firft, to weigh, examine, and prove, all things of nature delivered to us by former ages; to detect, explode, and ftrike a cenfure through, all false monies with which the world has been paid and cheated so long; and (as I may say) to fet the mark of the college upon all true coins, that they may pass hereafter without any farther trial: fecondly, to recover the loft inventions, and, as it were, drowned lands of the ancients: thirdly, to improve all arts which we now have: and lastly, to discover others which we yet have not: and who shall, befides all this (as a benefit by the bye), give the best education in the world (purely gratis) to as many men's children as shall think fit to make use of the obligation? Neither does it at all check or interfere with any parties in a state or religion; but is indifferently to be embraced by all differences in opinion, and can hardly be conceived capable (as many good institutions have done) even of degeneration into any thing harmful. So that, all things confidered, I will suppose this propolition shall encounter with no enemies: the only question is, whether it will find friends enough to carry it on from difcourse and design to reality and effect; the neceffary expences of the beginning (for it will maintain itself well enough afterwards) being so great (though I have set them as low as is poffible, in order to so vast a work), that it may seem hopeless to raise fuch a fum out of those few dead relics of human charity and public generosity which are yet remaining in the world. CON 1 CONTENTS OF THE SECOND VOLUME. PINDARIC ODES, WRITTEN IN IMITATION The Praife of Pindar. In Imitation of Horace's second The xxxivth Chapter of the Prophet Ifaiah DAVIDEIS, TROUBLES OF DAVID. IN FOUR BOOKS. A Difcourse, by Way of Vifion, concerning the Go- vernment of Oliver Cromwell 209 SEVERAL DISCOURSES, BY WAY OF ES- SAYS, IN VERSE AND PROSE. A Tranflation out of Virgil. Georg. Lib. The Country Life. Lib. IV. Plantarum 324 V. The Garden. To J. Evelyn, Esquire 3 326 VI. of |