle a flame of holy love, implant a holy desire in all things to obey his will, and to adorn his doctrine. Thus may you expect to be the humble instrument in his hand of leading some poor transgressor to the reception of the truth, of convincing some wretched prodigal of his guilt and danger, of bringing home some wandering sheep to the fold of the heavenly Shepherd, of converting some sinner from the error his ways, thus saving a soul from death.


Thus may you trust that your light will not shine in vain. Thus you may be assured that you will speak with a language far more persuasive, with arguments far more forcible, than if you were invested with the noblest gifts of human oratory, or could discourse with all the eloquence of a seraph's tongue.


As event of a deeply tragical nature occurred at Smyrna about the time I was there, which will ever remain an indelible stain on the character of Mussulmen, and cannot fail to be as interesting, as it must be revolting, to the feelings of Christians. Truly has it been said, "the dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty."

A Turk had prevailed, by artifice, on a Greek Christian, 24 years of age, to enter his service, abandon his faith, and embrace the tenets of the lawgiver of the Arabians; when he assumed the costume of the Mussulmans. On the expiration of his engagement, the Greek departed for Mount Athos, situated in Macedoria, and called by the Greeks "the Holy Mountain," from there being many of their convents upon it, and from its ancient fame in the Eastern Church, as the asylum of sanctity and learning. He was absent about twelve months, when he returned to Smyrna; but his conscience having reproached him for the act of apostacy of which he had been guilty, he proceeded to the Turkish judge, threw down his turban, declared he had been deceived, and that as he was originally born, so would he still live and die, a Christian. On this occasion every effort was made to prevail on him to continue in the principles of Mahomedism, by offering him great rewards if he did, and by threatening him with the severest penalties if he did not.

The Greek having rejected every bribe, and as Waters could not quench, nor floods drown that love he had to Christ, he was thrust into a dungeon, where tortures were inflicted upon him, which he most heroically braved, as if he had said, "The Lord is on my side, I will not fear what man can do." In truth he Was in nowise terrified by his adversaries, determined not to know any thing but Jesus Christ and him crucified, and assured that if he suffered with Christ, he should also be glorified with him. After this he was led forth in public to be beheaded, with his hands tied behind his back. The place of execution was a platform opposite to one of the principal mosques, where a blacksmith, armed with a scimetar, stood ready to perform the dreadful operation. To the astonishment of the surrounding multitude, this did not shake his fortitude; and, although he was told that it would be quite sufficient if he merely declared he was not a Christian. Rather, however, than do so, he chose to die.

Still entertaining a hope that this young man might retract, especially when the instrument of death was exhibited, these offers were again and again pressed upon him. This, however, being done with no better success than before, the executioner was ordered to peel off, with his sword, part of the skin of his neck. Excruciating as this was, it was endured by him after the example of those of whom an honourable record is preserved in the volume of inspiration, that " they were tortured, not accepting of deliverance; and neither sword, peril, nor distress could separate them" from their affection to their Great Master. The fortitude and strong faith of this Christian, who expressed the most perfect willingness to suffer, enabled him to reach that highest elevation of apostolic triumph evinced by rejoicing in tribulation, when, stedfastly

From Mr. Rae Wilson's Travels in the Holy Land, Egypt,

&c. &c.

looking up to heaven, like the martyr Stephen, he loudly exclaimed, "I was born with Jesus, and shall die

with Jesus;" bringing to recollection the exclamation of that illustrious martyr in the cause of Jesus, St. Polycarp, in this very place, "I have served Christ, and how can I revile the king who has kept me?" On pronouncing the above words, his head was struck off at one blow, in the presence of crowds of Greeks, who, considering their countryman to have suffered in the cause of Christianity, dipped their handkerchiefs in his blood, as memorials of so extraordinary an event. The head was then placed under the left arm, and, with the body, remained on the scaffold three days exposed to public view, after which the Greeks were permitted to bury it.

Such was the magnanimity of this youth, who shed his blood for the testimony of Jesus Christ. This was the third instance of the kind which occurred within the last twenty years; and most devoutly is it to be wished that it may be the last.

This, and similar examples of inviolable fidelity exhibited by the disciples and primitive Christians, who rejoiced in the consideration, that they were accounted worthy to suffer for Christ's sake, most impressively teach us, who are called to seal our testimony, not by our death, but in our lives, to be firm, and not to "marvel if the world hate us," to be zealous in our religious principles, and courageous in their defence, not fearing the face of man, or those whose power reaches only to the body; but recollecting that an eternal blessing is promised to those who " are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven;" and that our Lord has, in the strongest language, proclaimed, "that he who loseth his life for my sake shall find it."

Reviews and Notices.

Probation for the Christian Ministry practically consi-
dered four Discourses, preached before the University
of Cambridge in the month of March 1836. By the
Rev. Thomas Dale, M.A. (of Corpus Christi Col-
lege), Vicar of St. Bride's, Fleet Street. London,
Richardson. 1836.

THE university pulpit is a most important station :
responsibility. It is an opportunity of imparting the
none can occupy it without incurring a high degree of
lessons of eternal truth to an assembly of men whose
will be weighty and enduring. Such an impression of
future influence upon the great body of the Church
the nature of the trust seems to be increasingly felt by
those who fill the office of preachers in our universi-
ties of this, the sermons before us are a striking in-
stance. The author of them is now well known to the
public as the clergyman on whom Sir Robert Peel
conferred the unsolicited preferment of the vicarage of
St. Bride's. There is, probably, no clergyman in the
Church, whose whole position is more completely
honourable to himself than Mr. Dale's. The station
he occupies, as Professor of English Literature at
King's College, is one in which his solid and elegant
attainments have alone placed him. The living he
holds was bestowed on him because of his former
pastoral diligence in the same parish, as its lecturer;
while his university shews her sense of his value, by
recalling him, from time to time, to fill the office of
one of her stated preachers. This is the third occasion,
within five years, that Mr. Dale has been chosen the
monthly preacher at Cambridge. These sermons are,
as he states,
accompaniment" to the course delivered last year;
an appropriate, if not a necessary,


and will be found to contain much most valuable truth, which, though expressly intended for the young men at Cambridge preparing for orders, will be read with infinite profit by veterans in the ministry. Were we to give any one passage as a sample, we should not

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