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the qualifications which influence the probability of connubial comfort, a reasonable fimilarity of difpofition between the two parties is one of especial moment. Where ftrong affection prevails, a spirit of accommodation will prevail alfo. But it is not desirable that the fpirit of accommodation should be subjected to rigorous or very frequent experiments. Great difparity in age between a husband and a wife, or a wide difference in rank antecedently to marriage, is, on this account, liable to be productive of difquietude. The fprightliness of youth feems levity, and the fobriety of maturer years to be tinctured with moroseness, when closely contrasted. A fudden introduction to affluence, a fudden and great elevation in the scale of society, are apt to intoxicate; and a fudden reduction in outward appearance to be felt as degrading. Inftances, however, are not very rare in which the force of affection, of good fenfe, and of good principles, fhews itself permanently fuperior to the influence of causes, which,

to minds lefs happily attempered, and less under the guidance of religious motives, prove fources of anxiety and vexation.

To delude a young man by encouraging his attentions for the pleasure of exhibiting him as a conqueft, for the purpose of exciting the affiduities of another perfon, or from any motive except the impulse of mutual regard, is a proceeding too plainly repugnant to justice, and to delicacy of sentiment, to require much obfervation. On fuch fubjects, even inadvertence is highly culpable. What, then, is the guilt of her, who deliberately raises hopes which she is refolved not to fulfil!

There remains yet another caution relat→ ing to the prefent fubject, which appears worthy of being fuggefted. A young woman, unbiassed by interested motives, is fometimes led to contract a matrimonial engagement without fufpecting that she perhaps does not entertain for her intended


hufband the warm and rooted affection neceffary for the confervation of connubial

happiness. She beholds him with general approbation: fhe is confcious that there is no other person whom she prefers to him: the receives lively pleasure from his attentions: and the imagines that she loves him with tenderness and ardour. Yet it is very poffible that she may be unacquainted with the real state of her heart. Thoughtless inexperience, gentleness of difpofition, the quick fufceptibility of early youth, and chiefly perhaps the complacency which all perfons, whofe affections are not pre-occupied, feel towards those who distinguish them by particular proofs of regard, may have excited an indiftinct partiality which fhe mistakes for rivetted attachment. Many an unhappy wife has discovered the miftake too late.

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AMONG the most important of the duties peculiar to the fituation of a married woman, are to be placed those arising from the influence which fhe will naturally poffefs over the conduct and character of her husband. If it be scarcely poffible for two perfons connected by the ties of common friendship, to live conftantly together, or even habitually to pass much time in the fociety of each other, without gradually approaching nearer and nearer in their fentiments and habits; ftill less probable is it, that from the closest and most attractive of all bands of union a fimilar effect should' not be the refult. The effect will be experienced by both parties, and perhaps in an equal



equal degree. But if it be felt by one in a greater degree than by the other, it is likely to be thus felt by the hufband. In female manners inspired by affection, and bearing at once the stamp of modefty and of good sense, example operates with a captivating force which few bofoms can refift. the heart is won, the judgement is easily perfuaded. It waits not for the flow process of argument to prove that to be right, which it already thinks too amiable to be wrong. To the fascinating charms of female virtue, when adorned by its highest embellishment, diffidence, the Scriptures themselves bear teftimony. St. Peter, addreffing himself to married women, fome of whom, in those days, had been converted to the Chriftian religion, while their husbands remained yet in idolatry, speaks in the following terms: Likewise, ye wives, be in fubjection to your own husbands; that if

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any obey not the word, they alfo, without the word, may be won by the con" verfation of the wives; while they behold your

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