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ftrength of mind, firm and active principles of religion.

The Reader will have been aware that the sketch, which I have endeavoured to trace in the preceding outlines, is that of the female character under its customary form; not under those deviations from its ufual appearance, which are known fometimes to occur. It is our firft business to fettle the general rule, not to particularise the exception. But amid the endless diversity of nature; amid the innumerable multitudes of cotemporary individuals, diftinguished each from the other in their minds, no less than in their countenances, by ftronger or fainter lines of difference, and thrown into a variety of fituations and circumftances, feverally calculated to call forth and improve particular talents, and encourage particular purfuits, exceptions will be frequent. Hence many instances might be produced from each sex of perfons who have poffeffed a more than com


mon share of the qualities and difpofitions, which in ordinary cafes are found moft confpicuous in the other. It might even be poffible to ftate fome examples of women who have fcarcely been furpaffed by the most eminent men in depth and comprehensiveness of intellect; and of men, who have nearly equalled their rivals of the other fex in quickness of fancy, in delicacy of fentiment, and in warmth of affection. There are alfo perfons of each fex who are greatly deficient in those qualifications, by which it was natural to expect that they would have been chiefly diftinguished. But all thefe cafes are variations from the general course of things; and variations on which, at present, it would be useless to enlarge.

Of the errors and vices which infeft human nature, fome are equally prevalent in the two fexes; while others, in confequence of the peculiarities by which the character of the one fex is difcriminated from that of


the other, peculiarities which gain additional strength from the diversity in the offices of life, refpectively affigned to each, do not exercise an equal power over both. Thus, among women in whom feminine delicacy and feeling have not been almost obliterated, (I am not, at present, taking religious principle into the account,) intemperance in wine, and the use of profane language, are unknown; and the who should be guilty of either crime, would be generally regarded as having debased herself to the level of a brute. On the other hand, there are failings and temptations to which the female mind is particularly expofed by its native ftructure and difpofitions. On these treacherous underminers, these inbred affailants, of female peace and excellence, the fuperintending eye of education is ftedfaftly to be fixed. The remains of their unfubdued hoftility will be among the circumftances which will exercise even to the close of life the most vigilant labours of conscience. It is neceffary,


neceffary, therefore, to be explicit on the subject.

The gay vivacity and the quickness of ima gination, so confpicuous among the quali ties in which the fuperiority of women is acknowledged, have a tendency to lead to unfteadiness of mind; to fondness of novelty; to habits of frivolousness, and trifling employment; to diflike of fober application; to repugnance to graver studies, and a too low eftimation of their worth; to an unreasonable regard for wit, and fhining accomplishments; to a thirst for admiration and applause; to vanity and affectation. They contribute likewise, in conjunction with the acute fenfibility peculiar to women, to endanger the compofure and mildness of the temper, and to render the difpofitions fickle through caprice, and uncertain through irritability. And fenfibility itfelf, fingularly engaging and amiable as it is, fhares the common lot of earthly bleffings, and comes not with


out its disadvantages. It is liable to fudden exceffes; it nurtures unmerited attachments; it is occafionally the fource of fufpicion, fretfulness, and groundless discontent; it fometimes degenerates into weaknefs and pufillanimity, and prides itself in the feebleness of character which it has occafioned. And if in common it fills the heart with placability and benevolence; it is known at other times to feel even a flight injury with fo much keenness, as thenceforth to harbour prejudices fcarcely to be shaken, and averfion scarcely to be mollified.

The most important of the confequences flowing from these causes, will hereafter be the fubject of incidental observation. At prefent it is fufficient to have enumerated the causes themselves. But in this place it is necessary to add, that there remains one fource of female errors and temptations which has not yet been noticed, because it fprings not from mental реси

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